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Fandom Children of Olympus [Percy Jackson Roleplay]

Ariella Storm- @ShurikenPhoenix

Anastasia Mauori- @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki

Seymour Anima- @Lurker

Rey Mateo Balestrade- @BeamMeUpScotty

Alexandria "Allie" Howlett- @Enigmaniac

Cassidy Hugh- @PsychoDrummerA

Brooklyn "Brooke" Walker- @ShadyAce

Kimba Lyelle- @Quiet Is Violent

Ladies and Gentlemen, I apologize for my extended absence but I am here to say that I have returned. For those who are up for it, I am rekindling the Children of Olympus Roleplay. If you are up for it, you are all still considered accepted and welcome to continue posting once again.
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Im on the fence. Sorry for disappearing. My desire to rp jumped off a cliff after getting so busy with work and school. I'll see what happens. Im afraid if I take too much on I'll get burnt out again. But if Balthemour is reunited I'm tempted.
Lurker said:
Im on the fence. Sorry for disappearing. My desire to rp jumped off a cliff after getting so busy with work and school. I'll see what happens. Im afraid if I take too much on I'll get burnt out again. But if Balthemour is reunited I'm tempted.
I don't want to beg... But please! please! please!
We can all brainstorm to make this RP fun and more upbeat and a place to get away from school and work, how does that sound? Everyone can contribute to a plot and insert ideas?

@ModernRanger would you be okay with this?
I know @ShurikenPhoenix has a plot she has in mind dealing with a quest, and since we haven't played catch the flag yet, we can start forming the teams and getting together once more? And then after that something major happens that will cause our characters to work together to survive and whatnot?
crucialstar said:
I know @ShurikenPhoenix has a plot she has in mind dealing with a quest, and since we haven't played catch the flag yet, we can start forming the teams and getting together once more? And then after that something major happens that will cause our characters to work together to survive and whatnot?
Gots my vote sister!

I'll post soon still catching up
I know Callie was with Ajax and another girl (I totally forgot her name, I'm so sorry!) giving a tour of the campus to the new folks.

In the pavilion, Elijah was injured by a raging Jethro (who is with Kimba and Ariella) and is now being taken care of by (Brooke?? I think??) while Rey and the others are in the pavilion getting together a team.

(Odette, perhaps bro Balthy, Seymour, etc.)

So perhaps if catch of the flag is going on and we see who's left in this RP, we can figure out the team in OOC and then form it in IC ?
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crucialstar said:
In the pavilion, Elijah was injured and is now being taken care of by (Brooke?? I think??) while Rey and the others are in the pavilion getting together a team.
Elijah is being carried by Seymour to the doctor. Last I remember teams were hepheastus, hades and poseidon on one team, aphrodite and hermes on the other. So far.
Some people haven't been seen on in about a month. Maybe my character can charmspeak Jethro into being happy again? Lol.
I know @Bubbly Brandi and @munchkincora have been busy and are MIA :/ , if y'all are seeing this, I hope you two are well dearest! And there are a lot of MIA people, but I looked and saw there's at least:

Zeus, Poseidon, Hephaestus (If Lurker is back), Hermes, Demeter, Apollo, and Aphrodite have at least 1 character in each of these cabin (:

Hopefully Hades's Elijah played by @Peaceswore is interested still but I know she's also busy since we are in another RP together too.
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Ah, I'm totally still down for this! I'm not sure what my character was doing so.. uh. I'll find something for Brooke to do :P
ShadyAce said:
Ah, I'm totally still down for this! I'm not sure what my character was doing so.. uh. I'll find something for Brooke to do :P
YAYYY! Perhaps talking to Rey and seeing if Brooke can join in the team with her, Aphrodite, and Hermes? (:
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[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]Some people haven't been seen on in about a month. Maybe my character can charmspeak Jethro into being happy again? Lol.

Charmspeak is not as effective if the other person knows you are capable of it.
I said it is less effective. Not impossible.

Mind control is one of my biggest pet peeves. Manipulation falls under that category too.

I never let any of my characters be subjected to it.

Your character is probably still a power charm speaker.

@Yuuki Kuran
While we're on that train of thought, I'd suggest talking it over OOCly before charmspeaking any non-npc. I really don't like my characters being manipulated either.

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