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Fantasy Children Of Olympus

Altaria put her hand on the building for support and her legs gave out and she fell on the doorstep breathing heavily and she was pale
As Xeno was walking around he suddenly knew that he still didn't visit the apollo cabin, as he got to the apollo cabin he hears someone cried as Xeno goes near "what happened here!" Xeno said loudly.
Vex felt that tugging in his guy 'oh this is gonna bad or very bad' he thought he vanished from standing next to Altaria then he was suddenly standing next to skylars bed then he looks at her "skylar what's wrong?" He asks her kneeling down next to her bed
" Somethings" * Paint * "up" * paint * "with" *Paint* "Skylar" * Paint*Altaria said
Vex sits next to her "what can't you do skylar" he asks as he feels his heart breaking at the sight of tears in her eyes
"Everything! I thought coming to camp would fix everything but it's just made it harder. I.... I wanna go home. Once the curse is broken.... I'm going home to Seattle. Back to the lakes and the woods.... back to everything." She said quietly, picturing the lake house with the gentle waves hitting the shore. Riding the boat on warm summer days and sitting by the fire on cold winter ones.
Altaria stood up shaking and she wobbled back to her cabin to get some rest from being forced out
Dante smiles "me and vex ate taking one person each down into the chasm to explore and see if we can find some clues about the curse" Dante tells her


Vex literally felt his heart snap in two and a couple of tears form in his eyes "I don't want you to leave skylar I want to help you in any way possible I'm here for anything you possibly need" he tells her pleadingly looking into her eyes
Dante grinned and poked her nose "you are so smart" he said laughing "add that to the list of reasons I think your awesome" he says
"I want a normal, stress free life. I want to have a family. To raise kids in the house I love without fearing they'll be hunted down by monsters. Can you give me that, Vex? Can you honestly look me in the eye and say I can have that?" She looked him in the eye with tear filled eyes. "I'm going to have Apollo take away everything that make me a demigod and then... I'll final get to live a normal, safe, happy life."
Vex looked at her right in the eyes "no I cant give you that because we are demigods and if you have Apollo take away the parts that make you a demigod then you wouldn't be you anymore skylar but if you choose to stick with me i promise you ill protect you with my life ill take all the stress and help you carry it because... I'm gonna get burned alive for saying this but skylar I love you ever since we shared that kiss under the night sky and I still love you skylar" he tells her pleading with her
Dante grinned "you just might see that list someday" he said with a laugh smiling at her "so what would you like to do now?" He asks her
Skylar looked down, a tears sliding down her cheek. "I'm sorry, Vex. I just can't," she said quietly. She felt her heart shatter into a million pieces. She could never love him as long as the prophecy remained. She had to kill the prophecy by no longer being a daughter of Apollo. But she also had to push Vex away, she had to hurt him, to lie, to make sure he never came looking for her or try to stop her. There was only one way to do that. "I just don't love you." She whispered.
Altaria tossed and turned being so close to bad emotions and she began to whimper and whine
Keira thought for a few moments. "Well, while I was in my daze, I did hear something about my height for some armor. Maybe we should go talk to the Hephaestus cabin about that."
Dante nodded "oh yeah I forgot I was suppose to get your measurements for the armor" he said with a laugh


Vex stood up and walked to the door and opened it "be that as it may your the only one I trust to go with me down into the chasm and your the best healer I know" he says to her as he walks out and he runs to the beach and drops to his knees in the sand and screams at the top of his lungs and when he's done he drops his face into the sand tears running down his face
Dante followed her out "from what I heard from vex I don't know if raiko will be asleep or not but the other one might be awake" he tells her as he catches up walking next to her
Altaria was still tossing and turning when she screamed " STOP IT JUST STOP IT !"and began crying

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