
Now Now Ted, calm down now. All you need is to hand me your rights and Heidi Dayne can be set free. We are family after all Ted, just hand over the rights.

I am prepared to fight for this great country sword. Sometimes, the greater good needs sacrifice. Go ahead Lance. Hurt Heidi. Fullfill the prophecy and make me the Prince that was Promised. Lion Ted is here to shove Dawn deep inside you and reawaken the hidden magical constitutional powers deep inside it!

I am prepared to fight for this great country sword. Sometimes, the greater good needs sacrifice. Go ahead Lance. Hurt Heidi. Fullfill the prophecy and make me the Prince that was Promised. Lion Ted is here to shove Dawn deep inside you and reawaken the hidden magical constitutional powers deep inside it!
I am afraid its already over Ted. As you distracted yourself with your proud speech we smuggled Heidi back to High Hermitage and took your rights. Its over Ted, you lost.
I am afraid its already over Ted. As you distracted yourself with your proud speech we smuggled Heidi back to High Hermitage and took your rights. Its over Ted, you lost.
This is not the end, Lance.

I will fight you till the Kingsmoot itself! No one is going to take this sword from me!
This is not the end, Lance.

I will fight you till the Kingsmoot itself! No one is going to take this sword from me!
Ted I am afraid you may have hit your head during that speech of yours, we aren't iron born. If you prove yourself worthy of the sword then it shall be yours. Until then it will rest in place.

Apparently Hypnos Hypnos refuses to let me have a Stark who is the descendant of Sansa and Ramsay, just because it's show canon.

Which is bullshit. Right guys? Not just that, but I can't even have a Stark who has a good bit of Bolton blood, due to logistics!


Apparently Hypnos Hypnos refuses to let me have a Stark who is the descendant of Sansa and Ramsay, just because it's show canon.

Which is bullshit. Right guys? Not just that, but I can't even have a Stark who has a good bit of Bolton blood, due to logistics!

I mean you could probably get a child of Sansa and Littlefinger.
Hypnos Hypnos what would be the wars in the past 72 years? (major and minor.)
The War of the Two Daughters, King's Rhaegar's very short Essosi campaign and then several minor wars which took place in the year following Daenaerys death which haven't been fleshed out. Other than that and the scuffles in the Stepstones there has been mainly peace.
The War of the Two Daughters, King's Rhaegar's very short Essosi campaign and then several minor wars which took place in the year following Daenaerys death which haven't been fleshed out. Other than that and the scuffles in the Stepstones there has been mainly peace.
Any war that the Ashwoods would have participated?
The War of the Two Daughters, King's Rhaegar's very short Essosi campaign and then several minor wars which took place in the year following Daenaerys death which haven't been fleshed out. Other than that and the scuffles in the Stepstones there has been mainly peace.
Thank you and this is not directed at you per say but was wondering if this family tree worked out as I am not sure of the marital connections between every house and want to make sure it works.

  • Lady Elia Dayne nee Fowler (Wife, age 68, deceased.)
  • Lady Ravella Dayne nee Swann (2nd Wife, age 60, deceased.)
  • Ser Vorian Dayne (1st son, age 38)
  • Diana Dayne nee Blackmont (Daughter-in-Law, age 40)
  • Ser Ulrick Dayne (Grandson, age 17)
  • Samwell Dayne (Grandson, age 15)
  • Sarah Dayne (Granddaughter, age 16)
  • Ser Edric Dayne (2nd son, age 33)
  • Gwyneth Dayne nee Yronwood (Daughter-in-Law, age 30)
  • Arthur Dayne (Grandson, age 14)
  • Myria Dayne (Granddaughter, age 12)
  • Ser Glendon Dayne (3rd son, age 30)
  • Corenna Dayne nee Connington (Daughter-in-Law, age 27)
  • Jon Dayne (Grandson, age 13)
  • Mya Dayne (Granddaughter, age 11)
  • Bella Dayne (Granddaughter, age 9)
  • Meira Uller nee Dayne (1st daughter, age 45)
  • Jynessa Allyrion nee Dayne (2nd daughter, age 36)
  • Larra Santagar nee Dayne (3rd daughter, age 26)
I guess I may as well ask about Reed too
  • Lady Jenny Reed nee Manderly (wife, aged 24)
  • Meera Reed (Daughter, aged 7)
  • Robert Reed (Son, heir, aged 5)
  • Howland Reed (2nd son, aged 2)
  • Jojen Reed (Brother, aged 19)
  • Alice Reed nee Dustin (Sister-in-Law, aged 17.)
  • Eddard (Ned) Reed (Uncle, aged 48)
  • Jeyne Reed nee Ryswell (Aunt, aged 40)
  • Rickon Reed (Cousin, aged 20)
  • Kyra Umber nee Reed (Cousin, aged 18)
Hypnos Hypnos
Hi, pardon the absence: I haven't been on Discord lately, and wasn't getting notifications on RPN, so this admittedly fell on the back burner for me. But if this is still going, I'd be down to finally jump into the fray.

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