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Fantasy Chat of Steel (OOC)

even more flavor!

basically summarizing everything

mentioned 20-25 different nobles, npc and all pc except kragwyn, throughout the post

invite all to meta the bottom half of my post as fate of steel wiki
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didn't they ask you for help 2 turns ago😭
Yeah, pretty much. But I've decided to bully them and side with their foes instead because Berngard is a better ally than a Baron with half his lands turned to charcoal. Besides, Berngard is a marriage candidate for my sister while I can't seal my alliance that way with a man who's already married.
So, when you say free town. Do you mean that like the HRE sense where they're semi-autonomous, but pay a special tax to the King? Or is it officially part of the royal demense?
So, when you say free town. Do you mean that like the HRE sense where they're semi-autonomous, but pay a special tax to the King? Or is it officially part of the royal demense?
the former

and chances are very good
Royton mercs probably wind up on both sides

roll to see if rebs have already hired out the good companies lol

"no fair! they hired them before Royton was even on the map!" Good ol ai cheats in games
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Does Royton have an elected mayor or something? Or is there a representative of the King that resides in the free town?

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