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Fantasy Chat of Steel (OOC)

How the frick are you supposed to marry off your old hag of a sister? She's 29! Basically a spinster, there's no hope for her. Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk
I guess that's what you get for being Galdic savages. Nobody wants to have a bloody murderer for a brother-in-law. Honhonhonhon
might I remind you that your father-in-law is a "galdic savage," and by genetics so is your wifey
That's totally different. What I'm doing is called improving the genepool and taming a barbarian princess. Very much not the same thing as making nice with savage bandit tribesmen and marrying their old hag of a sister. Besides, when channeling Philippe I'm allowed to be a Hypocrite.
How the frick are you supposed to marry off your old hag of a sister? She's 29! Basically a spinster, there's no hope for her. Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk
She is of MODEST age and will do WELL to warm someone's hearth and home!
For real though, welcome to the game. I'm really glad to have someone join me on the path of Villainy and Robber Baronage. Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk
I will commit great acts of antagonism and barbarism I think... Glad to be here!

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