• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Character Characters

Cass Garret

Rp'er Name: CrackCauldron
Post Frequency: Three days on the latter end of the week when I'm alive. So like twice a week on like friday and Tuesday if life permits it.
Discord Name: stoppabobba
Current RP: Western Ryke Near the Fae See - The Silk Road, Part 1
Goals: Live for Freedom and Justice, rob a bank and get around to getting his body back
Equipped Titles: Construct
Class: Artless
Common, Construct.
Height: 5'6
Weight: 90pounds
Backstory: Once there was a legend in the west. A young boy cruelly orphaned to duel the rich mayor responsible. Given only a rusted revolver with a single real bullet in it, the chamber rusted enough it creaked. Yet when the bell struck twelve, the rich man had a new hole in his already empty brain and the boy had become what he truly was. Not a hopeful academic destined for a long life as his mother prayed for, instead a man that would live and die in the wild west, another wasted life.

Then came another legend, a classic tale of bandits and victims. Solved in a single night of reining gunfire and flashes in the night sky. The bandits threatening visages less intimidating with the revelations of their empty minds to the world, splattered across their desired gold; The young man responsible claiming their bounties shortly thereafter. More than enough money to live on peacefully and retire if the nature of the west hadn't already infected the man's soul. His career of bounty hunting, guarding and hired handiwork not done out of need but love for the wild west he knew. Hand in hand with Pinkertons and the law. Though this still fell apart.

This promising tale of lawful gun disappearing before another tale. That of a local oil baron being confronted on his exploitative measure by a young man with a rusted revolver on his holster. His hired thugs surrounding the young man, intending to give him the same treatment he'd given those that couldn't pay. This too had ended with his brains plastered over his 'tasteful' self portrait and his oil field set ablaze. An horrific visage of ever-lasting flame where a different man emerged.

Then another legend and another after that. all across the west, a new tale of a outlaw and his followers staking his claim upon the land. Banditry aligned with freedom, banks left savaged , train's left derailed and lawmen kept at bay. A trail of destructive proselyting of 'Freedom and Justice. ' following them, living by the words of their messiah in this cruel world- 'Live your greatest freedom now! Live for justice! That is my gift to you and this wretched world! '

Of course though this tale ended as all tales of outlaws and 'cowboys' do. Him and his compatriots at the hangman's gallows. Beaten down as a example of the coming justice across the west. Even still the picture of him at the center of his hung compatriot was a favourite of the desperado enthusiast, his final words embalmed beneath the portrait- 'Don't worry, I'll find a way outta of this, I always d-'
Current Life:
Cass's first words upon his second chances were anything but the noble promises he was known for, instead being a merger of 'Bas' and 'uck' before he descended into a series of coughs. His throat noticeably not still parched from the days of starvation, his phlegm wispy black, like shadow, like oil.

His skin no longer tanned instead being a deathly pale, his muscles no longer atrophied and his skin noticeably hard like porcelain. Now composed of a mechanical nature that eluded his knowledge, half-finished by the looks of things, with segments still exposed to the elements if he hadn't dressed them with bandages until he looked like the lepers he used to give alms to.

Tugging himself free of the overgrown shrubbery he started to wonder, past the skeletons that surrounded him and through to the open-road.
Acquired Titles: Construct , Living Doll
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 40
Points Spent:
Points Not Spent: 40
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D (14)
Vitality - D (14)
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Feature
    • [Omniswivel] (7) - let's a joint be Twisted 360 degrees without injury
    • Resilient E [Ageing/Fatigue] - (14)
    • Elasticity F (14)
  • Magic E (14)
    • Catalyst- item[Six-shooter]
    • Magic Range F (7 points) - 30ft
    • Magic Targets F (7 points) - up to 5 targets simultaneously
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Split-shot E [1 post cool-down] - Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Magic E - A instinctual quick-draw and release of five shots into five targets. Guided like clockwork.
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • [CATALYST] Six Shooter E (14) - a Catalyst that looks like a simple revolver for a simpler time though the rust on it makes it clear without magic at work, it wouldn't fire.
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • Reworked towards being a construct
  • Magic Targets F (7 points) - up to 5 targets simultaneously
  • Split-shot-Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Irritant-
  • Spit-Shot - Magic Range F, Irritant (A) E , Magic E - Spitting into an emptied chamber and spinning it in place. The next shot from his revolver splattering the viscous substance over them. The sensation like oil. - E - 1 post cool-down
  • Cold eyes[feature]
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Meredy Cainbell
Rp'er Name: Spoiled Bread
Post Frequency: Once per week
Current RP: -
  • Regain her past memories
  • Obtain a human form
  • Creates an underground network organization
  • Eliminates all in her hit list:
    • The robotic madman
    • The saboteur leader
Equipped Titles:
  • Human
  • Mundane
  • Ryke noble baronet C
Class: -
  • Born for this - Gets 7 pts discount for a skill
  • Curious Cat - Character can automatically unlocks and opens doors and windows they touch unless it's magically bound.
Downtime: -
Languages: Common, Terran, Beastial
Height: 4'10
Weight: 92 lbs
Age: 14
Backstory: Meredy doesn't remember much of her previous life except a few hazy memories here and there.
Current Life: Once again, she got reincarnated. This time into the daughter of a highly profit-driven baron. Since her father is busy juggling between his business empire and handling the barony, and she has a competent older brother that would later take the position as the next head of the family, the young Meredy has all the freedom she needs to do whatever she wants.
Acquired Titles: Human, Mundane, Ryke noble baronet C
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 116
Points Spent: 215
Points Not Spent: 6
Strength - F
Precision - A
Intelligence - B
Vitality - E
Speed - E
Character Grade [77 pts] - D
  • Appraisal F [0 pts, isekai perk]
  • Attentive Student E [14 pts]
  • Educated E - Scheming Noble [14 pts]
    • Disguise E
    • Deception E
    • Persuasion E
  • Pocket Dimension E [28 pts]
    • The space is stylized as the inside of a large wardrobe with a set of tea party furnitures in the middle
  • Resilient F [7 pts]
    • Fear
  • Language F [7 pts]
    • Beastial
  • Stealth F [7 pts]
  • Forgery F [7 pts]
  • Law F [7 pts]
  • Gaming F [0 pts, born for this discount]
  • Performance (Acting) F
  • Street Sense F [7 pts]
  • King of Games - Gaming F, Stealth F, Deception F - Cheats in a game without anyone knowing - F Grade - 0 turn cooldown
  • Hidden in Crowd - Disguise E, Stealth F, Street Sense F - Change one's appearance just enough to avoid immediate detection - E Grade - 1 turn cooldown
  • Counterfeit Document - Forgery F, Law F - Creates fake official document - F Grade - 0 turn cooldown
  • Gun B - Karabiner Model 1931 (K31)
Magic Items:
  • Broken Resonator
    • Type: Magic Item
    • Special Effects: Empathy D; Control Environment D; Performance D; Magic D (Augmenters: Area of Effect E (50ft), Duration E (1 day)); [Incapacitating] Affinity D; Nullify [Martial] D; Nullify [Magical] D; Weaken [Speed] D
    • Once, a beautiful crystalline device resembling a blooming flower; now riddled with cracks. By twisting the centre crystal, it plays a heartwrenching melody, filling all who hear it with an overwhelming grief that immediately brings you to tears. All that's left is a collapsing heart. (Zone incapactiation all in zone will be affected)
    • Curse: Only is activated and remains so long as the user of the device chooses to be afflicted by it. If they arent strong enough to resist it just remains active for the day and they are taken out for that time.
  • Letter of the Heart (Magic – Instant Communication Across Any Distance)
    • Grade: E
    • Effect: Two magical sheets of parchment. You may give one to any character or NPC in a roleplay. And be able to write back and forth and communicate regardless of distance. Both sheets return to the original owner when the roleplay ends.
  • Disguise kit
  • Clothes
  • Tea set with chairs and table
  • Torch
  • Snacks
  • Foods
  • Water
  • Bedroll
  • Ryken Noble Baronet C [28 pts]. A small noble family under Countess Amara Nightshade. Character is the daughter of the current baron.

  • Curious Cat - Character can automatically unlocks and opens doors and windows they touch unless it's magically bound. She also has a physical permanent scar manifesting on the left side of her neck.
Change Log:
Full scooped Eeriel +94 pts

Strength - F​
Precision - B​
Intelligence - B​
Vitality - E​
Speed - E​
Character Grade - D​
Points spent: 70 pts​

  • Appraisal F [0 pts, isekai perk]
  • Attentive Student F [7 pts]
  • Educated E - Scheming Noble [14 pts]
    • Disguise E
    • Deception E
    • Persuasion E
  • Pocket Dimension E [28 pts]
  • Resilient F [7 pts]
    • Fear
  • Language F [7 pts]
    • Beastial
  • Stealth F [7 pts]
  • Forgery F [7 pts]
  • Law F [7 pts]
  • Gaming F [0 pts, born for this discount]
  • Performance (Acting) F
  • Street Sense F [7 pts]

Ryken Noble Baronet C [28 pts]
  • 06/11/2024
  • 21/12/24 from Community - The White Elephant of Hyroth [Christmas Event 2024]
    • Obtain Broken Resonator
      • Type: Magic Item
      • Special Effects: Empathy D; Control Environment D; Performance D; Magic D (Augmenters: Area of Effect E (50ft), Duration E (1 day)); [Incapacitating] Affinity D; Nullify [Martial] D; Nullify [Magical] D; Weaken [Speed] D
      • Once, a beautiful crystalline device resembling a blooming flower; now riddled with cracks. By twisting the centre crystal, it plays a heartwrenching melody, filling all who hear it with an overwhelming grief that immediately brings you to tears. All that's left is a collapsing heart. (Zone incapactiation all in zone will be affected)
      • Curse: Only is activated and remains so long as the user of the device chooses to be afflicted by it. If they arent strong enough to resist it just remains active for the day and they are taken out for that time.
  • 14/01/2025
  • 22/02/2025 From Graded - [Ryken] No Way Home
    • Gain 13 pts
    • Upgrade attentive Student F -> E [7 pts]
  • 23/02/2025 from Community - [January 2025] Class Design Contest Part 2
    • Gain 7 pts
    • Upgrade Precision B -> A [7 pts]
  • 08/03/2025 from Community - Feb25 Valentines Letters
    • Obtain Letter of the Heart
      • Magic – Instant Communication Across Any Distance
      • Grade: E
      • Effect: Two magical sheets of parchment. You may give one to any character or NPC in a roleplay. And be able to write back and forth and communicate regardless of distance. Both sheets return to the original owner when the roleplay ends.
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Xeno Ravenclaw Exodus

Theme: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable OST - The Fate Which Still Remains
Rp'er Name: joseph Ravenclaw (discord jmcthe1)
Post Frequency:
every other day
Discord Name: Jmcthe1 display name: calm
Current RP: N/A
Goals: long term goal is to be the strongest ice, water and steam caster.
Equipped Titles: human
Japanese and common
Height: 6 feet 1 inch
180 lbs
Backstory] his life before the isekai was simple. He live in Japan, both of his parents were upper middle class. as a child Xeno always had an affinity for the moon and water. He was homeschooled and was an exceptionally artist. Because of his mixed background he grew up learning japanese and English. Aside from that he lived a normal life.

Except this was all a dream and he was in a coma for years (he drowned) before dieing because someone unplugged the life support by accident.

Current Life: he woke up in a pool of bowl of water. His mother and father were both adventures,and had made enough money to have a small house in the plains. They weren't rich by any means but they weren't poor either. Xeno grew up learning how to use a Sword and magic, however he had more of an affinity for magic. He wanted to follow In his parents footsteps and become a powerful and well known adventure.
Acquired Titles: (all titles the character has including the ones equipped and not equipped)
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105 (all 105 points must be spent at the end of character creation)
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - E
Vitality - F
Speed - E
Character Grade - F

Affinity element [fire]F
Affinity element [ice] E
Affinity element [water] F
  • Bliss - tsunami F, Draw E, manipulate F - tsunami is a flood attack that's lasts for around 5-10 seconds depending on how long it's charged. It will go as far as 30ft to 50ft depending on how long it's charged. It's a knock back skill and does little damage. Cooldown is 5-10 minutes depending on how long it was charged. Draw allows the user to be able to draw water from anything with water molecules, this includes but is not limited to air plants and moist objects. Manipulate, allows the user to manipulate and move the water freely within eye shot.
    • Glacial Bliss - Glacial Domain F, ice bomb E, glacial conjuring F - Glacial Domain is an ability that
  • Mist-
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Wakizashi F 1728522548598.jpeg
  • A small Crossbow E
  • Glacial Dragon D - Shocks whatever strikes its surface (This a jin tachi, this is a Japanese sword with 2 parts a knife and the main blade)1728522373832.jpeg
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • a flask of vodka
  • jerky
  • rope with a hook
  • plain rope
  • journal/spell book holder
  • pen and ink
  • flint and steel
  • quiver and arrows
  • pouch for money
  • a small pickaxe
  • a small wood axe
  • a chisel
  • a small dust brush
  • A toolbelt to hold his swords and items
  • a bell
  • a whistle
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • his parents house an land
  • spell book
  • his armor
  • Glacial Serpent (armor to match his sword )
  • a small wand to cast water magic.
  • His mothers magic staff
  • a chest of family heirlooms (2 swords, his fathers main sword "cliff chipper" , a shield, his mothers first wand and staff, 3 cloaks with there family crest, his mothers adventure journal, his fathers adventure journal, his family's spell book, and his super secret family lore book with cool secrets.)
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • [Date of Character Creation]
  • Additional points gained from Scoops or stat reductions
  • All stat upgrades
  • All skill purchases
  • All equipment, item, or asset purchases (this includes Natural Weapons)
  • [Date sheet was edited] Link to Grading post at end of RP, Rewards post from Community events, or Marketplace post for trades
  • Points, Assets, and Titles acquired from RP (these will be listed in Grading post)
  • Title Change: Equipped Hero of Garden Temple. Unequipped Ditch Hobo.
  • [Date sheet was edited, if different than previous edit date]Point Expenditure: 7 points for Musician [Violin] F (violin comes with the skill)
  • Upgrade Speed C => B for 7pts.
  • Rinse and Repeat


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Carmel Davour
Theme: Madoka Magica - Witch World 1
Rp'er Name: Slowpokie
Post Frequency: Once to multiple times a week.
Discord Name: @Yammie#0260
Current RP: Mad Mage's Tower of Azdrukhal
Short Term - To truly bring someone back from the dead
Long Term - To become a lich lord and be powerful enough to open a portal to depart from this world.
Equipped Titles: Human, Mundane Human, Native
Class: Caster
Perks: Magic Circle
Height: 5’9
Weight: 210
Backstory: A native to the lands, Carmel Davour was born in Grave Town, where necromantic rituals were a common practice. As a young boy, he wandered from the village into a deep cavern, where he found the Black Sheep, an extraterrestrial from another dimension.
It gave him a magical hat that allowed him to channel potent dark magic. And since that day, he has followed the lamb.
Current Life: In present day, Carmel has left his hometown on a journey to become a powerful lich lord, in hopes of gaining enough power to depart from the lands and return to the homeworld of the Sheep. Together.
Acquired Titles: Caster, Human, Mundane Human, Native.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - F
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
  • Arcana F
  • Alchemy F
  • Etiquette F [Born For This]
  • Navigation F
  • Magic E
  • Fire F
  • Flora F
  • Range F
  • Aoe F
  • Targets F
  • Spell duration F
  • Flora Inferna - Magic E, Magic Range F, AOE F, Targets F, [Flora] Affinity F & [Fire] Affinity F - Causes a surface to blossom with red flowers that release blazing petals within an area that set anything they land on aflame. - Grade E - 30ft range- 15ft radius AOE- 5 targets- Post Cooldown 1

  • IMG_20241013_212007.png
  • Carmel’s Hat - E
    A mystical catalyst in the form of a witch's hat. The black wool is spun from obsidian.
    Allows the wearer to cast magic from their hands.
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Dead Butterflies
  • Tea
  • N/A
Change Log:
  • [15/10/24]
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Captain Hector Vacio of Driftwood

Rp'er Name: bd
Post Frequency: Daily, sometimes more!
Discord Name: bd0693
Current RP: N/A

Overarching: The rebuilding of his home village, the destruction of the monstrous faction that tore apart his lands, and to find a way to return to those scorched hills.​
Current Goals: N/A​
Equipped Titles: Human
Class: None
Perks: None
Downtime: N/A
Languages: Common
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 220 lbs
Appearance: Hector is a man best described as 'grain fed'.

His face is square and covered in a thick, bushy beard. His hair is neatly trimmed to a short curly black cover. His tan skin is often more pale than it should be from being so constantly covered in armor. His scars of cuts and stabs are rarely noticed for the same reason.

His body is almost as wide as it is tall, clearly built for function over form, as he would be considered 'fat' by those who do not know what true strength looks like. With a build like his, the only reason people tend to trust a figure donned in such heavy, oppressive armor is the two soft, brown eyes looking through the slits of his helm. So genuine, as is his toothy smile.


Hector was not remarkable by any means.

Born an only child to two very loving, but impoverished parents, Hector made himself known around the neighborhood as a nice kid who got along with others. Edmund quickly came under Hector's wing when their chemistry in banter outweighed his sickly frame. Maleva was a neighbor's girl who was perfect in her studies, but couldn't help but fall into mischief with Hector and Edmund. It wasn't long before they were grown together, and their careers began to grow.

Edmund was a playwrite, one of only a few jobs he could do from his bed. Maleva studied magic at the church and excelled. Hector, admiring the shine of guard armor and the prestige that came with protecting the town's stone walls, pursued just that. With his amicable attitude and natural strength, Hector excelled in his role. He quickly climbed the ranks and, soon enough, was a very eager lieutenant within the town guard. That's when he met Rosa.

He first encountered Rosa on duty when he saved her from a stray dog. She recoiled from him when he approached and ran off on their first encoutner. But then they met again, this time over a nasty spill. Then again. And again. It wasn't long before they were sitting together on the side of the cobblestone path, his armored hands tending to a light wound on her arm, both of them in silence. Eventually, he brought her food. She brought him trinkets. He brought her clothes. She brought him letters. He told her stories. Her laugh was so beautiful.

But not all was perfect.

It was in the dead of night that the creatures first climbed the walls. It called for an emergency rally of the guard and he stood at the front of the line. Horrors he couldn't comprehend, devouring his men, and he drove his spear through them all the same. He fought until the dawn broke and the creatures retreated. A dozen were dead, and more wounded. They would be back, and they hadn't the time to prepare. The second night, the captain of the guard was torn in two. Hector was uncerimoniously given his position. The third night was defended without a man lost.

But the morale in town hit the floor. Soon enough a creature or two would be spotted scratching at the walls. Bipedal man-beasts stalked the edge of the horizon or behind the dotted trees. Madness carved through the streets as the town guard and clerical circle had to become more and more authoritarian to control it. It was tearing Hector's mental state in twain. He had to bear it. For his people, for Rosa.

Then the wall came down.

A horde. Merely a scrap of the monster lord's army decayed in strength and tactic finally collapsed a city wall. Madness was instant. Hector and his men fought hard, but the numbers were too great. A call to retreat to the other side of the city left his home in the path of destruction, but the clerical circle's reinforcement of magic allowed him to fetch his beloved wife. Malevela would later tell Hector she made the decision before the wall even fell. It was simply too much for her, and he fell apart.

It took Maleva finding and dragging him back into the street for him to get some semblance of himself back together. She told him the city was lost. The guard's best were holding the monsters back but they needed aid. They knew of a land far from here with powerful men and magics. They needed someone to go and get help, rebuild what's lost and salvage what's left.

She told him it needed to be someone a mage knew to properly channel their magics. Deep down he knew it was a lie, a fib to get him to agree to go. Maybe to redeem her neglect of their friendship or give him a feeling of redemption now that he had near nothing. It didn't matter. He agreed.

He knew not what he needed. He knew not what to expect. He was unsure if there'd be a home to come back to. It wouldn't be the same, but he was chosen. With claws digging through the church's wooden doors and the screams of families trapped inside, a flash of brilliant white sent Hector into the great unknown with everything he had on his person.

Goodbye, Rosa.
Current Life:Nomadic, very new to this world, and no foothold to speak of.
Acquired Titles: Human
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - C
Precision - F
Intelligence - E
Vitality - C
Speed - F
Character Grade - E
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Fighting Style [Natural Weapons] - F
    • Non Lethal - F
  • Fighting Style [Shield] - F
    • Deflect - F
  • Investigation - F
  • Leadership- F
  • Insight- F
  • Luck - F
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Defuse - Leadership F, Insight F - Verbally disarm arguments, panic, frustration, and other tense social situations that have not yet come to blows with calming and reassuring words. -Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Subtle Interrogation - Investigation F, Insight F - Gather information from social interactions and contexts without insinuating suspicion, such as asking questions casually to a criminal at a bar. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Minuteman Militia - Leadership F - Rally locals with makeshift and improvised weapons against a threat/threats to the community with a thunderous voice and unwavering confidence. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Arresting Takedown - Fighting Style [Non Lethal] F - Grapple and knock down the target with a disorienting throw, practiced from years as a village guard. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Knock Some Sense - Leadership F, Fighting Style [Non Lethal] F - An open handed slap across the face and firm, booming words to shock a target from intense emotion or mental manipulation. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Voice of Authority - Leadership F - Extend one's voice across scenes of chaos and violence, able to communicate and command across an entire mob or battlefield. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Glancing Blow - Fighting Style [Deflect] F - Angle your shield or armor to redirect the force of an attack rather than absorb it, giving an opening to follow up with far less risk. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Natural Weapons - Fists - Grade F

  • Journal
  • Pencil
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Tent Cloth
  • Rope (50 Feet)
  • Small knife (Tool, very ineffective as a weapon)
  • Cloth Shirt & Trousers
  • Leather Boots
  • Leather Cap
  • Belt
  • Backpack

    • None
    • [Date of Character Creation]
    • Additional points gained from Scoops or stat reductions
    • All stat upgrades
    • All skill purchases
    • All equipment, item, or asset purchases (this includes Natural Weapons)
    • [Date sheet was edited] Link to Grading post at end of RP, Rewards post from Community events, or Marketplace post for trades
    • Points, Assets, and Titles acquired from RP (these will be listed in Grading post)
    • Title Change: Equipped Hero of Garden Temple. Unequipped Ditch Hobo.
    • [Date sheet was edited, if different than previous edit date]Point Expenditure: 7 points for Musician [Violin] F (violin comes with the skill)
    • Upgrade Speed C => B for 7pts.
    • Rinse and Repeat
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Joshua Wincent
Rp'er Name: IanThe170
Post Frequency:
Once a day to once a week
Discord Name:
Current RP:
Goals: Survive; Find a hobby; Prove his own self-sufficiency, mainly to himself, but also to others. Find a way to spite God.
Equipped Titles: BIV, Construct, Born for This
Class: Artless
Analog; Common
Height: The brain vat is exactly 80cm, with “legs” attached it reaches a height of 1m
Weight: 25kg
Joshua had a plastic spoon in his mouth from the day he was born. That is to say, disposable, easily breakable and most experiences he had were single use.

The most familiar scenery he had was his hospital room. He grew up in it, celebrated his birthdays and holidays in it, unable to leave it, even if he wanted to. Fate had simply given him a “bad hand”. Although he may have been gifted with some intellect, he certainly did not possess any actually noteworthy skills or knowledge, merely that which he saw from the hospital window and from the occasional reading session his parents or the hospital staff provided him.

The people that surrounded him were kind and empathetic, however, as he grew older, he was forced to come to terms with the new sensation overcoming his mind. The humiliation as he got older. Or more specifically, the recognition of humiliation. As the years passed, so did the child-like innocence that shielded him. “Living” his life, relying on the help of others, unable to do anything on his own, whether it be eating or going to the bathroom.

The news articles, the public speakers, even the Clergy which showcased him and people like him as objects of pity, as people one should help no matter what, as they were “less fortunate”. The disingenuous attitudes that people brought to him, to appear as if they were kind and sympathetic, although quickly he began to appreciate those disingenuous people more and more, since the truly pure hearted sympathy and kindness was even more humiliating and painful.

It infuriated him. It left his blood boiling. It made him want to end them and himself, but ultimately, he couldn’t even speak, let alone be capable of hurting anyone. He could merely watch as people kept talking and talking, oftentime even having the audacity to make it about themselves. Acting as though they understand. Acting as though they could relate. Acting as though they were helping.

It was an annoying, painful and regrettable life. That, of course, did not impede on hope. Whilst hope may just be a fool's errand, it was also the very thing that dies last. One could not simply abandon it, no matter the situation. So Joshua kept it. Kept on hoping for a better tomorrow. Or perhaps even a miracle. It honestly didn’t matter. Hope was all that was left.

As most times, however, hope did not help, nor arrive. His life had ended already. Without Joshua getting to speak even a single conscious word. Without moving his body even once. Without letting anyone know what he actually felt or thought. Without doing a single thing.
Current Life: Awaking in a whole new world… Hope had never burnt stronger within him than it did then. All he could do was cry. Cry for hours, he did. Running around, crying and laughing like a lunatic. After over thirty years, he could move, he could scream, he could let everything out. The hope he held on to, had paid off.

However, this happiness was short-lived. He was rather quickly found by the local militia and taken into custody. A madman running around half-naked in the freezing cold deep in the northern part of the Kingdom of Rotia. It was only to be expected. Even expected by Joshua himself, he could only imagine how he must have looked, moving around for the first time in his existence. Especially as he never bothered to learn to walk. He simply ran and let the momentum do the rest.

Joshua tried explaining his case, explaining that he was actually from another world, reborn in this winter wonderland, as he so adequately put it to the military personnel in the interrogation room. Naturally, the militia believed him without even bothering to ask too many questions. What great luck Joshua had to meet such understanding people.

After about three days of heavy exercise and the audible laughter and mocks from the military instructors, he did start to question if they actually believed him. Luckily, those doubts were rather quickly erased a few months later as he was hiding in a trench, slightly reminiscing about the surprisingly comfy hospital bed.

Despite the fact that some of his situation was caused by his own irrational actions, in his mind there was only one reason he went from one hell straight into the next. This is simply what God intended and if such, William would not stand for it. Although he had no idea how exactly he was going to do that, as the first order of business was getting off of the battlefield, before he lost his life a second time.

Through pure “luck” Joshua ended up sustaining an injury that made him unfit for combat. He may have been incapable of walking yet again, but a wheelchair was very much preferable to both the hospital bed and the battlefield. I suppose this could be considered a miracle of god, as he does work in mysterious ways, after all.

And so he pondered. What to do.. What to do… He certainly had no intention of dying a 2nd time, so he decided to think up ways to prolong his life as much as he could. Studying up about the world, its science and medical knowledge in particular. With The Kingdom of Rotia already possessing technology up and beyond what was present in his world the learning curve was tough to keep up with, but nonetheless, he devoted himself to it entirely.

As the years passed, he realized that his health was degrading at an alarming pace. He was unsure of the exact cause, but he figured that his body most likely was incapable of adapting to the hellish environment of Rotia. His body, after the injuries he received in war, most likely had to do all it could to keep itself alive already. So with death approaching at a rapid pace, he was forced to research some more “uncertain” ways of prolonging his life.

If his body was so desperate to die, regardless of the world he is in, then there was only one option really. Get rid of the body and survive regardless, hence that is what he did. Whether his mad idea would succeed or not was something he would simply have to see and find out…
Acquired Titles: Contruct, BIV, Born for this
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 23
Points Spent: 126
Points Not Spent: 2
Strength - F
Precision - D(14)
Intelligence - E(7)
Vitality - D(14)
Speed - D(14)
Character Grade - F
  • Resilient E (Fatigue - doesn’t need food, water, sleep; suffocation)(14)
  • Engineering F (7)
  • Survival F (7)
  • Barrier F (7) (7 Discount from Born for This)
  • Electric Affinity F (7)
  • Magic F (7)
  • Artisan Tinkerer F (7)
  • Masterwork: Harvester F (7)
  • Electromagnetic Shield - Barrier F, Electric Affinity F, Magic F - Creates an electric Force Field around a target, which protects from damage, but may cause a slight shock when touched - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown - 1 Post Duration
  • Look, don’t touch - Electric Affinity F - Shocks upon will anyone or anything that comes into contact with it - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Mobile Battery - Electric Affinity F, Engineering F - If an electronic device can be charged, Joshua can charge it - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown - Narrator Discretion
  • Central Core F(Natural Catalyst)(14)
  • Built-in toolkit required for robotics/engineering of own body.
  • Gathering Set for Ores and Minerals
Change Log:
  • Character creation date: 15.10.2024.
  • Character points added: 23 15.02.2025.
  • Character point spent: 21 - Magic F; Artisan Tinkerer F; Masterwork: Harvester F
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Lona Morgan

Theme: Experience
Rp'er Name: Revi
Post Frequency: Once a week minimum, possibly more on weekends.
Discord Name: Displayed as Revi | Lona | Caelith in IH discord.
Current RP:

Goals: Make friends, brew booze, enjoy adventures, eat cookies.
Equipped Titles: Human, Mundane Human
Acquired Titles: N/A
Class: Artless
Perks: N/A
Languages: Common, Sylvan, Terran
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 130

Backstory: {Inspired by 'Hit Me Harder - The Bad Dreamers'}
The pain was dull now, almost distant, like it belonged to someone else. I can’t remember when it started… was it always like this? No, there was a time when I smiled, wasn’t there? His smile too… I loved that. Or did I?
Everything is slipping away, fading. I tried to run, didn’t I? I asked for help. Why didn’t they listen? Maybe… maybe I didn’t scream loud enough. I should’ve screamed louder. I should’ve left sooner.
I remember… taunting him, daring him. He hit me, just like I knew he would. That was the plan, right? I hid the gun… yes, the gun. I pulled it out.
“You should’ve hit me harder.”
Why did I say that? ...
Was it enough? ...
Current Life: Lona's eyes fluttered open to the scent of earth and wildflowers, the soft rustle of leaves above her. Gone was the cold darkness of her last moments, replaced by a vibrant, unfamiliar world. She gasped, her hands sinking into the dewy grass, her heart pounding with confusion—and awe.

The pain, the fear, the black void—it had all vanished, leaving her in a place where life thrummed through the soil beneath her fingers. She sat up slowly, gazing at the vast stretch of emerald forests and distant mountains, their peaks kissed by sunlight. Her breath caught. This wasn't the world she knew, but somehow, it felt… right.

The memories of her last moments flickered—his face, the strike, her final words.... the echo of her defiance, that hung in the air as her consciousness faded. But it was all fading now, dissolving into something softer, like an old wound closing. She touched her chest, where the ache once was, and found only joy. There was a small rustic cottage nearby, with herb gardens overflowing beyond their stone boundary.
She saw an elderly woman outside putting her linens up on a line to dry in the sun. "I suppose I should go say hello.."

She became friends with a woman who lived alone on the outskirts of Ryken, who also taught Lona what little she knew of botany, medicine, and alchemy - While Lona would ply her zymurgical concoctions in exchange for combat training and sparring from off-duty members of the City Defense Force.

After an adventure abroad south between Widersia and the See, she returned to Ryke to find the cottage was gone, as well as the old woman. Determined to make her home wherever she roams, she continues on in seeking adventure where she may find it.

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 105
Points Spent: 210
Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - C
Precision - F
Intelligence - C
Vitality - E
Speed - F
Character Grade - E
  • Alchemy E
  • Medicine E [Born for This]
  • Nature E
  • Fighting Style [Polearm] E - Area E - Selective E
  • Attentive Student F
  • Language - "Common" (Native Speaker)
  • Language - {Sylvan} F
  • Language - [Terran] F
  • Pocket Dimension E
  • Crescent Harvest - Fighting Style [Polearm] E, Area E, Selective E - an attack that sweeps a large area 15ft in radius while allowing the character to choose who is affected by their weapon style abilities when used at range or in wide areas. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Flask Strike - [2 Actions] - Fighting Style [Polearm] E, Alchemy E, Alchemist's Satchel [Gear] F, Area E, Selective E - During combat, character throws a small alchemical flask filled with acid and swings the polearm weapon at it to direct it towards an enemy in a 15ft radius for acid damage, while selectively avoiding allies. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Natural Insight - Nature E - Character analyzes and identifies any plant, animal, or environmental element so long as it is naturally occurring. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Basic Brewcraft - Alchemy E, Alchemist's Satchel [Gear] F - Character can craft very simple alchemical concoctions, and she can also rapidly ferment beverages. #priorities - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Combat Medic - Medicine E, Medicine Supply Pack F [Gear] - Character can perform first aid in the field. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Quick Harvest - Pocket Dimension E, Nature E, Fighting Style [Polearm] E, Selective E, Area E - Character identifies items to harvest in nature and selectively gathers them within a 15ft radius of herself to store in pocket dimension.
  • Simple Steel Scythe - E - Originally for gardening/harvesting but sharpened up for self-defense.
  • Pocket Dimension (contained in a bell she wears on a necklace) - E - 10ft radius - styled inside like a tiny cottage living space with a rug, hearth, and counter - no furniture.
  • Gear F - Medicine Supply Pack - Herbal poultices, Bandages, needle & thread, and etc.
  • Gear F - Alchemist's Satchel - sturdy weatherproof bag containing small, essential tools for quick potion-making and storing ingredients.
  • Belt Pouches - small blade (for cutting plants, too small for combat), flint & steel for starting fires to brew and cook, water skin.
  • Something Brewed and/or Fermented- to drink or use to disinfect in a pinch.
  • Travel Cloak
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • 10/16/2024 Character Creation
  • 1/11/2025 Cosmetic Edits to Character Sheet due to duplicate spoiler tags
  • 1/21/2025 Update Character Image & RP Status
  • 2/2/2025 7 points awarded|Community| [January 2025] Future's Writing Event
  • 2/20/2025 Current RP updated to Previous and updated Character Graphics in post
  • 2/21/2025 98 points awarded [On the Border of the See and Widersia, as Far South of Clockhaven as the River Goes] - The Phantasmagoria Opens
  • 2/22/2025
    • 105 pointsin Expenditures as detailed below:
      • 21 points to upgrade Intelligence from D to C.
      • 14 points to upgrade Vitality from F to E.
      • 7 points to acquire skill Attentive Student F
      • 7 points to acquire skill Language - Sylvan F
      • 14 points to acquire skill Language - Sylvan E
      • 7 points to acquire Pocket Dimension F
      • 14 points to acquire Pocket Dimension E
      • 21 points to acquire Pocket Dimension D
    • = 0 points unspent
  • 2/24/2025 Downgraded Language - Sylvan from E to F, added Language - Terran F.
    • = 7 points unspent
  • 2/25/2025
    • Redoing 105 points(I mathed math wrong and came back to correct)
      • 7 points Intelligence D to C
      • 7 points Intelligence C to B
      • 7 points Vitality F to E
      • 7 points + Attentive Student F
      • 7 points + Language - Sylvan F
      • 7 points + Language - Terran F
      • 14 points + Pocket Dimension F
      • 28 points Pocket Dimension F to E
      • 21 points unspent
  • 2/26/2025
    • 7 Points ^ Strength C
    • 7 Points Gear F - Medicine Supply Pack
    • 7 Points Gear F - Portable Alchemy Kit
    • 0 points unspent
    • Moved Medicine and Alchemy supplies from "Items" to Equipment per skill for Gear.
    • Added Ability: Quick Harvest - Pocket Dimension E, Nature E, Fighting Style [Polearm] E, Selective E, Area E - Character identifies items to harvest in nature and selectively gathers them within a 15ft radius of herself to store in pocket dimension.
    • Screenshot 2025-02-22 172722.png
  • 3/1/2025 - changed youtube link from video embed to link only to clean up CS appearance.
  • 3/1/2025 Added newly purchased [Gear] F for Medicine and Alchemy to abilities Flask Strike, Basic Brewcraft, and Combat Medic.
  • Additional points gained from Scoops or stat reductions
  • All stat upgrades
  • All skill purchases
  • All equipment, item, or asset purchases (this includes Natural Weapons)
  • [Date sheet was edited] Link to Grading post at end of RP, Rewards post from Community events, or Marketplace post for trades
  • Points, Assets, and Titles acquired from RP (these will be listed in Grading post)
  • Title Change: Equipped Hero of Garden Temple. Unequipped Ditch Hobo.
  • [Date sheet was edited, if different than previous edit date]Point Expenditure: 7 points for Musician [Violin] F (violin comes with the skill)
  • Upgrade Speed C => B for 7pts.
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Art (& Sounds) By Develius


Rp'er Name:

Post Frequency:
At Least once a Week

Discord Name:

Current RP:

- Survive.
- Kill and Devour to get stronger.
- Evolve back to "Prime" form.

Equipped Titles:
[Monster], [Born For This],


267 Lbs

Class: -
Perks: -
Languages: ~Abyssal~, Common

~:World Native:~ ~: See "A Monstrous Task" :~

As Odai Island laid smoldering and in utter ruin, it was suspected by many that the Agrigore had finally been vanquished. After all, nothing should've been able to survive a blast of divine energy of that magnitude bombarded right over their heads. Yet while the rot which infected the island was virtually vaporized, the Agrigore's body had miraculously survived, though only by barely. Reduced to nothing but a living carcass, nearly all of the giant kaiju's limbs had been blasted clean off, with smoke billowing from its form. He was nothing but a head attached to a body, with only a mangled arm that allowed him to drag himself across the island with immense difficulty.

By all means, it was on death's door.

Even so, while his regeneration abilities have been severely tampered, there was one other option it could do to save itself from wasting away. Start anew. Throw away this mangled form and resort back to a lesser state. While it would surely take time for him to regain back to full strength, the Agrigore was a master at adapting. In due time, it could grow stronger. Stronger then even his previous Prime state if it played its cards right. All it needed to do was get off this pile of rocks and rubble... and make it to the mainland. And after much time dragging his mangled form through the island, it finally reached the sea and plunged into the depths...

The body continued to deteriorate as it swam weakly with the ocean currents... going wherever it would lead him. Conserving most of its energy, it would only react upon sensing danger, which it would simply descend lower into the depths before rising. But eventually, after what felt like several long weeks, its lifeless corpse would finally make it upon a remote deserted beach in Kingdom on the main continent.

And emerging from its putrid hide... a new Aggregate warrior would emerge.

One which contained the soul of their progenitor... ready to reenact its plan to dominate the world once more.

Acquired Titles:
[Monster], [Born For This]

Points at Start:
Points Earned:
Points Spent:
Points Not Spent:

Strength - D
Precision - D
Intelligence - D
Vitality - D
Speed - D
Character Grade = D

  • Intimidation E
  • Dark Vision F [Born For This]
  • Devour F
  • Elasticity F
  • Energized F
  • Fast F
  • Jumping F
  • Mind Shield F (7)
  • Minions [Globsters] F (14)
  • Regeneration F
  • Stealth F
  • Super Strength F
  • Undetected F
  • Change State [Liquid] F (21)



(Above: Normal Form | Below: Liquid Form)​

Strength - E (7)
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - E (7)
Speed - F

  • Feature: Multiple Eyes (Free)
  • Feature: Viscous Hide (Free)
  • Change State [Liquid] F (21)
  • Fighting Style [Globster] F (7)
    • Reach F

  • Putrid Swipe F - [Natural Weapons F, Fighting Style (Globster) F] - Globster attempts to hit opponent with its tar-riddled bony appendage. It can reach an additional 5 feet due to its viscous form.
  • Slobbering Bite F - [Natural Weapons F, Fighting Style (Globster) F] - Globster lunges forth to bite its opponent. It can reach an additional 5 feet due to its viscous form.
  • Viscous Morph F - [Change State (Liquid) F] - Globster's viscous body allows it to morph its body to help avoid getting hit or resist certain physical strikes. If necessary, a globster can turn into purely liquid to escape or conceal itself.

  • Natural Weapons F (14) - Globsters strike with their bony appendages and bite with their gaping toothy maw.

  • Elastic Hit F - [Natural Weapon F, Elasticity F, Energized F, Fast F, Super Strength F] - Cooldown +0 - The Agrigore can extend one of its limbs up to five times its original size, allowing him to hit opponents from longer ranges.
  • Savage Pounce F - [Natural Weapon F, Energized F, Fast F, Intimidation F, Jumping F, Super Strength F] - Cooldown +0 - The Agrigore proceeds to leap towards its opponent and pounce on it, using its appendages to pin it to the ground. (Move plus an Attack)

  • Natural Equipment E
  • Natural Heavy Armor E
  • N/A
  • -
  • -
  • N/A
  • -

  • [10/17/24] - Created.
  • [10/29/24]- Accepted.
    • Gained 26 pts from [Gunhild's Gauntlet PT 1]
    • Spent 21 PTS (5 Pts Leftover)
      • Elasticity F (14)
      • Stealth F (7)
    • Abilities Added: [Elastic Hit F]
  • [10/31/24] - Gained 7 pts from [Oct2024 Haunted Festival]
    • Spent 7 Pts (5 pts Leftover)
      • Devour F (7)
  • [12/8/24] - Gained 77 Pts from "Monstrous Task" narrative pts.
    • Spent 77 Pts (5 Pts Leftover)
    • Abilities Bought:
    • Change State F (21)
    • Mind Shield F (7)
    • Minions [Globsters] F (14) - (56 Pts Earned and Spent)
      • Strength E (7)
      • Vitality E (7)
      • Change State [Liquid] F (21)
      • Fighting Style [Globster] F (7)
        • Reach F (Free)
      • Natural Weapons F (14)
    • Abilities Upgraded:
      • Vitality E ---> D (7)
      • Natural Equipment F ---> E (14)
      • Natural Heavy Armor F ---> E (14)
  • Added remaining 28 Pts from "Monstrous Task" narrative Pts (originally went to Jebidiah) = 105 total points gained + spent.
    • Strength E ---> D (7)
    • Precision E ---> D (7)
    • Intelligence E ---> D (7)
    • Speed E ---> D (7)
  • Character Grade = E ---> D
  • [01/27/2025] - Gained 11 Pts from "[Wapelin Woods, Ryke] Shadows of Malice Part 1"
    • Spent 14 Pts:
      • Abilities Bought:
      • Energized F (7)
      • Abilities Upgraded:
      • Intimidation F ---> E (7)
  • [03/01/25] - Gained 14 Pts from "✿·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥♡·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥❀ Feb25 Com Event ❀˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥♡·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥✿"
    • Spent 14 Points
      • Abilities Bought:
      • Undetected F (14)
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Alveira Esne
Rp'er Name: Blendeddinosaur
Post Frequency:
1-2 times a week
Discord Name: blendeddinosaurs#5007
Current RP: N/A
- not getting captured and put back into ororoot empire slave trade
- give back to the nation that i am trying to take asylum in (unless i start in the western empire then i want to escape to a neighboring country)
- break my slavery seal as it gives immense suffering as i have ran away from my master, it also allows me to be tracked
- gain polotical power, this world must change
Equipped Titles: [Human], [Former Slave]
Acquired Titles: [Human], [Former Slave]
Class: N/A
Perks: Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
Common, Bestial
Height: 5 feet 11 inches
Weight: 210 lbs
Backstory: They are mostly a inhabitant from this world but they did receive memories/visions of another world, a world filled with conveniences and freedoms, these memories were originaly of a person but there soul was fragmented at best and have had no conscious thought within Alveira, Alveira just saw random glimpses and snippets of someones ordinary life. As Alveira had lived her entire life as a slave and previously beleived that was simply what was but after seeing another option, she will do whatever it takes to achieve it
Current Life: Alveira was born a slave and would of died one if she hadnt received that dream, apon receiving it she grew more and more aware of what had been taken from her and what she deserves as a human being, so she escaped the house burning behind her
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - F
Speed - E
Character Grade - E
  • born for this: Fighting Style [1 handed light Calvalry Sabre, a style focused on staying mobile, flowing around the blade of the enemey and using your whole body as a weapon] E
  • Blight Lighnting F
  • flexible F
  • Magic E
  • Spell Duration F
  • Aura [eletic aura] F
  • Energized F
  • Motor Drive - Magic E, Aura [electric aura] F, Spell Duration F - by using the electricty from her aura Alveira magnetises pulls and pushes her body enhancing her physical abillities - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Flash Thrust(flux) - Fighting style F, Blight Lightning F, Flexible F, Energized F - Alveira wreathes her blade in storm and as she thrusts forward to the enemey, the Flexible lighting magneticly pushes the blade out their hands. - Grade F - Multiple use per post Post Cooldown
  • 1 handed sabre E
    Napoleonic AN XI Light Cavalry Sabre | Buy Military Swords from our UK  Store | The HEMA Shop
  • 1 handed magic catalyst F
    Hand Armor Finger Claws Goth Halloween Gift Claw Rings kali, Dark Nail Dark  Jewelry, Vampire Jewelry, Halloween Ring, Halloween Costume - Etsy
  • 1 light armor F
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • N/A
Change Log:
  • character created:19/10/24
  • 14 spent on strength
  • 14 spent on intelligence
  • 7 spent on speed
  • 14 spent on fighting style aquired blight lighting and flexible for free
  • 7 (14 reduced to 7 by human perk) spent on magic
  • 7 spent spell duration
  • 7 spent on energized
  • 7 spent on aura
  • 14 spent on sword
  • 7 spent on catalyst
  • 7 spent on light armor
  • 14+14+7+14+7+7+7+7+14+7+7=105
Last edited:
Rp'er Name: irlVector
Post Frequency: 2 to 3 times per week
Discord Name: irlvec
Equipped Titles: Human
Acquired Titles: Human
Class: Artless
Perks: None (for now)
Downtime: N/A
Languages: Terran, Common
Height: 5'10" - 177.8cm
Weight: 165lbs - 74.8kg

  • Aethelred, Red for short, is the body in which an unnamed soul reincarnated into, by the grace of [god]. The soul, before being sent down into reality once more, had asked [god] to completely wipe out all memories for reasons currently unknown. [God] obliged the soul's request, proceeding with the removal and complete reformation of the soul into a blank slate. Only the echoes of [god]'s last words remained, indelibly imprinted into the soul's very being as a beacon of guidance.

    "Your mission, should you accept it, is to save the world from its perpetual stasis. Otherwise, live as you please..."
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Lauren Thelmane
Theme: None
Rp'er Name: Daddy Dream Daddy Dream
Post Frequency:
Discord Name: mamadream
Current RP: N/A
Equipped Titles:
Downtime: N/A
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 245lbs
Acquired Titles:
Backstory: Lauren, as a young girl, was someone who liked to keep to herself and tended to be quite stand off-ish towards others. Its not like she didnt like people, but she preferred them dead then alive. She has always had that mindset, ever since she tried to tell her parents about a boy she was talking to, but all they saw was empty space. She learned that what she was seeing was the dead and quickly stopped talking about it when she started middle school and began getting bullied. However, even though she stopped talking about it, the bulling continued to follow her until she entered high school and found that it was getting difficult to endure. Her strength to hold onto the life she had was waning, and the constant stares of disgust and fear began to chip away at her. Even though the spirits gave her encouraging words and would occasionally cause chaos for her, she eventually decided to retreat into the darkness of the void.

What she didn't expect was that the spirits that she had befriended all her life guided her to a second chance at life by placing her in front of a man with a glowing aura. The man offered her a fresh start in a fresh world that would accept her whole heartily, the only choice she had to make is if she wanted to take this second life or reject it and drift off back to her previous life. Lauren gave deep thought on the matter, asking many questions that she barely remembered before finally deciding to move forward.
Current Life: Lauren was thrown into the world in a small town called Belirosa, a town specializing in the dead and afterlife, as well as flowers. Lauren chuckled inwardly at the irony of being placed in such a place and started her new life based in this town. She was taught many things while in that town, most of which helped improve her abilities.

Item BoughtPoints UsedPoints EarnedTotal
Start105 pts105 pts
Magic Catalyst14 pts91 pts
Intelligence F -> D14 pts77 pts
Vitality F -> E7 pts70 pts
Magic E14 pts56 pts
Raise Undead F21 pts35 pts
Barrier F14 pts21 pts
AoE F7 pts14 pts
Sixth Sense F7 pts7 pts
Spell Duration F7 pts0 pts
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D 14pts
Vitality - E 7pts
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
  • Sixth Sense - 7 pts -- Lies F
  • Raise Undead F - 21 pts
  • Barrier F - 14 pts
  • AoE F - 7 pts
  • Magic E - 14 pts
  • Spell duration F - 7 pts
Soul SearchSixth Sense - Lies F, Magic E, AoE F, Spell Duration FA sort of passive skill for Lauren, she is able to naturally see a persons soul and tell if they are telling the truth. While it is not always accurate unless the lie is outrageous, she has developed a way of seeing the truth eventuallyE1 post cooldown
Spirits CommuneBarrier F, AoE F, Spell Duration F, Magic EGathering the energies of the dead, Lauren is able to form a sturdy shield of protection around herself to prevent any oncoming or sudden attacks from physical weapons.E1 post cooldown
SummoningRaise Undead F, Spell Duration F, AoE F, Magic ELauren is able to summon the dead back into the realm of the living. She can have them stay with her temporarily by summoning their spirit form. Additionally, under the discretion of a narrator, Lauren can have them stay simi-permanent by having them possess a dead body nearby allowing them to physically interact with things around them. At higher levels, Lauren can use smaller souls to deliver messages between the realms. These spirits follow the orders from Lauren as long as its in their capabilities.E1 post cooldown
  • Magical Catalyst (14 pts) - Grandmother's Amulet - E
RoleplayStart - EndRewards
October 23Character Created: 105 points spent, added abilities Soul Search, Summoning, Spirits Commune
November 6Edits Made: Removed Range F and added the 7pts toward Intelligence D, changed Point Book
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Hezekiah Gale
Rp'er Name:
NachoGod NachoGod
Post Frequency: Minimum 2x per week.
Discord Name: Mickey
Current RP: N/A
Goals: To Discover the secrets of Immortality, Gain the power to Deny death to those he so chooses, And Redeem himself from the cowardice and betrayal of his past.
Equipped Titles: [Human] [Mundane Human]
Born for this
Common, Sylvan
Height: 5ft 10in
Acquired titles: [Human], [Mundane human]
Backstory: Native denizen
Current Life: Hezekiah was born as one of many orphans in the nation of Ryke. A mix or proximity and luck saw too it thay he would not grow up on the streets. Instead he would be Found by the Hermetic Order of Althos, A group of Secretive Monks devoted to the arts of healing magic. He would Be raised in their Old Stone monastery, and Taught the ways of healing magic whilst being indoctrinated into the mindset of self sacrifice and altruism. When he grew into his teenage years he would succumb to a call that many people feel in their youth, he would want glory. Thus he began to focus his attention on the arts of Combat Healing where he would learn to magically stitch many wounds, ease pain, and even treat diseases. He would quickly rise towards the top of the classes in the Orders small university.

Eventually his craving for glory would find an opportunity to be satiated. News of A truce being called between the Fae see and eastern empire would circulate along with tales of a terrifying enemy, thus the Order would send a couple of dozen of their Own Healers to bolster the forces stationed there. As a recent graduate of the academy and newly appointed healer with a specialty in Healing injuries frequently associated with warfare Hezekiah would he sent with this group. He was excited to have a chance to make a name for himself and help others…but the young man had no idea the hell he was marching into.

As the Monks Split into smaller groups Hezekiah would be stationed on the northern front on the Fae see side of the conflict. There he would be quickly bogged down spending Days without rest as the number of injured soldiers kept him working practically nonstop. Slowly the enemy lines would creep closer and closer until he could see with the naked eye what was coming for them. The Bugs were unlike anything he had ever seen before, they Melted people before his eyes, tore mighty warriors apart like they were a roasted turkey. Worse they came closer and closer, less and less able bodied fighters to stand in their way. The healers of the order were overwhelmed unable to keep up with the sheer carnage of the battle. Hezekiah learned two things, firstly that he no longer had an appetite for glory, and secondly that he was nowhere near as brave as he thought. When the horde was a mere few hundred yards from the camp, Hezekiah would abandon his post, and flee back to Ryke.

Once there news began to spread of the horrors of the conflict. Hezekiah turned out to be the only survivor of the Orders healers that were sent…every single other one had died in various places across the battlefront. Unfortunately the Monks were fairly well known across ryke and his status among them was Equally well known. So Hezekiah fearing he would be recognized as the lone survivor would flee The Nation of Ryke. Taking a riverboat From Wellston he would ride through the Gloomhold swamp and Disembark the vessel at the shore of the continental lake at the swamps edge where he would settle himself down in Takigahara.

While in Takigahara Hezekiah would become known for three things, Being a rather talented Healer, Being almost constantly drunk, and Making bets he would almost always lose. Overtime this lifestyle would catch up to him and he would become Swamped in Debt. Eventually he would be approached by a wealthy businessman who was once a slave freed by a man named Yukan. This businessman would attempt to pay his debt to his liberator by offering to pay Hezekiah’s debts in exchange for the healer going to join Yukan’s Rebellion and assist in his goals. With little other recourse given his limited resources and mounting financial needs, hezekiah would agree and sign a binding contract.
Acquired Titles:
Points at Start:
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - B (-28)
Vitality - F
Speed - E (-7)
Character Grade - E
  • Magic D (-21)
  • Magic Augmenter: Targets F (-7)
  • Magic Augmenter: Ranged F (0 Born for this)
  • Healing D (-21)
  • Soothing Touch- Hezekiah touches a target with a hand coated in magical energy that recover Minor injuries and Reduce pain. Can also Reduce fever and Symptoms of the common cold. ( Magic F, Healing F,) (Class F) (Cooldown 0)
  • Mending Darts- Hezekiah Fires Several Darts made of magical energy that Can Cure Minor Diseases, Heal Non-Lethal Poisons, Severally reduce pain, Heal mildly severe injuries, And render the Drunk Sober. (Magic Augmenter: Ranged F, Magic augmenter: Targets F, Magic E, Healing E.) (Class- E) (Cooldown 1)
  • Stabilizing Arrow- Hezekiah Can fire a volley of Arrows made of Magical energy. These Can Heal More significant Damage, Cure more complex Diseases, Eliminate Pain from injuries, And Stabilize a target, Can restore sight to the blinded if their eyes are intact, and Hearing to the deaf if their Ears are intact. (Magic Augmenter: Ranged F, Magic Augmentation: Targets F, Healing D, Magic D.) (Class D) (Cooldown 2)
[*]Catalyst (Book) D (-21)

[*] Order of Althos Robes- Normal robes with embroidery and symbols of the Monastery he grew up in.

Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • [Date of Character Creation]
  • Additional points gained from Scoops or stat reductions
  • All stat upgrades
  • All skill purchases
  • All equipment, item, or asset purchases (this includes Natural Weapons)
  • [Date sheet was edited] Link to Grading post at end of RP, Rewards post from Community events, or Marketplace post for trades
  • Points, Assets, and Titles acquired from RP (these will be listed in Grading post)
  • Title Change: Equipped Hero of Garden Temple. Unequipped Ditch Hobo.
  • [Date sheet was edited, if different than previous edit date]Point Expenditure: 7 points for Musician [Violin] F (violin comes with the skill)
  • Upgrade Speed C => B for 7pts.
  • Rinse and Repeat
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Rosette Louvier
rosette luvier.png
Rp'er Name: heartspan
Post Frequency: at the minimum once a week (probably more often honestly)
Discord Name: heartspan3
Current RP:
Rosette's goals are simple and align with her family values. 1. Find a worthy Master or Mistress to serve 2. Make a proper living via her trade 3. Raise another generation to carry on the family line, or failing that; adopt a worthy successor to her skill set.
Human {Mundane}, Maid {Educated}
Human {Mundane}, Maid {Educated}, Fate's Chosen {Rosette Louvier x Yume!}
Born for This
Common, Sylvan
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 115 lbs
Backstory: Born in Ryke to a proud family of mercenary Butlers and Maids. Her youth was spent learning to fight and to properly serve.
Current Life: At the tender age of 19 Rosette currently travels about selling her services as a maid, cook, and mercenary gunman
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 62
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 62
Strength - F
Precision - C
Intelligence - E
Vitality - F
Speed - E
Character Grade - E
  • Ranged fighting style{Marksmanship}{Guns}{-7 point discount: born for this} D
  • Range{technique}{30ft} E
  • Incurable{technique} F
  • Accurate{technique} F
  • Survival F
  • Educated{Maid} F
  • Domestic Arts{Maid} F
  • Etiquette{Maid} F
  • Insight{Maid} F
  • Steady Hands E
  • A Capable Maid - Domestic Arts F, Etiquette F, Insight F - Allows Rosette to perform the typical maid duties of cleaning, cooking, and serving in the most elegant and professional manner in which such things can be done - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Close-Quarters Battle - Marksmanship E, Range E, Insight F, Accurate F, Steady Hands E, Incurable F - Allows Rosette to make super fast, accurate, and deadly shots at close range and while moving without needing to stop to aim - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown (picture some John wick type shit) - 30ft range
  • Entry Team - Marksmanship F, Range F, Insight F, Accurate F, Steady Hands F, Incurable F - Allows Rosette to make super fast, accurate, and deadly shots at very close range and while moving with out needing to stop to aim- Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown (picture some John wick type shit) - 10ft range
  • Springfield M1A rifle - D
  • sturdy Backpack
  • 4 spare magazines
    , and black magazine bag
    mag purse.png
  • leather rifle sling
  • Example Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • spare clothes ( simple casual dress and comfy shoes)
  • spare maid uniform
  • waxed canvas tarp shelter
  • rifle cleaning kit
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • 7 days Rations
  • 2 Waterskin
Change Log:
  • created 10/25/2024
  • Upgraded precision from Grade F to Grade C (21 points)
  • Upgraded intelligence from Grade F to Grade E (7 points)
  • Upgraded speed from Grade F to Grade E (7 points)
  • Purchased M1a rifle Grade D (21 points)
  • purchased skill: Survival F (7 points)
  • purchased skill: Ranged fighting style{Marksmanship}{Guns} (7 points)(point cost covered by born for this: -7 points)
  • upgraded skill: Ranged fighting style{Marksmanship}{Guns} from Grade F to Grade D (14 points)
  • gained 3 techniques ( ranged, incurable, accurate all Grade F) (21 Points) ( point cost covered by fighting style skill: -21 points)
  • upgraded skill: Range{technique}{30ft} (7 points)
  • purchased skill: Steady Hands (7 points)
  • upgraded skill: Steady Hands from Grade F to Grade E (7 points)
  • purchased skill: Educated (7 points)
  • gained 3 secondary skills from educated (Domestic Arts, Etiquette, Insight) (21 points) (point cost covered by Educated skill: -21 points)
  • Equipped title Maid{Educated} 10/27/2024
  • Edited 3/1/2025
  • earned 41 points from Mercenaries Harassing This Village?!
  • earned 7 points from future's letter community event
  • earned 14 points from valentine's community event
  • earned and added title: Fate's Chosen {Rosette Louvier x Yume!} – (+1 Battle Effectiveness when teaming up with fated partner. Two souls entwined by fate, their connection forged in a dream of early spring. Together, their bond grants them strength in battle.) from Rosette Louvier x Yume!
  • added earned points to sheet.
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Nivhar Velxith
Theme: none
Username: Em1lu
Post Frequency:
Varies, but I'm more activate during weekends and evenings
Discord Name: Apolo_1500
Current RP: N/a

Make the Most of His Short Life: Aware of his limited time, Nivhar is determined to live fully, seeking joy, wisdom, and purpose in every experience and discovery.

Have Adventures and Form Meaningful Connections: Nivhar hopes to explore the world, meeting people from all walks of life, learning their stories, and forming friendships that deepen his understanding of the world.

Mastery of Defensive and Mind Magic: He is committed to perfecting his defensive spells and mental manipulation, aiming to protect himself and others through wisdom and skill rather than violence.

Equipped Titles: wererat, beastman
Height: 4’3
Weight: 70
Backstory: Nivhar Velxith, a ratfolk born in the dark tunnels outside the Ryken capital, spent his time with the elders while others trained or dug new tunnels for the growing clan. The elders shared stories of the outside world and gifted him an ancient spellbook filled with defensive magic. As the years passed, Nivhar's curiosity about both the outdoors and magic grew. In an act of bravery and wonder, he ventured into the streets, eager to uncover the mysteries beyond his underground home
Current Life: After leaving the darkness and safety of his underground home, Nivhar sees sunlight for the first time in his life and ready to meet new people and have an adventure, he begins to walk through the forest until he reaches the ryken.
Acquired Titles: none
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - F
Speed - E
  • Magic F
  • Perception F
  • Heightened senses (smell, hearing) E
  • Feature: darkvision
  • Feature: wererat appearance (cosmetic)
  • Persuasion
  • Supersense (mana visión) F
  • Sixth Sense (traps) F
  • Mystic Shield - magic F- create an invisible and very resistant shield, its long (25 meters) and short distance (next to the user) - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Wooden Cane E(magic Catalyst)
  • Old spell book with defensive magic, filled with incantations and wards.
Assets: N/a
Change Log:


General Information
Rp'er Name: Giftvi
Post Frequency: Once every few days
Current RP:
Standing Grade: F

Character Information
Gender Pronouns: They / Them
Height: 169 cm | 5'5" Feet
Weight 59 kg | 130 Lbs

« Backstory »
« Status »
« Skills »
« Abilities »
« Possessions »
« Change Log »
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Votie Stumppah
Rp'er Name: Nachogod
Post Frequency: Once a week, Maybe Twice
Discord Name: Mickey
Current RP: (list rp link here for any current or future rp's the character participates in. In this way it is easier to track down where a character is in IH)
Goals: To find a Master who will give him battles to fight. Then Either die in glorious battle or return to the Stompah tribes and reign as Chief.
Equipped Titles: Stompah Giant, Human, Large.
Acquired Titles: Large, Human, Stompah Giant (Pre-requisites Large Size & Jumping E)
(can be left blank. used for #Harvester and #Tamer skills.)
Languages: Common, Beastial
Height: 12ft 11in
Weight: 1647lbs
Backstory: Native born
Current Life: The great forested hills of the Northeastern border of the republic and the Otenzian empire is home to a large clan of giants known for their love of battle and their incredible jumping prowess. The Stompah clan. Votie was born into the Stompah clan the same as any Member of the giant tribe. From a young age he was taught To know no fear, to fear no pain, and least of all fear the pain of death. Like the rest of his brethren he would grow fast as a child, and once his feet began to thicken he was wrestling and tumbling with the others just as any healthy Stompah did. Once the hair began to grow on his arms his parents would cast him from their home where he would tousle his way into a band of delinquents and for a time they would wander the hills causing trouble. But as with all His kin eventually his 25th winter would pass and he would be captured by his elders and taken to the Seat of Bai’Khan their massive patriarch. There he would be set on his path, sent to achieve the Rites of Maturation. As with all his kin he would be cast out of the Stompah clans lands, told to find a boss to serve, fight the foes of this boss, and Eventually earn his right to come home. As with all his kin, Votie would gleefully accept this challenge, donning his finest boots he would begin to seek out the boss who would allow him to fulfill his sacred duties.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: +14 (stat reductions)
Points Spent: 119
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D (14)
Precision - F
Intelligence - G (+7)
Vitality - D (14)
Speed - G (+7)
Character Grade - F
  • Super Strength E (28)
  • Feature: Large Skill E (14)
  • Fighting Style: “Way of the Meteor” F: (7) (Knockback F- Free): The way of the meteor Is the combat style of the Stompah clan passed down through Generations, if can be summed up fairly easily…Jump high and far, and land on things you want to stop existing. This simple yet effective method of combat can be modified in a variety of ways Which the Stompah clan call Paths. Votie however has yet to master a path and Is simply Utilizing the standard method of fighting with this. Leap into foes and use your size to send them flying.
  • Jumping E (14) (64ft 7in Vertical) (387ft 6in Horizontal)
  • Shadow of Death- A simple but deadly attack in which the User leaps high into the air and comes back down on a designated target with considerable force, Good for repositioning around enemies, or pinning them down.(Jumping E, Fighting Style: Way of the Meteor F,) (E Grade Ability) (Cooldown 1)
  • Leaping Tremor Stomp - Votie is particularly good at combining his Size and Springing leaps into attacks. Leaping horizontally towards a target and extending his leg at the point of impact he is able to deliver punishing kicks across long distances while simultaneously repositioning himself across the battlefield. Upon impact Voties Weight allows him to knock most targets back with ease. (Jumping E, Fighting Style F: Way of the Meteor, Knockback F) (E Grade Ability,) (Cooldown 1)
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Natural Weapons: E (Hands & Feet)(28)

  • Mammoth Hide Garb- Thick Hide clothing worn by his clan.
  • Thick hide boots- A pair of even thicker boots worn by his clan
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • 10/31/2024
  • Additional points gained from Scoops or stat reductions
  • All stat upgrades
  • All skill purchases
  • All equipment, item, or asset purchases (this includes Natural Weapons)
  • [Date sheet was edited] Link to Grading post at end of RP, Rewards post from Community events, or Marketplace post for trades
  • Points, Assets, and Titles acquired from RP (these will be listed in Grading post)
  • Title Change: Equipped Hero of Garden Temple. Unequipped Ditch Hobo.
  • [Date sheet was edited, if different than previous edit date]Point Expenditure: 7 points for Musician [Violin] F (violin comes with the skill)
  • Upgrade Speed C => B for 7pts.
  • Rinse and Repeat
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Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)

Rp'er Name: Elias Wren

Post Frequency: Once A Week.

Discord Name: Crescent King

Current RP:

Equipped Titles: Mundane Human

Acquired Titles: Mundane Human




Languages: Common, Terran.

Height: 5'9

Weight: 163 Ibs

Backstory: Cassian was born into the Ryke Underbelly to a poor wretch of a mother and an unknown father.

Current Life:

While his mother worked in one of the many bars held within the Underbelly Cassian was out running the streets, picking pockets and stealing food to survive another day. One day he picked the wrong mark and was caught by a older man who turned out to be a retired knight from another land.

The knight took pity of Cassian and let him go, but Cassian hung around the old man after that. He was told stories of being a knight, fighting for honor and glory and living a life worth living. Cassian free fond of the man until the day he moved on from the Underbelly, telling Cassian to come find him should he ever leave this place.

Not long after Cassian's mother fell ill and passed away, begging Cassian to leave the Underbelly after she was gone. He left as soon as he collected her ashes and began looking for the knight who had told him stories, hoping to one day become a knight himself.

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 30

Points Spent: 133

Points Not Spent: 2


Strength - C

Precision - D

Intelligence - E

Vitality - E

Speed - C

Character Grade - D


[Born For This] Fighting Style (Back Alley Sword Fighting) - D
Blight - F (Slashing)
Penetrating - F
Deflect - F
Attentive Student - F


Beggars Slash: Fighting Style - F, Penetrating - F, Blight (Slashing) - F. Grade F Post Cooldown 0.

Back Alley Slash: Fighting Style - D, Penetrating - F, Blight (Slashing) - F. Grade D Post Cooldown 2.

Beggars Block: Fighting Style - F, Deflect - F. Grade F Post Cooldown 0.


Basic One Handed Sword - D
Basic Light Leather Armor - D
Unequipped: healer’s gem necklace [D] grade Type of item: Catalyst necklace Special effects: Emergency healing - Magic [D], Healing [D], Magic AoE [E], affinity [Darkness] [E], selective magic [E] - upon casting of ability it surrounds the area within a 50ft radius in darkness and shadows healing selected individuals up to Emergency aid to prolong life of dying, restore senses so long as organs are still present, (note selective only works in lit areas)
Curse: Someone somewhere in the world dies every time it is used.


Old notebook.


Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)


+30 Points from scooping Kite. Character - Characters
Strength F => C -21pts
Precision F => D -14pts
Intelligence F => E -7pts
Vitality F => E -7pts
Speed F => C -21Pts
[Born For This] Fighting Style D -7pts (Born For This.)
Blight F (Slashing) -0pts (Fighting Style Discount.)
Penetrating F -0pts (Fighting Style Discount.)
Deflect F -0pts (Fighting Style Discount.)
Attentive Student F -21pts
Basic One Handed Sword D -14pts
Basic Light Leather Armor D -14pts
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Finnegan Huttman
Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name: Orikanyo

Post Frequency: As much as possible.

Discord Name: Orikanyo #0239

Equipped titles Titles: Human,

Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 179 lbs

Languages: Common, terran

Backstory:What happened… Happened…?

Current Life: It’s all gone now

Gone, reduced to ashes

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 729

Points Spent: 833

Points Still Unspent: 1

Character Grade: A

Strength - A
Precision - A
Intelligence - A
Vitality - A
Speed - A
Appraisal A (Isekai)
Fast C
Jumping C
Superstrength E
Bolster Strength B
Bolster Speed B
Agriculture D (Born for this)
Business E
Leadership D
Seduction B
Persuasion B
Performance Luteist E
Magic E
Spell Duration F
Fighting Style Bare fist B

fighting style: Brute Justice
Accurate B
Vorpal B
Deflect B
Penetrating B
Linked B
Single Serious Punch, Accurate B, Vorpal B, Penetrating B, Bolster Strength B, A singular straight punch, as simple as it is effective. Don't do it to something you care about. Grade B Cooldown: 4 turns
Natural weapons (fists and kicks) B
Natural Armor (Light) His own skin B

Change Log:
Full scoop token used Character - Characters New sheet cause last one was shit and ruined over the years.
Last edited by a moderator:
Hiro Tanaka
Theme: Prontera BGM
Rp'er Name: Corolla
Post Frequency: Once or twice a week
Discord Name: coro0369
Current RP: Active - [Hisuzuki - Kuridan] Puppet On The Run
Goals: Hiro’s current goal is to find a seasoned healer or magic-user willing to take him on as an apprentice, so he can sharpen his healing abilities and learn more about this world’s magic.
Equipped Titles: Human, Isekai
Acquired Titles: Human, Isekai
Class: Artless
Perks: None
Languages: Common, Terran
Height: 5 feet, 9 inches
Weight: 140 pounds
Backstory: Hiro’s life had always been about sacrifice. Though he wasn’t the sharpest, he was as hard-working as they came. Growing up with dreams of becoming a doctor, he’d pushed through every obstacle. But life wasn’t kind. Just as he was beginning to grasp his future, a family crisis struck, and he had to drop out of medical school. His father’s restaurant - a small, struggling place that served comforting, home-cooked meals - needed him. His mother had left years ago, and his father had been holding on by sheer will alone. So Hiro stepped in, letting go of his own dreams to keep the family legacy alive.

Hiro poured everything into the restaurant, working from dawn till well past midnight, peeling vegetables, handling deliveries, and doing every chore imaginable. Yet, despite all his efforts, the business barely stayed afloat. His father, weakened by years of work and strain, passed away soon after Hiro took over. There was no time to grieve, no pause for reflection. Hiro kept the restaurant running, honoring his father’s memory, even if he knew deep down it was eating away at him.

One early morning, Hiro trudged back from the wet market, his hands full of ingredients, his mind full of worries. That’s when he saw a young girl drop her toy in the middle of the street. Without a second thought, he hurried over to pick it up, just like his father would have done. He handed it back to her with a gentle smile, never noticing the truck barreling toward him until it was too late.

In an instant, his life ended. The next thing he knew, Hiro found himself in a dark void. An old man stood before him, speaking kindly, as though they were old friends. They talked for what felt like hours, about sacrifice, about the weight of legacy, and Hiro’s deep wish that he could have done more. Hiro thought it was a delusion - a dream fading into oblivion. But then, without warning, he awoke somewhere else, his body somewhat familiar, his surroundings strange, his heart somehow feeling lighter. He had been given another chance.
Current Life: Hiro awoke in this strange new world with a familiar yet unsettling sense of clarity. Though he looked mostly the same, he wore simple, rustic clothes, like those of a village farmer, roughened by time and wear. Everything around him felt incredibly real, more vivid and solid than any dream he’d ever had. His heart ached with confusion and loss, but something in his gut told him to accept this, at least for now. For the first time in his life, Hiro was aimless. With nothing to tether him, he wandered, hoping to find some guidance, or maybe just a direction to follow. Eventually, he stumbled upon a small caravan of merchants resting by the roadside, loading up goods into creaky wagons. They noticed his tired, unfamiliar face and, perhaps sensing his quiet humility, offered him a place to stay with them for the night.

Grateful and unsure how else to thank them, Hiro pitched in where he could, lifting crates, securing carts, and even cooking for the group when they set up camp. They were kind folk, with stories to share and laughter that filled the quiet nights. For the first time in a long while, he felt almost at peace. As the days passed, Hiro began to notice something peculiar. His hands glowed faintly when he tended to cuts and bruises, and the aches and pains of the merchants would fade away at his touch. Soon after, he discovered he could summon faintly glowing energy from around his body. Bewildered but intrigued, he asked the merchants about it, and they spoke of something called “mana,” explaining how it was the force that fueled magic in their world.

The merchants marveled at his natural talent, calling him a “gifted” mage - a title he felt unworthy of, given how little he knew. But even stranger was the skill he discovered by accident: Appraisal. By touching objects or people, Hiro would receive flashes of information, vague hints, or sometimes detailed insights. But the most baffling skill of all was something called “Attentive Student.” The skill promised that whenever he was around someone more skilled or knowledgeable, his learning would accelerate. And if he managed to participate in an activity with a stronger individual, he would gain even more experience by the end of their time together. This skill resonated with him, stirring a memory of his days in medical school, back when he’d shadowed senior doctors and learned faster just by watching them work.

Days with the merchants passed by easily. Hiro’s new abilities let him contribute in surprising ways - fixing minor injuries, appraising some goods for authenticity, and conjuring magical energies at night before going to bed. As much as he grew to enjoy their simple, comforting company, a voice in his head kept urging him forward. He could feel Attentive Student tugging at him, almost nudging him out of his comfort zone.

Finally, one night as he sat watching the stars, Hiro made up his mind. He thanked the merchants for their kindness, promising to return one day with stories of his own. With their blessings, he set off once again, heart pounding with nervous excitement. For the first time in years, Hiro felt that his life was his own. This world was vast, and he was determined to see it, to seek out those who could teach him more. Somewhere out there, Hiro knew he would find people who would help him uncover the true potential of his new skills.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - F
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
Magic Skills
Componentless Magic E
Magic E

Sense Skills
Appraisal F

Defensive Skills
Healing E

Miscellaneous Skills
Language F
  • Common
  • Terran
Attentive Student F

Secondary Skills
Domestic Arts F
Medicine F
  • Culinary Appraisal - Domestic Arts F, Appraisal F - Hiro can evaluate the freshness, flavor, and overall quality of food, allowing him to judge ingredients and dishes with elevated insight - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Mana Burst - Componentless Magic E, Magic E - Hiro releases a burst of energy at a target within 5 feet, creating a 2.5-foot radius of damage around it. Only things very close to the burst are affected - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Medical Appraisal - Medicine F, Appraisal F - Hiro can assess a person's physical condition more precisely, identifying symptoms and potential ailments with a practiced eye - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Restorative Cuisine - Domestic Arts F, Medicine F, Healing E - Hiro blends his healing and medical knowledge, with his culinary skills, creating healthy nourishing dishes - like a hearty soup, revitalizing drink, or quick snack - that not only heal minor wounds and common ailments, but also rejuvenate and satisfy - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Vital Strike - Medicine F, Healing F - Drawing on his medical knowledge, Hiro delivers a precisely targeted, strike aimed at maximizing pain, risking personal backlash that he mitigates with his minor healing for a powerful, calculated blow - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Equipment: None
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskins
  • Cooking tools and supplies
  • Rags
  • Backpack
Assets: None
Change Log:
11/2/24 - Character Creation
  • Intelligence D - 14 points
  • Appraisal F - 0 points
  • Componentless Magic E - 42 points
  • Magic E - 14 points
  • Healing E - 14 points
  • Attentive Student F - 7 points
  • Domestic Arts F - 7 points
  • Medicine F - 7 points
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Text Colors:

“In this world, strength should be feared and the strong should be worshiped! Strength means freedom! And those with the most freedom are out there sailing the deadly seas! I aim to conquer this world through brute force… and nothing will stand in the way of my freedom!!”​

Kong is a humanoid Monster who invokes the primal fear of wild, savage giant beasts. He is a latent giant of unknown origin, meaning his blood hasn't fully manifested yet. He was considered a runt when he was a child and abandoned, only to be continuously left behind by those who took him in. Yet for all of this his lineage is awakening at an alarming rate. The more fights he finds himself in, the larger and stronger he becomes.

As of now, he is a hulking creature with a thick mane of black hair. His malicious gold eyes constantly scan for more opponents even when there are none left standing. His enemies are many. His allies are few. He respects only the strong, and will drown the world in blood and fire. He lives and exists for war. He is convinced that it is the reason he was made, why God has allowed him to live for so long.
  • Theme: N/A for now
  • Rp'er Name: Mephisto
  • Post Frequency: as much as I can
  • Discord Name: Mephisto
  • Current RP: N/A
  • Goals: ultimate strength and freedom
  • Equipped Titles: Monster, Mundane
  • Class: N/A
  • Perks: N/A
  • Downtime: N/A
  • Height: 7' 10"
  • Weight: 480 lbs
Kong is a natural born creature to the world, having been part of a roaming herd of wild nomadic giants since he was young. He always knew he never belonged, mostly because he was so vastly different from the ones around him. When he reached twelve years of age, he was considered old enough by the giants to fend for himself and abandoned. He stalked the countryside, killing what he could for food and becoming a monster in his own right.

He found no purpose in discovering what his past contained. For all he cared, he was forgotten and unwanted - but he knew that he was strong. This strength gave him the liberty to do whatever he desired in his developmental years. He ravaged and raided, amassing wealth and leaving devastation where he went. Yet riches did not fill the void in his heart. Women could not satisfy him. He realized early into his existence as a despoiler that the systems in place would catch up to him. He was living on borrowed time. He was still a prisoner of something… somewhere.

Kong would test this theory many times. He would walk into government buildings and even prisons, voluntarily being arrested so he could find some kind of answer that gave him closure. But each and every time he would escape, walking out the same way he arrived, leaving untold destruction behind him.

He did this 37 times. Not once did he leave with a satisfying answer.

The weak controlled the strong and he didn't understand why or how. Even in his supposed “freedom” as a bandit, he couldn't live without the underlying fear of starvation or poverty.

That's when he heard of the legends riding the waves. He always felt drawn to the sea, attracted to the unrelenting power of the wild waters. He felt an undeniable strength from the depths, one that he wanted to emulate.

Kong would find his strength and his freedom from all the world's rules. He swore that he would become a rampaging tempest of absolute strength - and that nothing would stand in his way!!

Kong has decided to spend his time gathering strength and members for an eventual pirate crew. He knows that he will have to have a sturdy ship as well, a veritable battleship for the hellish voyage ahead. He seems determined to accomplish this dream, however - the dream of a war so vast and devastating that the strong will never have to be imprisoned or persecuted by the weak ever again!
  • Acquired Titles: Monster, Mundane
  • Points at Start: 105
  • Points Earned: 16
  • Points Spent: 105
  • Points Not Spent: 16
  • Strength B (28)
  • Precision F (0)
  • Intelligence E (7)
  • Vitality D (14)
  • Speed F (0)
  • Character Grade - E

  • Movement
    • Jumping F (7)
  • Mental
    • N/A
  • Martial
    • Fighting Style [Natural Disaster] E (14) - "He is the prisoner that walked willingly through the gates. We keep him down in the belly of the deepest, darkest prison... and still we are afraid. Some say his mere existence is a threat to the world. We have heard that he cannot be contained. He goes where he wishes. His hunger for battle is beyond monstrous. No wall is strong enough. If the rumors are true, there is no escape. It is like trying to outrun a flood or fight an earthquake. We... are dead men."
      • Breaker F (0)
      • Quake F (0)
  • Magic
    • N/A
  • Sense
    • Sixth Sense F (0) - Born for This
  • Defensive
    • N/A
  • Miscellaneous
    • Educated F (7) - Athletics, Intimidation, Warfare
  • Secondary
    • Athletics F (0)
    • Intimidation F (0)
    • Warfare F (0)

  • "Meteor Impale" - Kong uses his warclub in much the same fashion as a fencing blade, slamming the bludgeoning force forward with terrifying efficiency (Fighting Style [Natural Disaster] E, Warclub C, Breaker F, CD 1)
  • "Savage Dominion" - Kong lets loose a massive double-handed blow with his warclub as if he's swinging a baseball bat, the effects of which shatters most anything in its path (Fighting Style [Natural Disaster] E, Warclub C, Breaker F, CD 1)
  • "Thunder Crash" - Kong swings a one-handed attack while using his massive arm as a whip; the resulting strike is so mighty that the air cracks with a vicious bellow of thunder (Fighting Style [Natural Disaster] E, Warclub C, Breaker F, CD 1)
  • "Raging Calamity" - Though this is simply a downward "slash" with his warclub, Kong's strength is such that the resulting shockwave spills out across the ground instead (Fighting Style [Natural Disaster] E, Warclub C, Quake F, CD 1)
  • "Kingdom Ragnarok" - This is a devastating two-handed hammer blow from his warclub, doubling its power and causing ripples throughout heaven and earth (Fighting Style [Natural Disaster] E, Warclub C, Quake F, CD 1)

  • Equipment:
    • Warclub - Grade C Weapon [Club] 28
  • Items:
    • Simple clothes
  • Assets:
    • N/A for now

  • Change Log:
    • N/A for now - 11/4/2024
    • Some moving around of points - 11/5/2024
    • Emergency: Looming Threat, Giant Bandit Kong!! - 16 points for narration, 2/11/2025
    • Scrapped the Mephisto CS for points - 144 total, reduced to 72 points moved to Kong, 2/23/2025 DISREGARD
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Reina "Blackbird" Voss

RP'er Name: Kitty
Post Frequency: Once-twice a week!
Discord Name: Baebluejay
Current RP: N/A
Goals: To understand why she was transported to this world and return to Sector Lambda.

Equipped Titles: Human (Racial Title)
Acquired Titles: Human
Languages: Common
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 140 lbs

Backstory: Reina Voss was born in Sector Lambda, a gritty, crime-ridden district in a cyberpunk megacity. Her parents, former enforcers for a minor faction, were killed in a brutal gang purge, leaving Reina to fend for herself from a young age. She became a Retriever—a specialized mercenary hired to locate high-value items, people, or information. Reina gained a reputation as "Blackbird," a silent, precise operator who could enter and exit the most dangerous areas undetected. On her last mission in Sector Lambda, Reina encountered a strange artifact with powerful energy. As she reached out to take it, the artifact emitted a blinding light, pulling her into a strange new dimension. When she awoke, she found herself in the IH world, with no clues about how she arrived or if she could ever return.

Current Life: In this new world, Reina continues to operate as a mercenary, using her skills in precision and stealth to navigate the complex political and criminal landscapes. While she takes on work from local factions, her true goal is to find information about powerful artifacts and mages who might help her understand the artifact that brought her here and, potentially, a way back to Sector Lambda.

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - F (0 points)
Precision - B (30 points)
Intelligence - C (20 points)
Vitality - D (10 points)
Speed - C (20 points)
Character Grade - F (0 points)

Total for Stats: 80 points

Stealth - B (30 points)
Hacking - E (5 points)
Lockpicking - F (0 points)
Sniping - B (30 points)
Agility - E (5 points)

Total for Skills: 25 points

Silent Shot – Uses Sniping (B) and Stealth (B) to execute a silent, high-precision shot that can critically hit from long range. Grade: B – 1 Post Cooldown

Tech Bypass – Hacking (E) and Intelligence (C) allow her to hack standard security systems within seconds, granting temporary control or disabling them. Grade: C – 2 Post Cooldown

Ghost Step – Agility (E) and Stealth (B) let her move unseen, temporarily cloaking herself from nearby enemies. Grade: C – 2 Post Cooldown

Cerberus Sniper Rifle - B - High-tech sniper with adjustable firing modes for both long-range precision and close-range bursts. Semi-sentient with a neural interface that assists in targeting.

Cybernetic Eye (Left) - C - Provides heat vision, night vision, and HUD for targeting; integrates with Cerberus for enhanced accuracy.

Utility Gloves - D - Reinforced for grip strength, ideal for weapon handling.

Compact Holo-Watch - D - Communication, tracking, and limited hacking capabilities.

Portable Cloaking Device - C - Temporary invisibility with a short cooldown.

Smoke Bombs
Grapple Line

Assets: None currently

Change Log:
Character created on 11/11/24, 105 points.


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Amelia Vancrest


Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)

Rp'er Name: Elias Wren

Post Frequency: Once a week.

Discord Name: Crescent King

Current RP: (list rp link here for any current or future rp's the character participates in. In this way it is easier to track down where a character is in IH)

Goals: Unknown

Equipped Titles: Warbound, Human

Acquired Titles: Warbound, Human

Warbound Requirements:


1. Titles: Warbound, Race Title

2. Feature: Red Skin/fur/scales/ect, Red Eyes.

3. Stats:

Strength: E -7

Vitality: E -7

Intelligence E -7

4. Skills:

Super strength - F -14

Fighting Style - [Warbound Berserker] (Natural Weapons - Martial Arts/Hand to Hand) - F -7

2 Tech Cores

Leadership - F -7

Warfare - F -7

5. Equipment: Natural Armor - F -14

Natural Weapons - F -14

Easily identified by their red features, Warbound are racial variants born during times of war or strife. They are rare and possess a natural inclination to fight or be combative. Warbound often focus on their natural abilities which include fortified skin and an aptitude for hand to hand combat. Born with unnatural strength they are sought after by many for use in war as front line soldiers.



Downtime: (can be left blank. used for #Harvester and #Tamer skills.)

Languages: Common, Terran

Height: 5'8

Weight: 173

Features: Red Skin, Red Eyes, Red Tipped Hair.

Backstory: World Native.

Current Life: Amelia was born in the East Empire and was given up at birth because she was born Warbound, placed in a military orphanage to be trained as a soldier alongside other forgotten children. A new initiative by the government to supplement their military forces during times of war. Amelia was forced to fight against other children almost daily and was indoctrinated to uphold the Empires ideals. As graduation approached a uneasy peace was brokered and the initiative was shut down, failing to produce intended results with the exception of a few individuals. Too old to be adopted by this time she was released into the world with nothing more than the clothes on her back and a name given to her upon graduation. She now sees the battles she was denied and seems to prove her worth for the sake of the Eastern Empire, hoping that another war breaks out soon.

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 0

Points Spent: 105

Points Not Spent: 0


Strength - E -7

Precision - F

Intelligence - E -7

Vitality - E -7

Speed - F

Character Grade - F


Super Strength - F -14
Fighting Style [Warbound Berserker] (Natural Weapons Martial Arts/Hand to Hand) - F -7
Area - F -0
Knockback - F -7
Selective - F -7
Tangle - F -7
Leadership - F -7
Warfare - F -7


Berserker Strike: Fighting Style [Warbound Berserker] (Natural Weapons Martial Arts/Hand to Hand) - F, Super Strength - F, Knockback - F. Grade F, Post Cooldown 0. (Strikes the target with either fists or feet. Knocks target back )

Warbound Slam: Fighting Style [Warbound Berserker] (Natural Weapons Martial Arts/Hand to Hand) - F, Area - F, Knockback - F, Selective - F. (Slams fists or feet into the ground to affect an 5ft area around herself. Knocks back targets.) Grade F, Post Cooldown 0

Titans Heave: Fighting Style [Warbound Berserker] (Natural Weapons Martial Arts/Hand to Hand.) - F, Super Strength - F, Tangle - F Knockback - F. (Grabs a specific target and throws them.) Grade F, Post Cooldown 0.


Natural Weapons - F -14
Natural Heavy Armor - F -14



Change Log:

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Rp'er Name: Hecotoro
Post Frequency:
Few times a week.
Discord Name: Hecotoro#9388
Current RP:
Protect all the living things, specially animals that cannot defend themselves.
Equipped Titles:
Acquired Titles: Apprentice Brawler, Beast, Fates Chosen Moo x Aedri
Height: 1.95m (6'5ft)
Weight: 85k (187lbs)
Backstory: Moo was born in Ryke's forest. She grew up with the animals around the area, using her strength to help them out during bad weather or rescue them from dangerous situations. She was known for being a hot head, but she rarely showed a violent nature. Disputes between the forest creatures would rarely require for her to intervein and when she did, she settled them there and then. However, the peace soon disappeared when humans started to go deeper and deeper into the forest. Usually Moo would keep away from them, until they shot her crush. See, Moo didn't have much love interests, but there was this Moose that was big and strong. She had decided, that would be her mate. Sadly though, some humans shot him down and took his body out of the forest.

Moo chased them down and ran into a human village. She had heard horrible things about it, but it wasn't the time to be afraid. While wondering around trying to locate the body of the moose, she ran into a tavern. There she learned the wonders of beer after trading a piece of jewelry for some. Moo loved it, so much she forgot about her lost love. She returned to the forest, drunk and happy. Death was part of the circle of life anyways! She decided to give humans a second chance. She watches and makes sure they don't kill for fun and hunt if they actually need the food. On her free time, she takes whatever materials she can find (or steal from camps) and trade them for more beer!
Current Life: Living in the forest. Going into town every now and then to do some jobs and get drunk.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 14
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 14
Strength - C
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - D
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
  • Super Strength F
  • Brawler Fighting Style E (Natural Weapon)
    Tech Cores:
  • Moo Smash - Super Strength F, Martial Art E - Headbutts a single target really hard - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Her body (Natural Weapon) D
  • Two golden bracelettes
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Vanitas (Portrait Pending, Sorry)

RP-er's Name:
Post Frequency: Varying from once a week to upwards of several a day (dependent on IRL circumstances)
Discord Name: S.L.O.P
Current RP:

  • Find some semblance of refuge and respite, however fleeting. Survive, and avoid attracting the Inquisition's attention.
  • Understand better the transformation he went through; gain better control over his newfound powers and the gnawing hunger that consumes him from within.
Equipped Titles: Lesser Dhampir, Abomination [Fae/Monster], Fae, Monster, Vampire, Wanted by [the Fae See Inquisition]
Class: Artless
Perks: Cashback
  • Blood Drinker
  • Eideitic Memory
  • Lightning Calculator
Downtime: N/A
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Height: 5 feet (152 cm)
Weight: 90 lbs (41 kg)
Vanitas was an anomaly among the Fae.

Born into a world that revered magic, he had none. Where others danced through life, attuned to the arcane and its rhythms, Vanitas stood still, untouched by the currents that defined his kind. He was not merely seen as different but as broken—a defect in the tapestry of their enchanted world. While the others reveled in their gifts, Vanitas buried himself in books. Knowledge became his sanctuary, and intellect his weapon against a society that dismissed him.

Among the countless tomes he consumed, one obsession took root: the Moon-Ordained Vampires. They were beings of elegance, immortality, and power, unbound by the frailties of bloodlines or destiny. To Vanitas, they were perfection. An idea began to form, drawn from the fragmented rituals and myths scattered across the forbidden texts he devoured. Under the light of a full moon, he sought not just strength, but transcendence—a release from the bindings of his flawed existence.

But the Moon denied him.

In its place, something darker answered. The ritual twisted his body and mind, leaving him something between life and death. He awoke not as a Vampire of myth, but as an Abomination. His senses burned with overwhelming clarity, his body reconfigured with new abilities—but his existence was marked by revulsion, both his own and that of others.

The Fae See Inquisiton reacted swiftly. Their patrols found him in the throes of transformation, the mark of a Monster now etched into him by the system itself. Branded as an outcast, Vanitas was hunted. In a moment of desperation, he lashed out—an instinctive, chaotic display of his new powers. For the first time, he teleported, vanishing into the wilderness beyond the reach of his pursuers.
Current Life:
He has spent the weeks—or has it been months?—since then on the run. His powers are still raw and erratic; the teleportation comes in fits and starts, requiring immense focus, and his super-sense is a maddening flood of information he struggles to filter. He avoids settlements when he can, knowing that the mark of a Monster hangs over him like a noose.

But isolation is a double-edged sword. Without sustenance, his newfound vampiric hunger gnaws at him. Without guidance, his abilities remain underdeveloped and dangerous. And without companionship, his mind is left to spiral into the fragmented remnants of who he was and what he has become.

His travels bring him to the borderlands, places where Fae patrols rarely venture, and whispers of other nations grow louder. The Inquisition's primary forces may not pursue him beyond its borders, but its agents and bounty hunters could appear anywhere. Vanitas knows he must tread carefully, yet he also knows he cannot remain hidden forever.

What happens next remains to be seen.
Acquired Titles: Lesser Dhampir, Abomination [Fae/Monster], Fae, Monster, Vampire, Wanted by [the Fae See Inquisition]
Class: Artless
Points at Start: 112 (105+7)
Points Earned: 28 (Cashback)
Points Spent: 140
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats (Total Cost: 35):
Strength - G
Precision -E (7)
Intelligence - C (21)
Vitality - E (7)
Speed - E (7)
Character Grade - E
Skills (Total Cost: 84) :
  • Appraisal (Isekai) - E
  • Blood Drinker (Feat) - (7)
  • Eideitic Memory (Feat) - (7)
  • Lightning Calculator (Feat) - (7)
  • Resilient [Fatigue] F - (7)
  • Supersense [X-Ray Vision] E - (14)
  • Teleport E - (42)
  • Veilstep (E-Grade) - Teleport E + Supersense (X-Ray Vision) E + Eideitic Memory (Feat) - Vanitas employs his uncanny memory and vampiric prowess to traverse with calculated precision. He instantly teleports to any point within 100 ft (~30 metres), relying on either a direct line of sight or perfect recall from Eidetic Memory). His Supersense F enhances this ability by granting him X-Ray Vision within 100 ft (~30 metres). This vision allows him to perceive objects and spaces as if illuminated by electromagnetic waves, distinguishing densities and structures hidden behind most barriers. However, lead-lined walls or reinforced materials remain impervious to his sight.
Equipment (Total Cost: 14):
  • Natural Weapons F [Claws] - (14)
Change Log:
  • [Date of Character Creation: 8/12/2024]
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Titles: living doll, construct
Name: ophelia lulubell evergreen
Strength: F
Precision: F
Intelligence: D
Vitality: d
Speed: F
Character Grade: F

Visual Arts F7
Domestic Arts F7
Replaceable parts F7
Separable F7
Omniswivel F7
Healing F7
Magic Range F7

Catalyst E14

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