
It's too late Jester, you can't spread your propoganda here. They're already in Discord now.


WanderingJester WanderingJester Tiber will do :) What job would you like my servant to have?

Where would you like to be stationed? :) (send me a pm with what you have in mind for your PC ^_^ )

Jester. You're from America, right?

idk, you tell me. Here's a gif from last weekend's bbq.


WanderingJester WanderingJester


It's okay bb

. . .Whyyy do you have to be difficult :l

We need more Americans in the chat. Turns out it's only Lewis and myself.

Sorry friendo, I ain't about that real time chat life. Got things to do.

Also, someone's gotta keep that 1000+ page OOC dream alive (IT DOESN'T COUNT IF IT'S NOT ALL IN ONE PLACE Hypnos Hypnos ! >.<) And seeing as you were the main opponent against that... :P
I thought I would have to do Kermits entire bio again but it turns out I just had to delete 3-4 sentences or reword them.
The bull fucking moose.

I'd be 100% okay with that.

New Headcanon:

You wanna know why the Others never attacked again after the debacle with Jon Snow? It wasn't because Dany scared them off with her flying fire lizards.

It was because Teddy "King Beyond the Wall and Fear" Roose led a massive army of moose riders and rode down every last one of them, personally only using the lit end of his pipe as his weapon.
New Headcanon:

You wanna know why the Others never attacked again after the debacle with Jon Snow? It wasn't because Dany scared them off with her flying fire lizards.

It was because Teddy "King Beyond the Wall and Fear" Roose led a massive army of moose riders and rode down every last one of them, personally only using the lit end of his pipe as his weapon.
Cold Hands = Teddy?

I'm fine with this development. Teddy can be the Last Watcher of the Night. The fire that keeps the darkness away.

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