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Fantasy Children Of Olympus

Col was in somewhere cold, and dark, he didn't know where, but it felt familiar, safe even, he laid down, and slept peacefully, unaware of a cold prescene nearby. (Time to make my second charecter :P )
When Vincent had a bed and was fine Altaria ran to her cabin and went face first on to her soft silky sheets with a nice fluffy comforter and plushy pillows and cryed her eyes out because she had no brothers or sisters to talk to when she had problems or a sibling to cry on she was all alone in this beautiful cabin
((Hey Vex, I'm thinking either Hermes or Aphrodite, either them open? @Vex Kuma)) 
Aura skipped happily towards the camp.

"Finally, I can see my big brother again" she thought while humming a tune D had taught her, watching the birds chirp along she didn't notice someone in front of her and bumped into them.

((Dunno, anyone want to meet Aura can be the person :P ))
Keira helped Vincent to the infirmary and assisted in getting him settled. "Are you sure you're alright? Do you need anything?"
(Aphrodite is) 
(And Altaria can)

When Altaria had finished she decided to go for a walk bumping in to someone she fell down and looked up seeing a little girl "Hi"she said 
(Ops just saw it)
"His name is Col, know him?" Aura asks happily.


Col yawns while stretching, he had a horrible nightmare and wanted to get away from the cabin for a while, leaving Dylan behind, he headed for the mess, hungry and tired.
Tony had a nosebleed again, and was walking about as he held one hand to his face, heading for the Zeus cabin.

Ash was curled up on her bed in the Hades cabin silently
Fyorn woke up in a moss patch. "Hello is anyone there!?" He got up and looked around. Fyorn saw that he was in a forest far from civilization. "Hello can anyone hear me!?" He picked up his backpack and checked inside. "My phone is gone....and so is my wallet!"
"Come on Aura"Altaria said walking throght the forest to camp seeing someone she called "Who are you?"they where suspiciously close to camp borders protected by magic
"I....i dont know." Fyorn shakes his head. "My name is Fyorn." He puts his backpack on and walks towards Altaria. "Who are you?" Fyorn shakes his head again and bends over to tie his shoes. "Where am i? I was running and that is all i remember."
"Im Altaria"Altaria says reaching him and shaking his hand "Nice to meet you Fyorn"
Skylar came running. "What's up? I got an alert that something was near the border. Did someone break through to the other side?" Skylar asked Altaria, hoping someone had escaped the camp.
"Yes just me....wait barrier?" Fyorn reached into his backpack and pulled out a peace of paper and a pencil. He looked in the direction of skylar and started to sketch the forest.
Skylar sighed and looked at the newbie. "At least we know we're still getting newbies. Take him to the camp, get him a weapon, tell him how things work here, and find him a job. I don't have time to train greenies." Skylar said like she was bored, tired, and frustrated. She turned and ran off back towards camp.

(Yes, that was a Maze Runner reference. xD )
( :P )

Fyorn shook his head at Skylar. "I dont use weapons and i dont need to train." He zipped up his bag. "Now would you kindly allow me to leave?"

(Yes, that was a bioshock reference!)
Skylar stopped in her tracks and let out a cold, humorless laugh. "Listen kid, get a weapon, get training, do your part. That's how we survive. And until this blasted curse is over, none of us are going anywhere. So I suggest, you keep your mouth shut, and do as told." Skylar turned and glared daggers at him before turning and running off.

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