• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Character Characters

Helena Rugerd
Helena pic.jpg

Theme: N/A
Rp'er Name: Gwen_Temi
Post Frequency:
Once every three days.
Discord Name: Uma Sayalami#7724
Current RP:
Goals: 1). Master Summoning/Conjuration magic to the point where she can summon specific people, even through dimensions and and past death. 2). Apologize to her family for being a spoiled, ungrateful brat in her past life. 3). Discover what happened to Isabella, and apologize to her for for taking everything away from her.
Equipped Titles: Mundane Human.
Height: 5'5”
Weight: 98lbs
Backstory: Helena was your typical 20-year old college student. Heavily invested in a pointless major. Sober roughly a quarter of the time. Passing, but just barely. Two loving parents who supported her all the way and would continue to do so even after graduation.

Sadly, that life came to an end a few days before thanksgiving. Her folks had come to pick her up, were a little too exhausted on the return trip, and didn’t notice the fourteen-wheeler about to sideline them. Everything went dark in an instant. And the next thing she knew? She was waking up in someone else’s body with someone else’s face. And someone else’s name.

Some stranger by the name of Isabella.
Current Life: It took a few years, tons of awkward conversations and the world’s most confusing case of faux amnesia for Helena to learn the history of the body she now inhabited. The people who saw her as a daughter were wonderful, but she would never be able to love them as their actual daughter.

Not until she found closure with a life cut short.

Perhaps it was a blessing meant for Isabella, but Helena had a talent for magic in this world. And her new family was willing to support her in her efforts to nurture that talent. They believed that, one day, she would become a great, powerful magician who’d live a life much easier than theirs had been. And maybe that is how her story would end. But what really intrigued her was the art of summoning.

A practice that allows a skilled mage to to reach across dimensions and bring people to your side. There were only a handful of people. Her parents and her siblings. She needed to speak with them one last time and let them know how much she loved them and how much she regretted never telling them when she had the chance. And Isabella?

She wanted to meet this person. To have a face-to-face chat with her and learn who she really was. To try to learn what had happened to her-to both of them- and why. And to apologize for taking a role that was never hers to begin with. This would be her solemn vow. Her primary objective.

Only then, only after finding closure, could she accept this life as truly her own.

Acquired Titles: Mundane Human. Isekaier. Born or This.
Character Grade: E
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 41
Points Spent: 140
Points Not Spent: 6
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - D
Speed - E
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Magic E
  • Magic Duration F (Free with Born for This)
  • Summon Creature F
  • Appraisal E (Free)
  • Fast F
  • Lucky F
  • Summon Creature Proper- Magic E, Magic Duration F, Summoning (1) F, Appraisal (1) E- Helena invokes the Book of Creation to summon an F grade creature within 30 feet of her current location and have it reemerge as her ally within 5 feet of her current location. She immediately receives information about its abilities and nature. If there is no suitable creature on the same plane, or she chooses not to summon a creature on the same plane, then she will summon something from another plane of existence. She has no control over what she summons, only what it does after being summoned.- 2 Actions, Range 5ft, Summon Range 30ft, Duration 1 hour- Grade E- 1 Post Cooldown.
  • Summon Creature- Magic E, Magic Duration F, Summoning (1) F- Helena invokes the Book of Creation to summon an F grade creature within 30 feet of her current location and have it reemerge as her ally within 5 feet of her current location. If there is no suitable creature on the same plane, or she chooses not to summon a creature on the same plane, then she will summon something from another plane of existence. She has no control over what she summons, only what it does after being summoned. Unlike a proper summoning, Helena forgoes the acquisition of information about the creature summoned.- Range 5ft, Summon Range 30ft, Duration 1 hour.- Grade E- 1 Post Cooldown.
  • Clutch Summon- Magic E, Magic Duration F, Summoning F (1), Lucky F (1)- Sometimes, either by luck or prayer, Helena manages to summon a creature that is either perfect for a job or well-suited to it. Although it doesn’t happen very often, when Helena performs a “Clutch Summon”, the creature that she summons is far more likely to possess the desired skills needed to help her properly navigate or overcome whatever the current challenge ahead of her is. Can only be used twice at Lucky F.- Grade E- Two charges, Range 5ft, Summon Range 30ft, Duration 1 hour.
  • Magic Pulse- Magic F- Helena unleashes a wave of raw magic upon a target to deal damage and defend from damage- Range 5ft, Duration 1 turn.- Grade F- 0 post cooldown.
  • The Book of Creation [Catalyst E]- A novel written by a famous conjurer and plainswalker who painstakingly detailed his many adventures through the cosmos and the many creatures that he encountered along the way. There is nothing inherently special about the novel outside of its literary contents. Rather, Helena's fascination with the work and constant referencing to its text have allowed her to utilize it in much the same way that a mage would a proper catalyst.
  • Warding Bangle [Heavy Armor F]- An enchanted bracelet that produces a protective field around Helena at her command.
  • N/A
  • None
Change Log:
  • 8/17/2024- 41 points gained from scooping Ordella Caerwyn.
  • 8/17/2024- Starting Stats: Int F to D (14), Vit F to D (14), Spd F to E (7). 35 points spend on stats out the gate, Character begins at E grade.
  • 8/17/2024- Starting Skills: Summoning F (56), Magic E (14), Magic Duration F (Free with Born for this), Appraisal E (Free) Lucky F (7), Fast F (7)
  • 8/17/2024- Starting Skills: The Book of Creation [Magic Catalyst E] (14), Warding Bangle [Heavy Armor] F (7)
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Lamdon Eleitmont

Rp'er Name: orikanyo
Post Frequency:
whenever dude
Discord Name: Its me orikanyo
Current RP:

Prove the nature of darkness as a element is simply that of a part of nature.
Get some proper sleep.
Teach the imps to dance.
Equipped Titles: Human, Caster, Mundane
Class: Caster
Perks: Magic Circle(Caster), Ritual Circle
when a caster doesn't use the move action in a round they cast spells, recites spell incantation, uses a catalyst in hand, and performs gestures to cast a spell in combat, a full magic circle may appear under them or otherwise near them that enhances the spell's effectiveness by 1. In rounds where their Magic Circle is active, the Caster does not benefit from wearing armor.

Ritual Circle - when a summoner applies a magic circle to one of their summons, the individual summon skill is treated as being one grade higher than was paid for instead of the normal +1 bonus to effectiveness.
5' 5"
Weight: "R-rude to ask."
Backstory: Native
Current Life: A young man with great magical potential, a scion of arcane power that is ready to take the world by storm... Well... Kinda. You see, their base potential is great, largely because of the background work their parents did to make their child a scion of some great and terrible world shattering plan. Invoking demons, engaging in blood sacrifices and pre-ordaining contracts with their very souls to enslave creatures of the void and black dark realms to their future child's name.

however, upon being born, and said rituals done... They were found out and raided. the destruction of the rather large cult may have somewhat succeeded, but most of which was destroyed in attempt to finish, including Lamdon's parents. These facts were not hidden from Lamdon, for int he moment, dressed in the blood of cultist and ritualist alike, theur adoptive stepmother took him in her hands and gave them a new life~! Now, whats done was done, and many contemplated on the fact that maybe keeping a individual so endowed with darkness might be a bad idea, but hey, if the child became an issue, they'd deal with it later right?

And, too many's suprise, they didn't end up getting massive horns or demonic interference.

What they got was a sunny smile and cheerful disposition, and a appearance that makes one want to hug them.

Now learning how to properly control magics safely, they see to their innate talents with care and cheerfulness not ever really imagined to be had by one who commands a team of dark elemental creatures and modest void magics.
Acquired Titles: Human, Caster, Summoner
Points at Start: 105(+155 from scoop)
Points Earned: 155 (155 from scoop)
Points Spent:259
Points Not Spent: 1
Stats: (Spent: 42 pts)
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence -B
Vitality - F
Speed - D
Character Grade - E
Skills: (189 pts)
  1. Arcana E (14)
  2. History E (7) (needs to be E for Summoner ori don't forget) (mundane bonus rank)
  3. Insight E (14)
  4. Magic C (28)
    • Darkness Affinity E (14)
    • Fire Affinity F (7)
    • Deflect Affinity F (7)
    • Range F (7) 30 ft
    • Aoe F (7) 15 ft
    • Targets F (7) 5 targets
    • Spell duration F (7) 1 hour of time
    • Minions F (14)
      Small dark elementals that are more or less called "imps" for the sake of clarification and classification of their lesser dark elemental nature. Characterized by being little guys and generally silly.
      Abilities and stats as follows
      points max: 56
      Strength: F
      Precision: F
      Intelligence: D (14)
      Vitality: F
      Speed: F

      Magic E (14)
      Darkness Affinity F (7)
      Magic Range F (7)

      Small Lesser Dark Crystal Catalyst E (14)

      Minor Fulmination; Magic E, Darkness Affinity F, Magic Range F 30 ft range, a small eruption of darkness magic that inflicts damage upon a singular target within 20 ft E Grade

    • Summon Creature F (56) 30 ft

  • Dark Spell: Fulminating motes; Magic C, Darkness Affinity D, Range F, Targets F, small dark projectiles strike distant targets! up to 5 targets, 30 ft range, C grade
  • Dark Spell: Blackflare Rebuke; Magic C, Darkness Affinity D, Fire Affinity F, Deflect Affinity, Range F, Targets F, a remote defensive spell that covers multiple targets in range with a defensive blast of black flames against incoming threats. (This is not a barrier its a defensive blast) up to 5 targets, 30 ft range, C grade
  • Dark Summoning Spell: Beckon the dark horde. Magic C, Darkness Affinity D, Minions F, Targets F, Range F. Summons the servants of Darkness that equally serve Lamdom who is not affiliated with the hordes of demons! Their lil guys do their best and come out of a weird lil portal thing.
Equipment: (28 pts)
  • Catalyst C (28)
[*] Is poor
  • Poor, yea know.
Change Log:
  • Scooped Ko: 155 points from scoopy doopy doo (07/08/2024) Character - Characters
  • Mundane bonus: history F
  • Stats buying shit: Intelligence B Speed E 42 points
  • Skills: Arcane E 14 points, History F(mundane bonus)->E 7 points, Magic C 28 points, Darkness Affinity: D 21 points, Fire Affinity F 7 points, Deflect Affinity F 7 points, Range F 7 points, Aoe F 7 points, Range F 7 points, targets F 7 points, Spell duration f 7 points, Minions F 14 points (Their cost in the the damn spoiler look there), Summon Creature F 56 points, Catalyst C 28 points
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Fenrir Hellsing
Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name: Maxxob
Post Frequency:
As I'm able
Discord Name: (if you use discord and prefer it as a way of communication. otherwise put N/A. ex: Name#1234)
Current RP: (list rp link here for any current or future rp's the character participates in. In this way it is easier to track down where a character is in IH)
Goals: Find a proper master to serve.
Equipped Titles: [Beast], [Born For This], [Butler], [Native]
Class: -
Perks: -
Downtime: -
7ft / 213cm
Weight: 374lbs / 170Kg
Backstory: Born in The Republic, Fenrir was raised a warrior true and through. It wasn't long until he had moved into The Kingdom and joined their fighting forces against the monsters that plague the nation. Eventually, however, the group he was a member off suffered a devastating defeat against a powerful foe. The extents of the injuries which Fenrir suffered were enough for him to lose most of his memory. Wounded, the wolf was able to move into the West Empire, where he ended up being enslaved by a local noble. His training into a butler went surprisingly well and without many hiccups, however such a long time without wielding his blade, with the addition of his amnesia, severely damaged his fighting abilities. Only glimpses of how to wield a sword remaining.
Current Life: Nobility is not always translated to wealth, and his master's poor investments/decisions ended up bankrupting him. Now, Fenrir is being liquidated along with every other asset and slave his master possesses.
Acquired Titles: [Beast], [Butler], [Born For This], [Native]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 0 (all 105 points must be spent at the end of character creation)
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D (14)
Precision - F
Intelligence - C (21)
Vitality - F
Speed - D (14)
Character Grade - E
  • Educated F [Butler] (7)
    • Domestic Arts F
    • Etiquette F
    • Insight F
  • Fast F (7)
  • Heightened Sense [Hearing/Smell] E (Grade F - Born For This) (7)
  • Energized F (7)
  • Attentive Student E (14)
  • Languages (0)
    • Common
    • Bestial
  • At Your Service - Domestic Arts F, Etiquette F, Insight F, Energized F - With his knowledge as a servant, Fenrir easily gauges any unspoken expectation his master might have and promptly serve them - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown.
  • Blitz Fang - Fast F, Energized F - Using his bestial wolf capabilities, Fenrir is able to cross 40ft of distance in a single action - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown.
  • Ornate Arming Sword E (14)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • None
Change Log:
  • What was bought during the character creation:
    • Strength D (14)
    • Intelligence C (21)
    • Speed D (14)
    • Educated F [Butler] (7)
      • Domestic Arts F
      • Etiquette F
      • Insight F
    • Fast F (7)
    • Heightened Sense [Hearing] F (7)
    • Heightened Sense [Smell] F (Grade F - Born For This)
    • Energized F (7)
    • Attentive Student E (14)
    • Languages (0)
      • Common
      • Bestial
    • Ornate Arming Sword F (7)
  • 08/20/2024 -> Noticed that Heightened Sense should be a single skill of rank E, rather than two. Fixed it.
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Asahi Fujikawa

Rp'er Name: heartspan
Post Frequency: at the minimum once a week (probably more often honestly)
Discord Name: heartspan3
Current RP:
to survive
Equipped Titles: Human {variant: intermediate}, isekai, wanted by: Alethea's cakes and candies {cash back}
Weight: 140 lbs.
Backstory: Asahi prior to transmigration was simply living the life of any 18 year old Japanese guy getting close to graduation. working, going to kendo class, prepping for university entrance exams, then one day on the way home from school BAM he got summoned.
Current Life: Currently he travels and pays his way via odd jobs or judicious use of his skills
Acquired Titles: Human {variant: intermediate}, isekai, wanted by: Alethea's cakes and candies {cash back}
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 28 {cash back}
Points Spent: 133
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E
Precision - F
Intelligence - C
Vitality - E
Speed - F
Character Grade - E
  • Kenjutsu {fighting style}{swords} F
  • Magic E
  • Magic Range F {30ft}
  • Componentless Magic E
  • Appraisal {isekai} E
  • Healing F {5ft}
  • Seduction F
  • Survival F
  • Domestic Arts F
  • Blight {technique} F
  • Basic Attack Magic - Magic E + Magic Range f {30ft}+ Componentless Magic E - Allows Asahi to fire an 8 inch diameter beam of mana at a single target {white in color} - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Basic Healing Magic - Magic E + Healing F + Componentless Magic E - Allows Asahi to cast a simple healing spell either on himself or someone with in 5ft - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Basic Sword Arts - Magic E + Kenjutsu F + Componentless Magic E + blight F - Allows Asahi to charge a sword with mana to do extra damage - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Husbando - Domestic Arts F + Seduction F - Allows Asahi to appear as proper husband material increasing the likelihood of a positive response from the target- Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Backup Clothes
  • Sturdy school Backpack
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Notebook
  • waterskin
  • 2 pencils
  • Pencil Sharpener
Change Log:
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Model V Unit CXI

Rp'er Name: Rev
Post Frequency: From twice a day to once a week
Discord Name: ---
Current RP: ---
- Fix his voice module
- Recover his combat module
- Find a new main directive to follow (secretly hoping it is similar to his previous one)
- Find a place to fit in this new world
Class: ---
Perks: ---
Downtime: ---
Height: 201 cm/6'7"
Weight: 193 kg/425 lbs
Data not found.
Talbot's Rook Model V series, much like other models were made to be functional in various forms. That said, the V model were designed mainly for combat. Unit CXI was no different from the norm. He was built to guard a Talbot settlement, along with other two units. He dutifully protected the people of the settlement for years, maybe even decades. At some point, the settlement was turned into a brutal battlefield that was leveled almost in its entirety. CXI fought valiantly, but was defeated. In his final skirmish, his voice module was damaged and was attacked in a way that forced him into stasis. He was left for dead and time slowly hid it from plain sight, where he has remained inactive. The Talbot are long gone, but V-CXI remains. Forgotten and damaged, but not dead.
Equipped Titles: [Construct], [Rook]
- [Construct] - Faithful tool made for a purpose. You are now free to live a life regardless if you are truly alive at all. Life and death and what it means to live are entirely different questions for constructs. You rarely form societies of your own, finding more satisfaction in living with the other races.
- [Rook] - Rooks commonly resemble suits of armor on the outside. Internally, they have metal plating layered over a part mechanical, part magical "nervous system". Rooks were created and modified to accomplish various tasks, but their main function was to serve as guardians and war machines for the ancient civilization of the Talbot.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - E
Vitality - D
Speed - F
Character Grade - E
  • Superstrength F - Creatures with this skill for one reason or another gained the ability to exert much greater strength/force than others. This skill only applies to a creature's ability to lift, carry, and push targets. The max amount increases per grade. Current effect: 200 lbs
  • Resilient E - Character's body is adapted to survive in a hostile environment or condition. May choose a new environment or condition each time skill is upgraded. Current effect: Fatigue/Exhaustion (caused by hunger, thirst, lack of sleep), Suffocation.
  • Feature: Thaumaturgic Neural Network (Mind Shield F) - Brain made with magic and mechanic components. Character has steeled their mind. This skill may be used to create defensive abilities against mental tampering abilities like Mind Control.
  • Feature: Absent senses - Lacks sensors able to perceive smell and taste.
  • Feature: Visual Interface. Able to emit pulses of light, usable as non-verbal communication (Cosmetic)
  • Educated [Vanguard Rook] F- Character has lived a life where they have first hand experience of using specific skills and knowledge on a regular basis. Pick 3 skills from the secondary skills list that are not artisan when taking this skill. Add those skills to your sheet and group them with some job or background title to show what life experience nurtured those skills for the character. Whenever this skill is upgraded, all 3 chosen skills will automatically upgrade to match. Skills that are a part of this skill may still be individually upgraded beyond the grade of Educated, but they will then no longer benefit from this skill being updated until its grade surpasses theirs.
    - Athletics - The character has the ability to perform feats of strength with minimal chance for injury. Includes lifting or pushing heavy objects, stopping objects in motion, and supporting large weights.
    - Insight - The ability to determine the true intentions of a creature from body language, speech habits, and changes in mannerisms. This includes a talent for searching out a lie or predicting someone’s next move. Animal Handling may be a more appropriate skill for discerning this type of information from beasts and animals.
    - Perception - The talent for spotting, hearing, or otherwise detecting the presence of something. It measures your general awareness of your surroundings and the keenness of your senses. While enhanced senses may assist in aspects of this, this skill covers the ability of the character to make sense of what they are picking up on in the environment. The difference between hearing a branch snap and a leaf rustle and knowing a humanoid is likely hiding behind that tree.
  • Language - Common (Voice Module Damaged)
  • Language - Talbotean (Voice Module Damaged)
  • Situation Assessment - Insight F, Perception F - User scans their immediate surroundings, in an attempt to gather more information from a certain object, being, or environment - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Protocol: SML1 - Athletics F, Superstrength F - User focuses their efforts into strength-demanding manual labor without straining themselves - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Natural Weapon Body F
  • Heavy Metal Plate Natural Armor F
Change Log:
  • 08/09/24 - Character submitted
  • 08/24/24 - Initial point distribution added
    - Strength D (14)
    - Intelligence E (7)
    - Vitality D (14)
    - Superstrength F (14)
    - Resilient E (14)
    - Feature: Thaumaturgic Neural Network (Mind Shield F) (7)
    - Educated F (7)
    - Natural Weapon F (14)
    - Natural Armor E (14)
  • 10/10/24 - Partial scooping of [Natural Armor](Downgraded E>F) to adjust with updated point cost
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  • Theme:

    RP'er Name: Lelluxis Lelluxis
    Post Frequency: Once or twice a week.

    Discord Name: @(isa)bel#6183

    Current RP: None yet, open to any.

    Goals: - Become an elite in her race, a Lunae Electi.
    - Master the art of Precision and Intelligence.
    - Awe those who underestimate her.
    - Conquer any monster through her wits and improve the world she is now in.

    Equipped Titles: Human, Moon-Blessed Vampire, Born For This

    Class: Artless.

    Perk: None yet because Artless.

    Downtime: Not Applicable.

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Mephisto is a tall man, a fae creature between human and elf. He has no pointed ears but his skin is unnaturally pallid and cold, almost like calm water. He has a mouth full of sharp, carnivorous fangs and dark eyes with black sclera and gold pupils. He wears round black glasses that reflect nothing of the real world. Some say you can see through his lies by staring into them.

His hair is primarily gold with black streaks, two of which end in cowlicks that resemble a pair of horns.

He is more calm and aloof in this form, but once he gets into a musical mood he sweeps his hair back and wears a permanent grin. The gold in his eyes and hair turns blood red and he begins to dance and sing uncontrollably, spreading the miasma of shadowy influence as he does so.

Theme: “King of Swing” by Big Bad Voodoo Daddy

Rp'er Name: Mephisto

Post Frequency: as much as I can

Discord Name: Mephisto

Current RP: When Stories Abound, Legends Will Get You

Goals: to turn the world upside-down through the power of music and unleash the horrors of Red Haven

Equipped Titles: Fae, Mundane

Class: N/A

Perks: N/A

Downtime: N/A

Height: 6’ 6”

Weight: 185 lbs

Backstory: Mephisto was once a quiet soul, begging for release. He played music every day on every street corner of his beloved hometown. Beaten, abused, neglected, and eventually killed, he was forgotten by society until evidence of his horrific crimes slandered his name. He finally got recognition, but too little too late.

Current Life: Mephisto was reincarnated as a cruel mirror to his previous life. He has become a loner and a drifter, yet people listen to his songs and he never hungers for an audience. He travels the world, but his dark purpose is secret to all but those who have earned his trust. By that point, who are they to refuse an offer from a fae devil such as Mephisto?

Acquired Titles: Fae, Mundane, Conman

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 0

Points Spent: 105

Points Not Spent: 0


Strength F (0)

Precision D (14)

Intelligence D (14)

Vitality E (7)

Speed F (0)

Character Grade - E


  • N/A
  • Illusion F (21)
  • Magic E (14)
  • Magic Area of Effect F (7)
  • Spell Duration F (7)
  • Educated [Conman] F (7)
  • Deception F (0) - Educated
  • Gaming F (0) - Educated
  • Performance [Dancing] F (7)
  • Performance [Singing] F (0) - Born for This
  • Sleight of Hand F (0) - Educated

  • "It's Showtime!!" - Illusion F, Magic E, Performance [Dancing] F, Performance [Singing] F - This is the main ability of Mephisto and the means by which he has been able to both retain his image as a trickster and expand on his growing culture of musical devilry. Using his Illusion magic, he is able to create a functioning stage along with spotlights and a crowd of faceless patrons. These applaud for musical cues, dance numbers, and particularly impressive feats of acrobatic skill. - Grade E - 2 Post CD
  • "One Hell of a Show!" - Illusion F, Magic E, Performance [Dancing] F, Performance [Singing] F - When Mephisto is particularly interested in a fellow performer, he will cast this illusion and bring them down to the depths of a bizarre and hellish realm. Although it is more experience than reality, the smell of ash and brimstone is pungent and the heat clashing with the blistering cold is sure to light a fire under some heels! The tempo rises, the song becomes catchier, and Mephisto might just extend his hand for a particularly lucrative deal. - Grade E - 2 Post CD
  • "We Have a Deal to Make" - Deception F, Gaming F, Illusion F, Magic E, Sleight of Hand F - By playing a game of the victim's choice, Mephisto can cheat his way into winning. The bet is usually made for favors right now, merely tokens of good will between two gamblers - or perhaps an expert liar and his unfortunate new "friend". - Grade E - 2 Post CD

  • His unnamed cane, Grade F (7) [Catalyst]
  • An assortment of pinstripe suits [clothing]
  • Round, black glasses [clothing]
  • N/A

Change Log:
  • N/A for now - 8/12/2024
  • Major changes to Skills, added Minions tab, general formatting upgrades - 8/14/2024
  • Minor changes to Skills, still tinkering with Minions tab, numbers are fun - 8/15/2024
  • Major changes to Skills, Nomad no more, no more Minions tab, mathematical!! 8/18/24
  • Major changes to Skills, more math 8/19/24
  • Massive changes to practically everything 8/22/24
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Theme: None
Rp'er Name: Edge
Post Frequency: 2-4 times in a week
Discord Name: Edge
Current RP: Goals: None
Equipped Titles: Mundane Human, Student of Starlight Might E, Attentive Student F
Class: None
  • Born For This - Get a 7-point discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
Downtime: None
Height: 4'8"
Weight: 80 lbs
Backstory: Eddie Hubble was a young teenager with a kind heart and gentle nature, though he was known for his simple-mindedness. He often acted impulsively, spoke his mind without thinking, and had a knack for getting into roughhousing. One fateful day, Eddie saw a young girl trip while crossing the street, with a speeding truck heading straight for her. Without a second thought, Eddie dashed to her rescue, managing to push her out of harm’s way. Unfortunately, the truck couldn’t stop in time, and Eddie ended up in the hospital, losing his left arm. Despite the loss, he had no regrets. As the months passed, Eddie recovered and life continued. Determined to overcome his new limitations, he persuaded his parents to enroll him in self-defense and martial arts classes. Though his enthusiasm was boundless, his one-armed condition remained a significant challenge. One evening, feeling frustrated by his circumstances, Eddie lay on the lawn, gazing at the night sky. He laughed at himself and accepted that it was just another day. As he got up, he spotted a shooting star and made a wish. The next thing he knew, instead of heading into his house, he found himself in a completely different world.
Current Life: In the new world Eddie now called home, he was pleasantly surprised by how accepting everyone was. No one seemed to mind that he was a one-armed kid. Compared to the extraordinary beings around him, Eddie didn’t stand out much. He quickly adapted, learning to fend for himself and avoid starvation. Willing to work hard, he always found menial jobs to get by. Just when he thought he couldn’t manage, Eddie discovered a new way to make money: becoming an adventurer. The idea was simple - complete missions, earn profit, and maybe even become a hero. It was perfect for him. As Eddie embarked on his new path, he realized that his wish upon the shooting star had granted him a growing power within. This newfound strength gave him hope and determination, making him believe that he could truly make a difference in this strange new world.
Acquired Titles:
  • Mundane Human
  • Student of Starlight Might E - Enables RPs for student characters without need for an enrollment RP.
  • Attentive Student F
Points at Start: 105 + 21
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D
Precision - G
Intelligence - G
Vitality - G
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
  • Attentive Student - Grade F
  • Feature: Brand of Starlight Might [Cosmetic]
    • A star-shaped mark on his forehead. It only appears when he fights, glowing with a faint, magical light.
  • Fighting Style [Natural Weapons][Starlight Might] - Grade E - Born for This Perk]
    • Aura [Force]- E
    • Blight [Fire] - E
    • Knockback - E
    • Non-Lethal - E
    • Penetrating - E
  • Martial Ethos [Natural Weapons][Starlight Might] - Grade E
    • Initiative [Attack] - Character's martial ethos gives them an edge when facing certain types of defenses to their abilities. Character attacks (not defenses) reduce defense ability contribution to a defense action by 1 per grade of Martial ethos when contested by its chosen initiative type.
  • Meteor Mash - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
    Components: Fighting Style [Natural Weapons][Starlight Might] E, Martial Ethos [Natural Weapons][Starlight Might], Penetrating E, Blight [Fire] E, Aura [Force] E, Non-Lethal E, Knockback E
    Description: Eddie channels his energy into his fist, wrapping it in an aura of mystical force and fire before throwing a powerful punch, that hopefully sends his foes flying.
  • Natural Weapons - Grade E
    Gifted with the powers of Starlight Might, Eddie's entire body has turned into a weapon and a conduit for his magical energies.
  • None
  • None
Character Creation (14/8/2024)
  • Spent 14 point on upgrading Strength F to Strength D
  • Earned 7 points by downgrading Precision F to Precision G
  • Earned 7 points by downgrading Intelligence F to Intelligence G
  • Earned 7 points by downgrading Vitality F to Vitality G
  • Spent 7 points to purchase Attentive Student F
  • Spent 0 points to purchase Feature: Brand of Starlight Might [Cosmetic]
  • Spent 7 points (7-point discount from Born for This Perk applied) to purchase Fighting Style [Natural Weapons][Starlight Might] E
  • Spent 7 points (7-point discount from Fighting Style applied) to purchase Penetrating E
  • Spent 7 points (7-point discount from Fighting Style applied) to purchase Blight [Fire] E
  • Spent 14 points to purchase Aura [Force] E
  • Spent 14 points to purchase Non-Lethal E
  • Spent 14 points to purchase Knockback E
  • Spent 14 points to purchase Martial Ethos [Natural Weapons][Starlight Might] E
    • Gained Asset/Title [Student of Starlight Might E]
    • Gained feature Initiative [Attack]
  • Spent 28 points to purchase Natural Weapons E
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Alister Marrok

Theme: Beyonder
Rp'er Name: Megilagor
Post Frequency: Once every few days, but at worst 1 a week, if the time between posts lengthens, I will inform you beforehand.
Discord Name: megilagor#7452
Current RP: How do you like them apples?
Goals: Learn about this new world | Try to recover his power from the days of yore | Find a new master if no way home is found | Live his life to the fullest dying only of old age or in battle.
Character grade: F
Equipped Titles: [Mundane Beast], [Offworlder], [Born for this]
Height: 6'2'' / 188 cm
Weight: 180 lbs / 82 kg

Alister's life was an interesting one, being one of the few rare beastman most of the time leading to him being watched and judged by everyone. Thankfully he was born in the second epoch and managed to raise in the Beyonder's sequence high enough to gain interest from Medici the Angel of War, who became his lord and mentor in the way of fighting. years passed, one epoch turned into two.

Alister being a 2 rank Beyonder of his sequence did mean he could not die from old age, as he stopped growing old at all, but life was becoming more boring by the years. The war like second epoch ended, with the rise of the Ancient Sun God and humanity. In the third epoch the ancient sun god fell and died, but before that he helped humans become the dominant race of the world, by helping them create the pathway system that would allow them to become a Beyonder and even raise in their ranks with correct potion formulas and rituals. Though he did not know why his Lord Medici wanted him to learn those formulas and rituals even if it was "just in case". So he spent the entire fourth epoch learning and memorizing them.

Then came the fifth epoch the age of iron and steam. It was during this epoch that Alister's boredom problem was solved, the many wars between people allowed him to remove some rust from his skills, but what caused him the biggest joy was someone he could call a friend despite the fact their goals were different and their factions being hostile to each other, he found a friend in a man called Klein Moretti, a regular man at first, but within but a few years he stood at the same level as Alister and his lord. But it was then that Amon the Blasphemer, the angel of deceit and time banished him somehow out of time, space, and existence...

Or so he thought.
Current Life:
After what felt like years of falling with his body breaking down and regenerating itself back together he awoke in a small grove near some duchy. His Beyonder status reverted itself back to when he was born, he wasn't even sequence 9, no he was like a regular person, but it could be a new start for him. But he still felt a spark of his old powers in him, so he used what remained of it to try and search for his master, his friend, and for Amon. finding no traces of them in the world he decided to just start a new. Grow in power in a new place, and maybe when he is strong enough and he pierces through 2 rank sequence blockade of his pathway will he be able to find a way back to his home, or at least prevent another situation like this from happening
Acquired Titles: [Mundane Beast], [Offworlder], [Born for this]
Points at Start:
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E
Precision - F
Intelligence - E
Vitality - E
Speed - E
  • Defensive:
  • Magic:
  • Martial:
    • Fighting Style [F] [Natural Weapon F] {Primal Medici Art of Combat}
      • Contact [F] (7 0 discount)
  • Mental:
  • Miscellaneous:
  • Movement:
  • Secondary:
  • Sense:
  • Languages:
    • Common
    • ^Ancient Hermese^
  • Cosmetic Features:
    • Fur - Naturally occurring body hair that covers virtually all exterior surfaces of the body.
    • Ears: Wolf - Bestial ears shaped like those of a canine.
    • Bestial Eyes - Typically no or very little white showing. Pupil shape falls into one of three main types: horizontally elongated, circular, or vertically elongated.
    • Muzzle - The mouth and nose region on bestial races that extends out from the face.
    • Serrated Teeth - Sharp or jagged teeth perfect for tearing flesh.
    • Claws - Sturdy, usually pointed, nails that grow out from the finger and toes.
    • Tail - An extra appendage typically formed by an elongated tailbone extending from the base of the spine.
  • Wild Chase - Feature: Darkvision [F], Heightened Sense {Smell} [F], Perception [F] Fast [F], Jumping [F] - Alister chases and tracks his prey/target, through the scent or night he will find them. - Grade [F] - 0 post cooldown - 2 action
  • Beasts Intuition - Feature: Darkvision [F], Heightened Sense {Smell} [F] Perception [F], Appraisal [F], Energized [F] -Alister through the use of his great vision, and an even greater sense of smell along with the unknown force which became part of him upon coming to this world form an excellent way to "see" through someone. - Grade [F] - 0 post cooldown {multiple uses per round}
  • Front Kick - Fighting Style [F] [Natural Weapon F] {Primal Medici Art of Combat}, Contact [F], Energized [F] - A singular swift and powerful strike onto an enemies center mass allowing the damage to pass through their 'shield'. - Grade [F] - 0 post cooldown {multiple uses per round}
  • Flicker Jab- Fast [F], Fighting Style [F] [Natural Weapon F] {Primal Medici Art of Combat}, Contact [F], Energized [F] - Precise and fast attack done while moving, focused to disorient the enemy. - Grade [F] - 0 post cooldown {multiple uses per round} - 2 actions
  • Tornado Kick - Jumping [F], Fighting Style [F] [Natural Weapon F] {Primal Medici Art of Combat}, Contact [F], Energized [F] - A winding jumping kick carrying a lot of momentum and thus power though it tends to leave the user open when performing it but if done well is worth it. - Grade [F] - 0 post cooldown {multiple uses per round} - 2 actions
  • Running Drop Kick - Fast [F], Jumping [F], Fighting Style [F] [Natural Weapon F] {Primal Medici Art of Combat}, Contact [F], Energized [F] - A double-edged sword of the kicking arts, if performed well with knock the wind out of the enemy and drop them to the ground or to the wall along with the user, if performed badly will lead to you missing the target only dealing damage to oneself. - Grade [F] - 0 post cooldown {multiple uses per round} - 2 actions
  • Natural Weapon [F] (14 7 Born for this discount) - Claws, teeth, generally the whole body.
  • Natural Light Armor [F] (7) - Tough skin and thick fur.
  • Set of simple clothing
  • Rucksack containing:
    • Bedroll
    • Fire Starter Kit
    • Rations
    • Waterskin
    • Spare cloth boots so Alister won't scratch someone's floors
    • A simple File
Change Log: :
  • Creation 15/08/2024 - Spent 105 points on character creation, 105 of the starter pool, and used born for this discount
    EQ Natural weapon F 14 7 since born for this, Natural Light Armor F 7.
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Viazen Cloudfall
Theme: None
Rp'er Name: SixSense
Post Frequency:
1-2 times a week
Discord Name: Pkken
Current RP: [Fae-See] An Old Scaled Tale (1x1)
Attain his true form
Understand the visions he had saw
Awaken his brethren
Establish his clan within the Fae See
Find a suitable home for his people
Equipped Titles:Fae, Dragon Elf, Student of CloudFall magic School F
Class: Artless
Perks: nome
Downtime: None
Weight: 195 lbs
Current Life: Vaizen’s earliest memory recalls him waking up to a hatchery deep within a sea cavern. As he opened his eyes he’d notice plenty of eggs surrounding himself within a sea cavern lit by bioluminescent mushrooms. Vaizen would find himself greeted by a vestige, a spirit who possessed features though displaying draconic heritage. He recalls the spirit placing its hand upon his head and humming a chant. Vaizen would begin to feel his body strengthen, his name pop into his head,and the task of ensuring the other eggs hatch as well as it was his duty as Monarch of the Cloudfall clan. Visions would pop into his head as well as random places that looked unfamiliar yet as each image popped into his head he would feel a wave of strong emotions weighing on his mind. After a moment the vestige would give the hatchling a smile before dissipating into sprinkles as he whispered.

“Take care old friend.”

As the visage disappeared, the sole Cloudfall member understood his destined path. Vaizen would continue to watch over the hatchery for many years. As of recently, he would feel the visions calling out to him, locations of interest would flash into his mind followed by a seething headache. Inner conflict would sprout within as he was unsure of whether to seek out the meaning behind this phenomenon or continue watching over the hatchery.
Acquired Titles: Mundane Fae, Cloud Dragonic Elf, Student of CloudFall magic School F
Elf’s that are descendants of Cloud dragon heritage. Their bloodline is diluted which leaves them with more elf like features. Their heritage is depicted through the Azure colored scales that the descendants possess. This line of elf’s in particular descend from cloud dragons whom were proficient in Water, Wind, and lightning elements. The combination of the two bloodlines grants the user superior magical aptitude.

1. titles: Fae, Cloud Draconic Elf
2. Features: Pointy ears, partial scales, Horns (optional), Tail (Optional)
3. Stats
Intelligence E (7)
1 Magic skill
1 secondary skill

Points at Start: 105 + 14 G grade Strength & Precision
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 119
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - G
Precision - G
Intelligence - D(14)​
Vitality - F
Speed - F
Character Grade - F

  • Magic E (14) [Born for this -7]
  • Componentless Magic E (42)
  • Magic Targets F (7)
  • Magic Aoe F (7)
  • Magic Range F (7)
  • Magic Element F [Water] (7)
  • Selective Magic F (7)
  • Energized F (7)
  • Arcana F (7)
  • Cloud fall Magic school F [Magic Range, Magic Aoe, Selective Magic, Magic Targets, Magic Element Water]

    Meta Magic - apply or upgrade range, duration, targets, or aoe 1 grade per grade of school to a spell. A skill added or upgraded in this way may not exceed grade of school with this feature alone. Spells augmented with meta magic maintain original cooldowns and power.
  • feature Horns (0)
  • Feature Elf ears (0)
  • Feature partial scales (0)
  • Languages: Common, Sylvian
  • Maw of the Abyss - Vaizen sends a dragon shaped torrent of water at an area dealing massive damage. [Magic E, Water element F, Magic Aoe F, Magic Targets F, Magic Range F, Selective Magic F]
  • Dragon Cannon - Vaizen shoots a pressurized blast of water at a target.[Magic E, Water Element F, Selective Magic F, Magic Range F]

  • None
  • Rations
  • Light robes
  • Asset cavern F - Vaizen occupies a small cavern where he guards his unborn clan memories. This cavern is in the far north Eastern border of the fae-See
Change Log:
  • Character Creation 9/10/24

    Acquired 14 pts from lowering Strength and Precision to G

    Purchases - Intelligence D (14) Magic E (14), Componentless Magic (42), Magic Targets (7), Magic Aoe (7), Selective magic (7), Magic range (7), Magic affinity Element [Water] F (7), Energized F (7), Arcana F (7), Asset F [Cloudfall Cavern], Features:Horns, Partial scales, pointy ears (0), Cloudfall Magic School F (7)

    Acquired titles: Mundane Fae, Draconic Elf, Student of CloudFall magic School F

    Created abilities - Maw of the Abyss E Grade,
    Dragon Cannon E grade

    Total points spent: 119
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Post Frequency:
Multiple times during the weekends.
Discord Name: justiceeleven
Current RP:

• Short Term:
• Long Term:
Equipped Titles: [Beast] [Canine] [Student of Ethereal Luminary F]
Height: 5'7”
Weight: 132lbs
Micka is the elder of seven siblings. She has two younger brothers and four younger sisters. They were all raised within the fortified walls of Aslan by their parents. Her mom was a stubborn, brawny canine who would protect her children at all costs. Her dad was a calm, reserved sorcerer who used his gifts to provide for the household. While they did not have much, it was enough to be a “happy family” until Micka became old enough to be the first to see through the lies.

Her mom regularly stood at the center of conflict. She happily used “defending her children” as an excuse to justify beating up whoever looked at her wrong. Dad would try to keep her at bay with suppression magic, but this rarely resolved the conflict and would fill the following evening at home with yelling as they blamed each other in front of their children. Whenever they argued, Micka was the one to take care of her siblings. She tried to keep her focus on tending to their needs, but it was impossible to hold back the growing resentment toward her mom.

After years of pretending everything was fine for the sake of her siblings, dad came to her. He understood their constant fighting was affecting her. The solution he came up with was to grant her the opportunity to attend the Ethereal Luminary. She would stay there and take some time away from the constant tension of their household. Micka agreed after her dad ensured he would take back responsibility and tend to the younger siblings like she had done in their stead.

After a year of diligently attending her classes, Micka received news that her father had been charged with murder. She could not believe it. It had to be a mistake. There were traces of suppression magic in the surrounding area, but dad would never use his sorcery to kill another person. She could not understand what had happened to push him over the edge. It was only when she learned the victim had been human that everything began to make sense. Dad had taken the fall for what was most likely the fault of her mom. To this day, Micka has cut all contact with her mom and takes additional classes to study law to one day undo the wrongful imprisonment of her dad. In her heart, she knows who the culprit is and who is not. It is only a matter of proving it.
Will be updated based on the rps she has been in.

Acquired Titles:
• [Beast]
• [Canine] – A mostly humanoid beast character with varying degrees of canine features.
• [Student of Ethereal Luminary F] – Enables rps as a student without the need for an enrollment rp.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Unspent: 0
Points Spent: 105
• Strength F
• Precision F
• Intelligence D
• Vitality D
• Speed F
• Magic F
• Magic School [Graviturgy] F
• Mundane Blight [Bludgeoning] F​
• Element [Gravity] F​
• Homing F​
• Indirect F​
• Knockback F​
• Heightened Sense [Hearing/Smell] E
• Law F
• Feature [Ears Canine] – Beastial ear shaped like those of a canine.
• Feature [Tail] – An extra appendage typically formed by an elongated tailbone extending from the base of the spine.
• Feature [Pedicured Claws] – Glossed, regularly clipped, nails that grow out from the fingers and toes.
• Language [Beastial]
• Language [Common]
• [Meta Magic] – Apply or upgrade range, duration, targets, or aoe 1 grade per grade of school to a spell. A skill added or upgraded in this way may not exceed grade of school with this feature alone. Spells augmented with meta magic maintain original cooldowns and power.
• Manipulate Gravity – Magic F, Mundane Blight [Bludgeoning] F, Element [Gravity] F, Indirect F, Knockback F – Micka may alter the directional pull of gravity for a moment after reciting the proper incantations. The affected target(s) takes bludgeoning damage, and is thrown in the direction dictated by her hand gesture(s) – Grade F, Cooldown 0.
[Meta Magic]
• Distant Gravity – + Range F – The effective range of her incantation is extended to 30ft.​
• Gravity Expulsion – + Targets F – The amount of targets for the incantation is increased to 5. The targets within 5ft of her take bludgeoning damage, and are thrown back from her.​

• Manipulate Orbit – Magic F, Mundane Blight [Bludgeoning] F, Element [Gravity] F, Homing F – Micka may alter the orbital force of a small object for a moment after reciting the proper incantations. The object is then send flying to a target. The affected target(s) takes bludgeoning damage. If the attack misses, the object will orbit the target and attempt to collide once more – Grade F, Cooldown 0.
[Meta Magic]
• Distant Orbit – + Range F – The effective range of her incantation is extended to 30ft.​
• Equipment:
• Overview of Attracting Force Manipulation – Catalyst F – A simple brown leatherbound book with golden edge protectors. It contains intermixed research notes on graviturgy incantations and judicial practices. On the back is written, “Ethereal Luminary 'XX Mickaella Pumpula.”​

• Items:

• Assets:
• Student of Ethereal Luminary F – Enables rps as a student without the need for an enrollment rp.​
Change Log:
• 08-19-2024 – Character creation – 105 points
• Purchased and Updated the following:
• Intelligence F → D (+14)​
• Vitality F → D (+14)​
• Magic F (+7)​
• Magic School [Graviturgy] F (+7)​
• Mundane Blight [Bludgeoning] F (+7)​
• Element [Gravity] (+7)​
• Homing F (+7)​
• Indirect F (+7)​
• Knockback F (+7)​
• Heightened Sense [Hearing/Smell] E (+14)​
• Law F (+7)​
• Feature [Ears Canine] (+0)​
• Feature [Tail] (+0)​
• Feature [Pedicured Claws] (+0)​
• Language [Beastial] (+0)​
• Language [Common] (+0)​
• Catalyst F (+7)​
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Dione Galanis

Rp'er Name: Ersatra
Post Frequency:
Twice a Week
Discord Name: N/A
Current RP:
To Prove Herself Worthy of this Second Chance at Life. To Live Freely.
Equipped Titles: Human, Mundane,
Weight: 124lbs
Dione Galanis was a passionate young woman of 25, a dedicated student of Greek History and Mythology with a fervent dream: to uncover proof that the ancient Greek Pantheon was real. While many dismissed her ideas as far-fetched, her research and papers on the subject gained attention, albeit often from the fringes of academia. A proud Greek citizen, Dione graduated at the top of her class and eagerly participated in numerous archaeological digs, assisting in various research projects related to ancient artefacts connected to the pantheon.

Tragically, Dione's journey came to an unexpected end while examining one such artefact. Beneath the towering statue of Zeus in his temple, a secret chamber was discovered, containing a perfectly preserved and sealed ancient scroll. Dione was chosen to join the discovery team and tasked with securing the scroll for transport to the National Museum for further study. But her insatiable curiosity got the best of her. As she opened the scroll beneath the imposing figure of the Greek God of the Sky, a sudden and inexplicable bolt of lightning struck her, killing her instantly.

Or so she thought. When she opened her eyes again, she was face to face with a godlike being who informed her she was to be reincarnated into another world, at the request of the very god who had struck her down. Awakening in this strange new realm, Dione discovered she could wield lightning itself. Was this a blessing from Zeus? She liked to think so. After all, being given a second chance at life by the god who ruled the skies—with the very power he commanded—seemed like an opportunity she couldn't waste. And so, with newfound purpose and abilities, Dione resolved to make the most of her second chance, convinced that Zeus had a plan for her yet.
Current Life:
When Dione opened her eyes after her reincarnation, she found herself lying in the middle of a vast, empty field. The sky above was a deep, endless blue, and a gentle breeze swept across the tall grass, making it sway like waves on the ocean. The land stretched out for miles around her, with no signs of civilization in sight.

In the days that followed, Dione wandered the unfamiliar landscape, slowly coming to terms with her strange new reality. She discovered that the field was only the beginning of this new world—a world filled with unfamiliar creatures, strange lands, and people with powers she could scarcely imagine. Her own power, the ability to summon and control lightning, was as exhilarating as it was terrifying. At first, the crackle of electricity at her fingertips was wild and uncontrollable, sparking with every surge of emotion. But as the days turned to weeks, she practiced relentlessly, determined to master the gift—if it truly was a gift—that Zeus had bestowed upon her.

There were moments of frustration and fear, times when she felt utterly alone in this vast new world. But there were also moments of wonder, as she began to unlock the potential within herself. She learned to call down lightning from the clear blue sky, to channel it through her body without pain, and to release it in powerful bursts that left the ground scorched and smoking. With each new ability she mastered, Dione felt a growing sense of purpose—a feeling that she was meant to be here, that she had been chosen for something greater than she could yet understand.

With a base understanding of the world secured she now aims to join the Adventurers guild to better hone her skills in combat.
Acquired Titles: Human, Mundane, Isekai,
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D [14]​
Vitality - F
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
  • Magic E [14]
  • Componentless Magic E [42]
  • Blight Lightning F [7]
  • Range F [7]
  • Aoe F [7]
  • Penetrating F [7]
  • Selective Magic F [7]
  • Blight Thunder F [Born For This]
  • Appraisal F [Isekai]
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Thunder Bringer - Magic E, Componentless Magic E, Blight Lightning F, Blight Thunder F, Aoe F, Selective Magic F, Penetrating F - Dione calls forth thunder and lightning in an area around her. E Grade Ability, 1 Turn Cooldown. (A 15ft Radius field of Lightning and Thunder damage).
  • Keraunos - Magic E, Componentless Magic E, Blight Lightning F, AOE F, Range F, Penetrating F, Selective Magic F - Dione calls upon the master bolt and hurls it forward to destroy any foes in its path. E Grade Ability, 1 Turn Cooldown. (A 15 ft radius cylinder of Lightning damage that reaches/extends out 30ft).
Change Log:
  • Creation 27/08/2024
  • Added Appraisal F [Isekai] due to error. 30/08/24
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Theme: None
Rp'er Name: Edge
Post Frequency: 2-4 times in a week
Discord Name: Edge
Current RP: Goals: None
Equipped Titles: Mundane Human, Attentive Student F
Class: None
  • Born For This - Get a 7-point discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
Downtime: None
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 160 lbs
Backstory: Gabriel Mason was born into a promising family, with every opportunity for a bright future. However, a cascade of personal tragedies and wrong turns led him into a life steeped in morally and ethically questionable professions. By his late thirties, Gabriel was deeply entrenched in this world, unable to escape despite his regrets. Surrounded by untrustworthy associates, he was ultimately betrayed and met an untimely death. Yet, instead of finding peace, Gabriel awakens in another world, granted a mysterious second chance at life.
Current Life: Gabriel's consciousness flickered back to life in a place that was foreign and strange. His last memories were fragmented; betrayal, pain, then darkness. Now, he found himself awake in an unfamiliar world, his body feeling different, heavier, and cold. His thoughts were hazy, but the core of who he was remained intact.

Surprisingly, he accepted this new reality with a calm that came from years of navigating treacherous situations. Survival instincts kicked in as he rose to his feet. The world around him was unfamiliar, filled with dangers he couldn't yet comprehend, but Gabriel knew one thing, he had to keep moving. Cautious and alert, he began to explore, doing whatever was necessary to survive in this strange new existence, driven by a determination to make the most of this second chance, no matter the cost.
Acquired Titles:
  • Mundane Human
  • Attentive Student F
Points at Start: 105 + 7
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105 + 7
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - G
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - F
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
Attentive Student - Grade F
  • When a character with this skill is around a more skilled or experienced character, they learn and grow faster. They earn double points at the end of roleplays if a character with more earned points is also participating. The skill must match the character’s grade, doesn’t stack with other point-boosting features, and isn’t valid if the roleplayer ghosts the roleplay.
Appraisal - Grade F
  • The grade of appraisal increases with the character’s grade. This ability lets the character learn hidden information about a creature or object. If the appraisal grade matches or exceeds the target’s grade, the user can discover the target’s titles. Additional information depends on individual stats, skills, abilities, and the narrator. The ability targets one visible entity within 5 feet, but magic skills can extend its range and area. Usage frequency in non-combat situations is determined by the narrator.
Componentless Magic - Grade E
  • This ability allows a character to perform magic without chants, gestures, or catalysts, and they can move while casting spells. It’s only effective for abilities of the same or lower grade. The skill’s grade replaces the catalyst’s grade in spell effectiveness calculations.
Energized - Grade E
  • This ability reduces the cooldown of abilities by one (1) post for abilities of the same or lower grade. Upgrading the skill doesn’t further reduce the cooldown.
Language [Common, Terran] - Grade E
  • Characters naturally know the common tongue and one language relevant to their race or community. This skill enables them to learn additional languages, including ancient and forgotten ones. Each time the skill is taken, a new language can be learned. The narrator may allow partial understanding of similar languages even if no common language is shared.
    Common - The language all creatures speak save for those particularly isolated. Sounds similar to the Human language Terran. Closest to sounding like real world English.
    Terran - The language primarily spoken by human communities. Comes in several regional dialects, some of which related to hybrid languages.
Magic [Born for This Perk] - Grade E
  • This skill is required to cast spells and needs a catalyst item. It allows a character to channel their mana and can be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities. The skill must be higher than other magical skills to enhance spell effects like duration, targets, area, and range. By itself, it creates mana abilities with base stats: one (1) target, five (5) feet range, immediate area, and one (1) post duration. Augmenter skills can modify these restrictions.
Magic Range - Grade F
  • The character has discovered a method to make their magic reach and affect distant targets.
    • F - 30ft (9.14 M) away
    • E - 100ft (30.48 M) away
    • D - 1000ft (304.8 M) away
    • C - 1 mile (1.61 KM) away
    • B - 10 miles (16.1 KM) away
    • A - 100 miles (160.93 KM) away
    • S - ??? away
Illusion - Grade F
  • Within a five (5) feet space around the user, they can create illusory objects, creatures, or effects within a five (5) feet cube. These illusions last until the start of the user’s next turn and can mimic sight, sound, temperature, and smell, but cannot cause harm or sickness. Illusions can be animated and moved as an action, provided the caster stays within range and maintains line of sight. Physical contact reveals the illusion’s false nature, and intelligence or sensory abilities can discern the truth. Illusions can be enhanced with magic skills.
  • False Fire - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
    Components: Magic E, Componentless Magic E, Energized E, Magic Range F [10 ft], Illussion F
    Description: Gabriel deceptively creates a realistic ball of flame that he hurls forward, mimicking the appearance and heat of a true fireball. Though it appears threatening, the illusion does not cause targets to burn, serving as a clever bluff or strategic feint in combat situations. However, it does deal a bit of blunt force damage.
  • Luminous Orb - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
    Components: Magic E, Componentless Magic E, Energized E, Magic Range F [10 ft], Illussion F
    Description: Gabriel conjures a brilliant flare of light in the palm of his hand. When released, the flare shoots outward with a dazzling brilliance, designed not to blind but to captivate and distract.
  • Bullet - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
    Components: Magic E, Componentless Magic E, Energized E, Magic Range F [10 ft]
    Description: Gabriel creates a concentrated ball of mana that he propels like a high-speed bullet.
  • None
  • Rucksack
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Bottle of Alcohol
  • None
Character Creation (31/8/2024)
  • Spent 14 point on upgrading Intelligence F to Intelligence D
  • Earned 7 points by downgrading Strength F to Strength G
  • Spent 7 points to purchase Attentive Student F
  • Spent 0 points [Free at Character Creation] to purchase Appraisal F
  • Spent 42 points to purchase Componentless Magic E
  • Spent 14 points to purchase Energized E
  • Spent 0 points [Free at Character Creation]to purchase Language F [Common, Terran]
  • Spent 7 points (7-point discount from Born for This Perk applied) to purchase Magic E
  • Spent 7 points to purchase Magic Range F
  • Spent 21 points to purchase Illusion F
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Azazel Lucernis - The Scholar

RP-er's Name:
Post Frequency: Varying from once a week to upwards of several a day (dependent on IRL circumstances)
Discord Name: S.L.O.P
Current RP:

  • Reconstitute his broken vessel and regain some semblance of his former strength. Azazel’s main priority is survival—right now, he is dangerously fragile, physically weak, and barely holding his body together. The fact that he could be taken out by stepping on a singular Lego brick, metaphorically or not speaking) weighs heavily on him. His cosmic powers are constrained by his broken body, and re-establishing his physical form is his most immediate concern.
  • Avoid unnecessary attention while navigating this unfamiliar world. While Azazel isn’t a coward, he knows better than to draw attention to himself in his current state. He cannot care less for sublunar luxuries like wealth, power, or control, but he is wary of threats, especially with The Weeping Veil hunting him down.
  • Find companions who can help him survive and explore this new world. Azazel’s utility as a dimensional manipulator makes him an incredible asset, even if he is currently too weak to lead a charge. He’s more than willing to work with anyone who aligns with his own pragmatic goals—though he’s certainly not above dealing with morally ambiguous figures if it benefits his situation.
Equipped Titles: [Ethereal Luminary Student - D], Elf, [Wanted by The Weeping Veil]
Class: Artless
Perks: Cashback
  • Blood-Red Eyes - Eyes like THE RED blood-stained STONE OF AJA rubies. They appear unnaturally glassy - as if made of some crystalline material polished to an impossible gleam. And no, he's not a vampire-elf. He's just gothic.
  • Luminous Tattoos - Really gothic. Like dark-fantasy uber-gothic. Yeah, he's really into that gothic stuff. Seriously, are you seeing his attire?
  • Pale Complexion - A complexion almost as pale as his hair. Though, again, not a vampire.
  • Pointy Ears
  • Shimmering Visage - Skin that faintly glistens. Just in case an almost sickly-pale complexion paired with vampiric eyes weren't enough to put you off.
  • Stellate Pupils - Pairs beautifully (or horrifyingly, depending on who you ask) with his blood-red eyes. Not helping with the vampire-elf allegations, though.
Downtime: N/A
Languages: Common, Sylvan
Height: 6'6.6"
Weight: 66.6lbs
Azazel was never meant to be summoned. In a hidden, underground lair far removed from any formal magical institution, a group of desperate cultists—The Weeping Veil—attempted a reckless ritual to contact a forgotten entity. Obsessed with breaking the boundaries between worlds, they sought to reach through the veil that separates realms, but their ambition far exceeded their understanding. Instead of the ancient force they desired, they accidentally pulled Azazel into the material realm—a being far beyond their comprehension, only half-formed and incomplete. The moment Azazel’s essence slipped through the rift, reality itself briefly destabilised, as though the laws of space and time faltered under his presence.

The cultists had no time to realise their mistake. The unstable dimensional rift collapsed, and in the ensuing chaos, Azazel’s fragmented form was flung across space, teleporting him far from the ritual site. His ethereal body, once unbound by physical limits, was shattered and reduced to a crippled vessel, barely capable of holding itself together. When Azazel appeared within the Ethereal Luminary Academy’s grand library, it wasn’t without significant disruption. Books shook, objects levitated, and the very air seemed to hum with unstable energy. A localized earthquake briefly rocked the academy as space and time twisted around his arrival, and for a fleeting moment, the boundaries of reality blurred, as if Azazel’s presence alone was too much for the material world to handle.

Just as quickly as the disturbance began, it ceased, leaving no physical evidence behind—save for the subtle shift in reality itself and the crippled figure of Azazel, standing amid the aftermath. He was found in the library by stunned faculty members, hunched over and weak, flipping through the pages of an ancient tome, his once-powerful frame now nothing more than a shell. Though frail and broken, his aura was unmistakable—Azazel, a graduate whose contributions to Quantum Arcana had reshaped magical theory, now stood as an enigmatic and haunting figure. He was recognised, but no one could recall exactly when or how they had known him. It was as if Azazel had always been there, lingering at the edges of memory, elusive and forgotten.

Now, trapped in this half-formed state, Azazel hobbles around with the aid of his Astral Cane, barely able to support his own weight. His motor skills have deteriorated so severely that even walking a few steps without faltering requires great effort. His hand-eye coordination is broken, and his movements are stiff and unsteady. This once mighty being, who could manipulate cosmic forces, is now trapped in a crippled and disoriented shell, constantly fighting against his own body. Every action, from casting a basic spell to navigating simple obstacles, is an ordeal. His ethereal knowledge and intellect remain, but his physical form is barely capable of matching his will.

The Weeping Veil:

Meanwhile, The Weeping Veil, the cult responsible for his summoning, has not forgotten the grave mistake they made. The cult’s obsession with tearing open the dimensional veil between worlds stems from their belief that doing so will grant them access to forbidden knowledge and eternal power. When they accidentally summoned Azazel, they believed him to be the key to fulfilling their ambitions. However, upon realizing that he arrived incomplete and weakened, they became even more determined to reclaim him.

The cultists of The Weeping Veil now hunt Azazel relentlessly, convinced that his presence in the material realm represents a weakness in the veil—a fracture that, if exploited, could allow them to reshape reality itself. Their misguided belief that Azazel’s half-formed existence holds the power to unlock the full force of the veil has driven them to pursue him across the realms. They see him not as a being to worship, but as a tool, a key to dimensions beyond their reach, and they will stop at nothing to capture or absorb his powers and kill him if it means gaining control of the veil.
Current Life:
Azazel’s current existence is one of constant struggle. Once a cosmic being who could manipulate the very fabric of reality, he now finds himself trapped in a body so fragile that even minor physical exertion could prove fatal. His mind remains sharp, but his body is a crippled vessel, barely functioning, and his every step is a reminder of how far he has fallen.

However, Azazel isn’t bitter or consumed by anger. He is instead curious. Death is but a mere inconvenience for the likes of him, after all. His physical manifestation is but merely that: a projection, a puppet. This world, while strange, offers him new possibilities to study, and the Ethereal Luminary Academy is the perfect environment to explore its mysteries. Here, he can gather information, build alliances, and perhaps even find ways to restore himself to his full potential. His days are spent quietly observing, working in the background, and seeking out knowledge that might help him reverse his current condition.

Yet, Azazel’s position is precarious. The Weeping Veil, the cult that accidentally summoned him into this state, views him as a key to unlocking dimensional power and cosmic secrets. They believe that Azazel’s broken form holds the potential to shatter the veil between worlds, and they pursue him relentlessly, driven by their own misguided ambitions. This keeps Azazel constantly on the move, carefully evading both the cult and any other threats that might take advantage of his current weakness.

Despite his vulnerability, Azazel is not without agency. His mastery of dimensional and gravitational magic makes him a formidable defensive force. While he is not prone to acts of violence or domination, his abilities are uniquely suited for creating portals, pocket dimensions, and even banishing threats when necessary. As a result, Azazel has become a valuable ally to those who understand his worth, and though he doesn’t seek heroism, he’s often drawn into situations where his skills are invaluable.

Azazel remains pragmatic. He revels in neither villany nor heroism, and nor does he yearn for control over others; but he will do what is necessary to survive and reconstitute himself. His cosmic awareness, once vast and detached, is now tempered by his newfound sense of mortality, forcing him to see the world from a more empathetic and cautious perspective.
Acquired Titles: [Ethereal Luminary Student - D], Elf, [Wanted by The Weeping Veil]
Points at Start: 105 (+35 from Stat-Dump)
Points Earned: 28
Points Spent: 168
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats (Total: +35):
Strength - H (+14)
Precision - H (+14)
Intelligence - C (21)
Vitality - H (+14)
Speed - H (+14)
Character Grade - G
Skills (Total: 147):
  • Magic - D (21)
  • Magic AoE - F (7)
  • Magic Range - F (7)
  • Magic Targets - F (7)
  • Accurate - F (7)
  • Magic School: Singularity Arcana - An esoteric branch of magic that draws upon the fundamental forces of existence. This school of magic focuses on manipulating physical forces through magic to destabilise reality at a fundamental level. Practitioners use this magic primarily to create gravitational anomalies, rifts, and singularities that weaken the integrity of matter and energy. The effects are not rarely destructive, but the cumulative pressure from these quantum forces can result in the dissolution of physical and magical structures alike- E (84=14+70)
    • Quantum Affinity - E (14)
    • Drain (Speed) - E (14)
    • Indirect - E (14)
    • Knockback - E (14)
    • Tangle - E (14)
  • Domain: Astral Conflux - Astral Conflux represents the convergence of realms, a magical domain that governs the merging of dimensions and the traversal of cosmic pathways. By mastering Astral Conflux, the caster can manipulate the intersections between planes, allowing them to open portals, create pockets of space-time, and bend the rules of reality itself. The domain harnesses the energy of the stars and the void, drawing upon the astral currents to forge connections between disparate points in space. - F (7=7+49-49)
    • Vorpal (Spell Mastery) - F
    • Portal (Material Plane) - F (35)
    • Pocket Dimension - F (14)
  • Ethereal Luminary Graduate - D
  • Synthetic Singularity (D-Grade) - Magic D + Quantum Affinity (Singularity Arcana) E + Magic AoE F + Magic Range F + Magic Targets F + Vorpal (Spell Mastery) F + Indirect (Singularity Arcana) E + Knockback (Singularity Arcana) E - Azazel manifests a volatile singularity, a synthesic gravitational anomaly that combines both light and darkness at its core. This ephemeral black hole forms at a point of his choosing within 30ft (9.1m), pulling in all matter and energy within its 15ft (4.57m) radius. Up to 5 targets caught in the radius are subjected to immense gravitational forces, pulling them toward the center with great force.
  • Time-Dilation Field: Gravitational Suppression (D-Grade) - Magic D + Quantum Affinity (Singularity Arcana) E + Magic AoE F + Magic Range F + Magic Targets F + Spell Duration F + Vorpal (Spell Mastery) F + Drain (Speed) (Singularity Arcana) E + Tangle (Singularity Arcana) E - Azazel warps the very fabric of time in a localised area, creating a Time-Dilation Field within 30ft (9.1m), which encompasses a 15ft (4.6m) radius. Within the field, time seems to stretch, causing up to 5 targets caught in it to feel sluggish and unresponsive.
  • Warp Gate (F-Grade) - Portal F - Materialise a one-way portal to any existing point in space Azazel can mentally visualise within the material plane. Only willing sentience can utilise the portal. Non-sentient objects cannot traverse the portal independently (ie. through free-fall) due to an inherent lack of will. Contact with a willing user is the only way to bring non-sentient objects across the portal (the gear and equipment on users traversing the portal, and any object in contact with them). Attempts at creating a portal to a nonexistent or inaccurately-visualised point in space (through mind-manipulation, thought-tampering, or otherwise) will lead to the portal failing to manifest.
Equipment (Total: 21):
  • Catalyst (Astral Cane) - D (21)
  • N/A
  • Ethereal Luminary Graduate - D
Change Log:
  • [Date of Character Creation: 20/10/2024]
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Irihi Spokelse

Rp'er Name: Irihi
Post Frequency:
Once a day, most weekdays.
Discord Name: Zertiin
Current RP: None Yet
  • Regain her lost power.
  • Drag her enemies to this place and obliterate them.
  • Curse the world until not one stone is stacked upon another.
Equipped Titles: Fae, Elf, Wanted By the Eastern Empire [Cashback Variant (+28)]

Class: None
  • Pointy Ears
  • Midnight Black Hair
  • Sociopathy
  • Racism
  • Languages: Common, and Archaic Proto-A’Ardky
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 110lbs

Irihi has lived so many lives, it's hard for her to remember where it all began. She was once a platinum-haired A’Ardky Elf in a glorious and prosperous kingdom. That all changed when her aptitude for magic and desire for status saw her inducted into King O’olam’s warlock corps. Tortured, twisted, and forged into the Weapon of The Mad King, Irihi waged endless war for her masters in those bloodsoaked years of soul-staining murder.

In the end, the corps failed in their mission and the kingdom was destroyed. Irihi was cursed into a world she did not comprehend. She burned her way across those new lands, drawing the attention of fiends and demigods until she was murdered upon the Ebony Throne.

Death barely slowed The Weapon of The Mad King and, soon, a resurrected Irihi had sparked a war that flattened the city-state of Kiana as armies of Men, Elves, Drow and Orcs vyed to control her.

She was captured and transformed into The Atrocity by new elven masters even more depraved than Mad King O’olam. For a time, they managed to harness her power, but they could not suppress her boundless ire, though dozens of elder wizards’ lives were burned in the trying.

As The Atrocity, Irihi laid waste to cities, her irresistible power lifting Greyhaven to hegemony over all the kingdoms of Ufaeria--until she broke her traces and burned it all to ash. Only the leader of the Order of Light managed to survive. He, alone, possessed the one shield that could save him from The Atrocity, and see her powers destroyed and her person banished to a place from which, surely, she can do no more harm.

Present Life:
Irihi has been banished to this place by her own hand. She gave up her world-shaking powers and perhaps even her immortality. However, nothing can drain the great sea of bottomless malice she holds toward those who sent her here.

She is as she was, long ago; before she became The Atrocity, The Curse of Seven Oaks, or even The Weapon of The Mad King; a raven-haired primal necromancer, with raw potential but little power beyond that of a common footsoldier. Irihi remembers her past life, even though sometimes she pretends or wishes she did not. Though reason sometimes shines through the storm of ire that clouds her mind, it only does so as the pinpoint glimmer of stars seen through a break in the endless maelstrom of hatred. That storm soon closes back in and drives her ever onward.

[Variant: Cashback (Wanted by the Eastern Empire)].

Irihi is a sorceress of the Fae See. She has some small residual compunction in murdering elves. She views humans as less than the dirt upon which she treads, and will gleefully exterminate them if given the slightest reason. The Empire has received word of this minor threat and their forces are on alert to persecute her with prejudice above what is typical for the Fae.

Acquired Titles: Fae, Elf, Wanted By the Eastern Empire
Points at Start: 126 [+21 Stat Reduction]
Points Earned: 28 [Variant: Cashback]
Points Spent: 154
Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - G(+7)
Precision - G(+7)
Intelligence - B(28)
Vitality - G(+7)
Speed - E(7)
Character Grade - F

  • Appraisal F(Isekai)
  • Attentive Student F(7)
  • Perceptive F(7)
  • Bolster[INT] F(E)(7) [Limiter: Charges X1 - 4 times per RP]
  • Magic E(B)(14) [Limiter: Backlash X3]
  • Magic Targets F(7)
  • Magic Range F(7)
  • Magic Duration F(7)
  • Magic Affinity [Homing] E(14)
  • Magic Affinity Necrotic F(7)
  • Magic Affinity Penetrating F(7)


  • Judging You F - Appraisal F - Magic Range F - Magic Targets F - Cooldown 0:
    Irihi judges up to 5 people, up to 30’ away and usually finds them equal in merit to the dirt beneath her heels--if that.
  • Booster F(E) - Bolster[INT] F(E) - Magic E(B) - Magic Duration F - Magic Targets F - Magic Range F - Cooldown 0:
    Irihi can raise the effectiveness of INT in herself and/or allies by 2 levels for up to 5 targets, up to 30’ away, up to 3 times per post, for up to 1 hour.
    (Limiter: Charges - Maximum 4 times per RP)
    (Limiter: Backlash X 3 - Spell failure does 5HP damage to caster)

    • Snapshot (Basic Magic) - Magic Ungraded(D)[Backlash X3] - Cooldown: 0 (BE:12)
    • Mana Snapshot F(C) - Magic F(C)[Backlash X3] - Cooldown: 0 (BE:13)

      Irihi’s lowest-power techniques. Irihi launches a short-ranged mana attack at 1 target per attack, up to 5 feet away. Irihi’s magic requires a power source. If it fails to pull life from the target, it will pull it from the caster, instead. [Backlash of 5HP]
    • Mana Shotgun E(B) - Magic E(B)[Backlash X3] - Magic Targets F - Magic Range F - Cooldown: 1 (BE:14)
    • Necromantic Shotgun E(B) - Magic E(B)[Backlash X3] - Magic Targets F - Magic Range F - Blight: Necrotic F - Cooldown: 1 (BE:14 + Blight F)
    • Mana Rifle E(B) - Magic E(B)[Backlash X3] - Magic Targets F - Magic Range F - Magic Affinity: Penetrating F - Cooldown: 1 (BE: 14 + Penetrating F)
    • Necromantic Rifle E(B) - Magic E(B)[Backlash X3] - Magic Targets F - Magic Range F - Magic Affinity: Penetrating F - Magic Affinity: Necrotic F - Cooldown: 1 (BE: 14 + Penetrating F + Blight F)
    • Mana Javelin E(B) - Magic E(B)[Backlash X3] - Magic Targets F - Magic Range F - Magic Affinity: Penetrating F - Magic Affinity: Homing E - Cooldown: 1 (BE: 16 + Penetrating F)
    • Necromantic Javelin E(B) - Magic E(B)[Backlash X3] - Magic Targets F - Magic Range F - Magic Affinity: Penetrating F - Magic Affinity: Homing E - Magic Affinity: Necrotic F - Cooldown: 1 (BE: 16 + Penetrating F + Blight F)

      Irihi launches a ranged attack of variable power and techniques. She can hit up to 5 targets at a distance of up to 30 feet. Irihi’s magic requires a power source. If it fails to pull life from the target, it will pull it from the caster, instead. [Backlash of 5HP]

  • Equipment:
    • Corpsemourn [Magic Catalyst] C(28) - Besides her bitter memories, the dread scythe, Corpsemourn, is the only momento Irihi retains of her past life. She hates her athane almost as much as the enemies she hews down with it.
    • Sorceress Cloak [Light Armor] F(7) - Irihi possesses magic-imbued robes that improve her survivability slightly.
    • None

    • Placeholder
    Change Log:
    • Reduced Strength - G(+7)
    • Reduced Vitality - G(+7)
    • Purchased Intelligence - B(28)
    • Purchased Magic E(7) [Born for This]
    • Purchased Magic Targets F(7)
    • Purchased Magic Range F(7)
    • Purchased Bolster INT F(E)(7) (1 Limiter: Charges X1)
    • Purchased Magic Duration F(7)
    • Purchased Magic Affinity Homing E(B)(14) [3 Limiters: Backlash x 3]
    • Purchased Energized E(14)
    • Developed Magic Support Abilities
    • Developed Magic Combat Abilities
    • Purchased Corpsemourn [Magic Catalyst] C(28)
    • Purchased Magic Cloak (Light Armor) F(7)
    Partial Scoop Due to Rule Change 10/15/2024:
    • Removed Energized E(+14)
    • Purchased Magic Affinity: Penetrating F(7)
    • Purchased Magic Affinity: Blight: Necrotic F(7)
    • Reworked Magic Abilities


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Rp'er Name: Speed
Post Frequency: 2-3 posts per week
Discord Name: speedparttwo_54552
Current RP: When Stories Abound, Legends will Get You.
  • Push his physical abilities beyond their current limits.
  • Explore the vast world, uncovering its mysteries and dangers.
  • Learn about the different races, cultures, and powers that exist in this world.
  • Discover the source of the world’s stagnation and decide whether to fight against it or forge his own path.
  • Form meaningful alliances with others, if necessary, to better understand his purpose.
Equipped Titles: Isekai [Mundane], Human [Mundane], Attentive Student [Grade E]
Class: Striker
  • Born For This Get 7-point discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
  • Agile Strikers can combine one attack action (which may be an offensive ability worth 1 action or a basic attack) with one movement action (which may be 1 movement ability worth 1 action or a basic movement) without expending additional action economy once per round as long as they are wearing light armor and wielding a one handed weapon (natural weapons accepted).
Downtime: N/A
Languages: Common, Terran
Height: 5 feet, 4 inches
Weight: 160 pounds
Peter Parker was just an ordinary guy, living what most would call a mundane life. He loved video games, spent hours absorbed in anime and manga, and endured the daily torment of bullies at school. Despite his loneliness, Peter’s mother doted on him, always reassuring him that he had a bright future ahead. Her words filled him with hope, and he continued living in this comfortable, though uneventful, bubble.

Years turned into decades, and Peter’s life never really took off. Now in his thirties, he was unemployed, severely overweight, and still living under his mother's roof. Together, they clung to the idea that things would eventually turn around, that something wonderful was waiting just beyond the horizon. But reality had other plans. One day, Peter died unexpectedly from a stroke.

However, fate wasn’t done with Peter just yet. His belief in that brighter future seemed to have manifested in a way he never expected; he was given a second chance at life.

Peter found himself in a new world, a place called Isekai Hell. His soul had been transported, and in the process, he encountered a mysterious god-like figure. This entity spoke to him as if they had known each other forever. The god explained why Peter had been chosen, where he was going, and hinted at the fate of the world he had left behind. For some, the god said, there was a path back to their old life. But for others, like Peter, there was nothing worth returning to.

In this new world, Peter learned that magic and fantastical creatures were real, things he had only dreamed of back in his old life. Yet, there was one crucial detail that the god left shrouded in mystery - Peter’s actual purpose in this strange land. There were others like him in this world, the god mentioned, and more would follow.

As their conversation came to a close, the god revealed one final, chilling truth about this world: it was stuck, trapped in an endless cycle of suffering. Plagues, wars, and disasters had kept the world from progressing for centuries. And now, Peter was given a choice. He could either accept a mission to save this world from its eternal stagnation, or simply live his new life however he pleased.

Before Peter could respond, he awoke in his new body. The first thing he did was touch his face. He realized that the god had granted his wish; he had regained his youth and felt an unfamiliar sense of vigor, something he had never achieved in his previous life. Feeling reborn in every sense of the word, Peter decided to shed his old identity. He took on a new name, one that honored someone he believed to be the best of all time.

"I am now, Faker." he declared, though the name was the only thing he was certain about. Unsure of his purpose in this unfamiliar world, Faker knew he needed to learn more about its state before making any decisions.
In the first moments of his new life, Faker woke up in a vast, open field under a sky that seemed too bright and blue to be real. He stretched out his arms, marveling at his newfound strength and agility, feeling lighter and faster than he had ever imagined. His hands brushed over a finely crafted one-handed sword that lay beside him, gleaming in the sunlight. The blade was sleek and slightly curved. Its balance was perfect, as though it had been made for him alone. A weapon meant for swift, precise strikes, almost as if it could disappear and reappear in the blink of an eye. Beside the sword was a set of unique light armor, clearly built for mobility rather than brute defense. It was a mix of the uniform he always wanted to wear and light armor, dark in tone but reinforced with subtle plating for protection.

With these tools at his side, Faker spent the next few weeks in focused training. He was relentless, pushing his body to the limits every day, testing the boundaries of his strength, speed, and endurance. His blade became an extension of his arm, its weight and balance second nature to him after hours of sparring with trees, rocks, and even his own shadow. His armor felt like a second skin, light enough to allow him the fluidity and grace he needed to move swiftly, but tough enough to protect him when necessary.

Though he was alone in these early days, he didn't waste any time. In between his training, Faker ventured cautiously into the outskirts of nearby settlements. He stayed hidden, watching from the shadows as the people went about their lives, listening to snippets of conversation to learn what he could about this world.

After weeks of preparation, Faker felt ready to take his next step. He knew he couldn’t stay in the shadows forever; if he was to learn more about this world and what role he might play in it, he needed to move forward.

And so, Faker set out on his journey.
Acquired Titles: Isekai [Mundane], Human [Mundane], Attentive Student [Grade E]
Points at Start: 105 + 59
Points Earned: 59
Points Spent: 105 + 56
Points Not Spent: 3
Grade D Strength
Grade F Precision
Grade E Intelligence
Grade F Vitality
Grade D Speed

Grade E Character Grade
Appraisal - Grade E
Attentive Student - Grade E
Energized - Grade F
Fast - Grade E
Fighting Style [Swords][Specialized] - Grade E

Perception - Grade F [Born For This Perk]
Warfare - Grade F
Phantom Rush - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
Components: Fast E, Fighting Style [Swords][Specialized], Accurate E, Penetrating E, Agile Perk
Faker dashes at incredible speed toward his target, using the momentum to drive a precise, powerful strike with his blade, aimed to pierce through defenses.
Ghost Step - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
Components: Fast E, Perception F
With sharp focus and nimble footwork, Faker evades an incoming attack, slipping just out of harm’s way.
  • Shadow [Sword] - Grade E
    A sleek, one-handed sword with a black, reflective blade that shimmers in the light, as if forged from the darkest steel.
  • Ghostwalk [Light Armor] - Grade E
    Faker’s outfit resembles an anime-style male student's school uniform, subtly reinforced as light armor. His jacket and trousers are fortified with lightweight plating for protection, while maintaining a sleek and agile look. His sneakers, though casual in appearance, provide comfort and quiet movement, perfect for a wandering adventurer.
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Black Robes
  • N/A
Character Creation
Points Earned

Points Spent - Stats
  • 14 points - Strength - Grade D
  • 7 points - Intelligence - Grade E
  • 14 points - Speed - Grade D
Points Spent - Skills
  • 0 points - Appraisal - Grade E
  • 14 points - Attentive Student - Grade E
  • 7 points - Energized - Grade F
  • 14 points - Fast - Grade E
  • 14 points - Fighting Style [Swords][Specialized] - Grade E
  • 21 points - Accurate Technique Core
  • 21 points - Penetrating Technique Core
  • 0 points - Perception - Grade F [Born For This Perk]
  • 7 points - Warfare - Grade F
Points Spent - Equipment
  • 14 points - Shadow [Sword] - Grade E
  • 14 points - Ghostwalk [Light Armor] - Grade E
  • Title Isekai [Mundane]
  • Title Human [Mundane]
    • Perk Born for This
  • Title Attentive Student [Grade F]
  • Class Striker
    • Perk Agile
  • Abilities Ghost Step, Phantom Rush
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Grubble Rumpfuzzle
Rp'er Name: Speed
Post Frequency: 2-3 posts per week
Discord Name: speedparttwo_54552
Current RP: Active - [Eastern Border of the Fae See - M’lynra Village] - One Last Push
  • Grubble's immediate goal is to find a place where he can make use of his strength and skills to feel needed.
Equipped Titles: Human, Attentive Student [Grade E]
Class: None
Perks: None
Downtime: N/A
Languages: Common, Terran
Height: 7 feet
Weight: 400 pounds
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She was sweet and full of dreams, always looking for adventures, even if they were only in her mind. One day, feeling a little scared of the dark and the monsters she imagined lived in the closet, she closed her eyes and wished for a friend; someone big, strong, and magical who would protect her. From that wish, Grubble was born.

Grubble was unlike anything or anyone. He had purple skin that shimmered in the sunlight and pink hair that stood up in tufts, messy like the inside of a cotton candy machine. His body was large and a little round, but strong where it mattered, just like a protector should be. Small round ears peeked out from his hair, and his nose was so big and pointed it almost poked through the clouds in their pretend skies. His mouth stretched wide, showing crooked, pointy teeth, stained from all the imaginary candy they shared. Grubble had an underbite with two large fangs sticking out like tiny tusks, making his smile silly in a way only Lily could love. His stubby fingers and toes wiggled when he was excited, and though his arms were thick, his legs were thin and wobbly, like a puppet. With small beady eyes and almost no neck, Grubble always wore a subtle, goofy grin, the kind that made Lily giggle every time she looked at him.

Together, they went on countless adventures. Grubble, with his strange appearance and funny way of walking, always made her laugh, while his "magic" kept her safe. Lily never felt alone because Grubble was always there, a big, lovable guardian in her world of make-believe.

But as time passed, Lily grew up. The monsters in the closet became nothing more than clothes and old toys, and the need for Grubble faded. He waited for her to call him again, but the calls never came. Slowly, her memories of Grubble dimmed, and with each forgotten day, Grubble grew weaker. Until, one day, he was forgotten completely.

They say you truly die when you're forgotten, and in that quiet moment, Grubble "died."

But that wasn’t the end. Grubble woke up in a strange new world, no longer bound to Lily’s imagination. He was free, with a mind of his own. At first, he felt a deep sadness in his chest, a kind of heaviness that made him feel small, even with his big body. He realized what he was; a silly creation, pieced together to amuse a child. The joy he once felt being Lily’s protector turned into frustration, then anger. He despised what he had been made into, the strange look of him, the goofy grin that was supposed to make her laugh. How could he have been so foolish?

Now, with a bitter heart, Grubble wandered this new world. He was no longer the jolly, friendly oaf he used to be. Instead, he bore a grudge, not just against Lily, but against the very idea of being forgotten. He had one goal now: to never be forgotten again. He didn’t know how, but he would figure it out. He had to.
In this new world, Grubble felt alone. It wasn’t like Lily’s world, where everything was bright and fun. Here, people didn’t laugh when they saw him. They stared. Some looked at him like he was a strange animal, something to be curious about but not get too close to. Others gave him looks that made his chest heavy, like they were judging him, like he didn’t belong.

Grubble felt it deep inside. He wasn’t welcome. His purple skin, his big nose, his crooked teeth - they made him stand out, and not in a good way. But he was strong. Burly, like before. He could still feel the magic in his body, buzzing like a low hum, but he didn’t know how to use it.

He wandered the streets, looking for something, anything that would make him feel less lost. His thick arms swung by his sides as he walked, and his thin legs carried him slow, like he wasn’t in a hurry to be anywhere, because he wasn’t. He didn’t know where to go. The world was too big and strange for someone like him.

"Need... find way," Grubble muttered to himself, his voice low and rough, his accent thick and slow. "Gotta... make use of... somethin'. Ain’t... good bein’... useless."

He didn’t know what to do. All he wanted was to be seen, not stared at, but truly seen. He wanted to be useful, to be needed. But no one here needed a big, purple creature with a funny face and crooked teeth. They saw him, sure. They saw the outside, but nobody cared what was inside.

Grubble stopped walking and sat down on the edge of the road. His stubby fingers picked at the dirt, and he sighed, a long, tired breath.

"Ain’t... nobody... needin’ me," he whispered, his voice shaking a little. "Not... no more."

He sat there, feeling smaller than he ever had, even with his big, strong body. He knew he had something inside him, something more than just muscles and magic, but he didn’t know how to show it. And until he could, he’d keep searching.
Acquired Titles: Human, Attentive Student [Grade E]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Grade E Strength
Grade F Precision
Grade E Intelligence
Grade C Vitality
Grade F Speed

Grade E Character Grade
Appraisal - Grade E
Athletics - Grade F
Attentive Student - Grade E
Energized - Grade F
Regeneration - Grade F
Superstrength - Grade F
Smash - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Components: Athletics F, Energized F, Superstrength F
Grubble uses his strength to lift heavy objects and hit others with them, relying on simple brute force.
  • Natural Armor [Heavy] - Grade D
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • N/A
Character Creation
Points Spent - Stats

  • 7 points - Strength - Grade E
  • 7 points - Intelligence - Grade E
  • 21 points - Vitality - Grade C
Points Spent - Skills
  • 0 points - Appraisal - Grade E
  • 7 points - Athletics - Grade F
  • 14 points - Attentive Student - Grade E
  • 7 points - Energized - Grade F
  • 7 points - Regeneration - Grade F
  • 14 points - Superstrength - Grade F
Points Spent - Equipment
  • 21 points - Natural Armor [Heavy] - Grade D
  • Title Human [Mundane]
  • Title Attentive Student [Grade E]
  • Abilities Smash
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Minerva Rhea Albero


Rp'er Name:

Post Frequency:
Once every few days

Current RP:
A night of Unspoken Truths

Previous RPs:

  • Advance through Otenzian Society to become a senator or perhaps even more
  • Utilize the position of Senator or close attendant of the Emperor to change the direction of the Otenzian Empire
  • Utilize necromancy in order to advance medicine and standards of magical healing.
  • Utilize necromancy in order to reduce necessity of slavery, or reduce future utilization of constructs which could cause a dependancy on Widersia technology. Through the means of using undead in manual labour.
  • Abolish the negative look upon necromancy throughout society by utilizing as moral means as possible to obtain bodies.
  • Meet her father once more, even if it wouldn't be on good terms likely.
Gender Pronouns:
She / Her

184 cm | 6'04" Feet

75 kg | 165 Lbs
« History »
  • Born in 1008 AD, as the British Isles began to become known rather as Enga Land, and just prior to the Danish rule of the country. Besieged by Viking raids from the northern countries. She was born in a tumultuous time period, a transition between the Early Middle Ages and High Middle Ages. The height of the Holy Roman Empire down in Europe which made headway even up here. As well as much advancement to be made in the southern parts of the British Isles.

    A flourishing of trade and economic growth for London. But such a life of comfort wasn't something that she could experience. As the young little girl was born in a small village on the Northeast. Growing up isolated to most of the world, as she practiced Christian preachings and ate only of the harvest her family has sowed the previous seasons or whatever the forest had to offer. It was a harsh upbringing, one she can only faintly remember now to this. One of sickness and hunger, which robbed her of many siblings during rough winters.

    Memories she would equate to that of when you were but a babe or a young child prior to even your teens. Snippets of memories whizzing by still of when she had fallen face first onto the floor, crying from the pain as one of her teeth had turned grey. Or the comfort of sitting in the sun near the creek talking with some of the other children from the village as their feet splashed around the water. Scant few memories which had slowly sank away below murky waters. But she still recalled the night of the raid. The day the man she had known as her father back then stabbed through the stomach with a blade. The horrible dry sensation in her throat as she choked upon the ash and soot from the fires which besieged everything around her. Her mother taken away from her so they could do whatever they had wanted to do with her. Before both being put upon a ship together to sail north. Spending gruelling weeks starving upon that ship as the vikings rationed whatever food was there.

    The sick or dying being thrown overboard, and keeping whatever cough she had from the listless nights at bay as best she could. Before finally arriving in Norway. It was the most sickening feeling she could have when suddenly after rationing for so long she was pampered and forced to eat as much as she could. To make sure she was as healthy looking as could be. At moments wondering if she should attempt to escape, her mother held her by the wrist, and looked her in the eyes. That look which was one of sadness terrified her so, so much. Being sold away to a farmer who lived in Denmark, separated from her mother, and forced to clean his household as well as assist the workers working the fields by bringing them drink or working the fields herself. Being looked at... Being mistreated... Until when she had grown older being used... She ran. She ran as far as she could, knowing that if she were caught she would beaten or worse. Even knowing how easily he could chase her on horseback. But then in the middle of the forest... She could only remember a gruelling pain to her head as she laid on the ground, a burning sensation as blood poured from a gash. Slowly slumbering to what would have been a waveless dream.
« Status »
Character Grade:
Points at Start: 105 (+21)
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 126
Points Not Spent: 0

Standing Grade: F



Abomination | Fae | Human | Mundane | Surya Half-Elf | Otenzian Nobility, Offworlder

« Skills »
  • {F} Magic | Core, Ability - E grade Intelligence
    Character has become aware of the mana in their body and can now learn to channel it. May be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities. This skill must be higher than any of the other magical skills acquired to enhance a spell's effects.

« Abilities »
  • (F) Honeyed Words | {F} Persuasion, {F} Deception
    Minerva puts a cadence neither commanding nor seductive in her voice, yet whether in a manner which is sympathetic or thoughtful, whomever hears her feel like her intentions speak true, and that in some manner said course of action would be beneficial to them as well.

« Possessions »

  • ❁ Fine Otenzian Clothing
    ❁ Golden Jewellery
    ❁ Gold leaf Laurel
    ❁ Vial of Perfume
    ❁ Elegant Fan
    ❁ Signet Ring
    ❁ Embroided Hankerchief
    ❁ Coin Purse
    ❁ Compact Mirror
    ❁ Albero sealing Wax Stamp
« Buddies »

    • Title:
      • Monster [Undead]
      • Buddy
    • Stat:
      • Str F
      • Per F
      • Int F
      • Spd F
      • Vit F
    • Skill:
      • None
    • Equipment:
      • None
« Downtime »
  • None
« Change Log »

  • • Mixed Race (7 points)

    • Strength (F) -> (H) (+14 Points)

    • Intelligence (F) -> (B) (28 Points)

    • Speed (F) -> (G) (+7 Points)

    • Vitality (F) -> (B) (28 Points)

    • Magic (F) (7 points)

    • Healing (F) (7 Points)

    • Resilient (F) (7 points)

    • Language [Sylvan] (7 Points)

    • Language [Common] (0 points)

    • Language [Terran] (0 points)

    • Appraisal [Isekai] (0 points)

    • Tamer (F) (7 Points)

    • Buddy [Tamer] (0 Points)

    • Educated [Otenzian Politician] (F) (7 points)

    • Persuasion (0 Points) [Born for This]

    • Deception (0 Points) [Born for This]

    • Social Status [Otenzian Nobility] (D) (21 points)

Credit for bbcode format to @Shatter Shard
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Mikhail Xudriess
Theme:None ATM
Rp'er Name: SixthSense
Post Frequency:
1-2 times a week
Discord Name: Pkken
Current RP: None
Live everyday to the fullest
Enjoy his time with good company
Perform on a grand stage before he dies
Become a rock star
Equipped Titles: Fae, Lune Elf
Languages: Common, Sylvian
Height: 5’10
Weight: 180
Backstory: None
Current Life: Mikhail’s past is one full of strife, trials and tribulations that’s shaped him into who he is today. He now travels the lands taking in everything that the world has to offer, enjoying experiences and living life to the fullest day by day.
Acquired Titles: Mundane Fae, Lune elf
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent:105
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - F
Precision - E
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - E
Character Grade - E
  • Magic E (Born for this 7pt discount) (14)
  • Magic targets F (7)
  • Spell Duration F (7)
  • Magic Range F (7)
  • Performance F (7)
  • Bolster Strength F (7)
  • Dark vision (7)
  • Feature pointy ears (0)
  • Feature pale skin (0)
  • Mechanical parts (0)
  • ruckish education [Persuasion, Stealth, Insight] Mikhails upbringing has afforded him a useful set of skills.
  • Invigorating Ballad E - (Magic E, Magic Targets F, Bolster Str F, Magic Range, Performance F, spell Duration F) Mikhail plays an along, bolstering the strength of his allies for one hour. 1 post cooldown
  • Death note E - (Magic E, Magic targets F, Magic Range F, Performance F ) Mikhail plays a riff, as he continues to play he conjures up magical energy before releasing it onto his targets. 1 post cooldown
  • Guitar catalyst E (14)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Circle shades
  • Guitar Case
Assets: None
Change Log:
  • ] date of creation 9/21/24
  • Intelligence upgraded to D (14)
  • Speed, Precision, Vitality Upgraded to E (21)
  • Magic E(14) (born for this 7 point discount) Magic targets F (7), Bolster Str F (7), Magic range F (7), Performance F (7), Darkvision (7), Educated F [Persuasion, Stealth, Insight] (7) Pointy ears feature (0), pale skin feature (0)
  • guitar catalyst E (14), basic starter items [Whetstone, Bedroll, fire starter kit, Rations, waterskin, circle shades
  • Created abilities Invigorating ballad E and Death note E
  • Acquired titles Mundane Fae, Lune Elf
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  • Name: Alexander Samuel Hidalgo
    Nickname(s): TBD
    Gender: Male
    Rp'er Name: Tobi Naefaerne
    Post Frequency: At least Once a Week
    Discord Name: tobinaefaerne
    Current RP: N/A
    • Rebuild his thievery skills
    • Steal from the corrupt and give back to the poor
    • Acquire Legendary/Mystical Artifacts
    • Gather a treasure horde of his own
    • Rebuild the Legend of the Hidalgo Family in this new world
    • Become Infamous
    Equipped Titles: Human, Mundane Human, Born For This
    Class: Nomad
    Downtime: TBD
    Height || Weight: 5'7" || 165lbs // 170.18cms || 74.8kg
    What's there to say? Alex was born into a family of thieves, and while his parents had safe houses, his family of three (Him, his Dad, and his Mom) spent most of their lives on the road and on the run. But Alex never hated it, in fact, he loved the lifestyle because home was where the heart is, and his heart was with his family. Every new place brought either new friends or new thrills, and as Alex got older, his skills grew sharper. Before long the young thief learned the ropes, not only regarding the family business, but also how to intermingle with non-criminals.

    By the time Alex was an adult he struck out on his own, meeting his own friends and found family. He was confident like he had abilities beyond the natural. Over time he found himself tied up in a supernatural power struggle in a city that housed the body of a dead god, his folly of joining a faction instead of running would eventually see him struck down while protecting another.
    Believing that his soul would return to the earth, Alex was surprised to find himself being spoken to by a god-being. Even more shocking was the fact he, a thief, was entrusted with a mission to stave off the perpetual stasis of the world, to save the world from it. Alex pondered this as he found himself in a new body, one lacking the supernatural capabilities he was accustomed to. However, it just added to his goal. With his body no longer at its old peak, he'd need to completely retrain himself. After that, build his infamy so high that neither Sinner nor Saint could ignore him. But for now, Alex would bank on his old business knowledge until he found his first mark.

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Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name: karcen
Post Frequency:
Daily to ever 2 or 3 days
Discord Name: karcen
Current RP:
(list short or long term goals you have for the character with a minimum of one goal.)
Equipped Titles: mundabe beast, feline, isekai, born for this, courtesan dancer
5' 2"
Weight: 100lbs
Backstory: Despite coming from another world Teti dodent renember much. That isnt because he lost it all when he crossed over or anything, actully he used to remember it quite well. The thing is he has been here for 24 years and time messes with memorie. Teti honestly isnt to bugged by this given the loss was natural.
Current Life: Teti was born in the western empire, though to a nomadic beastfolk tribe that lived in the central desert abd areas around it. Wgen he was born he did have the memories of a life begore this one. This previous experience made Teti a but of an odd child both more and less mature than his peers. Hilariously he used to try to innovate for hos people only to found out the world was more advanced than he thought making most ideas pointless.

Teti's life in the wandering trade and entertainment caravan was rather fun, it was harsh in terms of learning to entertain others as he had no eye for the market, but the dances were fun. Though as he grew he did notice sone changes or well lack of changes in terms of physical build. This oddity didn't bug Teti to much as growing up in the caravan had altered his mindset to how people should look and more towards what appealed to others.

When Teti was an adult he would be introduced to a side of the caravans entertainment that he had known existed for a long time. Hos looks which he had grown to be proud of and rather teasing attitude had made him perfect for the adult entertainment side of things. While a little hesitant the idea of such things being bad or wrong had long faded and it was more him being picky.

After some time of working a client would want teti for more than a night and slavery wasn't something frowned on in the group. Though selling their people was uncommon as it did lose them future revenue. Still the buyer paid a lot and the deal was struck. Teti after learning his parents were selling him was a little annoyed, mostly as he hadn't been there to see the buyer not that his parents were selling him. Teti would go along with it as he had long stopped really seeing slavery as wrong and well he wasn't going to some feild slave at least so no need to complain. While the spell was being cast and the tattoo being engraved he met the man that wanted him and an old memory cane back the Marchant was the definition of ugly basterd from some forgotten books. Teti found the only positive there was money so no way in hell was he going with the merchant. The slave spell almost being done teti suddenly shot up shocking everyone because he had been cooperative thus hadn't been restrained, and dashed out.

Teti honestly shouldn't have gotten away but his would be master could never catch him and her parents refused to chase. They had brought teti there it was not their fault the merchant didn't bother with security and he had paid up front. There likely might have been some love mixed in but really there was no benefit fir them to catch their son for no extra benefit.

Teti would escape into the desert which he luckily survived and wandered. The slave crest on his back incomplete and no action he had taken was truly vriminal he was lost good not stollen and he hadnt made the deal so hadnt cheated anyone. Still he needed to do something about it beong open perhaps find a removal or somone acceptal to finish it. Despite all this Teti stull dosent mind slavery just he has standards.
Acquired Titles: mundane, beast, feline, born for this, isekai, courtesan dancer

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - D
Vitality - D
Speed - E
Character Grade - E
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Cosmetic cat tail F 0
  • Cosmetic cat ears F 0
  • Heightened sense hearing F 7
  • Persuasion F 7
  • Appraisal isekai E 0
  • Dessert cat meele natural weapon fighting style:
    • Blind fighter F 0
    • Flexible F 7
  • Educated courtesan dancer F 7
    • Seduction F 0
    • Performance dancing F 0
    • Acrobatics F 0
  • Natural armor F 0 born for this
  • Natural weapon F 14
  • Energized F
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Cat strike fighting style Dessert cat F Natural weapon F Performance dancing F Acrobatics F Natural weapons F. Energized F Grade F cooldown 0 post Teti lashes out with fist and foot though rather that the structured form of material arts its is with the fluid grace of a dance.
  • Cat's meow: Seduction F Persuasion F grade F cooldown 0 posts using his charms and trading words with the implication of rewards latter Teti attempts to get his way.
Equipment: (
  • His entertainer clothes 5hey are rather revealing and not magical but he likes them.
  • nature armor
  • natural weapons
Items: (

  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • None
Change Log: (
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Character Name
(images preferred, word descriptions allowed)
Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name:
Post Frequency:
(give a general idea of how often you plan to post with this character)
Discord Name: (if you use discord and prefer it as a way of communication. otherwise put N/A. ex: Name#1234)
Current RP: (list rp link here for any current or future rp's the character participates in. In this way it is easier to track down where a character is in IH)
Goals: (can be left blank. short/long term goals are useful for Graders when determining a character's rewards for any given rp.)
Equipped Titles: Human, Demon
Class: N/A
Perks: N/A
Downtime: N/A
common, terran
Height: (feet inches preferred, metric allowed)
Weight: (lbs preferred, metric allowed)
Backstory: (this is the stuff that happened to your character prior to appearing in this world. Maybe you forgot. maybe you don't want to remember. maybe there was nothing and you are a native of this world)
Current Life: (this is where you can describe your current living situation. Perhaps you isekaied into a nice family. Maybe you are an orphan or mercenary with nothing. You are not allowed to be in a family with wealth or peerage to nobility. Such things must be earned first and rp'd into being in most cases.)
Acquired Titles: Human, Demon
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - F
Speed - E
Character Grade - F
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Teleport F
  • Magic E
  • Spell Range F
  • Fire Affinity F
  • Energize F
  • survival F
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Fire Bolt - Magic E, Spell Range F, Fire affinity F - character casts a bolt of flame at a target within 30ft - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Flame Fist - Fire F, Magic F - character coats fist or foot in magical flame before lashing out at target within reach - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Flame Warp - Teleport F, Fire affinity F - character disappears and reappears in flame to a place they know of within 10ft - Grade F - 0 post cooldown
  • Roasted Eats - Survival F, Fire Affinity F - character can secure and cook up basic eats so long as they are in an area where such resources are available to scavenge.
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Catalyst E
  • light armor F
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Example Whetstone
  • Example Bedroll
  • Example Fire Starter Kit
  • Example Rations
  • Example Waterskin
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • rented tavern/inn room
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • [Date of Character Creation]
  • Additional points gained from Scoops or stat reductions
  • All stat upgrades
  • All skill purchases
  • All equipment, item, or asset purchases (this includes Natural Weapons)
  • [Date sheet was edited] Link to Grading post at end of RP, Rewards post from Community events, or Marketplace post for trades
  • Points, Assets, and Titles acquired from RP (these will be listed in Grading post)
  • Title Change: Equipped Hero of Garden Temple. Unequipped Ditch Hobo.
  • [Date sheet was edited, if different than previous edit date]Point Expenditure: 7 points for Musician [Violin] F (violin comes with the skill)
  • Upgrade Speed C => B for 7pts.
  • Rinse and Repeat
Ceasar ‘Surpann’ Romano

Rp'er Name: NachoGod NachoGod
Post Frequency:
At minimum 2 a weak, Ideally at least 1 a day.
Discord Name: Mickey
Current RP: (list rp link here for any current or future rp's the character participates in. In this way it is easier to track down where a character is in IH)
Goals: To lift his new family out of poverty and become a successful performer in the gladiator pits. Perhaps one day settle and have a new family in this strange world.
Equipped Titles: Human
Class: Artless
Perks: N/A
Downtime: (can be left blank. used for #Harvester and #Tamer skills.)
Languages: Common, Terran, Beastial
Height: 5ft 10in
Weight: 177lbs.
Backstory: Caesar was born into Mexico city in the early 90’s and would grow up in a impoverished neighborhood where the Sinaloa cartel reigned supreme. He would be taught from a young age that you never cross them and that family was the most important thing in life. As he grew he would come to realize a natural talent in the field of wrestling and boxing, eventually leading him to become a amateur performer. His natural charisma paired with his talents would put him in a position to become a professional Luchador…if only he had a sponsor. That was when he was approached by Rodrigo Herdez a High ranking cartel member with access to the funds he needed to put Caesars name in the running. The two would become fast friends and overnight Caesar became a cartel associate.

All was good for several years, Caesar won more than he lost, but was far from a perfect fighter. Nonetheless he would find himself drawn to a woman named Lupe Castillo and the two would fall hard for one another, they were married nine months later, and following their honeymoon, Lupe was found to be bearing his first child. The first of three that would come over the course of eight years. Yet life has a way of making a mans greatest triumphs and most loved aspects of life his Achilles heel. After so many years in the luchador lifestyle Caesar had become truly a magnificent fighter. He would push himself to the top, spurred on by his son Angelo’s proclamation that he was his hero.

So when it came time to fight for the championship bout and Rodrigo asked him to throw the fight, Caesar found himself caught between two complex and lifelong struggles. To cross the cartel, or let his family down. Caesar would choose to uphold his sons view and would fight his hardest to win the championship, eventually succeeding…but this would come at a steep price. Rodrigo would be taken by the cartel that night, beaten within an inch of his life and then set ablaze. As the fires consumed him Rodrigo would tell him that his family would survive only because of the friendship the two had shared. Knowing this, Caesar passed from this world with sense of peace one would not expect from his violent end.
Current Life: When Caesar finished his conversation with God he would find himself awakening in the body of a Young child, barely above a toddler. He would remember everything from the flames to his old family and for a short while it would be difficult for him to understand the changes in his life. Overtime he would come to realize that the family he had been reborn into was actually just as good hearted as his previous family and he would come to love them just as much. The Impoverished leatherworkers had become his new life and he would do all he could to see their life improved by his presence, a second chance to bring honor to his family that people are rarely afforded.

Caesar would spend years working to regain the skills he possessed in his first life. His family supporting him as he did so despite not really understanding what he was doing. Soon they would come to understand, he would wrestle with his siblings, perform odd dances and hone his body into a work of art. As he grew into adulthood their support would become more tangible, with his Mother and Eldest sister stitching together his Flying Serpent costume.

Now he stands ready to start the journey of his new career, seeking to enter the gladiatorial pits in the Otezian Empire. Standing out from those around him due to his stance, style, and flair. But will he find himself as a champion once more? Or will he once again go down in flames?
Acquired Titles: Human, Novice Leather worker
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105? (all 105 points must be spent at the end of character creation)
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - E (7)
Precision - E (7)
Intelligence - E (7)
Vitality - E (7)
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Fighting Style (Natural Weapons): Wrestling Serpent- F (7): A style that Specializes on Joint-locks and Submissions, to render foes incapable of continuing to fight through a variety of means.
  • flexible F (7) (Fighting Style: Wrestling Serpent)
  • Tangle F (7) (Fighting Style: Wrestling Serpent)
  • Non-lethal F (Fighting Style: Wrestling Serpent: discount)
  • Penetrating F (Fighting style: Wrestling Serpent)
  • Alternate identity F (7)- Surpann is a stage name that Caesar uses, his True Identity Caesar Romano is a standard man of latin descent who appears well kept and groomed, he has Inky black hair, a neatly trimmed mustache goatee combo and striking blue eyes. Caesar is not known for much when his mask is removed, though he is known in his hometown as the youngest son of the Romero’s leatherwork shop. Those who appraise him in His Unmasked state would see a Human, Novice, Leatherworker
  • Isekai’d Appraisal F (free)
  • Jumping F (7)
  • Acrobatics F (7)
  • Energized F (7)
  • Additional Language: Beastial (7)
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Earthbound Serpent- Flexible F, Non-Lethal F, Tangle F - After engaging in a grapple with the foe Caesar Slips behind them and wraps his arms around their waist before bending backwards and taking the target with him releasing them at the last second in an effort to knock them prone to set up for a Follow up attack - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Skyward Snake- Penetrating F, Acrobatics F, Jumping F- A quick leap in the air followed by a repositioning of the body allows Caesar to deliver a punishing Elbow strike backed by the power of gravity and his body weight. Prone foes beware!- Grade F -Post Cooldown 0
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Natural Weapon F (Hands & Feet) (14)
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Flying Serpent Costume
  • Assets:
  • Nothing of Note
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • 9/25/2024
  • Additional points gained from Scoops or stat reductions
  • All stat upgrades
  • All skill purchases
  • All equipment, item, or asset purchases (this includes Natural Weapons)
  • [Date sheet was edited] Link to Grading post at end of RP, Rewards post from Community events, or Marketplace post for trades
  • Points, Assets, and Titles acquired from RP (these will be listed in Grading post)
  • Title Change: Equipped Hero of Garden Temple. Unequipped Ditch Hobo.
  • [Date sheet was edited, if different than previous edit date]Point Expenditure: 7 points for Musician [Violin] F (violin comes with the skill)
  • Upgrade Speed C => B for 7pts.
  • Rinse and Repeat
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Rp'er Name: Smoke
Post Frequency:
Discord Name: N/a
Current RP: TBD
Short Term: Get more material to upgrade his Sniper Rifle
Long Term: Achieve a legendary death that people will remember
Equipped Titles: Human
Class: Artless
Common, German
Height: 6'1''
Weight: 146 lb
Backstory: Micha F Burr was born in Washington State, he was raised by his mother though his whole life (Dad left before he was born) but at the age of 18 he left home and joined the military. Micha eventually trained to be a sharpshooter within the military. He gained the nickname smoker because of his tendency to shoot flammable targets on the firing range, he eventually showed enough potential as a sniper that he traveled to Germany to learn Sharpshooting from the best of the best, unluckily he never got to finish this training as while traveling through an abandoned German military camp with his instructors he stepped on a forgotten landmine and died instantly
Current Life: Traveling around and doing mercenary work
Acquired Titles:
Points Earned:
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D
Precision - B
Intelligence - E
Vitality - D
Speed - F
Character Grade - E
  • Camouflage
  • Focus F
  • Steady Hands F
  • Sniper [Sharpshooting] - F - [Accuracy]
  • Concentrated Snipe - Focus F , Steady Hands F, Sniper [Sharpshooting] - F - [Accuracy]. - Smoker makes an Extremely accurate shot from his sniper up to 1,800 meters from a prone position, target cannot be within20 meters of Smoker - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • McMillan Tac-50 Anti material Rifle C
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • 5 days of preserved rations
  • set of basic clothes
  • bedroll
  • lighter
  • 4 cigarettes
  • broken and altered gas mask
  • altered cloak with added pieces of a ghillie suit
  • Gun care kit and gun repair kit
  • Extra gun magazines and magazine holders
  • none
Change Log:
  • 9/25/2024: Character created
  • Base Stats:
  • Sniper [Sharpshooting] - F - [Accuracy]
  • Steady Hands F
  • Focus F
  • Camouflage (ghillie suit)
  • Strength - D
  • Precision - B
  • Intelligence - E
  • Vitality - D
  • Speed - F
  • Character Grade - E


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Ezra - The Morally Grey Artificer

RP-er's Name:
Post Frequency: Varying from once a week to upwards of several a day (dependent on IRL circumstances)
Discord Name: S.L.O.P
Current RP:

  • Spread his name cross the lands amongst good-guy guilds, criminal syndicates, cults, monster rave parties, and everything in between. Become the "go-to-man" for lamp oil, rope, bombs - you want it? It's yours, my friend trinkets and baubles; and one day, a world-ending Golgothian Sylex. Or at least artifacts of profound destruction because I don't think [God] would be terribly keen on the idea.
  • Amass prodigious amounts of wealth. And artifacts. Preferably destructive ones. But mostly wealth. Because rubies money buys happiness.
  • Start lifting or do some cardio. Bro, look at his Strength and Vitality. Literally Megamind. But with magic.
Equipped Titles: Human, Evolved
Class: Artless

  • Eideitic Memory
Downtime: N/A
Languages: Common, Terran
Height: (feet inches preferred, metric allowed)
Weight: (lbs preferred, metric allowed)
Current Life:
Acquired Titles: Human, Evolved
Points at Start: 112 (Born for This)
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 112
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats (Total: 35):
Strength - G (+7)
Precision - B (28)
Intelligence - C (21)
Vitality - G (+7)
Speed - F
Character Grade - E
Skills (Total: 77):
  • Appraisal (Isekai) - E
  • Feats:
    • Eideitic Memory - (7)
  • Profession:
    • Artisan (Artificer) - C (28)
    • Enchanting - D (21)
  • Educated - F (7)
    • Arcana - F (7)
    • Engineering - F (7)
    • Focus - F (7)
  • N/A
Equipment (Total: 0):
  • N/A
  • Artisan's Toolkit (Artificer)
  • Ezra's Workshop (criminals and monsters are welcome! Just use the backdoor, please.) - C
Change Log:
  • [Date of Character Creation: 26/09/2024]
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