Rp'er Name: CrackCauldron
Post Frequency: Three days on the latter end of the week when I'm alive. So like twice a week on like friday and Tuesday if life permits it.
Discord Name: stoppabobba
Current RP: Western Ryke Near the Fae See - The Silk Road, Part 1
Goals: Live for Freedom and Justice, rob a bank and get around to getting his body back
Equipped Titles: Construct
Class: Artless
Languages: Common, Construct.
Height: 5'6
Weight: 90pounds
Backstory: Once there was a legend in the west. A young boy cruelly orphaned to duel the rich mayor responsible. Given only a rusted revolver with a single real bullet in it, the chamber rusted enough it creaked. Yet when the bell struck twelve, the rich man had a new hole in his already empty brain and the boy had become what he truly was. Not a hopeful academic destined for a long life as his mother prayed for, instead a man that would live and die in the wild west, another wasted life.
Then came another legend, a classic tale of bandits and victims. Solved in a single night of reining gunfire and flashes in the night sky. The bandits threatening visages less intimidating with the revelations of their empty minds to the world, splattered across their desired gold; The young man responsible claiming their bounties shortly thereafter. More than enough money to live on peacefully and retire if the nature of the west hadn't already infected the man's soul. His career of bounty hunting, guarding and hired handiwork not done out of need but love for the wild west he knew. Hand in hand with Pinkertons and the law. Though this still fell apart.
This promising tale of lawful gun disappearing before another tale. That of a local oil baron being confronted on his exploitative measure by a young man with a rusted revolver on his holster. His hired thugs surrounding the young man, intending to give him the same treatment he'd given those that couldn't pay. This too had ended with his brains plastered over his 'tasteful' self portrait and his oil field set ablaze. An horrific visage of ever-lasting flame where a different man emerged.
Then another legend and another after that. all across the west, a new tale of a outlaw and his followers staking his claim upon the land. Banditry aligned with freedom, banks left savaged , train's left derailed and lawmen kept at bay. A trail of destructive proselyting of 'Freedom and Justice. ' following them, living by the words of their messiah in this cruel world- 'Live your greatest freedom now! Live for justice! That is my gift to you and this wretched world! '
Of course though this tale ended as all tales of outlaws and 'cowboys' do. Him and his compatriots at the hangman's gallows. Beaten down as a example of the coming justice across the west. Even still the picture of him at the center of his hung compatriot was a favourite of the desperado enthusiast, his final words embalmed beneath the portrait- 'Don't worry, I'll find a way outta of this, I always d-'
Then came another legend, a classic tale of bandits and victims. Solved in a single night of reining gunfire and flashes in the night sky. The bandits threatening visages less intimidating with the revelations of their empty minds to the world, splattered across their desired gold; The young man responsible claiming their bounties shortly thereafter. More than enough money to live on peacefully and retire if the nature of the west hadn't already infected the man's soul. His career of bounty hunting, guarding and hired handiwork not done out of need but love for the wild west he knew. Hand in hand with Pinkertons and the law. Though this still fell apart.
This promising tale of lawful gun disappearing before another tale. That of a local oil baron being confronted on his exploitative measure by a young man with a rusted revolver on his holster. His hired thugs surrounding the young man, intending to give him the same treatment he'd given those that couldn't pay. This too had ended with his brains plastered over his 'tasteful' self portrait and his oil field set ablaze. An horrific visage of ever-lasting flame where a different man emerged.
Then another legend and another after that. all across the west, a new tale of a outlaw and his followers staking his claim upon the land. Banditry aligned with freedom, banks left savaged , train's left derailed and lawmen kept at bay. A trail of destructive proselyting of 'Freedom and Justice. ' following them, living by the words of their messiah in this cruel world- 'Live your greatest freedom now! Live for justice! That is my gift to you and this wretched world! '
Of course though this tale ended as all tales of outlaws and 'cowboys' do. Him and his compatriots at the hangman's gallows. Beaten down as a example of the coming justice across the west. Even still the picture of him at the center of his hung compatriot was a favourite of the desperado enthusiast, his final words embalmed beneath the portrait- 'Don't worry, I'll find a way outta of this, I always d-'
Current Life:
Cass's first words upon his second chances were anything but the noble promises he was known for, instead being a merger of 'Bas' and 'uck' before he descended into a series of coughs. His throat noticeably not still parched from the days of starvation, his phlegm wispy black, like shadow, like oil.
His skin no longer tanned instead being a deathly pale, his muscles no longer atrophied and his skin noticeably hard like porcelain. Now composed of a mechanical nature that eluded his knowledge, half-finished by the looks of things, with segments still exposed to the elements if he hadn't dressed them with bandages until he looked like the lepers he used to give alms to.
Tugging himself free of the overgrown shrubbery he started to wonder, past the skeletons that surrounded him and through to the open-road.
Cass's first words upon his second chances were anything but the noble promises he was known for, instead being a merger of 'Bas' and 'uck' before he descended into a series of coughs. His throat noticeably not still parched from the days of starvation, his phlegm wispy black, like shadow, like oil.
His skin no longer tanned instead being a deathly pale, his muscles no longer atrophied and his skin noticeably hard like porcelain. Now composed of a mechanical nature that eluded his knowledge, half-finished by the looks of things, with segments still exposed to the elements if he hadn't dressed them with bandages until he looked like the lepers he used to give alms to.
Tugging himself free of the overgrown shrubbery he started to wonder, past the skeletons that surrounded him and through to the open-road.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 40
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 40
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D (14)
Vitality - D (14)
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
- Feature
- [Omniswivel] (7) - let's a joint be Twisted 360 degrees without injury
- Resilient E [Ageing/Fatigue] - (14)
- Elasticity F (14)
- Magic E (14)
- Catalyst- item[Six-shooter]
- Magic Range F (7 points) - 30ft
- Magic Targets F (7 points) - up to 5 targets simultaneously
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
- Split-shot E [1 post cool-down] - Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Magic E - A instinctual quick-draw and release of five shots into five targets. Guided like clockwork.
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
- [CATALYST] Six Shooter E (14) - a Catalyst that looks like a simple revolver for a simpler time though the rust on it makes it clear without magic at work, it wouldn't fire.
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
- Reworked towards being a construct
- Magic Targets F (7 points) - up to 5 targets simultaneously
- Split-shot-Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Irritant-
- Spit-Shot - Magic Range F, Irritant (A) E , Magic E - Spitting into an emptied chamber and spinning it in place. The next shot from his revolver splattering the viscous substance over them. The sensation like oil. - E - 1 post cool-down
- Cold eyes[feature]
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