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Fantasy Character Sign Up- No Longer Human?

Name: Dr. Kilgrave "Flicker"

Appearance: 4 ft, purple fur black markings, bright spotlight eyes. (Ignore the lantern for now.) 


Gender: male

Age: 74

Personality: uppity, happy, joyful, encouraging, inquisitive, clever.

Bio: Dr. Kilgrave was one of the first scientists to begin research at the facility, he was head of the experiment team before volunteering himself to become a specimen. He now lives in the facility, studying himself and others. The scientists still respect him and consider his word as if he were still human, though there are obvious tensions between him and his old team.

What mutations?: Kilgrave has become small and light, able to squeeze into tight spaces or land from extreme heights, his ears have become extremely sensitive near to a fault, and his nose can sniff out specific scents for miles. His eyes glow brightly, actually emitting a flashlight effect that illuminates dark spaces. his tail is nimble and strong, similar to a monkeys but more cat like in appearance. 

Extra:"Quiet! You'll scare away the crickets!" 
Name: Miyuki 



Gender: Girl 

Age: 16

Personality: Sly/Clever/Mischevious/Fast/Sneaky/Stubborn/Brave

Bio: She was born to be a test subject. The day she turned 5, she was tested on, and turned into a cheetah girl. She LOVED it. She didn't care if she was different, it was like she could do anything she wanted. She pranked a lot, even though she was held captive. But she started wanting to see the real world again. She wanted to get out, escape. But how... (Too short? I can make it longer if it's too short) 

What mutations: She's really a cheetah with human attributes. She can run really fast, and hunt well. 

Theme Song: 


Name: Björn 

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Personality: Stubborn, Tough, Kind, Gentle. 

Bio: The man was born in Iceland, living to a medium class family, visiting the zoo and just generally being happy. He was fascinated with Gorillas, and at age 6 a man came up to him while at the zoo, his mother and father were in the bathroom. The man asked him, "You like Gorillas?" Björn was quick to reply. "Yeah! They're so cool!" He almost shouted. "Come with me little one." He held out his hand, Björn having no experience with bad people he took it and followed. Little did Björn know this wasn't what he thought to be a good person. For over the next 15 years he became a test subject. And all the pain he went through, all the hate and anger. It begins to make him a bitter person...

Mutation: Made into a Gorilla, bipedal and standing at 8'10 he's stronger, being able to lift up to half a ton and rip someone in half if needed.

Extra: None. 

Name: Xavier Cords



Gender: Male

Age: 19

Personality: Xavier is quiet and shy but if he trusts you enough he open up a little and when he does he mostly sarcastic all the time.

Bio:Xavier was a college student who lived with his abusive family. Since he came out as Bisexual his whole family including his siblings turned on him as if he was a stranger. His parents decided to keep him and use him as their stress reliever resulting in Xavier having bruised ribs and black eyes almost everyday. So the night they came for him he didn't object and Xavier let them test out whatever on him if it ensured him to be free from his parents clutches. The experimentation worked and the doctors decided to give him the chance for revenge and Xavier took the night of a full moon to go on his first mission. During this mission  Xavier decides to murder his whole family which caused him to be sent to this facility where they kept him trapped.. Ever since Xavier has been used for assassinations and missions to retrieve important info for the doctors.

What mutations: Xavier has wolf DNA entranced into his turning him well into a human-wolf hybrid. He have enhanced senses and super speed and strength. Also they gave him traits of a real wolf tapping into his primal instinct and he can be tamed only by someone more dominant or someone he feels is more dominant then him.

Extra:He goes feral every full moon( But does not have the ability to turn into a full wolf)
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@XxBetaWolfxX You're character is great, but I'm going to have to pop a few bubbles. There's no werewolves, so it would simply be wolf DNA but it can still fit into your ideas. He just can't change forms. And the agency wouldn't let him kill his family. That would bring bad publicity to the project. But while out on one of his missions he could have stopped and killed them, and when the agency found out you were transported to this facility where you aren't allowed out. How's that?


Breonna Withers






Dragon Shifting



Breonna was just a simple girl in her life. She was working on a farm before getting caught up in advertisements. Before long, she had been selling her body and doing "favors" for people. Until one last ad would change her life. She had gone to a place where a mad scientist would experiment on people. She did her business and was knocked out cold with a pipe. When Breonna woke up, she was tied down with injections put into her. Her ears were now strange and she had horns. She was put into very skimpy clothing and had wings and scales and a tail. She was now a dragon.



Breonna is a very seductive girl and since the days of the experiments, she's become mentally unstable. Asshole victim.








Mother: Dead

Father: Dead

Other: Dead

(Maybe she'll become a full dragon someday. We'll never know..)
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Name: Jack Magil

Appearance: anthro wolf.jpg

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Personality: Loyal, Outgoing, Fun-loving, Rebellious

Bio: Jack was always a friendly individual, almost too friendly. He was always known as a jokester, always attempting to have fun and amuse his friends. When his best friend was kidnapped, Jack led several search parties, mostly made up of his friends. Even after the police gave up, Jack continued to search. On his seventeenth birthday, a man in a suit gave him an offer: sign a contract and his friend would be released.
       Jack signed the paper without hesitation, not even reading it. Two days later, the man took Jack to a facility. The scientists then told Jack that his friend was never there to begin with. Upon hearing this, Jack attacked them, in a fit of rage. Jack was restrained and experimented on. After his transformation was complete, they released him into a common area. Soon after his release, he began attacking the security of the facility and was moved to a solitary area. He spent almost a year with contact with no one but the scientists. Finally, he's been released into the common area once again, with stern warnings against attacking security.

What mutations: Jack is essentially a humanoid wolf. He can walk in a bipedal fashion, but is faster when walking in a quadrupedal fashion.  He has enhanced speed, smell, hearing, and sight

Extra: Jack's red markings are due to his hair color before the transformation. It is rare for Jack to walk on all fours, as he feels that it takes away his humanity.

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Name:Francis Faux





Personality:Francis is creepy and he knows it, he enjoys the fact that others may find him repulsive. He often creeps around on the ceilings listening in on people's conversations. if and when found he will often scurry away at high speeds. He will become hostile towards those who squish his Roaches, though he often keeps them away from sight. 

Bio: Francis Is an unknown test subject. One of the early trails done on corpses. He has no memories of his past life, but has made several attempts to discover who. He named himself the same moment he regained the ability to speak. He shows no hostilities instead choosing to flee from conflict, even one raising their voice will cause him to bolt. He seems content with the facility and isn't fond of change. 

What mutations:

Enhanced cockroach physiology: infusing Francois with the DNA of several species of cockroach, the result is extreme resistance to nearly all forms of damage. The ability to cling to any surface and walk on walls and ceilings. He can move at speeds of up to 25 mph, and his sensory antennae can detect things at a molecular level allowing him to detect the individual ingredients in every substance. 

Cockroach telepathy: Francois can telepathically communicate with cockroaches and have them do his bidding, no material seems able to block this telepathy and due to the multitude of cockroaches living in any given area there is no way of i owning its distance limitations either. 

Extra:Enjoys being creepy.
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Name: Kozak misoki

appearance: Image

gender: male

age: 10, unknown to him

personality: sad, terrified in most situations

bio: Kozak was the youngest of five brothers, living happily amongst them until at some point, he awoke one morning to discover short deer antlers poking out of his hair. He looked around, he seemed to be in some kind of... Facility...

mutations: Small Antlers sprung from his head

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(Here's a drawing of my character, hope ya like.)

Name:  miko


Stands around 6'1, his body is slender and he is blue with pink marks. His eyes often change colors and shades.

Gender: male

Age:  21

Sexuality: homosexual


rather blunt and a bit stubborn, he is very sassy but also means well. He is no where close to shy and is actually very forward about everything. Miko is actually also very soft sided and he is a little territorial when it comes to certain relationships. He is very sensitive about his eyes and doesn't like others looking at them.

Bio: miko has zero memory of his life before the faculty and is not sure if he had one. he has memory flashes and dreams somtimes but he can't make heads or tails of any of it. 

What mutations: (what's different, what do they have extra of? Any new appendages or abilities?)  

He is a humanoid jelly fish with some eel DNA in the mix. His body can produce high amounts of electricity and even glow at times. Like a eel his jaw can extend and He has very sharp teeth. He can survive both under water and on land.  

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Name: Cuban Aquas

Appearance: Stands about 9 foot tall and his mouth actually has normal teeth. Blue eyes and blond hair instead of the black.

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Personality: He has a sympathetic heart towards everyone else on the lab grounds and a brutal anger towards the scientists. Otherwise, he is sweet and caring willing to stick his neck out for most people if they need him.

Bio: Cuban grew up in Maine as the son of a fisher and lived near the docks for as long as he could remember. He had a relatively average life with perhaps a bit more fish and swimming. He went to a pretty average school where he got average grades and didn't really accomplish much of anything. However the fact that nobody really knew him and he didn't attract much attention would make him a perfect subject.

What mutations: The lower half of his body is that of a crab and his hands are claws that are strong enough to crush even steel. His shell strong like titanium alloy and capable of breathing underwater, withstanding great pressure.

Extra: Loves sugar and being in water.
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