
That just means hes the trevir in a worse situation

Hey, I mean Trevir wasn't as desperate.

Or Dornish. >_> :P XD

TheAncientCelt TheAncientCelt

lol, man, you should've just went Tyrell and made Lewyn into like the heir of Highgarden or something XD. They would probably already be married at this point lolol.
Someone else wanted Tyrell, though he no longer plays. Dorne is my favorite though and the lannisters dont hate the dornish >.>
I think you'd have to trust the Starks not to behead her the moment she came to Winterfell rather than them trust you.
Someone else wanted Tyrell, though he no longer plays. Dorne is my favorite though and the lannisters dont hate the dornish >.>

Nah, tbh they're alright with the Martells, given the trade agreements (though not too close. Wouldn't want to antagonize trade partners in Reach now). It's really just an entertaining thing OOC wise at this point :P

Or the Vale. I think it was opened for a bit before Jasper appeared. Or hell, I might even give her to the Starks, if they've finally found it possible to trust a Lannister again :T

Real talk though, I might just let him have her at the end if they both survive long enough. You can only run a joke for so long *shrug*

I think you'd have to trust the Starks not to behead her the moment she came to Winterfell rather than them trust you.

True. It says something about the disadvantages of being from Dorne, no? XD
Nah, tbh they're alright with the Martells, given the trade agreements (though not too close. Wouldn't want to antagonize trade partners in Reach now). It's really just an entertaining thing OOC wise at this point :P

Or the Vale. I think it was opened for a bit before Jasper appeared. Or hell, I might even give her to the Starks, if they've finally found it possible to trust a Lannister again :T

Real talk though, I might just let him have her at the end if they both survive long enough. You can only run a joke for so long *shrug*

True. It says something about the disadvantages of being from Dorne, no? XD
Honestly for some reason I dislike the vale and the riverland, the only two lord paramounts i would never play >.>
I am going to try and post. Skimmed a lot of the more recent pages (2-3) just to get my stuff out here. So I am in the dark and I will make mistakes. Justtt bare with me.

Can I get a TLDR of Aegon's plan - soldiers in the crowds and all? And any other large plot developments, like how far along the tourney is and when the wedding is (from now in the story)? Just wanna make sure I don't fuck up too hard here.
Honestly for some reason I dislike the vale and the riverland, the only two lord paramounts i would never play >.>

Well, then you've made your bed. You'll have to lie in it too XD

I am going to try and post. Skimmed a lot of the more recent pages (2-3) just to get my stuff out here. So I am in the dark and I will make mistakes. Justtt bare with me.

Can I get a TLDR of Aegon's plan - soldiers in the crowds and all? And any other large plot developments, like how far along the tourney is and when the wedding is (from now in the story)? Just wanna make sure I don't fuck up too hard here.

Honestly, it's not too far along. I'm sure if you play it conservatively you'll probably not make too many mistakes. :)

Yarrow Yarrow Why do you have to drag me out of retirement? :C

Yay! ^_^

Hypnos Hypnos why was I tagged? #_#
It's a shit first post. But, I waited too long and was in a shit position. Sorry ya'll.

But hey. . At least I'm sorta nearby. In eye shot of the King's stand with a very large, "I AM NOT FROM HERE. BUT I AM IMPORTANT-ISH" symbol stamped on my forehead!
It's a shit first post. But, I waited too long and was in a shit position. Sorry ya'll.

But hey. . At least I'm sorta nearby. In eye shot of the King's stand with a very large, "I AM NOT FROM HERE. BUT I AM IMPORTANT-ISH" symbol stamped on my forehead!

Yay, a huge black dragon. That's totally not a giant "please kill me" sign waving over V Man's head XD

I enjoyed the post ^_^
Well, most of the PCs are in the King's Box, so I'm sure it's easiest there. Maybe just head up and refuse to sleep with Nymeria? That'll piss off the Martells and that's one out of seven kingdoms down XD
Pissing off House Martell means befriending everyone else though. .

Plus, part of me says Viserys isn't getting in without an invite. It's why he/I didn't have him march up there immediately.
Pissing off House Martell means befriending everyone else though. .

Plus, part of me says Viserys isn't getting in without an invite. It's why he/I didn't have him march up there immediately.

Fair enough, and nah. For some reason a crapton of new ppls here like the Dornish, so not necessarily.

Also fair enough. I wonder how long he'll wait there before he sends a courier to look for someone or something *shrug*
I've also been told that Hypnos Hypnos wiill be posting shortly and replying specifically to Commander General Viserys Targaryen Blackfyre.

I miss Old V-man. . .Stuck in The Reach for three months.

I vanished as I was hitting on Celena Lannister. . When she was disguised as a man. . . :/

Didn't get to flirt with Kuvira. .

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