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Fantasy Chat of Steel (OOC)

who's royck and why he got a gang member from ac syndicate
There is a Sir Royck serving in Berngard that has relations to the original founders, they probably elected a different mayor by now but they'd still be a prominent townling gentry family
I've also considered a loan, was planning on it for the stones from Midburgh but not doing that anymore since I have a road now
Also, now that Swanton Keep has fallen and the Baron surrendered... what happens to the Lordships under the Baron? In theory, are they now the vassals of Myre? Or has the Baron only surrendered the keep in exchange for freedom?
Also, now that Swanton Keep has fallen and the Baron surrendered... what happens to the Lordships under the Baron? In theory, are they now the vassals of Myre? Or has the Baron only surrendered the keep in exchange for freedom?
I imagined the Lordship of Greffold is still fighting against the invaders

Aedor Armsman1686720506748.png
Hold up... I just realized... wasn't Swanton's eldest son made a knight and part of the Royal Guard (rumored to be a political hostage)? Who the heck is this kid who got captured in a failed escape attempt?
Hold up... I just realized... wasn't Swanton's eldest son made a knight and part of the Royal Guard (rumored to be a political hostage)? Who the heck is this kid who got captured in a failed escape attempt?
his other beloved son
well assuming Swanton was stripped of his titles he could form a new Barony of Greffold or sum if he can defeat whatever garrison Bomric leaves behind
pretty sure Lorsh is gonna roll for a riot or mutiny or something in my town cus I'm summoning levy for seemingly no reason during spring planting, giving townlings country land, cracking down on petty crime, cheaping out on paying the shipmasters their dues and doing tax survey despite warnings of unrest ☠ I'm a good lord I treat my people good
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I am curious about what is going to happen in the south with the rebellious Duke. Its potentially very possible that the Duke could just attract a lot of bad attention. A lot of opportunists just circling around, waiting for the royal army to show uo and just tag along in hopes of gaining something.
That's if the southern barons wanna join the army at all. Most are pretty sore about Valcay still. Maybe at first but if the rebs start taking some serious dubs, like beating back Sykes for instance, I expect to see a lot of loyalists switching sides
Man, I'm so curious as to how my battle unfolds. This is going to be a brutal wait.
slightly lollygagging but here is a cool 1257AD screenshot that is likely going to be appropriate (troops edited by be, the vanilla versions look dumb af)
Yea it's like what 700-900 horsed combatants altogether not a very big battle but could be decisive especially since both commanders and their high officers are presumably on the field. Bumrick gets whacked that might just be the end of organized rebellion in ur area. The levies are unlikely to fight if their nobles are killed or scattered at Bronsfield. Just to further stoke your anticipation
Yep, it's a pretty major battle. At first, I considered borrowing from the battle of Bremule and just trying to hold the settlement with the men dismounted and packed tight in the streets to wait for them to charge. Buuuuuut, that would give initiative to the enemy who could honestly probably just wait me out and get more men before attacking. So, decided to try and fight on my own terms. Alternatively, could have fallen back to Wesgrath, but that would do little and likely just lead to a pitched battle with the levies.
That's if the southern barons wanna join the army at all. Most are pretty sore about Valcay still. Maybe at first but if the rebs start taking some serious dubs, like beating back Sykes for instance, I expect to see a lot of loyalists switching sides

Yea, depends on how big the Royal Army is. If it is significantly larger... I imagine a lot of people will toe the line and try to join up to hopefully take parcels of the Duke's lands.

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