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Fantasy Character Sign Up- No Longer Human?

Name: kino sparkz



she stands 6'3 and is well muscled for a female.

Gender: female

Age: 20

Personality: kino is very strange and she's not afraid to say what she feels or hold her ground. she is creative and she has a tendency to vandalize your walls with markers and glitter. Kino is  loyal as hell to her friends and those she cares about. She also very sensitive when it comes to certain matters and has a bit of temper. She likes to bite and tease people.


Kino had things rough, she was in a abusive home as a child and would often get into fights outside of home. When she 13 was abandoned on the side of the road beaten up pretty badly  and she was picked up taken in by scientists. She grew up the rest of her life as a lab subject which she became a shark.

What mutations: (what's different, what do they have extra of? Any new appendages or abilities?)

Lantern Shark and great white shark hybrid humanoid. She's very tough bodied  and her teeth are extremely sharp and if she clamps down with her teeth she can easily destroy flesh or rip off limbs even in some cases. She can breath under water. Her  spots have a tenadcy to glow in the dark along with her eyes.  

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Name: Mark 



Age: 31

Personality:Curious, kind, and easily scared

Bio:Mark was any other person living in an apartment. He was known to have a lot of hair. Mark remembered that one day, someone knocked on his door. The person was dressed up as a delivery guy and gave Mark the package. As he just ordered something, he believed it was real. When he opens the package, there's a small device that tranquilizes him. Mark then gets captured by the "delivery man" and taken to a lab where his DNA was spliced with an orangutan. That's what he thinks, but of course, when he became an orangutan, his memories became a bit foggy.

Mutations: Of course, most of his body resembles an orangutan. Almost everything changed. He however, is still about 5 feet tall, can still talk English, and strangely Mark still has his mustache 

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Name: Adrian Tassoni


Gender: Male

Age: 42

Personality: Adrian has long since lost his mental faculties to the constant pain of pumping his own blood. He usually wanders around his swamp terrarium/holding cell, occasionally cursing his captors and trying to escape his prison with crudely-assembled harpoons. While under painkillers, he retains a somewhat lucid attitude, and is even able to recall past events in his life. His insanity hasn't sapped his intelligence, and he can be seen trying to scratch out equations on any available surface.

Bio: Adrian Tassoni. MIT graduate, PhD in theoretical physics. He was offered a rather lucrative job at an R&D firm in the middle of nowhere, and after a few successes, volunteered for the DNA splicing tests. His sister Krystal is still searching for him, despite several detectives having given up the chase.

What mutations: Adrian was spliced with ant and fish DNA, giving him poisonous blood, sensitive smelling capabilities, webbed hands/feet, and gills.

Extra: The formic acid in his blood is incompatible with his human DNA, requiring life support equipment to stay alive.

@Deadly Darkness

((I saw a lack of experiments gone awry. Thought I'd spice things up))
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@randomweegee @Stormyface While I think both characters are awesome, and I love your idea, Stormy, of having one that didn't work, people weren't kidnapped. I let a few slide with that but most people volunteered to be a part of this. You could always say that during the mutation process with the loss of their sanity (weegee) that they believed that instead of volunteering that they were brought here against their will. The agency does not kidnap people.
Well, Adrian isn't exactly a reliable source. Maybe he didn't even go to MIT and he's just scribbling funny shapes on the walls.

I'll still fix it, though.

@Deadly Darkness
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Yeah, him not being reliable is perfectly fine, I just wanted to make sure we know that the kidnapping would be a piece of unreliability. But nonetheless, accepted!

Name: Nick


Gender: Male

Age: 16

Personality: Calm. Elusive

Bio: He was originally supposed to have a more drastic change but something went wrong with the original mutation plans. Not only did he gain the wings of a Falcone.

What mutations: (what's different, what do they have extra of? Any new appendages or abilities?) The wings. Along with keen senses. Though there has been noticeably higher levels of mental activity.

Extra: Only one thing shall be known. Don't wake him.

@Deadly Darkness
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@Kallo I don't know about the psychokinesis, but the rest looks good. The only question I have is does he have any memories of his past, or how did he end up here? How did he hear about the program?
Ah. He heard about the program as a possible way to heal from some major injuries.. The psychokinesis can go away. And he only has few memories, Though more come in at times.

@Deadly Darkness
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Tech, nicknamed Tekky.




He can't remember how old he is.


He is quiet and usually a people watcher. He usually wont even speak, unless someone decides to take the time to speak to him. Because of his mutations he is mostly defensive when around a new person.


He doesn't remember much, other than what the doctor told him. Apparently he used to be in the military, but got both of his legs blown off from a bomb during one of his missions (Hence the snake bottom) and that he willingly came with the doctor for new legs. Other than that, his memory is a blank. Maybe the experiments had somehow altered his memory?


What mutations:

He has the lower body of a snake and the upper body of a human. His skin is the same color as his lower body. He has two sharp fangs and a snake-like tongue. His fangs are poisonousness, so if he were to bite you, for whatever reason, you would need to get it out within a minute or so. His tail is strong (for squeezing the life out of something) and can coil around most objects (Used for climbing)


When standing at his full height he is around 7 ft 2, but his entire body is around 16 ft in length.

@Deadly Darkness

If I need to change anything, let me know.
No need to be sorry! You could begin with your character waking up to the blaring alarms and quickly trying to find his way. He can run into Wick or my character. He could also run into stormyface's character or make it out into the open and interact with slothtastic and the other two :D

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