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Fantasy Children Of Olympus

Vex called out to raiko "it's nothing serious its happened before when we trained just drop him off at his cabin and hell be fine in a couple of hours feed him some nectar to be safe though" he says as he starts training

Raiko yelled back to Vex, "Well, which cabin is he in smart one?" He didn't really like this guy's attitude.
Raiko went to the Zeus cabin and opened the door and set Tony down on one of the beds. "He'll be alright, right?" Raiko didn't know why he was caring for a stranger. It was just kind of happening.
Vex started hacking at the dummies 'damn why did she of all people had to be training I guess it's my fault for expecting other wise I should of gone to the first where I the things I attack actually attack back' vex thought then after a while he calmed down and put his swords away then just started running around the arena for exercise 'I wonder who that other guy was though I've never seen him before' he thought as he picked up speed 'maybe ill go get something to eat after this'
Raiko looked at Skylar with a straight face. "Aight. I got nothing better to do so might as well." He was already out the door and on his way to the training grounds again.
Skylar followed him, skipping and smiling slightly. 
Other campers looked at Skylar like she was weird and whispered to each other, some laughing at Skylar. Skylar frowned and stopped Skipping. She looked around and saw the other campers. She kept her head down and walked the rest of the way quickly.
When Raiko reached the training grounds, he turned around to see Skylar sad, he said to her, "Forget about them. Do what you want to do." He summoned his sword in his left hand. "Okay, you have to work on your footwork, because tripping will get you killed." He demonstrated to her moving quickly and carefully how to move while facing her the entire time. He was a professional when it came to combat, whether it be reckless fighting or technique fighting. When he stopped moving in circle's around her, he said, "See? Now you try." He put his sword facing down and stabbed the tip into the ground lightly so he could support himself on his sword.
Vex watched as the new guy taught skylar the technique of sword fighting 'that should be me' he thought glaring at the pair as he started to pick up speed running around the arena
Raiko watched Skylar's movements carefully. "Good, now pick up the pace and try swinging your sword while you move. It has to be strong hits. If you can move my sword from this position, you did a good job. Go." He kept his straight face. He dug his sword into the ground a little bit stronger. It would be very hard for Skylar to get the sword to move.
Skylar nodded, her face serious from her concentration. She held her sword the way Tony and Vex had showed her and swung hard, like the sword was a part of her arm, not a weapon. It took awhile but Raiko's sword finally almost fell. Skylar smirked and hit it one last time and it finally fell over. "I did it!" Skylar exclaimed, beaming.
Idress woke up in her cabin with three words in her mouth "I killed Allina," it was these words that urged her to get up and dressed covering every inch of her body with clothing even wearing a burka to hide the message on her face she walked out to the Arena the clothes soaking up her scars blood but she didn't notice all she noticed was that Vex wasn't with skylark Raiko was and Vex was standing on the sidelines watching her with remorse Idress tried to walk over to him but she just face planted in the middle of the Arena all the clothes coming down with her.
Vex smiled slightly 'that a girl' then his face turned sad 'I just wish It was me not him' he thought glaring at the guy as he kept running 'I need a little danger to keep my mind off this' he thought then looked towards the top of the arena 'perfect' he then hopped the wall and ran up the stairs to the top of the arena where the edge above him provided just a wall for the people to lean against so they wouldn't fall but he was gonna use it to train he hopped up and started to run 
Then he looked down and saw idress fall 'damn I hope she's ok' he thought worried as he ran down and knelt beside her "are you ok idress" he asked warmly
Skylar looked over and saw Idress fall, she was about to go up to her when Vex did instead. Skylar quickly looked away, down at the ground.
Raiko watched her carefully again. "A little bit longer than expected, but good job for a rookie. Now if you want to be better, you have to hit me. Let me just warn you that no one has ever touched me before." He teleported his sword to his hands and unsummoned it. His face was still serious. "I'm not going to go easy on you. If you can eve touch me, I will get you one thing that you really want. But good luck with that." He was being completely serious. No one had ever touched him, not even instructors. He got ready for her to come at him. "Come at me, Rook."

((He didn't see Idress.))
Skylar smirked. "Deal. Just to warn you, I'm an excellent strategist." She smirked and held her sword at her side. She kicked dirt into Raiko's eyes and swept her feet underneath him to knock him down.
Um I'm fine she said quickly pulling the scarf over her head making sure that vex didn't see allina's message. "Thanks Vex," she said her usual childish glint gone in her eyes. She quickly hurried to the forest and walked far far out eventually collapsing in a ball of clothes crying "I am not Daddies little girl," She screamed memories of his abuse echoing in her mind it was in moments like this where she wished she didn't have a photographic memory.
Raiko took just a few steps back. He saw that coming. "Really? I'm not new to this. I grew up on the streets, I know how to fight dirty. Now COME AT ME!" He yelled to her. sticking his tongue out to taunt her.
Skylar growled and then smirked. Instead of running at him, she ran to a pole in the middle of the arena with a rope on it. She grabbed the rope and used it to swing around the pole several times to gain speed before letting go, sending her flying, and tried to tackle Raiko.
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Vex took off tracking idress's footsteps to the forest completely ignoring skylar and the new guy training 'I hope she's ok especially after what allina did to her' he thought as he ran
Idress heard Vex's footsteps and curled up in a ball she didn't want him to see her ugly face Allina was right she was a freak.
(Uh-uh girl, he's gonna be harder than that.)

Raiko jumped back now. "Close but no cigar. Speaking of that, I need a smoke." He took out a cigarette and lit his index finger on fire to light his cigarette. "See that was a good idea, but not against me. Alright? Now where is the real challenge? Maybe we should get a few more people to try and get to me." He laughed and actually smiled, a rare sight for people. He quickly stopped smiling and faced Skylar, cigarette in his mouth taking a long drag. "Come on." He said with smoke exiting his mouth.

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