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Fantasy Children Of Olympus

"Vincent!" Skylar called. "Go help out in the infirmary. I'll come find you after the meeting and explain all that I can." With that, she ran to the big house and into the meeting room.
Dante smiled "hey sky long time no talk how you been girl?" He asks smiling at her still leaning on the chair Keira is in
Skylar shrugged. "Besides having to work almost 72 hours a week and having to deal with a cursed camp I'm good." She said sarcastically.
Col had been napping most of the day, letting Dylan roam free around a meadow while he lay quietly perched ontop of a tree a few meters away.

"Ouch" Col grunted as he bonked his head on a branch above him, then he whistled for Dylan before jumping onto her back. "Time to make you a harness" Col say while petting her then directing her towards the workshop.
Raiko was grateful for Vex. "Thank you." He smiled and stood up. He faked being awake and put his hands on his hips looking like superman. He was about to pass out he really hated everyone except Vex.
Vincent looks at Sky and nods. "Okay, I'll try to help the best I can, but no promises." Vincent runs to the infirmary.
( sorry no alerts randomly or overlooked it by accident what is happening)
Col had finally finished the harness and was extremely proud of it, he went over to Dylan and clasped it on, marvalling its beauty.

"Damn" he said jokingly knowing nobody could hear.

((Some big camp meeting or something))
Vex smiled at raiko "now come one there's some comfy chairs in the big house you can rest in those" he told him as he made his way to the house


Dante chuckled "glad to hear it" he says jokingly to her
Altaria walked to where everyone was " Hello , whats going on ?" She asked
Skylar rolled her eyes at Dante's remark. "Fill her in. I'm gonna go find Vex." She said and stepped out of the cabin and rubbed her charm. "Vex." she whispered.
Col decided to go check if the crowd had cleared up and was suprised as he saw the crowd just had seemed to get bigger, as he rode throught the crowd the quickly made a path for him, mortified at the sight of a hellhound, he. spotted Altaria in the crowd and led Dylan up to her

"Hey A, know what's going on" Col asks lazily
Vex felt the tugging in his gut that he's gotten use to 'oh here we go again' he thinks and before he teleports he grabs raiko and puts him on his shoulders "hang on buddy" he says as they teleport in front of skylar then looks up and sees the big house and he laughs "I was just headed here" he says as he sets raiko down
Raiko flopped on the ground and grumbled. "Mmmmm." He stood up and said, "how did we get here?" He saw Skylar and said, "Oh."
Vex nodded "yup you just got a first hand experience at the skylar express" he says with a laugh then looks at skylar "so what's up?"
Skylar sighed. "What took you so long? We have a disaster on our hands. Wait, never mind. No time. Just get both your butts in there!" She said, shoving them both into the big house.
"Wow pushy much" he says with a chuckle as he's pushed in the door and sees his brother and he smiles and waves at him "hey dude where you been?" He asks Dante


Dante smiles and waves back at vex as he's pushed in along side raiko "I've been around the camp alot and I've lately been hanging with my new girl" he says tilting his head in Keira's direction


Vex smiles at Dante and gives him a thumbs up "awesome dude im happy for you" he tells him
Vex and Dante raised their hands in apology "sorry" they both said and they both laughed "we just needed to catch up a little" vex says and dante nods in agreement
"Hi I'm one of the new people here, my name is Altaria"Altaria introduced herself to everyone
Raiko looked at Dante Nd thought he looked familiar. "Why can't I remember your name?" He said to him. He sat down in one of the big and comfy chairs and started to doze off.
Raiko wasn't actually asleep. He caught the shoe and said, "Girl do you want to keep your limbs?" He said with a really strange looking face. He was done with almost everyone at the camp. He dropped the shoe and sat back in the chair resting his eyes.

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