
I've also been told that Hypnos Hypnos wiill be posting shortly and replying specifically to Commander General Viserys Targaryen Blackfyre.

I miss Old V-man. . .Stuck in The Reach for three months.

I vanished as I was hitting on Celena Lannister. . When she was disguised as a man. . . :/

Didn't get to flirt with Kuvira. .

Poor Viserys, so confused by knight's armor on prime birthing hips XD

Friendly little reminder if the OCC ever seems dead. Most of us are on Discord now, shitposting whenever we're on.

(Whenever you wanna take the leap, Jester.)

JustWhipIt JustWhipIt
Archon Archon

Lies! People are still here! DX
Could it be? A post Jester hasn't liked? MARK THE DATE, IT'S A MIRACLE, HALLELUJAH

So, you know, say Braevira three times to summon me and also post a discord link to get me to not like the post... >.>

Hypnos Hypnos Your bed isn't one of the nicest places around?

Get your life together man :|

Also, I figured. I'm sure you guys have trashed talked everyone at least once given how much ****posting you guys do on real time chat *shrug*

TheFordee20 TheFordee20 I was trying to figure out why I was tagged three times. Turned out to be nothing, as usual, after all :P
Did you think that being dead was going to stop Lord Commander Dwayne from having his presence felt?

Nah, he'll hopefully possess one of the lesser known Kingsguard and then Rock bottom Dalton or something :P XD

Hypnos Hypnos Sorry man. I don't do erotica (of things legal or, in this particular case most likely, illegal), and that's basically what a tale with Jasper as the main character will descend into. :/
Nah, he'll hopefully possess one of the lesser known Kingsguard and then Rock bottom Dalton or something :P XD

Hypnos Hypnos Sorry man. I don't do erotica (of things legal or, in this particular case most likely, illegal), and that's basically what a tale with Jasper as the main character will descend into. :/
Nah, he'll hopefully possess one of the lesser known Kingsguard and then Rock bottom Dalton or something :P XD

Hypnos Hypnos Sorry man. I don't do erotica (of things legal or, in this particular case most likely, illegal), and that's basically what a tale with Jasper as the main character will descend into. :/
Lewyn is going to need to watch out, because there's no way Celena is going to want him after Jasper shows her his jousting skills ;)

Lewyn is going to need to watch out, because there's no way Celena is going to want him after Jasper shows her his jousting skills ;)

Well, I'll have to see just how Jasper's going to get her away from Viserys after he catches a glimpse of dem birthing hips again XD. Now the Dornishman has to fight Volantis and the Vale knights lol.

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