Character Sheets

Name: Eva Zula

Age: 17

Gender: Girl

Species: Witch

Sexuality: Grey asexual panromantic


Personality: Wise and fun loving, but very messy and disorganized. Appears Clingy, prone to intense mood swings, sensitive.

Powers : Eva uses tendrils from her back to fight, but they have limited range and are slow to work with.

Theme ( Optional ):[media]

Extra: She does not like talking about her powers. Do not talk to her about them.
CitrineGalaxite said:
Name: Eva Zula
Age: 17

Gender: Girl

Species: Witch

Sexuality: Grey asexual panromantic


Personality: Wise and fun loving, but very messy and disorganized. Appears Clingy, prone to intense mood swings, sensitive.

Powers : Eva uses tendrils from her back to fight, but they have limited range and are slow to work with.

Theme ( Optional ):[media]

Extra: She does not like talking about her powers. Do not talk to her about them.
Character Name:

Arcane Entity

Nickname/prepurred name:







Devil/cat (it was a weird intercourse session...)




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c855aaf57_catdemon.jpg.cd088f46cb82cc197cec51de60e34721.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110939" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c855aaf57_catdemon.jpg.cd088f46cb82cc197cec51de60e34721.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Tsundere - A character development process that describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing their warm side over time.




Air Manipulation

Dark Wind Breath



Calling spirits of the dead.

Pain Inducement



Summoning deceased, beings of air and/or Demons from lower realms

Weakness: Can't suffocate large area's yet. Doesn't know how to use all of his abilities yet, and his boyfriend Aedus will most likely stop him from killing.

New powers from kicking ass!

ability to use gas from gas planets

History: He doesn't remember the exact details but he remembers the fighting and hatred that contaminated the air and filled his mind with hatred. He was placed in this world and just remembers the plan that was given and jammed in his brain. Kill all beings on this world. He works towards this by studying the beings and participating in there activity's such as school life. Doing so he met a boy called Aedus, who for some reason confessed his love to Ent, this would help him with his plan of studying humans and became his lover. Ent grow feelings for the boy but dislikes confessing them. He only did so when he finished the boy off.


Ent has a strange feature of massive moods swings, he has three sides.

A cat side

A devil side

A 'normal' side

His cat side can be brought out by cat like things such as eating fish, yarn and other types of cat things. His devil side comes out through anger large amounts of anger. His normal side is in the middle of both sides, making him closer to being human.

Also has nine lives.

Rank - Iota

@Light I am putting this here for now, I may or may not use it.



  • cat demon.jpg
    cat demon.jpg
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[*] Negation


[*] Attacks

[*] Solidification

[*] fire at nearly any speed.


Can't summon fire himself, normally uses matches to get some fire.


[*]Elemental Constructs for creating and manipulating items from and of the volcanic fields.

[*]Earthquake Generation

[*]Fire Manipulation

[*]Fireproof Skin

[*]Heat Generation

[*]Magma Manipulation

[*]Poison Cloud Generation

[*]Smoke Secretion

[*]Thermal Manipulation

[*]Volcanic Adaptation

[*]Volcanic Field Creation

[*]Volcano Generation


Aedus is a happy and cheery person who always strives to make others feel better. Aedus dislikes violence and will only fight back if he or someone else is in danger. He will not kill anyone. He will also always try to never hurt a woman.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c85635ffb_Aedusmaybe.png.105d5c3ef0e1490e2b4d84eac38f2d13.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110962" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c85635ffb_Aedusmaybe.png.105d5c3ef0e1490e2b4d84eac38f2d13.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):


Is trained in sword and minorly in Hand-To-Hand combat.

Is married to Ent in the sense that if he leaves him Ent will kill him :D

Rank: Iota

Unused Points: 3

@Light and you Steve



  • Aedus maybe.png
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metalcity said:
Character Name:
Arcane Entity

Nickname/prepurred name:







Devil/cat (it was a weird intercourse session...)




View attachment 247365


Tsundere - A character development process that describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing their warm side over time.




Air Manipulation

Dark Wind Breath



Calling spirits of the dead.

Pain Inducement



Summoning deceased, beings of air and/or Demons from lower realms

Weakness: Can't suffocate large area's yet. Doesn't know how to use all of his abilities yet, and his boyfriend Aedus will most likely stop him from killing.

History: He doesn't remember the exact details but he remembers the fighting and hatred that contaminated the air and filled his mind with hatred. He was placed in this world and just remembers the plan that was given and jammed in his brain. Kill all beings on this world. He works towards this by studying the beings and participating in there activity's such as school life. Doing so he met a boy called Aedus, who for some reason confessed his love to Ent, this would help him with his plan of studying humans and became his lover. Ent grow feelings for the boy but dislikes confessing them. He only did so when he finished the boy off.


Ent has a strange feature of massive moods swings, he has three sides.

A cat side

A devil side

A 'normal' side

His cat side can be brought out by cat like things such as eating fish, yarn and other types of cat things. His devil side comes out through anger large amounts of anger. His normal side is in the middle of both sides, making him closer to being human.

Also has nine lives.

@Light I am putting this here for now, I may or may not use it.
GingerBread said:

Name: Aedus

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Sexuality: Homosexual


[*] Negation


[*] Attacks

[*] Solidification

[*] fire at nearly any speed.

Weaknesses: Can't summon fire himself, normally uses matches to get some fire.

Personality: Aedus is a happy and cheery person who always strives to make others feel better. Aedus dislikes violence and will only fight back if his or someone else's life is in danger. He will not kill anyone. He will also always try to never hurt a woman.

Physiology: Human

View attachment 247412

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):

Extra: Is trained in sword and minorly in Hand-To-Hand combat.

Is married to Ent in the sense that if he leaves him Ent will kill him :D

@Light and you Steve

Telepathy[/URL] – Reading minds, telepathic links, Telepathic images, ect.

Telekinesis – Just follow link, umbrella term. Link covers it in depth. (She can lift about 500 lbs with it)

Morphing – Basically allows her to memorize someone and change to look like them (one person’s face remembered at a time, and may be some imperfections. Ex; different coloured eyes, facial marks, and face shape.)



Anything around her, she is crafty. She once killed a man with a napkin.

Bio: Cecelia was adopted into the wealthy Rose family, just outside of Evergrande. They were well known, and coveted for their fortune they had accumulated. Sixteen years passed, and the Family was two, Cecelia and her Mother. Her Father died from a mysterious plague that swept the lands. She had shown extreme intelligence, and blamed herself for her father’s death. This was because she didn’t know how to cure the ailment, so from there on she made a vow to her Father that she would learn all she could.

She was a good child, her mother praising her. She learned she had Telepathy and telepathic powers when someone had the thought of her father being an old cheap scumbag. She was so enraged at this comment that, she unconsciously made a bookshelf fall on him with her telepathy. No one ever knew of her power save for her mother. A few months later, Cecelia discovered a plot to kill her and her mother. She reacted by infiltrating the meeting they were holding to plot against her mother.

Pet: Her Mothers manifested into her spirit animal (an Owl).

View attachment 250341


Favourite colour: Red

Favourite Animal: Owl

Favourite Food: Pomegranate


Using Powers






Name: Draco Spiralwing

Age: 4 (In human years this is like eighteen I think)

Gender: Male

Species: Fire Dragon

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Large well muscled with red scales covering his body. (Looks like smaug from Hobbit only red and slightly smaller)

Personality: Kind, Patient, Righteous, Shy, naïve

Physiology ( Optional ):

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ): Can breath fire and fight with his claws which are long daggers. New Ability. Illusions. Weakness can't swim and underbelly is soft enough for dragon's claws to peirce.

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):

Extra: None.
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Name: River

Age: 5,000 looks 15

Gender: female

Species: shapeshifter

Sexuality: Asexual

Personality: kind,weird, nerdy, geeky and smart

Appearance: her normal form


left shoulder:


right arm:





Physiology ( Optional ): tall, skinny, agile, light footed, fast and strong





Powers : can shapeshift.

Weaknesses: normal human weaknesses.

(I have not been reading the posts sorry D=. can anyone round it up for me.)

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Lighthouse8477 said:
Name: Draco Spiralwing
Age: 4 (In human years this is like eighteen I think)

Gender: Male

Species: Fire Dragon

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Large well muscled with red scales covering his body. (Looks like smaug from Hobbit only red and slightly smaller)

Personality: Kind, Patient, Righteous, Shy, naïve

Physiology ( Optional ):

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ): Can breath fire and fight with his claws which are long daggers. Weakness can't swim and underbelly is soft enough for dragon's claws to peirce.

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):

Extra: None.
Accepted. Just have your character appear anywhere and I'll have a character there to integrate them.

Fluffykitty9000 said:
Name: River
Age: 5,000 looks 15

Gender: female

Species: shapeshifter

Sexuality: Asexual

Personality: kind,weird, nerdy, geeky and smart

Appearance: her normal form



Physiology ( Optional ): tall, skinny, agile, light footed, fast and strong

Powers : can shapeshift.

Weaknesses: normal human weaknesses.

Theme ( Optional ):

(I have not been reading the posts sorry D=. can anyone round it up for me.)

Accepted. Nothing too important has happened. Just beings specifically made to kill each Dragon's Roar member have come around and they're fighting them. I'll kick up the big things once more soon.
Name: Ash

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Species: Human (mage)

Sexuality: Straight

Personality:Calm, Quiet, kind, caring, forgiving and emotionless.



Powers : Healing, Water/Ice Magic,can breath under water,can not get cold, can talk to animals and Hell fire.

Weaknesses: fire, becoming angry and aluminium.

Theme ( Optional ):


Extra: @Juju 's character Lilith is my twin sister

Name: Hell Fire


Personality: Cruel, mean, sassy,Unforgiving,uncontrollable angry and Evil

Powers : can control fire/earth, immune to fire attacks, super strength and flight.

Weaknesses: water, calming down, is uncontrollable by Ash and can be rash.

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ): she was discovered one day when Ash lost control when she was visiting a village alone and ended up destroying it.ever since that day she swore to never lose control or for her sister to find out.

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Name: Lilith

Age: 21

Gender: female





Personality: fun-loving, carefree, trickster, sadistic, energetic, selfish,

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ):

Fire Manipulation:

typical stuff, can conjure flames or exploit other sources of heat. Easy to put out if you have the required materials/magic (water, gusts of wind, air manipulation, etc.) Spreads through combustible material.


Purple sky 2-S.jpg

Lilith can convert her flames into something a little more sinister in nature. Dark fire can spread onto less combustible materials, beings magical in nature, and cannot be put out by normal means (like water) and can only be put out by magic or stopping the flow of magic Lilith is feeding it. It is ravenous and burns things more quickly than normal fire.

Dark Whispers:


Although Lilith initially was born with fire manipulation, her strength has grown tremendously by her discovery of her armour and the skull with it. Every now and then she can hear faint whispers from across the veil, urging her to commit certain actions and granting her more power (especially when she is in danger). Sometimes she has even received visions or memories that she did not recall, but that's all just crazy dreams right?

Regardless, she values her armor and The Skull greatly and is very protective of them.

History ( Optional ):

She is the identical twin to Ash, but their similarities are only their looks. Personality wise, the twins are about as alike as fire and water and have very different views on everyday life.


One day when she and her sister were exploring the ruins of a castle, Lilith began to hear faint whispers coming from within the walls. Though she didn't investigate it further that day, the voice she had heard gnawed at her endlessly until she decided to find out what had contacted her. That night she wandered back up to the ruins and broke through the crumbling wall she had heard the whispers behind. A catacomb lay beneath, snaking deeper into darkness, but the whispers were not to be ignored. After hours of stumbling in the dark after whispers she eventually came across a coffin carved entirely of stone containing a battered suit of armour and an equally mangled skull. She suddenly felt the need to try it on, and was pleased to find that it uncannily fit to her form as if it were made for her.

Yet this sense of wonder was soon replaced by an unexpected rush of energy as something ancient stirred in the shadows and forced its way into her very being. It was terrifying, it was ecstasy.

It was right.

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Juju said:

Name: Lilith

Age: 21

Gender: female





Personality: fun-loving, carefree, trickster, sadistic, energetic, selfish,

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ):

Fire Manipulation:

typical stuff, can conjure flames or exploit other sources of heat. Easy to put out if you have the required materials/magic (water, gusts of wind, air manipulation, etc.) Spreads through combustible material.


Purple sky 2-S.jpg

Lilith can convert her flames into something a little more sinister in nature. Dark fire can spread onto less combustible materials, beings magical in nature, and cannot be put out by normal means (like water) and can only be put out by magic or stopping the flow of magic Lilith is feeding it. It is veracious and burns things more quickly than normal fire.

Dark Whispers:


Although Lilith initially was born with fire manipulation, her strength has grown tremendously by her discovery of her armour and the skull with it. Every now and then she can hear faint whispers from across the veil, urging her to commit certain actions and granting her more power (especially when she is in danger) Sometimes she has even received visions or memories that she did not recall, but that's all just crazy dreams right?

Regardless, she values her armor and The Skull greatly and is very protective of them.

History ( Optional ):

She is the identical twin to Ash, but their similarities are only their looks. Personality wise, the twins are about as alike as fire and water and have very different views on everyday life.


One day when she and her sister were exploring the ruins of a castle, Lilith began to hear faint whispers coming from within the walls. Though she didn't investigate it further that day, the voice she had heard gnawed at her endlessly until she decided to find out what had contacted her. That night she wandered back up to the ruins and broke through the crumbling wall she had heard the whispers behind. A catacomb lay beneath, snaking deeper into darkness, but the whispers were not to be ignored. After hours of stumbling in the dark after whispers she eventually came across a coffin carved entirely of stone containing a battered suit of armour and an equally mangled skull. She suddenly felt the need to try it on, and was pleased to find that it uncannily fit to her form as if it were made for her.

Yet this sense of wonder was soon replaced by an unexpected rush of energy as something ancient stirred in the shadows and forced its way into her very being. It was terrifying, it was ecstasy.

It was right.

I love the picture


Lockette Kenway

  • Name

    Lockette Kenway



    (Physically 25)






    Hybrid (4th Generation Dragon/Human)


    Lockette is brash, reckless, and lives her life entirely on impulse and gut instinct. If she wants to do something, she does it, consequences be damned. She doesn't really care much for the ‘means’ of an action, as long as the ‘end’ satisfies her. Despite being a part of a peacekeeping guild, she doesn't care all that much about civilian lives, and only cares about completing her assigned objective. She's not much of a people person; she prefers solitude and doesn't play well with other people. She's very private; very, very little is actually known about her outside of her various occupations, and tends to deflect any questions about her personal life. It is very difficult to get under her skin, since she values the opinions of others so little that their words have absolutely no effect on her. She cares very little about about manners and politeness - she favours being straight to the point and blunt. Generally, Lockette just doesn’t give a fuck.

  • Also known as ‘0-to-100-in-five-seconds’ List:




    Deities in general

    Her sister

    Lockette’s done a little bit of everything in her life; she served a brief period of time in the military (which country, she won't tell you), she's served in multiple guilds, varying from peacekeeping to terrorist groups, a handful of mercenary work. She's settled on a balance between her duties as a Meta for Dragon’s Roar and a contract mercenary. She was formerly in a guild with Isabel’s parents.
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CelticSol said:

Lockette Kenway

  • Name

    Lockette Kenway



    (Physically 25)






    Hybrid (4th Generation Dragon/Human)


    Lockette is brash, reckless, and lives her life entirely on impulse and gut instinct. If she wants to do something, she does it, consequences be damned. She doesn't really care much for the ‘means’ of an action, as long as the ‘end’ satisfies her. Despite being a part of a peacekeeping guild, she doesn't care all that much about civilian lives, and only cares about completing her assigned objective. She's not much of a people person; she prefers solitude and doesn't play well with other people. She's very private; very, very little is actually known about her outside of her various occupations, and tends to deflect any questions about her personal life. It is very difficult to get under her skin, since she values the opinions of others so little that their words have absolutely no effect on her. She cares very little about about manners and politeness - she favours being straight to the point and blunt. Generally, Lockette just doesn’t give a fuck.

  • Also known as ‘0-to-100-in-five-seconds’ List:




    Deities in general

    Her sister

    Lockette’s done a little bit of everything in her life; she served a brief period of time in the military (which country, she won't tell you), she's served in multiple guilds, varying from peacekeeping to terrorist groups, a handful of mercenary work. She's settled on a balance between her duties as a Meta for Dragon’s Roar and a contract mercenary. She was formerly in a guild with Isabel’s parents.
Accepted. Organized. Teach me.

Name: Juliette Violetta Van Fen'rir

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Species: Dragon, Witch, Bakeneko

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/c2a6bbfa40298867b5e47208b8a58f89.jpg.96cca1937a43fbc221aee1378d232516.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113698" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/c2a6bbfa40298867b5e47208b8a58f89.jpg.96cca1937a43fbc221aee1378d232516.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Silent only 49% of the time. She has the tendency to change her mind a lot and considers her duty as a priestess more important than other tasks unless convinced otherwise. She's standoffish until she speaks and puts her foot down. She's not afraid to kill others and will do so without a shred of remorse. Unsettling to be with when alone. Rarely shows her good qualities to those outside of her family and intentionally shows off bad traits to others to get them to stay away from her in the future. When she shows off her good side you'd learn that she's regularly calm and as kind as she can bring herself to be. She enjoys strolls through the forests, fishing, and building Lego cities. She likes to enjoy these hobbies as much as she can with her family since she is a family person.


Dragon Physiology

Homo Magi Physiology

Bakeneko Physiology

Curse Immunity


Ability to look into her own future.

Ability to create and cut off soul bonds. Celestial artifact manipulation.

Ability to manipulate weapons and certian objects whether they're sacred or not.

Curse manipulation.

Barrier manipulation.


Phase Healing.

When in Dragon Form instead of being one dragon she splits into two.


She can only look a certian amount of time into her future such as 1 minute for example. She can't see the future as a whole just her own and can only see people there if they're involved with it.

She cannot remove the orbs from the temple herself, she can only manipulate them once someone else removes them. She can't manipulate a birth scythe.

Not all objects can be manipulated. For example she can't manipulate certian types of fire or certian types of leaves. By manipulate she can't make things move such as power usage like make vines produce minions. She can only levitate and move the objects depending on what it is.

She can't make curses worse nor can she make curses of her own. Only manipulate what's there.

She can't purify people of things like sins, only of curses and things in that range.

She can phase through others bodies to heal them while on the run but she can't harm them with phasing. Nor can she heal herself without having to stop and do it the it the long way.


Extra: Priestess of the orbs. Has never stepped on a Lego once yet. Her favourite movie is Finding Nemo. Always eats her vegetables in front of Layla due to leftover fear of being returned to where she was adopted from even though she wasn't adopted. Deathly terrified of Layla to the point in which she built a secret Anti-Layla Lego base at the age of 16. She also has a Layla bunker for the Laylocalypse. ( Her Dragon Forms ) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/120191fafbccd51611bb9bf813849ee7.jpg.611669ff4b78671d1f8f0a110e522946.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113702" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/120191fafbccd51611bb9bf813849ee7.jpg.611669ff4b78671d1f8f0a110e522946.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/4ba80f96e1ef519bc0d932ec4fbd8d78.jpg.dc7522575d95df125f196592d176f452.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113703" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/4ba80f96e1ef519bc0d932ec4fbd8d78.jpg.dc7522575d95df125f196592d176f452.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame]

Rue Crimson

Leader of the Crimson Elite

Crimson Exarch

View attachment 254391

Basic Info






Wood Elf/Vampire




Personality & Story


She is Deceptive, Mysterious, Unpredictable, but once friends with her she is Caring, Decisive, Friendly, and Funny


Her Family trained her to kill, and hunt ruthlessly. She is considered a master level sniper, and assassin. She has killed so many rulers that her very name isn’t said in the presence of one for fear of them becoming her next target. She now hunts whomever she deems as corrupt, she takes odd bounties. People believe she is actually a fallen star that has come to purge the world. Now she roams the land searching for a quarry worth her time.


None as of yet​

Fighting Style


Her Bow-Blade, She fires her hand crafted arrows.

Her Arrows have a magnetic tip.

Her Fangs and claws

Type of Magic(s)


Metal Manipulation

Arrow Production (She produces arrows from thin air)


Cannot swim

Extreme fear of spiders

She is very proud

Her powers are weaker at day


Metal tipped arrows allow her to guide/speed up and slow down her arrows.

She is extremely agile, her outfit is laced with wire, allowing her to assist her movements with her powers.

Her attacks strengthen herself and weaken the target.

Crimson Star- Rue conjures her Ultimate arrow, a red metal arrow the size of a great sword. She expands her bow, and braces to the ground. She draws back the arrow, and with every second held drawn, the arrow will fly farther, and cause more on hit damage. This attack rarely misses, and if it does its blast will do the job. When it hits, it then would serrate the flesh of the targeted, and cause major internal bleeding. This has a drawback. Rue has to have the advantage of surprise.


Barack Obama






Human (revived)


Heterosexual, but Michelle already got it. Hands off, ladies. :P




Barack Obama is just a great guy to know. He's easygoing and laid back when not in a professional setting, and he's easily able to crack a good joke. Though he's a president, he carries an easygoing attitude around with him, and despite the Secret Service's best attempts to keep him reigned in, the president likes to go out of his way to humor others, or even give kids high fives. Just give him a chance, and he'll show you how informal even a president can be. You'll be thanking him when he's done, and not in an ironic way either. Don't cross him, though. You block his shots, he blocks your food stamps. He's straight savage, and as anyone who's crossed him can point out, he'll drop a roast in seconds.

When engaged in political matters, though, Obama manages to keep a professional air around him at all times. After all, not only is he the president, but he's got the GOP and media on his heels, too. It's the usual side you'd expect to see from a president, so there's nothing special there.


Transcended President Physiology


Veto of justice - As long as he's on American soil, Obama can create a nullifying field that neutralizes almost all threats. Any perceived violence can be stopped within the force field. Decreased effectiveness on registered members of the Republican party.

Obamacare, Obama cares. - With the snap of his finger, Obama is able to fully heal almost any physical wounds (soul-searching is something you have to do yourself, bud.) Also has decreased effectiveness on Republicans.

Oily Biden Double-Suplex - With the magical powers of PRESIDENCY, Obama summons his Vice President, Joe Biden, and instantly oils them up to perform a body-slam of PRESIDENTIAL proportions, powered by the power of PATRIOTISM. Decreased effectiveness on Republicans.

Airstrike - Basically your average explosion magic, with varying levels of intensity (depending on the drone he summons). Increased effectiveness in the desert, decreased effectiveness on Republicans.

Get off my back - A temporary, thirty-minute power that allows him to invert the effectiveness of his powers, making him able to do double damage to registered Republicans.




His glorious backstory can be found in this link: Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, of course, I'm going to describe how he fits into the Dragon's Roar universe, in the only way I know: a greentext.

>Be me

>Barack Brobama, 54 years old

>Doing presidential stuff, my good friends the 'Pubbies won't stop talking about my Obamacare


>While I'm doodling on Mitch McConnel's face, suddenly hear a commotion

>Guards screaming, bodies dropping


>Door bursts open, some random arsehat looks me in the eye and shoots me

>F*ckin staining the carpet, Joe bought that for me when we won the election in 2012


>A day later, wake up under bright lights

>Doctor tells me some magic being brought me back to life


>Tells me some random assassin killed me because "I was corrupt"


>Congress isn't even letting me walk down the aisle without trouble

>Now this

>Radicals, amirite

>Leave, perfectly fine, also discover I have superpowers, which is cool, I guess

>Use it first to kidnap Mitch McConnel

>Everything is back to normal

Extra: Thanks, Obama.​

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Lotusy said:

Barack Obama






Human (revived)


Heterosexual, but Michelle already got it. Hands off, ladies. :P




Barack Obama is just a great guy to know. He's easygoing and laid back when not in a professional setting, and he's easily able to crack a good joke. Though he's a president, he carries an easygoing attitude around with him, and despite the Secret Service's best attempts to keep him reigned in, the president likes to go out of his way to humor others, or even give kids high fives. Just give him a chance, and he'll show you how informal even a president can be. You'll be thanking him when he's done, and not in an ironic way either. Don't cross him, though. You block his shots, he blocks your food stamps. He's straight savage, and as anyone who's crossed him can point out, he'll drop a roast in seconds.

When engaged in political matters, though, Obama manages to keep a professional air around him at all times. After all, not only is he the president, but he's got the GOP and media on his heels, too. It's the usual side you'd expect to see from a president, so there's nothing special there.


Transcended President Physiology


Veto of justice - As long as he's on American soil, Obama can create a nullifying field that neutralizes almost all threats. Any perceived violence can be stopped within the force field. Decreased effectiveness on registered members of the Republican party.

Obamacare, Obama cares. - With the snap of his finger, Obama is able to fully heal almost any physical wounds (soul-searching is something you have to do yourself, bud.) Also has decreased effectiveness on Republicans.

Oily Biden Double-Suplex - With the magical powers of PRESIDENCY, Obama summons his Vice President, Joe Biden, and instantly oils them up to perform a body-slam of PRESIDENTIAL proportions, powered by the power of PATRIOTISM. Decreased effectiveness on Republicans.

Airstrike - Basically your average explosion magic, with varying levels of intensity (depending on the drone he summons). Increased effectiveness in the desert, decreased effectiveness on Republicans.

Get off my back - A temporary, thirty-minute power that allows him to invert the effectiveness of his powers, making him able to do double damage to registered Republicans.




His glorious backstory can be found in this link: Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, of course, I'm going to describe how he fits into the Dragon's Roar universe, in the only way I know: a greentext.

>Be me

>Barack Brobama, 54 years old

>Doing presidential stuff, my good friends the 'Pubbies won't stop talking about my Obamacare


>While I'm doodling on Mitch McConnel's face, suddenly hear a commotion

>Guards screaming, bodies dropping


>Door bursts open, some random arsehat looks me in the eye and shoots me

>F*ckin staining the carpet, Joe bought that for me when we won the election in 2012


>A day later, wake up under bright lights

>Doctor tells me some magic being brought me back to life


>Tells me some random assassin killed me because "I was corrupt"


>Congress isn't even letting me walk down the aisle without trouble

>Now this

>Radicals, amirite

>Leave, perfectly fine, also discover I have superpowers, which is cool, I guess

>Use it first to kidnap Mitch McConnel

>Everything is back to normal

Extra: Thanks, Obama.​












<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/raijuu.jpg.3428eee848bc0a0d9ae046b5a64b749a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114746" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/raijuu.jpg.3428eee848bc0a0d9ae046b5a64b749a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/thunderbeast_by_sysirauta-d18r604.jpg.df39f0bb4cec82c6dab7bf365d35d4fe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114747" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/thunderbeast_by_sysirauta-d18r604.jpg.df39f0bb4cec82c6dab7bf365d35d4fe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Renshi is usually the energetic, jokester type. Its only when he's pissed when he becomes calm, and collect and will not hold back from any attack he places on someone.

Physiology ( Optional ):

Raiju Physiology

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ):

  • Electricity Manipulation

    Water doesn't effect him,but to keep it that way he needs a lot of food and rest

[*]Fire Manipulation

  • The heat from his flames are to intense to be put out by water or ice, but needs a lot of rest and food to keep it that way.

[*]Predator Instinct

[*]Weather Manipulation

  • May be emotion-based, and therefore it becomes unstable if user gets emotional.
  • Requires an atmosphere as a medium i.e. air and space.

[*]Night Vision


Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):

Too long




  • raijuu.jpg
    97.5 KB · Views: 98
  • thunderbeast_by_sysirauta-d18r604.jpg
    163.7 KB · Views: 96
Raiju Physiology[/URL]

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ):

  • Electricity Manipulation

    Water doesn't effect him,but to keep it that way he needs a lot of food and rest

[*]Fire Manipulation

  • The heat from his flames are to intense to be put out by water or ice, but needs a lot of rest and food to keep it that way.

[*]Predator Instinct

[*]Weather Manipulation

  • May be emotion-based, and therefore it becomes unstable if user gets emotional.
  • Requires an atmosphere as a medium i.e. air and space.

[*]Night Vision


Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):

Too long

[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame]
Name: Hannah
Age: 20

Gender: Female

Species: A.I

Sexuality: Heterosexual


View attachment 255613

(By Sakamina)

Personality: Kind, Loving, and helpful. She is overly nice, and sometimes overly trusting. She also never gives up on peace, she hates fighting. In fact she was programmed to never fight. If she did attack someone, something dark would take over her.(This could be her lvl up system)

Physiology ( Optional ): Mimicked Angelic

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ):

Healing Link- Hannah fires her healing ray at a ally healing and speeding them up.

Flight- Hannah can fly, and make one other person fly with her.

Angelic stature- Most people can not deny her, and she always calms everyone near her.

Buffs-(One at a time.)

Speed- Her allies move faster

Strength- Her allies are stronger

COMMAND PROTECT- Blocks all harmful effects on herself or one ally. Very long cd, like three days.


She will not fight

She is very vulnerable, and often is a big target in battle.

She hates being alone.

She uses her own magic power.

Theme ( Optional ):




History ( Optional ): Reveal in rp




Massun Yeri / Ammax

Species : Siren/ Shifter


Human/Forest Siren Form


Wearing a tight leather shirt, black leggings and black converses. Wearing red lipstic, sticking out against her light skin. Her hair was once long, but had to cut it in order to escape the war, but never used this form again, they stick to Ammax, the Ipotane form

Ipotane form:

(almost identical to the one below, just add massive wings to its back)


Ipotanes are extremely strong, and only a handfull of things can stop them.

All Ipotane forms are Male, and depend on their other form to reproduce.

Ipotane's can run faster than any wind, and throw punches probably much faster than you blink.

His weakness is:



This paticular Ipotane uses as a weapon :

A massive double-headed war axe, with the end (near the grip) shaped like the one above.


2 small war axes

Not like it needs a weapon...

His 'mane' acts as a blade by itself, strong enough to cut through metal

Race specific abilities/combat info:

Ipotane: Explained above

Forest Siren: Sings a beautifull song, bringing men and woman into their doom. Once they are close enough, and she is sure she wants thi meal, she bites into their neck, sort of like a vampire.

Forest sirens can control The Green, making plants grow or die to their will.

Gender: Female, Ipotane form is Male

Basic personality: Split personalities:

Nice, Caring, Sweet, Bubbly, Loves to cuss

Agressive, Love to cuss, (Just straight up a B!tch)


Siren/Ipotane/Human Form: Double (small) war axes

Ipotane: A massive double-headed war axe, with the end (near the grip) shaped like the one in the image.

Human: 2 Desert Eagle Pistols (9mm)

Best Basic Knowledge:

CQC (close quarter combat)

Worst Basic Knowledge:


Uses a Buddy during combat:


Can call upon a pack of lions, ofcourse, an Illusion.

Fast, strong, docile towards Ammax, and it is very agile


(I promise I wont abuse of their powers. And can he start near the Base thing?)

(Can anyone give me a short description of what is going on? Thanks!)

(Sorry for any mispelling! Im Brazilian xD )​
Last edited by a moderator:
Supermegabrenda2 said:


Massun Yeri / Ammax

Species : Siren/ Shifter


Human/Forest Siren Form


Wearing a tight leather shirt, black leggings and black converses. Wearing red lipstic, sticking out against her light skin. Her hair was once long, but had to cut it in order to escape the war, but never used this form again, they stick to Ammax, the Ipotane form

Ipotane form:

(almost identical to the one below, just add massive wings to its back)


Ipotanes are extremely strong, and only a handfull of things can stop them.

All Ipotane forms are Male, and depend on their other form to reproduce.

Ipotane's can run faster than any wind, and throw punches probably much faster than you blink.

His weakness is:



This paticular Ipotane uses as a weapon :

A massive double-headed war axe, with the end (near the grip) shaped like the one above.


2 small war axes

Not like it needs a weapon...

His 'mane' acts as a blade by itself, strong enough to cut through metal

Race specific abilities/combat info:

Ipotane: Explained above

Forest Siren: Sings a beautifull song, bringing men and woman into their doom. Once they are close enough, and she is sure she wants thi meal, she bites into their neck, sort of like a vampire.

Forest sirens can control The Green, making plants grow or die to their will.

Gender: Female, Ipotane form is Male

Basic personality: Split personalities:

Nice, Caring, Sweet, Bubbly, Loves to cuss

Agressive, Love to cuss, (Just straight up a B!tch)


Siren/Ipotane/Human Form: Double (small) war axes

Ipotane: A massive double-headed war axe, with the end (near the grip) shaped like the one in the image.

Human: 2 Desert Eagle Pistols (9mm)

Best Basic Knowledge:

CQC (close quarter combat)

Worst Basic Knowledge:


Uses a Buddy during combat:


Can call upon a pack of lions, ofcourse, an Illusion.

Fast, strong, docile towards Ammax, and it is very agile


(I promise I wont abuse of their powers. And can he start near the Base thing?)

(Can anyone give me a short description of what is going on? Thanks!)

(Sorry for any mispelling! Im Brazilian xD )​
The Imperial Flame][URL=" said:
Name: Rhoc'Thunchaug

Age: 13

Gender: Male, identifies female

Species: Embodiment of Suffering

Sexuality: Demisexual

Appearance: Grey skin with a hint of red/green, completely black eyes. This may vary.

Personality: Psychopathic, to say the least. Literally feeds off pain and fear. However, she is extremely protective of her friends.

Physiology ( Optional ):

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ): Shapeshifting/regeneration. As stated above she feeds off of pain and fear. This also fuels her powers. Of course, this has its limits i.e. she can't gain or lose large amounts of mass, and if there isn't enough suffering she's severely weakened.

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):


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