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Fantasy Children Of Olympus

Vex saw raiko and smiled "hey dude what's up and this is a new camper that's gonna come back with me" he told raiko "her names Altaria I believe" he told him as he opened a display got out some soda
Raiko looked at her for a second and said, "Feel what? Vex? Did you accept a camper that's insane? You know how I feel about me being the only insane person at camp!" He said angrily. He was very hurt.
" It was a surge of cold and now I feel like something is watching me "Altaria said
Vex laughed at raiko "no worries dude no one can best you when it comes to insanity and I think it's just something she's feeling can't be anything bad if me and you aren't feeling it" he says to raiko then looks Altaria "are you sure it isn't just you?" He asks her
Altaria heard a voice in her head * Altaria my daughter you must leave now * 
" Its definitely not just me ....I think my mom just spoke to me" Altaria said looking at them
Raiko looked at her and said, "Ya it probably just you. And thanks Vex. That means a lot to me." He smirked and pet Altaria on the head a few times. "You ok? Your mom? Who issss? Something is coming definitely. Vex watch out."
It all happened so fast next thing vex knows he's flying through the air a huge chunk of the gas station missing 'well fuck' was all he thought as he landed on the pavement
When Raiko was blown away by whatever happened, he summoned a few of his weapon midair and tried to make a graceful land but ended up sliding and tumbling. He adjusted all of his weapons on his back, pockets, and hands so he was ready to fight. Hen he saw Vex, he yelled to him, "yo where's newbie?"
Vex got up slowly staggering a little bit ten shook of the dizziness he was feeling as flipped the sides of his belt the swords popping out then he drew them "I have no clue we'll find her after we're done with this thing" he yells to raiko
Altaria braced herself for pavement and never felt it she opened her eye to see she was flying
Raiko scanned the area and saw Altaria. He yelled, "Vex! I got her!" He sprinted as fast as he could to where she was going to land. He jumped up and caught her in midair. "I gotcha." He set we down and clanked his fit together and went back to Vex. "What happened?"
Vex looked at raiko "I don't know I'm still shaking off the hit I took when I landed I didn't have someone catching me" he chuckled a little as he got ready to fight then he saw who hit him "oh come the fuck on" was all he said as the Minotaur roared
Raiko laughed. "Well look who it is. A little calfotaur. So cute!" He said taunting the Minotaur. He clanked his gauntlets together and for ready to charge it. "Ready when you are bro." He said to Vex. He looked at Altaria and said, "Stay out of this little one. You'll get hurt. Unless your powers let you be a badass like me." He fake coughed a few times.
Vex shook his head laughing "I swear dude if your ego gets any bigger your gonna explode" he said laughing then he looked back Altaria "but he's right stay out of this we got it" he told her then looked back at raiko his eyes began to shine red and the same red began to glow around vex "let's do this man"
(Dante is still at camp while vex and raiko are off at a gas station picking up a new girl when they got attacked by a Minotaur)

Vex watched as raiko charged then he followed close behind swords drawn ready to slash at the minotaurs legs


Dante stood where he was wen Keira left 'man what is taking her so long' he thought as he waited
Keira finally finished putting on her suit and grabbing a towel, so she headed to where Dante was. She found him waiting, looking kind of impatient. "Sorry it took so long," she said. "I couldn't find my suit."
Raiko yelled, "1... 2... 3!" He jumped up with fire going out of his feet like jets so he went up to 50 ft and slammed the Minotaur in the head with his gauntlets. Definitely dazing it. "Vex you may do the rest."
Dante smiled at her when she approached "oh your fine Keira" he told her "now come on we got a beach to go to" he smiled


Vex grinned wickedly "with pleasure" he said as he slashed at the legs of the Minotaur and when he got around to the back he stabbed it in the back then cut up right through the middle right to the head
Altaria said " Why ?" and she pulled out her necklace from under her shirt and tuned into a dove

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