
Are the Hightowers connected to the Lannisters?

Only one of their largest trade partners as well as good friends due to long years of past business and hopefully future businesses together. That and also likely soon to be connected through (albeit a minor) marital union depending on how this wedding goes. So you know, not quite as tight as some other relations, but enough to warrant actions from one side if the other's affected in some negative way :P
Don't. Threaten. Me.

Threaten? Well, I hope the Tyrells aren't that paranoid as to think that one Lord Paramount informing the other about his situation is threatening. In fact, if nothing else, it's a gesture of friendship. Enemies would hardly informed the other of their mistakes, would they? ;)
Only one of their largest trade partners as well as good friends due to long years of past business and hopefully future businesses together. That and also likely soon to be connected through (albeit a minor) marital union depending on how this wedding goes. So you know, not quite as tight as some other relations, but enough to warrant actions from one side if the other's affected in some negative way :P
Threaten? Well, I hope the Tyrells aren't that paranoid as to think that one Lord Paramount informing the other about his situation is threatening. In fact, if nothing else, it's a gesture of friendship. Enemies would hardly informed the other of their mistakes, would they? ;)
The Greyjoys won't stand by as the Hightowers use bully tactics, watch your tongue Lord Hightower before you lose it.
Threaten? Well, I hope the Tyrells aren't that paranoid as to think that one Lord Paramount informing the other about his situation is threatening. In fact, if nothing else, it's a gesture of friendship. Enemies would hardly informed the other of their mistakes, would they? ;)
Ooh.. then it' s fine
The Greyjoys won't stand by as the Hightowers use bully tactics, watch your tongue Lord Hightower before you lose it.

The Greyjoys should mind their own Kingdom's business and stay out the Reach's, or at the very least make up their mind about what they would like to do. One moment you're equipping your ships for raids again, the other you want to open up communications and trade with the Westerlands and the rest of the Seven Kingdoms. All the while insulting those you would like to do business with in the future. Honestly, how many more failed rebellions will it take for you to learn civility? (Or at least to keep the raids to the Dornish).

Ooh.. then it' s fine

See? We're all civil men and women here. Business is good, everyone makes money and wins. Someone wants to raid ships and ports and interrupt business, everyone loses but the attacker. Which would you rather have, Lord Tyrell?
The Greyjoys should mind their own Kingdom's business and stay out the Reach's, or at the very least make up their mind about what they would like to do. One moment you're equipping your ships for raids again, the other you want to open up communications and trade with the Westerlands and the rest of the Seven Kingdoms. All the while insulting those you would like to do business with in the future. Honestly, how many more failed rebellions will it take for you to learn civility? (Or at least to keep the raids to the Dornish).

See? We're all civil men and women here. Business is good, everyone makes money and wins. Someone wants to raid ships and ports and interrupt business, everyone loses but the attacker. Which would you rather have, Lord Tyrell?

No I will not watch as my ally gets ganged up on by disloyal bannermen and a foreign power, no matter how you twist your words that is what happened there you big meany poopy head now STOP!
The Greyjoys should mind their own Kingdom's business and stay out the Reach's, or at the very least make up their mind about what they would like to do. One moment you're equipping your ships for raids again, the other you want to open up communications and trade with the Westerlands and the rest of the Seven Kingdoms. All the while insulting those you would like to do business with in the future. Honestly, how many more failed rebellions will it take for you to learn civility? (Or at least to keep the raids to the Dornish).

See? We're all civil men and women here. Business is good, everyone makes money and wins. Someone wants to raid ships and ports and interrupt business, everyone loses but the attacker. Which would you rather have, Lord Tyrell?

Easy... The strongest
No I will not watch as my ally gets ganged up on by disloyal bannermen and a foreign power, no matter how you twist your words that is what happened there you big meany poopy head now STOP!

Ally? I'm sorry, I must have missed the meeting when we changed the term "ally" to those we pillaged, plundered, murdered and raped repeatedly because we could. I supposed then House Greyjoy must be allied with all of the Seven Kingdoms then? With the strongest ally from the North? Or did House Tyrell forget what was done to them at the Shield Islands only two/three generations ago?

Oh, and before you go "that was the traitor Euron's idea, and he's been punished for it," your patriarch Victarion personally slayed a loyal vassal of House Tyrell, as well as took over three dozen of her ships, but I'm sure that's and centuries of incursions are just water under the bridge now, just as you guys aren't arming your ships for the renewal of the coastline raids even as the Prince is getting married.
Easy... The strongest

That's... not really answer, but I'm sure the wisdom of House Tyrell will choose the most profitable path here, but who am I to tell another Lord Paramount how to run his kingdom, ey? Let's just enjoy this melee and talk about business later. I'm sure it'll be a pleasant and relaxing event all around, without any threat of unnecessary violence given all the precautions our wise Hand of the King has taken to create this magnificent festival Hypnos Hypnos ;)
Ally? I'm sorry, I must have missed the meeting when we changed the term "ally" to those we pillaged, plundered, murdered and raped repeatedly because we could. I supposed then House Greyjoy must be allied with all of the Seven Kingdoms then? With the strongest ally from the North? Or did House Tyrell forget what was done to them at the Shield Islands only two/three generations ago?

Oh, and before you go "that was the traitor Euron's idea, and he's been punished for it," your patriarch Victarion personally slayed a loyal vassal of House Tyrell, as well as took over three dozen of her ships, but I'm sure that's and centuries of incursions are just water under the bridge now, just as you guys aren't arming your ships for the renewal of the coastline raids even as the Prince is getting married.
Forgive me if I am wrong Lord Lannister but your house should be the most understanding when it comes to mistakes of the past and forgiving.
Forgive me if I am wrong Lord Lannister but your house should be the most understanding when it comes to mistakes of the past and forgiving.

Sure, but we don't presume ourselves as close allies to those who we've offended in the past, nor do we prepare to attack continually intervene with the affairs of our closest neighbors when they've neither asked nor invited us into them.
Sure, but we don't presume ourselves as close allies to those who we've offended in the past, nor do we prepare to attack continually intervene with the affairs of our closest neighbors when they've neither asked nor invited us into them.
I was referring to my ally Lord Tyrell, I do wish to negotiate and establish trade with the Westerlands to ensure peace and prosperity on the BEST COAST of Westeros. But I am sorry, I do not consider House Lannister an ally as of now.
I was referring to my ally Lord Tyrell, I do wish to negotiate and establish trade with the Westerlands to ensure peace and prosperity on the BEST COAST of Westeros. But I am sorry, I do not consider House Lannister an ally as of now.

I'm still saying that House Greyjoy has caused great grievances to House Tyrell in the past, and you may consider that House Tyrell as an ally to House Greyjoy, but exactly how far is the feeling returned. We are under no disillusion that House Tully, given the injuries we've done them in the past, still holds us at an arm's length, understandably. Can House Greyjoy say the same about those they've offended?

Then why would House Greyjoy protest at our increased security on our coastal borders? Surely one would wish a future business partner security in his home and for his people? Oh, did we just change your mind to pursue that route? Because we had a distinct impression that House Greyjoy had a poor opinion of us, given how you continually insult us and attempt to dissuade other houses to build bonds of cooperations (professional and otherwise) with our family.
I'm still saying that House Greyjoy has caused great grievances to House Tyrell in the past, and you may consider that House Tyrell as an ally to House Greyjoy, but exactly how far is the feeling returned. We are under no disillusion that House Tully, given the injuries we've done them in the past, still holds us at an arm's length, understandably. Can House Greyjoy say the same about those they've offended?

Then why would House Greyjoy protest at our increased security on our coastal borders? Surely one would wish a future business partner security in his home and for his people? Oh, did we just change your mind to pursue that route? Because we had a distinct impression that House Greyjoy had a poor opinion of us, given how you continually insult us and attempt to dissuade other houses to build bonds of cooperations (professional and otherwise) with our family.

Maybe because the familys of House Greyjoy and House Tyrell happen to be rather close friends, especially the heirs Axell and Victarion? And forgive me for being suspicious of a complete lockdown of a regions entire border haha, of course that couldn't mean ANYTHING other than a friendly gesture from an outsiders perspective :/:
Maybe because the familys of House Greyjoy and House Tyrell happen to be rather close friends, especially the heirs Axell and Victarion? And forgive me for being suspicious of a complete lockdown of a regions entire border haha, of course that couldn't mean ANYTHING other than a friendly gesture from an outsiders perspective :/:

Ah, I suppose you guys just avoid the "sorry we murdered your ancestors and took others to force them to be our wives" talk at the dinner visit then? Dunno where you're getting a lockdown from. A castle isn't exactly locking itself down if the lord wants to reinforce the walls and add a few more battlements on it. Border's still open, just with increased security *shrug*
I really want to hate you for that. But I can't.

I was trying to pick between these two, but they both express my feelings with equal accuracy, so take your pick ;)


"Honeslty Fezzes right now Lewyn is the Trevir in this situation" - Akio Akio

Sorry man, not even close. Trevir had/has a much better chance with Celena than Lewyn does. :P

Celena's also totally not the same person just taken through time and space by her time lord of a brother and also took Martyn, finally residing in the Canon world for a few years or something due to time and age discrepancies...
"Honeslty Fezzes right now Lewyn is the Trevir in this situation" - Akio Akio

Sorry man, not even close. Trevir had/has a much better chance with Celena than Lewyn does. :P

Celena's also totally not the same person just taken through time and space by her time lord of a brother and also took Martyn, finally residing in the Canon world for a few years or something due to time and age discrepancies...
That just means hes the trevir in a worse situation

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