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Fantasy Character Sign Up- No Longer Human?

Character Sign-up Skeleton

Name:Kona hoshi 

Appearance:think lamia,  a female body with the  lower half of a snake and reptile eyes and scales only on her tail.  Hair Is Black And Eyes ARe Green. Tail Is silver.  She Has Fangs As Well

Gender: female

Age: 21

Personality:cocky and cunning and very flirty and lust full but will be at your ass if need be

Bio:a small town girl looking for some cash and found this about three years ago

What mutations: cold blooded,  and some where explained in the appearance,  reptilian eyes and urges (like hunting and eating small creatures) Or "playing" with Bird/mouse Like Mutants

Extra: Lesbian
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Name: grand jones

Appearance:cobra_warrior_by_testosteronman-d42e7wo.jpg(no staff)


Age: 27

Personality: power hungry, deceiving, liar, maipulative, immoral, determined

Bio: grand was a college graduate when he heard about the mutatiion program, he thought of it as his chance to socially rise in the ranks in the world. he didnt expect to get turned into a complete monster, after a while he got used to it and looked at it as a blessing in disguise, he can use his new found form and powers to garner fear and respect for him, thats what he did, and manipulates his way to be on top.

What mutations: (what's different, what do they have extra of? Any new appendages or abilities?) his mutation is as seen in the picture. he can camouflage in turn nearly invincible in any environment, enhanced agility, very flexible, strong, strong bite

Extra:killed his family after the mutation
Name: Pippy Strand

Appearance: Attachment (Without Weapons But Does Have The Gloves

Pippy Wears No Shirt, Armor Plating On His Wrists And Shoulder, A Belt With A Knife Holder, Brown Trousers And Heavy Duty Boots

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Personality:Pippy Is A Little Shy And Very Nerdy, He Likes His Time Alone But Will Always Help Someone If He Knows He Can. Pippy Does Not Make Friend Easy Because He Gets Angry Quick, Not Much Can Calm Min Down Besides Being Alone And Focusing On Something, If He Does Make A Friend He Can Be Very Bossy.

Bio: Pippy Was Born In Britain, As He Grew Up He Spent More And More Time In His Room Until It Became A Rare Occasion For Him to Come Down (Except For Food) Pippy Grew Into A Weird Guy Who Spend Most Of His Time Inside Alone Playing Games Until One Day He Had Enough He Wanted Him To Go Out And Socialize But Because He Wasn't Good At It He Decided To Talk To The First Person He Saw, Pippy Spent Around A Month To Them When They Asked If He Would Be Ok To Help With There Work, Because He Was Good Friends He Accepted But Thats When His Life Became Hell.

What mutations: (what's different, what do they have extra of? Any new appendages or abilities?) Pippy is part Crocodile this means he Is strong and durable it takes a lot of damage to take him down


@Deadly Darkness

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Name: Pippy Strand

Appearance: Brown Hair With A Green Patch Dyed Into His Hair, Sky Blue Eyes, Wears A Lime Green Hoodie, A Brown T-Shirt And A Dark Green Jeans.

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Personality:Pippy Is A Little Shy And Very Nerdy, He Likes His Time Alone But Will Always Help Someone If He Knows He Can. Pippy Does Not Make Friend Easy Because He Gets Angry Quick, Not Much Can Calm Min Down Besides Being Alone And Focusing On Something, If He Does Make A Friend He Can Be Very Bossy.

Bio: Pippy Was Born In Britain, As He Grew Up He Spent More And More Time In His Room Until It Became A Rare Occasion For Him to Come Down (Except For Food) Pippy Grew Into A Weird Guy Who Spend Most Of His Time Inside Alone Playing Games Until One Day He Had Enough He Wanted Him To Go Out And Socialize But Because He Wasn't Good At It He Decided To Talk To The First Person He Saw, Pippy Spent Around A Month To Them When They Asked If He Would Be Ok To Help With There Work, Because He Was Good Friends He Accepted But Thats When His Life Became Hell.

What mutations: (what's different, what do they have extra of? Any new appendages or abilities?) Pippy Has A Stone Like Skin, This Means That He Can Take A Lot Of Hits So It Takes Some Serious Power To Take Him Down


@Deadly Darkness

I think the mutations have to be  animal related
(Erm, not saying that I should be the only one who can camouflage myself, but I don't know of any snakes who actually can as a chameleon does.. o,o)
Name:Boris Orlov

(Just imagine an extremely increased size.)

Gender: Male.

Age: 21.

Personality: Fairly reserved, he tends to keep to himself, only truly expressing himself and his emotions/motives to his close friends. Due to this nature however his face resides behind a mask when he's in his human form, which is rarely shown to anyone let alone strangers. Regardless of this when it comes to loved ones he is loyal, as would a dog coincidentally enough. When it comes to enemies or people who blatantly irritate him however being ruthless and malicious is how he dwells, but much is needed to get to that point. Although he is ultimately clever it is often a foggy realization to strangers due to his foolish/clumsy behavior when not on guard.

Bio: Boris, who was named after an ancestral relative lived an averagely usual life, occasionally finding himself in trouble with authority and being a clown but ultimately nothing too significant. However on one day which brought on what he perceives as a gift he would find himself to have changed into something greater than a wolf. Of course an extreme change like this brings on a change of life, so setting a part of civilization he became a hermit in the wild until recent.

What mutations: As much would expect with an overly sized wolf Boris has increased strength, speed, stamina, health regeneration, as well as enhanced senses. Keeping his human like intelligence comparing him to a common wolf/dog is an insult as he is much more, it's as if you stuffed a person into a wolf's body then increased it's values.

Extra: N/A as of yet.
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@Dude I told the last few people that we're not going to do shifting into forms, so you can have your character have some mutations to resemble a wolf or be a wolf mutation. :3 
Name: miasako "Mia" shugabear


She's short and a little chubby. Her marks and coloration is different due some weird alteration.


(Hope you like my drawing)

Gender: female

Age: 19

Personality: Mia is sassy but very friendly, she likes to have fun and absolutely loves compliments and making friends. She can be a big sweetheart and she's definitely like a mama bear sometimes despite being a little childish.


Mia was the daughter of a scientist and she was obsessed with cute anime style pandas since she was a kid that she wanted to be one. she got her wish and been here since she was a kid.

What mutations: (what's different, what do they have extra of? Any new appendages or abilities?) She's a panda bear humanoid


She is obsessed with candy,pandas,anime,and cute stuff
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Accepted! Though remember, even though I don't push too hard for paragraphs I'd like more than one liners! 

(I've already told the others, it's not just you lol)
Hoping this is still open, looks cool! ;u;

Name: Chayton


Chay is a partial mutation. He looks to be perhaps sixteen years old, with light blonde hair and deep, golden eyes with oddly contracted pupils, just like an eagle. He stands at about 5'3, very short even for a boy his age, and takes on a thin, frail appearance that he hides under a bulky parka (if that is allowed where he is kept) to keep himself warm as he lacks the muscle mass to do so and, due to his genetic mutations, he gets cold far easier than the normal human would. He also walks with a limp in his right leg, which is crippled from an injury he got earlier in life due to his frail leg snapping by accident.


Gender: Male

Age: Appears to be 16, yet is in reality only 6.

Personality: Cold, sensitive, brooding, withdrawn. Chay might have a cute, innocent appearance at first glance with his tiny frame, but he is very much the opposite. He hates his life in the walls he'd grown up in, and knows very little love and affection. Rarely does he speak unless spoken to, and prefers to remain by himself, sometimes in higher up places where he feels safer.

Bio: Chay was taken soon after he was born. From who, he couldn't say; maybe his parents didn't want him and they unknowingly handed their little bundle of joy over to some of the cruelest people in the world. Nevertheless, this is where he ended up. He's spent the last six years in this place, growing rapidly with the eagle genes they pumped into him and knowing only a life of agony and hatred. 

What mutations: Chay is only a partial mutation, and his changes are minimal in comparison with some of the modified individuals of this... hospital. Here they are:

1.) Accelerated growth. From day one, Chayton has been given a healthy dose of golden eagle genes every day for the past six years straight. As the eagle genes mixed with his own human ones, his body kicked into overdrive and he began to grow twice as quick as the normal child. He appears sixteen now, but in reality, he just turned six. This growth, however, has come with many disadvantages and health issues. Chay's bones never fully hardened and strengthened as they should, so all his life he's been subject to bone breakage and other injuries. His right leg is permanently crippled from a particularly nasty incident when he was smaller, and the bones never grew back right after that. If they were to stop the eagle dosage, his acceleration would most likely slow down but he didn't see them doing that any time in the near future.

2.) Incredible eyesight and hearing. Chayton's eyes had quickly turned from their baby blues to an intense gold, and his pupils remain smaller than average as he was gifted with the eagle eyesight. He can see things no human and most creatures cannot, and while his main strength is his incredible eyesight, he also has a miraculously acute sense of hearing. These two senses make up for his tiny, weak body.

3.) Accelerated healing. The eagle genes also introduced him with an accelerated healing, and though it seals up cuts and bruises quicker than normal, it will totally mess his bones or internal organs up if he suffers that much damage. 

S/O: He doesn't even know lmao

*Sorry if I messed up or got something wrong, I was just shooting in the dark for this one! 
@HikaruxKaoru accepted! At first I wasn't sure about the fast healing, but I like the draw back of possibly causing deformation with bones or organs

Yay! And yes, when I say fast healing I mean it won't seal up within' minutes but it does take a little less time than it would a human just because animals tend to heal quicker. I'm very careful in these types of rps to not make my characters have too strong powers. ;u; 

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