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Fantasy Chat of Steel (OOC)

World Bank estimates $400B to rebuild Ukraine after war. By comparison, American taxpayers spent $150B in the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe in 1948
that's accounting for inflation

$150B in 1948 would be an absurd amount of money, over 2 trillion. It was $13B without adjusting
just need to do Earldom!!

gonna skip the new man to save time but i will immediately start doing up a separate post for you @Fynbroke, which will be posted as it's own post as soon as it's complete rather than waiting for every other person's replies to stack up

Frydos men-at-arms / groom v
may need to proofread later, lmk if i missed anything and ill edit it in

will work on fynborke now
Just to confirm, Robert and his host are in Bronsfield? Could you tell me about the terrain in the area? In particular to the east, northeast and north?
"Bertram argues that the servile population could still be assessed."

who dat. did u mean tonis. does someone else have a bertram
Just to confirm, Robert and his host are in Bronsfield? Could you tell me about the terrain in the area? In particular to the east, northeast and north?

It is mostly based on bigmap terrain, so you can go off of that

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