Character Sheets

Name: Grimmavus Van Fen'rir ( Allows only his wife and daughter to call him by his full name or by Avus. )

Age: Who knows, he's adjusted his existence in the line of time without disturbing it.

Gender: Male

Species: Known as the deity of Death, Life, Torture, Pain, Judgment, Mercy, Balance, Spirits, Punishment, and Law. Many other religions view him differently in terms of appearance which is why he has different features with each aspect. Though what he truthfully could be is currently unknown.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: ( Silver Hair, Turquoise eyes. )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/dfe44ff124e860942309d4be72d4db96.jpg.6f6828524288b63c3e78f40890b3e74e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102901" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/dfe44ff124e860942309d4be72d4db96.jpg.6f6828524288b63c3e78f40890b3e74e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Grimm is an extremely mysterious person, he can go from giving you an intense stare to gushing over his daughter the next second. At times he can be a joking type that most people know him to be but in some moments when he's alone his opposite side can show itself. Which displays him as an cruel entity which watches the world suffer with a smile. Grimm can come off as....overly serious at in most moments when he's not being a comedian. This side of him is never called upon unless necessary. Internally when he's serious he finds jokes and anything that isn't focused in nature annoying. He's adamant on the laws no matter how lax he may seem and despises all those whom break them, wishing them nothing but eternal torture. He believes that there is no such thing as pure happiness and if there is he'd reap the concept's soul for bidding itself from existence for so long. That's also the reason why he hates guilds like Dragon's Roar whom try to achieve what isn't natural, pure happiness. When Grimm jokes around he thinks of everything as an innocent world and grows upset on a childish level when his feelings are hurt. He wants nothing more but to help others and spread laughter and aims to befriend everyone he can on Facebook. Beneath his joking and stern personality, Grimm is suffocating in depression. When he claims someone as his child he means all things that live, have lived, or don't live at all are their siblings. He loves everything to a high extent, even objects and atoms. It crushes him internally to see all the violence and death even though that's his responsibility to handle. He sees all life and their future the moment their born and he's always beside every being even if they don't know it. He watches them make their mistakes and smile when they achieve, as if they really are family he grows attached to them. Even if the being isn't aware of it, Grimm is one of the few people whom can say he knows you the best if you were comparing your best friends. So with the constant suffering in the world occurring seeing all his loved ones in pain rips him apart, especially when they fight each other and he knows he can't pick a side or help in the first place due to the laws. When he met his wife and they had a daughter, he wanted nothing more but their love. When his wife was abducted the real Grimm went on an adventure to find her and left behind various clones that make up many different chunks of his personality. He loves his daughter to a terribly strong extent and would break any law there is if it came to her safety. Grimm constantly attempts to gain his daughter's attention even if it's for a short period of time and feels like everything in the world is okay as long as she's happy. Grimm slowly believes that there is such thing as pure happiness each day he sees happy individuals and peace, as well as the positive condition of his daughter. Grimm is a thick book that refuses to open itself if one does not own the texture of the book cover.

Physiology: Currently Unknown

Powers: Omnipotence

Theme: All Songs

History: Currently Unknown

Extra: The real Grimm is no where to be found but he continues to search for his wife. Promised his wife on a signed document that he'd defend the Van Fen'rir from harm. His Law aspect is weak around his daughter since he's willing to break laws for her at the drop of a hat. Created realms pertaining to each aspect and what it governs. The real Grimm wears his wedding ring. Always visits his daughter in her dreams and sends her interesting things he's found along his journey. He'd rather write her letters if he must then text. Had to stop his daughter's training to become the next deity of such aspects in line once he retires. He refuses to let any clone teach her. Keeps a high amount of elite reapers surrounding her constantly with only one instruction. Kill all things that are a threat to her, even me if he ends up being one.

His actual scythe. ( Ignore the girl. )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/b6cbec13fc050d34cf6bd2ff1971d425.jpg.f94faa3f98386c76f79f32488fbb5485.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102911" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/b6cbec13fc050d34cf6bd2ff1971d425.jpg.f94faa3f98386c76f79f32488fbb5485.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His form in his Life and Death Aspect.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/be25cd07d05c8276cbd63c2e009faf54.jpg.a20809e2f7ea63e3817b80a27ec99a16.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102910" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/be25cd07d05c8276cbd63c2e009faf54.jpg.a20809e2f7ea63e3817b80a27ec99a16.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His form in his Torture and Pain aspect.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/IMG_20150920_210254.jpg.457972000007f78ad426b70d6f0ec6ab.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/IMG_20150920_210254.jpg.457972000007f78ad426b70d6f0ec6ab.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Judgement Aspect

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/IMG_20160131_001717.jpg.6ddfdbbd88c829e94177500bfbcf6594.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102916" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/IMG_20160131_001717.jpg.6ddfdbbd88c829e94177500bfbcf6594.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Mercy Aspect

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/39f1e85f04e87216f60c35e40ad6911a.jpg.78d03f6951a16dd6c17eadc302da6083.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102915" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/39f1e85f04e87216f60c35e40ad6911a.jpg.78d03f6951a16dd6c17eadc302da6083.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Balance Aspect

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/9ba36908b61adcc504c2ff9a633655b6.jpg.a613f80aafa2400b31367d3b3c7b94a7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102919" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/9ba36908b61adcc504c2ff9a633655b6.jpg.a613f80aafa2400b31367d3b3c7b94a7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Spirit Aspect ( Ignore the woman. That's his wife though. )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/IMG_20150920_212132.jpg.70096922e129b7c27e9f7a0e4edb6b7a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102913" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/IMG_20150920_212132.jpg.70096922e129b7c27e9f7a0e4edb6b7a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Punishment Aspect

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/IMG_20160131_002413.jpg.539b57bfaeaddad6ef782377a1f28915.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102921" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/IMG_20160131_002413.jpg.539b57bfaeaddad6ef782377a1f28915.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Law Aspect

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/272785cf2dc9abdef7be6f4981089da3.jpg.9ce2b2afeff992c272db45de80c715e9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102914" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/272785cf2dc9abdef7be6f4981089da3.jpg.9ce2b2afeff992c272db45de80c715e9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Ruby

Age: 9000 years but looks 16

Gender: female

Species: ghost

Sexuality: straight



Personality: quiet, secretive, not that friendly, mysterious, prankster.

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ):



Heat absorption

Immunity to physical blows (except for enchanted weapons)

Mind Possession (works on weak foes ei. Creeps)

Object "haunting"


Move through physical objects (typical ghost behaviour ^.^)





Holy stuff

Theme ( Optional ):


Fluffykitty9000 said:
Name: Ruby
Age: 9000 years but looks 16

Gender: female

Species: ghost

Sexuality: straight



Personality: quiet, secretive, not that friendly, mysterious, prankster.

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ):



Heat absorption

Immunity to physical blows (except for enchanted weapons)

Mind Possession (works on weak foes ei. Creeps)

Object "haunting"


Move through physical objects (typical ghost behaviour ^.^)





Holy stuff

Theme ( Optional ):


Name: Zoran

Age: 638

Gender: Male

Species: Primordial Dragon Slayer

Sexuality: Hetero


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/dragon_age__red_dragon_armour_by_ignusdei.jpg.78fae6e9f094a1894782a800b0afc878.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103064" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/dragon_age__red_dragon_armour_by_ignusdei.jpg.78fae6e9f094a1894782a800b0afc878.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: A calm fighter who loves to and dragons to his forever expanding list of kills.

Physiology ( Optional ): Primordial Dragon

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ): Dragon soul

Reparation- a magic made by the organization to stop carnage magic

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):




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Tazmodo said:
Name: Zoran
Age: 638

Gender: Male

Species: Primordial Dragon Slayer

Sexuality: Hetero


View attachment 229694

Personality: A calm fighter who loves to and dragons to his forever expanding list of kills.

Physiology ( Optional ): Primordial Dragon

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ): Dragon soul

Reparation- a magic made by the organization to stop carnage magic

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):

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  • Name

    Morpheus Galizur

    "Now why on earth would I tell you my real name, peasant? You honestly think you deserve anything from me, BITCH" -Pink Morpheus



    (Guild Symbol) (Nephalem Form)

    (Normal Form)



    "I shall serve you. I shall fight for you. I shall protect you. On one condition. Perfection." -Grey Morpheus


    Thousands of Years

    "Tell me... What is time to a man who has made it his bitch and killed its father?" -Red Morpheus



    "Man, woman, extraterrestrial. I haven't quite decided yet. And yes. There are different genders of us." -Gold Morpheus



    "Life isn't just about sex. There's more that needs to be considered. Appearance. Usefulness. Personality. People are more than their sexual parts. I need someone that's cute, cuddly, and someone who loves me. Nice hair and eyes are always a bonus. Maybe then my life will finally have a purpose." -Purple Morpheus


    Morpheus' creation is something lost upon him. His first memory of creation was when he was a youth. 6 or so. At least physically. He didn't know then that he was adopted. He didn't find out until much later.

    He had come home from school one day, eager to show his parents his first report card. All A's. He was convinced they would be proud and give him all he asked for. He opened the door to find absolutely nothing. No furniture. No television. No dishes. Nothing. The house was empty. His parents were gone. They had abandoned him. Nothing remained but a single bobble head his father got him when he went to his first ever baseball game.

    Weeks turned into months of him not leaving his home. Waiting for his parents to finally return for him. But they never did. The world around him seemed to move on without him, forgetting he existed. His home never tampered with. He forged documents and checks to keep the government from repossessing his house. And after awhile he finally accepted that he was alone.

    When Morpheus turned 15 or so, physically, it was 1945. He decided to finally interact with society once more and enrolled himself in high-school. He modernized his house to have the best of everything at the time. Quickly he became the popular kid at school, using his power to help keep his friend's grades up. The requests got larger and more expensive. He always made it seem he was rich, careful not to expose himself. It was clear everyone was using him for his 'money' but any type of companionship was enough for him.

    One day he invited his friends over for a kick it party. The ridiculing and teasing they usually put him through kicked up and they were playing monkey in the middle with his bobble head. The main girl got too rough and broke it, ripping the head off. Morpheus freaked out and ripped it from her grasp, just to be pushed away and have it taken from him, thrown away, and the statement, "Don't be such a pussy it's just a stupid toy."

    Morpheus snapped, killing them all, their blood covering the walls. He fixed the bobble head and turned all of his old acquaintances into bobble heads and abandoned the home, leaving their blood. And from then he decided to change his name.

    Morpheus was 19, physically, when finally met Damian Harrison. The man had no memories when they met. Giving Morpheus all the reason to befriend him. And through his travels they met Ryan Taylor. And not too long after, Decimus Nogaletta. Who just so happened to be an old friend of Damian's before he lost his memories. And finally, the now named The Dragon's Rawriors was created.

    Morpheus, Decimus, Damian, and Ryan woke in a field in Washington in front an old hut. How they got there, none knew. Every so often Decimus would have flashbacks of dying. Killed by Damian. And ice. And cold. He would tell Morpheus these dreams every so often when they happened. Morpheus remembers completely what happened but has sealed it away, tying it to all four of their lives. He would only remember when Damian, Ryan, and Decimus all died again.

    Damian eventually left the group to do his own thing, creating Remedy. A play on words he learned from a friend using their four names. Soon after his departure, the mutual friend named Richard Wells finally met Morpheus and the group. He worked along side them until he accomplished his goals and went back to his own realm, leaving a company as well, Reap.

    The group stayed primarily Morpheus Ryan and Decimus. Using their powers for any job to raise money. The group were primarily hit men until an unlucky situation lead them to Dragon's Roar




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Name: Ethan Arkada

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Sexuality: Bisexual


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Clown_anime.png.7300b732b285aa047df826c5b11960ce.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104298" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Clown_anime.png.7300b732b285aa047df826c5b11960ce.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Ethan is a happy go lucky person that will always try to introduce comedy into everything he can. No matter how serious the situation, Ethan will always find a way to introduce comedy into it

Physiology: Reaper

There are new powers and laws you have and must uphold. Off the bat of memory I can already tell you this. You can kill anyone, that's breaking a law. Don't mess with time or space. Don't save people even if they're about to die in the most gruesome way. Don't mess with things in the physical world too much because it could alter someone's life path and time. You reap souls without personal biases. If someone is supposed to go to heaven you take them there. Even if you HATE them to the very depths of your soul you must take their soul to heaven. If they have to go to hell and you actually like them you still have to take them to hell. You only reap their souls once they're dead. You can fight people and beat their ass but you can't kill them. As long as you don't kill them then you're good, you didn't break a law. You see people breaking laws and messing with time and space? You simply take them to the torture realm and torture them accordingly since Grimm's reapers handle death, law, and torture. To make sure you don't break a law by doing so, you just take them out of their timeline to go there but in reality they haven't even been gone for a second. So it doesn't mess with things. You let them remember the torture so they don't do it again but you seal it away in their minds. They can never speak about it and no one can tap into their minds to find out about it. If you see other reapers breaking laws, you slaughter them.

Powers: Cartoon Physics

  • Acme Arsenal: Cartoons and users of this power are able to be creative and use anything and everything as a weapon.
  • Cartoon Constructs: Constructs out of cartoons.
  • Disguise Mastery
  • Direct Anvil: Anvil will fall directly on a caricature whether they are still or in motion.
  • Dynamite Action: Dynamite (ACME) cannot cause any fatal injuries, while only causing the victim to be covered in black soot and surrounded by smoke.
  • Empathic Weather Manipulation: Manipulate the weather with your emotions, when your angry you make storms etc.
  • Elasticity: Stretch limbs or any other part of ones body to absurd lengths.
  • Extreme Inertia: Any subject/object falls at higher speeds than terminal velocity.
  • Fantastic Travel: User may freely travel between the lines of variant world faculties (i.e. picture frames, drawings, television, cyberspace, storybooks, reality, painted black dots).
  • Fat Expansion: User may become much fatter by eating lots of food.
  • Flat Body: May actually become two-dimensional, like a cartoon character.
  • Gravity Manipulation: Body suspended in space (i.e. air) will remain suspended until made aware of the pertaining situation of gravity.
  • Hammered!: This is where a character is slammed by a heavy object (such as a giant POW hammer, or fat people) where they will then be slammed deep into the ground. This usually results in the character making a crater in the ground shaped just like the character. However...

    Flattened: ...In some cases the character will be made paper-thin. However, this can also be caused by being hit by large objects, like a train.

[*]Helicopter Propulsion: The characters can use any part of their body to fly like a helicopter. However...


[*]Invulnerability: User can survive situations that can be dangerous, like falling from a certain height or hitting hard surfaces.

[*]Letter Generation: Just like in a comic book, in terms of using swearwords, symbols like @# or ! may appear above the caricature. This may also happen in surprised situations. Words like "BLAP!" or "BOOM" can also show, just like in a comic book.

[*]Omnipresence: If following someone, the user may happen to be anywhere the follower goes.

[*]Opening Fanfare: Appearance may cause music to be played.

[*]Pain Suppression: User can suppress pain until they notice it or until they need to let out a scream.

[*]Pocket Dimension: Ability to draw out large objects from seemingly nowhere, usually behind their back or in a pocket.

[*]Regenerative Healing Factor: Recover from damage and regenerate lost limbs, organs, and other body parts. Some almost instantly.

[*]Reversed Vocifery: When saying things like, "Nothing can go wrong," something wrong can happen.

[*]Semi-Immortality: Cartoon characters never age. They stay exactly the same age over the years. For Example, Mickey Mouse has not biologically aged. He is the same biological age he was in the 40's as he is in the present.

[*]Smoke Generation: When a fight is beginning, a grey cloud appears and covers the involved caricatures, with hands, feet and/or heads sticking out.

[*]Spontaneous Musical Number: User can break out into song and dance or cause one.

[*]Supernatural Condition: Be physically/mentally superior to humans.

[*]Technology Manipulation: User can cause technology to do bizarre things. For example, the cherries on a fruit machine can turn out to be bombs.

[*]Umbrella: Using a mere umbrella to fly, glide, and hover to various destinations.

[*]Zip!: User may run away at very high speeds.

You can become invisible and intangible. Nothing can sense you at all. You exist on a different plane, nothing but other reapers, Death, and Grimm can see or sense you. Though people whom are dying and ghosts can see you though. You can make yourself sensible and physically visible and tangible but that's only if you want to. You can't really get killed at all since you're halfway technically dead so no fear about getting killed. You can kill things and others through touching them if you want to. ( Thats breaking a law though. Don't do it. ) Even if your body is destroyed when you go physical you can make a new one right at that moment. You have a death field. All things within the field dies. A scythe if course. Your physical appearance changes now I think sadly since you're reborn. You have torture powers which gives you the ability to manipulate the pain tolerance and sensitivity of others. You can also spawn items and weapon a that would cause harm. You also get your own personal reaper power depending on your species or personality. So pick one from your hellhound powers. Or make a new one pertaining to that like control of hellhounds or something. Your powers can't be nullified by normal means. You can easily travel through any realm you want to with ease as if you're walking through them.


History: No idea how he came about, his eyes opened one day and he was in clown cloths with strange powers and a mission.





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GingerBread said:
@Light (This sound alright?)

Melody Song

Age: 13


Species: Human

Sexuality: Bi-sexual

Appearance:View attachment 232681

Energetic. Often get caught in Day dreams and lets her mind wander if she has nothing to focus on.

Physiology ( Optional ): Human child. (Might be subject to change with her power)

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ):

  • Astral Projection: By imagining their spirit leaving their body to explore the universe.

  • Destruction: By imagining an object is destroyed. (Only works on objects she Has summoned herself )

  • Elemental Manipulation: The user can manipulate the elements by imagining themselves manipulating them. (Can only control 1 element max per hour.)

  • Life Creation: The user can create life, such as an imaginary friend. (Can't create life Yet)

Extra: Has a fear of clowns > :)
metalcity said:
Name: Ethan Arkada
Age: 27

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Sexuality: Bisexual


View attachment 232686

Personality: Ethan is a happy go lucky person that will always try to introduce comedy into everything he can. No matter how serious the situation, Ethan will always find a way to introduce comedy into it

Physiology: Reaper

There are new powers and laws you have and must uphold. Off the bat of memory I can already tell you this. You can kill anyone, that's breaking a law. Don't mess with time or space. Don't save people even if they're about to die in the most gruesome way. Don't mess with things in the physical world too much because it could alter someone's life path and time. You reap souls without personal biases. If someone is supposed to go to heaven you take them there. Even if you HATE them to the very depths of your soul you must take their soul to heaven. If they have to go to hell and you actually like them you still have to take them to hell. You only reap their souls once they're dead. You can fight people and beat their ass but you can't kill them. As long as you don't kill them then you're good, you didn't break a law. You see people breaking laws and messing with time and space? You simply take them to the torture realm and torture them accordingly since Grimm's reapers handle death, law, and torture. To make sure you don't break a law by doing so, you just take them out of their timeline to go there but in reality they haven't even been gone for a second. So it doesn't mess with things. You let them remember the torture so they don't do it again but you seal it away in their minds. They can never speak about it and no one can tap into their minds to find out about it. If you see other reapers breaking laws, you slaughter them.

Powers: Cartoon Physics

  • Acme Arsenal: Cartoons and users of this power are able to be creative and use anything and everything as a weapon.
  • Cartoon Constructs: Constructs out of cartoons.
  • Disguise Mastery
  • Direct Anvil: Anvil will fall directly on a caricature whether they are still or in motion.
  • Dynamite Action: Dynamite (ACME) cannot cause any fatal injuries, while only causing the victim to be covered in black soot and surrounded by smoke.
  • Empathic Weather Manipulation: Manipulate the weather with your emotions, when your angry you make storms etc.
  • Elasticity: Stretch limbs or any other part of ones body to absurd lengths.
  • Extreme Inertia: Any subject/object falls at higher speeds than terminal velocity.
  • Fantastic Travel: User may freely travel between the lines of variant world faculties (i.e. picture frames, drawings, television, cyberspace, storybooks, reality, painted black dots).
  • Fat Expansion: User may become much fatter by eating lots of food.
  • Flat Body: May actually become two-dimensional, like a cartoon character.
  • Gravity Manipulation: Body suspended in space (i.e. air) will remain suspended until made aware of the pertaining situation of gravity.
  • Hammered!: This is where a character is slammed by a heavy object (such as a giant POW hammer, or fat people) where they will then be slammed deep into the ground. This usually results in the character making a crater in the ground shaped just like the character. However...

    Flattened: ...In some cases the character will be made paper-thin. However, this can also be caused by being hit by large objects, like a train.

[*]Helicopter Propulsion: The characters can use any part of their body to fly like a helicopter. However...


[*]Invulnerability: User can survive situations that can be dangerous, like falling from a certain height or hitting hard surfaces.

[*]Letter Generation: Just like in a comic book, in terms of using swearwords, symbols like @# or ! may appear above the caricature. This may also happen in surprised situations. Words like "BLAP!" or "BOOM" can also show, just like in a comic book.

[*]Omnipresence: If following someone, the user may happen to be anywhere the follower goes.

[*]Opening Fanfare: Appearance may cause music to be played.

[*]Pain Suppression: User can suppress pain until they notice it or until they need to let out a scream.

[*]Pocket Dimension: Ability to draw out large objects from seemingly nowhere, usually behind their back or in a pocket.

[*]Regenerative Healing Factor: Recover from damage and regenerate lost limbs, organs, and other body parts. Some almost instantly.

[*]Reversed Vocifery: When saying things like, "Nothing can go wrong," something wrong can happen.

[*]Semi-Immortality: Cartoon characters never age. They stay exactly the same age over the years. For Example, Mickey Mouse has not biologically aged. He is the same biological age he was in the 40's as he is in the present.

[*]Smoke Generation: When a fight is beginning, a grey cloud appears and covers the involved caricatures, with hands, feet and/or heads sticking out.

[*]Spontaneous Musical Number: User can break out into song and dance or cause one.

[*]Supernatural Condition: Be physically/mentally superior to humans.

[*]Technology Manipulation: User can cause technology to do bizarre things. For example, the cherries on a fruit machine can turn out to be bombs.

[*]Umbrella: Using a mere umbrella to fly, glide, and hover to various destinations.

[*]Zip!: User may run away at very high speeds.

You can become invisible and intangible. Nothing can sense you at all. You exist on a different plane, nothing but other reapers, Death, and Grimm can see or sense you. Though people whom are dying and ghosts can see you though. You can make yourself sensible and physically visible and tangible but that's only if you want to. You can't really get killed at all since you're halfway technically dead so no fear about getting killed. You can kill things and others through touching them if you want to. ( Thats breaking a law though. Don't do it. ) Even if your body is destroyed when you go physical you can make a new one right at that moment. You have a death field. All things within the field dies. A scythe if course. Your physical appearance changes now I think sadly since you're reborn. You have torture powers which gives you the ability to manipulate the pain tolerance and sensitivity of others. You can also spawn items and weapon a that would cause harm. You also get your own personal reaper power depending on your species or personality. So pick one from your hellhound powers. Or make a new one pertaining to that like control of hellhounds or something. Your powers can't be nullified by normal means. You can easily travel through any realm you want to with ease as if you're walking through them.


History: No idea how he came about, his eyes opened one day and he was in clown cloths with strange powers and a mission.



Accepted. Theodore has a girlfriend now!


Jayn Sokuthula












"Work" Clothes:



A oddball through and through, she's liable to say the oddest things at the oddest times. She's almost never serious and has a love for sarcasm and satire, she's a pretty chill gal all around. If there was a thing she had to say she hated it would probably be serious as all hell situations and melodrama.

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ):


Let me clear something up about this power, although all of this applies, this power not only needs concentration, but it also doesn't exactly 'home in' as the wiki says. It's more like it will home in on the SPOT she aims at, not the person or object. So while a bullet or attack will always hit a desired AREA, there's no guarantee it will hit the person or object she wants it to if they move.

Blood Manipulation




What happens when a vampire hunter falls for the vampire he's hunting? Jayn happens to start. Going through a life in poverty for most of her life, she faced many difficult challenges in her life, including being bullied and feared by the few who know of her parents. This affected her for awhile before when she was eight she came to a stunning realization:

She didn't have to give a shit.

This allowed her to go through the rest of her life without much worry, it allowed her to carry herself with confidence and own who she was. Even people who typically didn't like her kind of people began to like her due to the way she carried herself, it wasn't until when she was twelve and met one Fola Keryn that her life began to take a more clear shape (That's right bitches, I made my characters crossover, what now

After meeting him near the end of his schooling career, the two quickly became good friends, their bonds eventually becoming brother and sister like. They shared secrets, played around, and became ever closer after they told each other of their parents. Even when Fola began to travel they stayed in touch...Until Fola went through that rough period in his life when he cut everybody out of it, Jayn included. It was during this time that Jayn thought back to a conversation she once held with the boy about the future, he had made a off handed comment about becoming like her dad, so deciding on a whim she decided to become a hunter of all things supernatural. She finds something cool, she takes something from it and allows it to continue on living.





(Extends into a whip like thing :P )

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LokiofSP said:


Jayn Sokuthula












"Work" Clothes:



A oddball through and through, she's liable to say the oddest things at the oddest times. She's almost never serious and has a love for sarcasm and satire, she's a pretty chill gal all around. If there was a thing she had to say she hated it would probably be serious as all hell situations and melodrama.

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ):


Let me clear something up about this power, although all of this applies, this power not only needs concentration, but it also doesn't exactly 'home in' as the wiki says. It's more like it will home in on the SPOT she aims at, not the person or object. So while a bullet or attack will always hit a desired AREA, there's no guarantee it will hit the person or object she wants it to if they move.





What happens when a vampire hunter falls for the vampire he's hunting? Jayn happens to start. Going through a life in poverty for most of her life, she faced many difficult challenges in her life, including being bullied and feared by the few who know of her parents. This affected her for awhile before when she was eight she came to a stunning realization:

She didn't have to give a shit.

This allowed her to go through the rest of her life without much worry, it allowed her to carry herself with confidence and own who she was. Even people who typically didn't like her kind of people began to like her due to the way she carried herself, it wasn't until when she was twelve and met one Fola Keryn that her life began to take a more clear shape (That's right bitches, I made my characters crossover, what now

After meeting him near the end of his schooling career, the two quickly became good friends, their bonds eventually becoming brother and sister like. They shared secrets, played around, and became ever closer after they told each other of their parents. Even when Fola began to travel they stayed in touch...Until Fola went through that rough period in his life when he cut everybody out of it, Jayn included. It was during this time that Jayn thought back to a conversation she once held with the boy about the future, he had made a off handed comment about becoming like her dad, so deciding on a whim she decided to become a hunter of all things supernatural. She finds something cool, she takes something from it and allows it to continue on living.





(Extends into a whip like thing :P )

Uuuugghh... I love her so much. I saw the first appearance and I was like. I don't care she could have Omnipotence and I would accept her. Ugh my heart. Accepted.
Name: Silk Blade

Age: ancient but looks 21

Gender: female

Species: shadow Demon

Sexuality: Asexual


(if your lucky enough to see her without her mask)


her shadow form:


her mask:



her sword:


her bow:

Personality: secretive, funny, sassy, rude, hateful but can be trustworthy if she trusts you and you trust her.

Physiology ( Optional ): skinny, tall, agile, light footed and fast.

Powers: shapshifting, becoming invisible, can possess those who have corrupted minds (like those who committed a crime.), more powerful when negative emotions are around her and can sense if someone is lying.

-she can use her possession as a means of escape by hiding in the minds/bodies of corrupted individuals. These people can be aware of this if she chooses to let them. and can create things out of shadow.

Weakness: holy things, light powers, light and demon slaying weapons.

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ): she has been a assassin her whole demonic life, she goes around the world eating souls and leaving their bodies around for those foolish humans to figure out how they died.she has come to this land to find the dragon knight known as Arwyn.

(and a shout out to @Juju who got me all the amazing pictures!)

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Fluffykitty9000 said:
Name: Silk Blade
Age: ancient but looks 21

Gender: female

Species: shadow Demon

Sexuality: Asexual


(if your lucky enough to see her without her mask)


her shadow form:


her mask:



her sword:


her bow:

Personality: secretive, funny, sassy, rude, hateful but can be trustworthy if she trusts you and you trust her.

Physiology ( Optional ): skinny, tall, agile, light footed and fast.

Powers: shapshifting, becoming invisible, can possess those who have corrupted minds (like those who committed a crime.), more powerful when negative emotions are around her and can sense if someone is lying.

-she can use her possession as a means of escape by hiding in the minds/bodies of corrupted individuals. These people can be aware of this if she chooses to let them. and can create things out of shadow.

Weakness: holy things, light powers, light and demon slaying weapons.

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ): she has been a assassin her whole demonic life, she goes around the world eating souls and leaving their bodies around for those foolish humans to figure out how they died.she has come to this land to find the dragon knight known as Arwyn.

(and a shout out to @Juju who got me all the amazing pictures!)


So basically possess everyone since the entire Earth is now corrupted and so is 100% of the Solar system and 40% of the universe. Accepted
Name: Roman Ferick

Age: Physically 24. Chronologically 978.

Gender: Male

Species: Elite Reaper/ Leader of the Monopoly Reapers

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: ( Human Form. White hair. )<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/IMG_20160207_230846.jpg.ddcb0e04d10d9bb220f33d4d0ec56798.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104636" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/IMG_20160207_230846.jpg.ddcb0e04d10d9bb220f33d4d0ec56798.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

( His eyes. )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57630a1c981d7f6c4bae4b359c7d0945.jpg.18752a373da9368dd9d34b1b67e374fa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104638" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57630a1c981d7f6c4bae4b359c7d0945.jpg.18752a373da9368dd9d34b1b67e374fa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

( Reaper form. )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/40d3f5b40090394c7826be65affd91ee.jpg.aa2aee6caf00cd3c5339b829e117ad6b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104637" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/40d3f5b40090394c7826be65affd91ee.jpg.aa2aee6caf00cd3c5339b829e117ad6b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Roman reveals his nerdy and relaxed side to only those he truthfully likes. Mainly close friends or love interests receive this kind version of Roman. Though when it comes to his job and his gang, Roman could only be described as dark and ruthless. He wouldn't hesitate to cut out the throat of an old friend that's a fellow reaper if it meant positive affects for his gang. He's no stranger to resorting to abuse and lives up to the sinister stereotype Grimm's reapers are labeled with. He's climbed to the very top and ascended other reapers and he intends to let it stay that way. Roman allows himself to look weak in front of those he has a soft spot for and would do things he normally wouldn't when it comes to the gang. Roman isn't the type to kill you if you cross him. He's the type that would shoot your family to death if you do, forcing you to be the one to pull the trigger.

Physiology: Grim Reaper Physiology

Powers: His special ability as a reaper consists of manipulating someone's sense of time in a certain radius. For example he releases a wave and all things hit by this wave are frozen still in what could be explained as frozen time. Though time moves on without them without interruption. If he freezes your sense of time as well as a beam you're firing at him at 4:40. Minutes continue since it's not being affected or touched at all, they don't even have anything to do with the matter. He could then walk behind you to evade the beam and kick up your sense of time and it would seem like he's instantly teleported behind you and 4:40 turned to 4:41 randomly. Though to others it simply looked like you and your beam stopped moving and he normally walked behind you. The more he uses this ability the more of his memories he loses. The exact cool down time of this ability depends on how much he uses it. If he uses it for 40 seconds then he can't use it for another 40 seconds. Depending on how it's used it can violate laws which is why he limits certain aspects of its usage. Depending on the range and duration of this ability his overall stamina, memories, and physical strength begin to collapse. Leaving him weaker and more conflicted with each grand usage.


History: He forgot. He only remembers the day he became a reaper and his struggles to become an elite reaper deserving of a special scythe and leadership of a reaper gang.

Extra: Is on a higher level than regular reapers. Is in love with Jayn. Leader of the Monopoly gang.



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Throne Trinity] [URL=" said:
@Light[/URL] am I accepted or not? Sorry I don't mean to sound anxious. If there are no open slots right now that's cool.
Yes accepted
Name: Kaylee

Age: 722

Gender: female

Species: elf

Sexuality: straight



A silver sword



Personality: kind,absentminded and quiet

Physiology ( Optional ): tall, skinny, agile,strong,fast and light footed


Talks To Animals

Can talk to any type of animal.

Enters Forests Fury

She enters a mode where her brains,speed,strength,agility and powers x2.

Defenses Increase

her defenses increases for a short period.

Speed Increase

Her speed increases for a short period.


She can not die from old age.

Sees In The Dark

She can see in the dark.

Super Hearing

Her elf ears provide her with super hearing.

Weakness: While in Forest Fury she is more vulnerable, human weaknesses and Iron.

History ( Optional ): to be reveled later!!!!

Her Lion named SnowPaw:


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Fluffykitty9000 said:
Name: Kaylee
Age: 722

Gender: female

Species: elf

Sexuality: straight



A silver sword



Personality: kind,absentminded and quiet

Physiology ( Optional ): tall, skinny, agile,strong,fast and light footed


Talks To Animals

Can talk to any type of animal.

Enters Forests Fury

She enters a mode where her brains,speed,strength,agility and powers x2.

Defenses Increase

her defenses increases for a short period.

Speed Increase

Her speed increases for a short period.


She can not die from old age.

Sees In The Dark

She can see in the dark.

Super Hearing

Her elf ears provide her with super hearing.

Weakness: While in Forest Fury she is more vulnerable, human weaknesses and Iron.

History ( Optional ): to be reveled later!!!!

Her Lion named SnowPaw:



Name: Scarlett Montory

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Sexuality: Bi


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Galaco.600.1830568.jpg.392f7d9b70e45ea25f94566fa12875b8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105220" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Galaco.600.1830568.jpg.392f7d9b70e45ea25f94566fa12875b8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Scarlett is a light hearted girl who likes to have fun. It doesn't take much to bring her down and when she is she becomes insecure.

Physiology ( Optional ): Human

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ): Inner beast

(Inside her is a magic dragon)

This gives her dragon soul

When the dragon comes out she has elemental manipulation

Limits: Can only bring out the dragon when in life and death situations. The dragons try to take over her constantly and she must avoid conflict to help keep him locked away. When she loses control he will take over leaving her extremely worn out after wards.

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):

Extra: The dragon

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/c2340367c58dd4161167192c150c9b50.jpg.246be0e6bc0ea61cf38d2c6e24460f21.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105221" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/c2340367c58dd4161167192c150c9b50.jpg.246be0e6bc0ea61cf38d2c6e24460f21.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Mercury Fowl

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Sexuality: Hetero


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7c035780_2016-02-1022.13.13.jpg.cbc161c387fb5d729602a56a5f0c2ce6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105222" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7c035780_2016-02-1022.13.13.jpg.cbc161c387fb5d729602a56a5f0c2ce6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Mercury is quiet and Luke's to keep to himself but often feels lonely because of this. This is why he makes it an effort to try and meet people but feels awkward while doing so.

Physiology ( Optional ):

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ): Can generate and manipulate electricity.

Limit: can only manipulate his own electricity.

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):


(Sense I won't be using Jackson and Reed for some time and probably others as well)



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Tazmodo said:
Name: Scarlett Montory
Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Sexuality: Bi


View attachment 234808

Personality: Scarlett is a light hearted girl who likes to have fun. It doesn't take much to bring her down and when she is she becomes insecure.

Physiology ( Optional ): Human

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ): Inner beast

(Inside her is a magic dragon)

This gives her dragon soul

When the dragon comes out she has elemental manipulation

Limits: Can only bring out the dragon when in life and death situations. The dragons try to take over her constantly and she must avoid conflict to help keep him locked away. When she loses control he will take over leaving her extremely worn out after wards.

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):

Extra: The dragon

View attachment 234809

Name: Mercury Fowl

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Sexuality: Hetero


View attachment 234810

Personality: Mercury is quiet and Luke's to keep to himself but often feels lonely because of this. This is why he makes it an effort to try and meet people but feels awkward while doing so.

Physiology ( Optional ):

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ): Can generate and manipulate electricity.

Limit: can only manipulate his own electricity.

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):


(Sense I won't be using Jackson and Reed for some time and probably others as well)
Both accepted
Name: Bliss Colden

Age: Unknown. Looks to be in her twenties

Gender: Female

Species: Nephalem

Sexuality: Bisexual


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/a9a65a2a1cda4c0495b6578347799390.jpg.3285b4c80620c4be742ad5bcdefd8d27.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105274" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/a9a65a2a1cda4c0495b6578347799390.jpg.3285b4c80620c4be742ad5bcdefd8d27.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Bliss has an erratic personality. She is completely dedicated to Balance, to an unhealthy degree. So if everything is completely peaceful around the world she will bring chaos. If everything is full of chaos, she will try to make it peaceful. Bliss is also like this in everyday situations, so if everyone around her is being nice, she will become mean and harsh. If everyone around her is mean, she will become Nice and kind.

Physiology:Transcendent Nephalem Physiology


Most of the powers in the Physiology

  • Power absorption (By touch only. Replicates the power at the user's current level. In the case of multiple powers, Bliss will get the most recently used power. If that power is directly tied to another, she will get that power instead. For example, if she were to Replicate theodore's power she would get Memory manipulation as all his powers stem from that.)

Theme ( Optional ): (God finding music is hard :/ )

History: Born to a Demon father and an Angel mother, Bliss had always had conflicting views on the world. She was raised in an orphanage and found herself addicted to having things in balance. Whenever something wasn't balanced Bliss would always try to make them Balanced, going as far as to hurt people to achieve balance. When she turned eighteen, her parents revealed themselves to her. Each one asking her to join them and help with their goals. Bliss not liking either of them as they both fought to upset the balance of things, killed them both. Gaining darkness manipulation from her Father when she touched him as she beat him to death. Bliss then turned on her mother and beat her to death, gaining Light manipulation as well.

Extra: Will kill anyone that threatens the balance of the universe or even the multiverse. Hates people who change the world or universe to help themselves or others.

If Bliss is causing Chaos then she will only use demon stuff and Darkness. If she is taking out chaos to bring some peace, then she will use Light and Angel stuff. If she is taking out someone who is disrupting the balance of the universe she will use all her available powers



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GingerBread said:
Name: Bliss Colden
Age: Unknown. Looks to be in her twenties

Gender: Female

Species: Nephalem

Sexuality: Bisexual


View attachment 234940

Personality: Bliss has an erratic personality. She is completely dedicated to Balance, to an unhealthy degree. So if everything is completely peaceful around the world she will bring chaos. If everything is full of chaos, she will try to make it peaceful. Bliss is also like this in everyday situations, so if everyone around her is being nice, she will become mean and harsh. If everyone around her is mean, she will become Nice and kind.

Physiology:Transcendent Nephalem Physiology


Most of the powers in the Physiology

  • Power absorption (By touch only. Replicates the power at the user's current level. In the case of multiple powers, Bliss will get the most recently used power. If that power is directly tied to another, she will get that power instead. For example, if she were to Replicate theodore's power she would get Memory manipulation as all his powers stem from that.)

Theme ( Optional ): (God finding music is hard :/ )

History: Born to a Demon father and an Angel mother, Bliss had always had conflicting views on the world. She was raised in an orphanage and found herself addicted to having things in balance. Whenever something wasn't balanced Bliss would always try to make them Balanced, going as far as to hurt people to achieve balance. When she turned eighteen, her parents revealed themselves to her. Each one asking her to join them and help with their goals. Bliss not liking either of them as they both fought to upset the balance of things, killed them both. Gaining darkness manipulation from her Father when she touched him as she beat him to death. Bliss then turned on her mother and beat her to death, gaining Light manipulation as well.

Extra: Will kill anyone that threatens the balance of the universe or even the multiverse. Hates people who change the world or universe to help themselves or others.

If Bliss is causing Chaos then she will only use demon stuff and Darkness. If she is taking out chaos to bring some peace, then she will use Light and Angel stuff. If she is taking out someone who is disrupting the balance of the universe she will use all her available powers


Maya Williams

Age: 10

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Happiness-Anime-HD-Wallpapers-5.jpg.b6471e3a099533afc4b67d7f5bc6dc5d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105562" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Happiness-Anime-HD-Wallpapers-5.jpg.b6471e3a099533afc4b67d7f5bc6dc5d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Maya is energetic. She has an active imagination that tends to make her day dream quite a lot.

Physiology ( Optional ): Human. (Is subject to change)

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ):

[/media] I need to hire people to find songs for me :/
Extra: Imagination works both in Maya's favour and against her



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Name: Cersei

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Species: Dreamweaver

Sexuality: Bi


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/MAlefeicent.jpg.167da904484550af0a2d55a5d6ccc408.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105660" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/MAlefeicent.jpg.167da904484550af0a2d55a5d6ccc408.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Doesn't like following orders, looks out for herself. She is cold hearted, and sometimes downright evil.

Physiology: Oneiric Physiology (Sorta)

Powers:Dream Manipulation- She can control dreams, induce sleep and enter anythings dreams.

Light Telepathy- Lift objects, throw them, stop moving physical things midair.




Extra: Has a pet crow named "Bon-Bon"



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Oneiric Physiology[/URL] (Sorta)

Powers:Dream Manipulation- She can control dreams, induce sleep and enter anythings dreams.

Light Telepathy- Lift objects, throw them, stop moving physical things midair.




Extra: Has a pet crow named "Bon-Bon"
GingerBread said:
Maya Williams

Age: 10

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Sexuality: Bi

Appearance:View attachment 235885

Maya is energetic. She has an active imagination that tends to make her day dream quite a lot.

Physiology ( Optional ): Human. (Is subject to change)

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ):

Theme ( Optional ): I need to hire people to find songs for me :/

Extra: Imagination works both in Maya's favour and against her

  • Name: Isabella Celeste Cipher

    Age: 22

    Gender: Female

    Species: Transcendent Bakeneko, Dragon, Witch, Nephalem, Deity

    Sexuality: Bisexual


    ( Left: Awakening Right: Seal #1-16 )

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c887c1210_2016-03-1718.42.21.jpg.45f542fe7699fa17c2a9ae0bec8ad011.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112725" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c887c1210_2016-03-1718.42.21.jpg.45f542fe7699fa17c2a9ae0bec8ad011.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    She has Blue De France tips in her white hair.

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9b645407_images(19).jpg.d28b5b04ecb84a4f8b7f9c7d4dcd4650.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123870" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9b645407_images(19).jpg.d28b5b04ecb84a4f8b7f9c7d4dcd4650.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Spider bite piercings on the left side of her lip and a dragon piercing in her ear.

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9b647c83_images(16).jpg.1f6d2a886f5155c15a67e8efdaacf12f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123871" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9b647c83_images(16).jpg.1f6d2a886f5155c15a67e8efdaacf12f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9b641483_images(20).jpg.ca4596191ba069cd82083150eebb6dfe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123869" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9b641483_images(20).jpg.ca4596191ba069cd82083150eebb6dfe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    She also has a tattoo sleeve on her right arm of her grandfather Lucifer falling along with other angels. On her left arm she has a tattoo sleeve of the Dragon's roar members fighting against her faction in the battle to save existence. Both having the same art style.

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/9d4f4d692b765cb559ccb578fbdc26e2.jpg.1540776f11c652e67a518628136f1ddb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123872" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/9d4f4d692b765cb559ccb578fbdc26e2.jpg.1540776f11c652e67a518628136f1ddb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Personality: Isabel is afraid of the world around her. Feeling isolated, cold, and constantly targeted Isabel trusts no one at all and her fear begins to build because of it. Whenever she sees someone else achieving happiness and acceptance she grows angry, saddened, and then confused on why she's any different. Isabel feels like and knows that she has to walk alone in the world, with nothing but herself and the path. She doesn't feel the urge to kill or love but if it's to protect herself or feel then she'll do either one. She dislikes the feeling of her undying loneliness and down-spiral into transcendent depression but she knows its the only thing she has and the only thing that hasn't betrayed her. Isabel's adventurous, brave, and creative side was painfully torn to shreds years ago. She's lost her dream of exploring the world and refuses to pick up the paintbrush once more. No longer believes in friendship.


    Transcendent Ghost Physiology

    Transcendent Dragon Physiology

    Transcendent Mage Physiology

    Transcendent Nephalem Physiology

    Transcendent Physiology


    History: Grew up as a young Van Fen'rir for 7 years until she was captured and experimented on. The only friends she has to mention is her younger sister. For three years she's endured extreme torture until she blew herself apart into five fragments at the age of 10. All other forms of information regarding her has been erased.

    Extra: In love with and mate to Fola Keryn. Is the true Sugar Princess. Fola means everything to her. Constantly evolves and adapts to her environments. Destined to either destroy all of existence and non existence or make it prosper.



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Name: Kyoko Lyn Amiya

Age: 19

Gender: female

Sexual Interest: demisexual

Species: Neko



Personality: She is very curious, sweet, and adventurous. Willing to take risks to accomplish tasks or get what she wants

Powers: Cat like reflexes, night vision

History/Reason For Joining: When she was 9 a group of men robbed her house. She watched from where her mother hid her as the men murdered her mother and older brother. She learned to fend for herself and get what she needed to survive in the months after. She heard about Dragon's Roar and hopes it will be a place she can call home that will help her bring some peace to the world so no other little girls have to experience what she did.

Desired Guild: Dragon's Roar

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/godform.jpe.e615c3a6b0a6f3139a41a3507b3efee8.jpe" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106082" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/godform.jpe.e615c3a6b0a6f3139a41a3507b3efee8.jpe" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Powers of chance, wheel like a wishing well

How the wheel works - when a coin (or something of personal value) is thrown through the middle, 8 fates will appear for the asker and the wheel will spin, the fates can be good or bad and will vary in worth to the asker, if there are multiple askers they may each choose a spoke from the wheel - fate will be decided by length of spoke from best to worst longest to shortest

She becomes very serious and shows little emotion

@LokiofSP thank you for redirecting me <3



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