
Did you guys restart or something? I am prepared to trash my old characters and create new ones to aid to the current story anyway I can. :xFsmile:
Did you guys restart or something? I am prepared to trash my old characters to aid to the current story anyway I can. :xFsmile:

This would be the third iteration of the RP, and a continuation of the book canon series. Can't say whether or not it's the same RP as you remembered (sorry, I can't recall your characters off the top of my head atm). What was happening IC the last you remember?
This would be the third iteration of the RP, and a continuation of the book canon series. Can't say whether or not it's the same RP as you remembered (sorry, I can't recall your characters off the top of my head atm). What was happening IC the last you remember?
Uh, I had three characters. If I remember, my main character was leader of one of the smaller houses with the other two basically being henchmen. We were loyal to the Aemon and the Brotherhood.
Uh, I had three characters. If I remember, my main character was leader of one of the smaller houses with the other two basically being henchmen. We were loyal to the Aemon and the Brotherhood.

Oh, yes! You wanted to side with the Blackfyres! Unfortunately, Aemon got retconned, but there's certain a Blackfyre you can assist if you're interested! (Viserys) TheAncientCelt TheAncientCelt ? :)
Did IC just go into sudden overdrive, or am I just mistaking recent relative activity as more because of the previous lack of it?

Anyways, I'll just wait for WanderingJester WanderingJester before I post again.

Or if there is going to be a Stark post sometime, I might actually be able to post as their guard captain now.
Did IC just go into sudden overdrive, or am I just mistaking recent relative activity as more because of the previous lack of it?

Anyways, I'll just wait for WanderingJester WanderingJester before I post again.

Or if there is going to be a Stark post sometime, I might actually be able to post as their guard captain now.

Hard to say. There are bouts of activity and then bouts of lack of it, like now (compared to like last week(?) when everyone posted something :|)

I'm waiting on TheFordee20 TheFordee20 with the Estermont/Hightower post, so it might be a while :/ or the melee starts, which I'm hoping doesn't until that other post comes first @_@
Oh, and is anyone else still interested with the Forresters? I might take full control of it if none. xD
Oh, and is anyone else still interested with the Forresters? I might take full control of it if none. xD

I would just post up a CS and take it man. Chances are they're too busy ****posting in Discord to check here, and by the time that happens you can get the Forrester house in order ;) ^_^
Jester's throwing shade at you Discord boys. If you helped him get OOC to 1000+ pages, he'd be more than happy to join you guys xD
Hypnos Hypnos
FYI, Lucas and Alyssa's sheets are finished up: I'll get to filling out the others eventually (Unless someone else is interested in having a few Tully characters :) ) but in the meantime will start working on an intro post to put everyone at the melee tournament, if that's alright with you.

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