Childhood Demons

Harlow stared at the girl for a few seconds before glancing away, his attention being forcibly brought onto the leader. So she was leaving? He wondered why but knew better than to ask. He glanced down at the guy, who was apparently named 'Jett', and he didn't look too happy about being temporary leader either.

June stayed silent for a few seconds while she waited for the girl to talk and when she didn't, the smile slowly fell of her face. "Why are you so quiet?" She frowned in confusion. "Your no fun!" June pouted childishly, crossing her arms over her chest. "Your just like my brother! He doesn't talk either. Hmph!" She turned her head away from the girl.
Tacey can't help but pause in her song to answer. "Not a chance in hell." She tells him before she goes further into their camp. One of the guys managed to get close enough to Tacey to cover her mouth with his hand.

"Looks like we've got ourselves a little songbird." He laughs before Tacey sinks her fangs into his hand. She tears her mouth away, taking a decent sized piece of flesh with her. She turn turns and slashes the guy across the face, spitting out the flesh in her mouth to continue her song.

She the wanders over to the bleeding man and gives him a wicked smile before plunging her hand into his chest. Turning around, she notices the some of the men are trying to run and hide. "Cowards!" She shrieks, grabbing one of the men and slamming him into a nearby tree. She is met with a sickening crack as his spine snaps. "Come hither and pay the life debt you owe me!"
Zane smiles and walks away from the now bleeding Elend. He licks the blood from his blade and smiles. He grabs a man who runs by him and shoves his dagger into the man's chest cutting his heart to shreads "Sleep tight." he drops the man and walks towards Tacey "This is fun." he smiles and walks next to Tacey
She looked up , sad once again shes caused someone pain. Was that all she was good for. She didnt want her to be upset but she didnt want to talk either. She closed her eyes, hushing the ones talking. A small body began to waver infront of june. The body became the size of edo but it was wearing gree. As edo's eyes were closed the new edo stood infront , her attire gree along with her eyes and hair. " hey there."
"This is very fun.." Tacey agreed, a wicked grin on her face as she watched the cowering men. She noticed that none of them were daring to approach, which made her scowl. "I said come here..." She hissed, the smile returning to her face as the men stepped forward against their will.
Zane focuses on one man, he pushes his fear to such an extreme point that the man has a heart attack and falls right where he was standing. Zane sprints forward and plunges his knife into another man's chest. Each time the man's heart best it slowly cut itself to peices like if a butterfly got caught in the blades of a fan. Nathan smiles and pulls his dagger back. He walks back to Tacey and puts an arm around her shoulder leanin on her slightly, blood poured from his arm and he was starting to get a little dizy
Tacey snapped her attention away from the remaining man as she noticed Zane leaning on her. Glancing at his arm, she tore a strand of cloth from the bottom of her dress and carefully wrapped it around his wound. She didn't want him losing anymore blood. There.. She thought, tying the clothe to secure it into place. That would have to do until they got back to camp. She then turned her attention back the man. He was the leader. Tacey couldn't help the wild grin that spread across her face. "I'm going to put you through exactly what you put me through...." She said as she carefully took a step forward so as not to jostle Zane.

The man met her grin with one of his own. "What, you gonna have some fun with me, sweetheart..?" He asked.

Tacey froze as she tensed up at the memory. A low hiss escaped her throat as she pulled back her lips to expose her fangs. She was really going to enjoy killing this man. Making sure Zane was steady, she leapt at the leader, her claws plunging into his stomach and tearing it open as her fangs tore into his throat. They had torn her apart like a wild animal after she had endured days of their abuse. Compared to her, this man was getting off lightly.
Felicita looked around with fear filled eyes, clutching the hem of her dress nervously. Where was she? Why couldn't she remember anything? Was she dead? (Sorry if this first post is bad... I have really bad writer's block)
June stared at the body in awe. "That's so cool!" She stood looking up at the duplicate. "What's your name??" She smiled down at the original Edo before looking back up.
Zane smiles. He falls back on the ground unconcious

elend looks at the group "Guys, this is too far stop!"

the other men in the group push Elend out of the way. One of them stabs Zane. And that man wasn't one of the people Zane had lilled

Zane returns to his feet and tries to run after the man who had killed him. He falls. He had more cuts then the ones on his arms and he was bleeding a lot. He tries to get up shakely
Tacey slowly steps back from the leader as the glow faded from her eyes. She wore a victorious grin across her blood spattered face. "Finally...." She mumbled, before her eyes widened. She felt like her throat was on fire. Her hands immediately flew to her neck as her face paled. ".... My.....voice.... " She whispered. It was growing difficult for her to speak at all. Upon closer inspection, one would realize that her red eyes had turned bright blue. Suddenly, she spotted Zane out of the corner of her eyes. Forgetting about the burning sensation in her throat, she made her way over to him and knelt beside him. "Stay.... still..." She whispered, barely able to be heard. Tearing off strips from the bottom of her dress, she carefully began to patch up his wounds.


Almira sat watching this whole altercation from the treetops. Interesting... She thought. It appeared that if a child gained their revenge they returned to being a human again. This would not do. She was not going to lose her darling puppet that way. She carefully lowered herself from the tree, being careful to remain in the shadows. This would not do at all..
Zane forces himself back to his feet, he pushes Tacey away from him. "Stop." he growls and tries to run into the woods, he stumbles and cuts himself on some branches and such, he tries to get up agai refusing to give up "I'm fine. Just. Let me do this. I can doo it.." Zane frowns as he falls to the ground "Damn it!" he hits the ground. He was incredibly dizzy "Why am I so weak!" he hits the ground again and he covers his head with his hands
Tacey stood to follow after Zane only for a sharp pain to explode through her chest. It felt almost as if someone was trying to tear her heart out. She glanced down to see a clawed hand coming through the front of her chest. Slowly she turned her head to see the cloaked form of Almira behind her. "I couldn't lose my favorite daughter like this.." She said, a smile curving her lips upwards. "So I shall give you someone you can never seek revenge upon..."

"I-I'll...." Tacey sputtered as she tried to speak. "Get.... y..." She trailed off, the light draining from her blue eyes as Almira's smile grew. Words fell from her lips as she began the resurrection chant. Once she was finished with that, she used another chant of hers to wipe Tacey's memory of her second death. She couldn't have her remembering and raising the other children against her, now could she..? As she seen Tacey's eyes begin to flutter open, she faded into the shadows like she was never there to begin with.
Zane growls and stands up using a tree for support "That b*tch." he growls and walks over to Tacey before falling into her. He saw it all happen. He would just lure his mother in and kill her. Simple right? Wrong.
Tacey's red eyes flew open as she felt someone fall into her. "Zane!" She exclaimed, worry etched into her face. "Are you alright..?" She asked softly, carefully helping him to sit down. She knew he must be mad that his brother got away, but right now her main focus was on his injuries. Her hands gently fluttered across him as if she weren't sure where to start. "You shouldn't have moved.." She knew if it were her, she would have done it too, but that's a different story. She tried to remember how she got to where she was now. The last thing she seemed to remember was getting up to follow after Zane. How did she get on the ground then..? Did she trip and knock herself out..? She knew she had no severe injuries so she couldn't have passed out.. This was perplexing.
"Almira.." he looks up at Tacey and forces himself back to his feet "Have to find her. " Zane looks at Tacey and sees how worried she is he sighs "I'll be f-fine." he shakes his head, he was incredibly pale and had lost a lot of blood. He refuse to listen to reason. So he forced himself to take a step. Then another. He looks at Tacey "Help me walk. Please."
Tacey looked at him, confusion shining in her eyes. "Why are you looking for mother..?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. Slowly she stood and darted over to his side to help him. "You know if you need mother, I can just call her.." She told him, glancing around at the trees. "Besides. Something in me says that she's close.."
"S-she killed you." he looks up at her and wraps an arm around her shoulder "back to camp please." he rips the bandages off his arms and stomache. They were soaked through with blood. He takes off his shirt and tears it into two peices. One for the cut on his arm and one for his stomach "
"Killed me..?" Tacey questioned. Okay, now she was really confused. Her mother wouldn't kill her, would she? Tacey couldn't help the faint memory of a hand protruding from her chest. However, as soon as she seen it disappeared and left her with a splitting headache. Odd.. "Alright.." She said softly as she helped him walk down the path they had originally come from.
Zane frowns "Take me to my room, then grab some bandages please." he looks at her and frowns he looked a bit better, but sill pretty bad. Zane looks down to make sure his knife is there. He smiles when he sees it is "Bed and bandages and a biT to eat if it's not too much of a bother. " he frowns
Zane frowns "Take me to my room, then grab some bandages please." he looks at her and frowns he looked a bit better, but sill pretty bad. Zane looks down to make sure his knife is there. He smiles when he sees it is "Bed and bandages and a biT to eat if it's not too much of a bother.."
Melissa sat in a tree as though she hadn't cared for anything. She had a bored expression on her face as she manipulated the shadows into a small kitten. Humming softly, she made the creation become her eyes and ears as it wandered about. She never was one for socializing and who was going to make her start? No one.
Zane frowns "Take me to my room, then grab some bandages please." he looks at her and frowns he looked a bit better, but sill pretty bad. Zane looks down to make sure his knife is there. He smiles when he sees it is "Bed and bandages and a biT of food please. Just some bread if it's not too much of abbother
Zane frowns "Take me to my room, then grab some bandages please." he looks at her and frowns he looked a bit better, but sill pretty bad. Zane looks down to make sure his knife is there. He smiles when he sees it is "Bed and bandages and a bit of bread if it's not too much of a b-bother." he winces slightly

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