Character Sheets

OceanBunny said:
Name: Kyoko Lyn Amiya
Age: 19

Gender: female

Sexual Interest: demisexual

Species: Neko



Personality: She is very curious, sweet, and adventurous. Willing to take risks to accomplish tasks or get what she wants

Powers: Cat like reflexes, night vision

History/Reason For Joining: When she was 9 a group of men robbed her house. She watched from where her mother hid her as the men murdered her mother and older brother. She learned to fend for herself and get what she needed to survive in the months after. She heard about Dragon's Roar and hopes it will be a place she can call home that will help her bring some peace to the world so no other little girls have to experience what she did.

Desired Guild: Dragon's Roar

@LokiofSP thank you for redirecting me <3

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.239c548f12b3fa07fb42064c7480a8f5.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105931" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.239c548f12b3fa07fb42064c7480a8f5.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Layla Van Fenrir

  • Name

    Layla Van Fenrir










    Layla is intimidating, to say the least - her towering height and a physique forged from eons of battle aside, she has a scowl that could make the strongest men cower, and a sharp, dominant nature that commands respect, with a strength that demands to be recognized. She is fiercely independent, and takes no shit from anyone that treats her with anything short of the highest respect. She holds herself with grace and pride, and can come off as aloof, overly serious, and hostile. To her closely knit family and her friends, she is more open, usually the first to crack a deadpanned and dry joke. She is extremely honest, to the point of being very blunt, regardless of the topic of discussion. When she speaks, she often forgets to take in the feelings of others into account, forgetting how much weight her words can have to those around her. She can be very sharp with her family when they do something ethically or legally wrong, or disobey her, and her punishments can seem very cruel to those outside the situation. She does not, however, disregard her family or their feelings; they are easily the most important thing to her, and she’s incredibly devoted to them. She is fiercely protective of her family, friends, and their allies, and would protect them to her dying breath.

  • The

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.b96efb46063c6b7da0f51cc74f39824e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105923" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.b96efb46063c6b7da0f51cc74f39824e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.a4ade1fa6fe58c2b013fed1c17900bab.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105924" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.a4ade1fa6fe58c2b013fed1c17900bab.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    (For reference for the size of her dragon form, she is roughly the size of Ancalagon the Black.)


    She is a master at hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship, honed through years upon years of battle. Her preferred weapon is a 5 foot long Scottish Claymore.



    Layla is able to take copious amounts of damage before she starts to have more permanent/disabling effects. Her healing is also increasingly accelerated, and wounds that would take months to heal only take a few short weeks.


    Due to this, her pain tolerance is very high, so it's hard for her to tell if she’s injured, which often leaves her with serious, untreated wounds.

    Her healing does not mean she can leave wounds untreated - she is susceptible to infection, and due to the accelerated nature of her healing, it sometimes does not heal correctly. (I.e, a broken bone may heal too quickly, and fuse back together crooked, requiring someone to re-break the bone)

    Speed & Strength

    Layla is extremely strong, since her strength stays the same in her human form as it is in her dragon form. She is also equally fast as she is in dragon form, and with her greatly reduced weight, she can move fast enough that she disappears.


    She tends to break a lot of fragile items without intending to.

    Moving fast enough to disappear can only be held for a brief amount of time, as it will tear the muscles and tendons in her legs if she even attempts it.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.60ac3beb78d9dca3f42d86dbb2feed7d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105925" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.60ac3beb78d9dca3f42d86dbb2feed7d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Nova King]Name: Emily
Age: 23

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Sexuality: Bi


View attachment 236680

Personality: Emily is a flirtatious girl who loves to play with people's emotions.

Physiology ( Optional ):

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ): liquid manipulation

-only water

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):


CelticSol said:

(All the pictures are missing, which I will put back tomorrow, but for now, I figured this was important.)

Layla Van Fenrir

  • Name

    Layla Van Fenrir










    Layla is intimidating, to say the least - her towering height and a physique forged from eons of battle aside, she has a scowl that could make the strongest men cower, and a sharp, dominant nature that commands respect, with a strength that demands to be recognized. She is fiercely independent, and takes no shit from anyone that treats her with anything short of the highest respect. She holds herself with grace and pride, and can come off as aloof, overly serious, and hostile. To her closely knit family and her friends, she is more open, usually the first to crack a deadpanned and dry joke. She is extremely honest, to the point of being very blunt, regardless of the topic of discussion. When she speaks, she often forgets to take in the feelings of others into account, forgetting how much weight her words can have to those around her. She can be very sharp with her family when they do something ethically or legally wrong, or disobey her, and her punishments can seem very cruel to those outside the situation. She does not, however, disregard her family or their feelings; they are easily the most important thing to her, and she’s incredibly devoted to them. She is fiercely protective of her family, friends, and their allies, and would protect them to her dying breath.

  • (For reference for the size of her dragon form, she is roughly the size of Ancalagon the Black.)

    She is a master at hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship, honed through years upon years of battle. Her prefered weapon is a 5 foot long Scottish Claymore.



    Layla is able to take copious amounts of damage before she starts to have more permanent/disabling effects. Her healing is also increasingly accelerated, and wounds that would take months to heal only take a few short weeks.


    Due to this, her pain tolerance is very high, so it's hard for her to tell if she’s injured, which often leaves her with serious, untreated wounds.

    Her healing does not mean she can leave wounds untreated - she is susceptible to infection, and due to the accelerated nature of her healing, it sometimes does not heal correctly. (I.e, a broken bone may heal too quickly, and fuse back together crooked, requiring someone to re-break the bone)

    Speed & Strength

    Layla is extremely strong, since her strength stays the same in her human form as it is in her dragon form. She is also equally fast as she is in dragon form, and with her greatly reduced weight, she can move fast enough that she disappears.


    She tends to break a lot of fragile items without intending to.

    Moving fast enough to disappear can only be held for a brief amount of time, as it will tear the muscles and tendons in her legs if she even attempts it.
djinnamon said:
Name: Mars , Ares , The God of War
Age: Immortal

Gender: Male

Species: God

Sexuality: Demisexual


Human form -


Armour -


God Form -


Personality: Mars is a extremely arrogant and playful individual but he is also very cruel and sadistic. He cares for no except the goddess Venus who is missing. Mars has a obsession with the goddesses and Sage , mostly Sage because of his resemblance to the woman.

Physiology ( Optional ): God physiology

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ) : Human form powers:

Gate Of Babylon -

Mars has collected many weapons over his lifetime and has stored them into the gate of Babylon. He can summon the gate and bring any weapon he wants forth.

Fire Manipulation


Super strength and speed

Armour Form -

The armour increases all of his physical abilities and powers by 2 times there original strength


God Form-

All his before mentioned abilities are amplified tenfold

Chains of Justice - these chains are unbreakable and burn the person they grab with hell fire but they disappear after five minutes and can be stolen.

Rage Manipulation- Mars can control the rage of others by making eye contact with them and can use THIER anger to become stronger.

Weapon Manipulation - Mars can control all weapons within his range of sight.

Rage Sensory - Mars can sense someone's anger and can use it to trace them.


He needs to possess the key of the king to use the Gate of Babylon

His arrogance.

He is somewhat gullible and can be seduced easily.

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):

Accepted and so is the other girl
Name: Dante Ira

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Heterosexual

Species: Raiju

Appearance: (ignore the girl)

(Normal form)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.52904043e6b2ab494d91d045b4e996fb.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105981" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.52904043e6b2ab494d91d045b4e996fb.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Usually wears a black denim vest with no shirt under it, black jeans, and black and red boots. Also has both arms covered in tattoos along with his shoulders and hands.

(Beast form)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.e52e81eedeef4a27d091ce9ee98ee375.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105980" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.e52e81eedeef4a27d091ce9ee98ee375.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Dante is very battle hardened and monotone, he often acts out and doesn't care what happens to his body for the most part just as long as he kills what he's fighting against and doesn't get mad often but when he does he goes on a rampage. However, while hard for him to get attached to someone, when he does he'll do everything in his power to protect them no matter the cost.

Physiology:feline, canine, mustelid, simian.

Powers: Climbing, electrical immunity, electricity manipulation, electricity mimicry/fire mimicry, lightning ball form, enhanced agility, enhanced balance, enhanced bite, enhanced durability, enhanced endurance, enhanced flexibility, enhanced jump, enhanced senses, enhanced speed, enhanced strength, super regenerative healing, fire manipulation, flight, claw retraction, night vision, predator instinct, weather manipulation, pain surpression (can also take the pain away from others by physical contact), is only able to use his own developed style of fighting and tri-wieldinand gun kata.

Skills: He is trained in tri-wielding swords, gun-kata, most martial arts like jet kun do, judo, krave maga, and a style that he developed himself mixing swords and gun usage.

Weaknesses/ Limitations: his family is a sensitive subject to him and mentioning them in any negative way will most likely send him into a fury immediately, he doesn't remember parts of his past because of the years of torture this also makes him have sudden and often harmful flashbacks that can confuse him, as well as make him question who is on his side. His limitations are that he has the basic forms of his physical enhancements, can only manipulate basic fire and only enough lightning to stun, can only use pain surpression on himself and not others.

History: When he was a child he lived in a small village with his parents, living a life as if a normal human he never knew what he truly was until when he was 7 years old a group of people broke into his home, killed his mother and father in front of him, and took him to their facility. Where he was tied and bound in chains all while being tortured and experimented on 3 times a day for 13 years also while being forced to train, fight against, and kill other people captured. Finally after being the only subject still alive, he had gained the strength to break free from his cell, killed most of his captors, and escaped. However, not before finding his file they had containing his information revealing that he was in fact a raiju. After he escaped he had returned to his home and instead of finding the bodies of his parents lying on the floor he saw three swords instead, one of fire and one of lightning and one in the middle of the two, it's blade as red as blood as well as his fathers set of pistols. He then realized that the swords were his parents, from then he had decided to travel the world as vengeful monster hell bent on destroying those who had wronged him as well as anyone who got in his way. All while working as a mercenary in the mean time.

Extra: (weapons)

Mater ignis (mother of the flame)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.d2b3770a019b72f8e6bdc922214d6318.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105982" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.d2b3770a019b72f8e6bdc922214d6318.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Pater tempestate (Father of the storm)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.e157ee5cb767ab0bfd0f508ec7f5f765.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105984" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.e157ee5cb767ab0bfd0f508ec7f5f765.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sanguinem pluvia (blood rain)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.559830b2688b8a253e87c290195094f6.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105985" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.559830b2688b8a253e87c290195094f6.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ahf and Hema

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.9104b7fd2a3c4c2e233f2f3d7d3f74f7.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105986" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.9104b7fd2a3c4c2e233f2f3d7d3f74f7.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Theme song:[media]




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AnthonyWrath said:
Name: Dante Ira
Age: 25

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Heterosexual

Species: Raiju

Appearance: (ignore the girl)

(Normal form)View attachment 236832

Usually wears a black denim vest with no shirt under it, black jeans, and black and red boots. Also has both arms covered in tattoos along with his shoulders and hands.

(Beast form)View attachment 236831

Personality: Dante is very battle hardened and monotone, he often acts out and doesn't care what happens to his body for the most part just as long as he kills what he's fighting against and doesn't get mad often but when he does he goes on a rampage. However, while hard for him to get attached to someone, when he does he'll do everything in his power to protect them no matter the cost.

Physiology:feline, canine, mustelid, simian.

Powers: Climbing, electrical immunity, electricity manipulation, electricity mimicry/fire mimicry, lightning ball form, enhanced agility, enhanced balance, enhanced bite, enhanced durability, enhanced endurance, enhanced flexibility, enhanced jump, enhanced senses, enhanced speed, enhanced strength, super regenerative healing, fire manipulation, flight, claw retraction, night vision, predator instinct, weather manipulation, pain surpression (can also take the pain away from others by physical contact), is only able to use his own developed style of fighting and tri-wieldinand gun kata.

Skills: He is trained in tri-wielding swords, gun-kata, most martial arts like jet kun do, judo, krave maga, and a style that he developed himself mixing swords and gun usage.

Weaknesses/ Limitations: his family is a sensitive subject to him and mentioning them in any negative way will most likely send him into a fury immediately, he doesn't remember parts of his past because of the years of torture this also makes him have sudden and often harmful flashbacks that can confuse him, as well as make him question who is on his side. His limitations are that he has the basic forms of his physical enhancements, can only manipulate basic fire and only enough lightning to stun, can only use pain surpression on himself and not others.

History: When he was a child he lived in a small village with his parents, living a life as if a normal human he never knew what he truly was until when he was 7 years old a group of people broke into his home, killed his mother and father in front of him, and took him to their facility. Where he was tied and bound in chains all while being tortured and experimented on 3 times a day for 13 years also while being forced to train, fight against, and kill other people captured. Finally after being the only subject still alive, he had gained the strength to break free from his cell, killed most of his captors, and escaped. However, not before finding his file they had containing his information revealing that he was in fact a raiju. After he escaped he had returned to his home and instead of finding the bodies of his parents lying on the floor he saw three swords instead, one of fire and one of lightning and one in the middle of the two, it's blade as red as blood as well as his fathers set of pistols. He then realized that the swords were his parents, from then he had decided to travel the world as vengeful monster hell bent on destroying those who had wronged him as well as anyone who got in his way. All while working as a mercenary in the mean time.

Extra: (weapons)

Mater ignis (mother of the flame)

View attachment 236835

Pater tempestate (Father of the storm)

View attachment 236837

Sanguinem pluvia (blood rain)

View attachment 236838

Ahf and Hema

View attachment 236839

Theme song:[media]


Siobhan Rosalie Van Fenrir

  • Name:

    Siobhan (Shiv-awn) Van Fenrir






    Demigod (Non-Divine; Dragon)




    Siobhan is a rather apathetic person, and though she is not selfish, she doesn’t often think of the feelings of others. She is very methodical and thinks things through logically rather than emotionally, so she often thinks her way through problems or out of strong emotional reactions, which can make her seem like she’s a robot. In odd occurrences where she does feel strong, raw emotions (such as her mother’s disappearance), she will hide them, taking on a facade of indifference. Due to her rather unique heritage, her mental development has raced ahead of her body, so she is very intelligent for her age. She inherited her mother’s vivid temper, and, to the dismay of most, received Grimm’s capacity for cruelty. While she is often level headed, she is merciless to those who have wronged her or who have hurt someone unable to help themselves. She is fairly kind to her extended family, and tolerates their almost suffocating affection. She loves her father and loved her mother dearly. She despises the over-protective nature of the reapers that constantly surround her.

  • WOp8qEmCLjSDy4smjSrSuCpPCH986q_Algypc9onpg5braRAGja_5CFT_Bg7hR5eL8ywCfsYYypuAuwaoCeIGgxKUMFSbIsS4knS3wipkZ4BwqZSIqXDD6Kj_giOe7fP_108OD26


    Size reference for her form.
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Zane WolfBlade






Vaewolf-Half Silvermane, Half Vampire

Transcended Being






Zane is strong willed, arrogant, and doesn't like to take orders from anyone who he deems inferior. He sometimes says weird things. He likes to think think his way out of thinks, while also punching anything that gets in his way. He is both brain and brawn. Zane doesn't like to lose, he'll go to the fullest extent just to make sure he wins.

Physiology ( Optional ):

Vaeowolf Physiology

Transcended Condition

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ):

Weapon Manipulation- "I'm always armed, even when I'm naked"

Zane can create, summon, shape, manipulate and use any kind of weapons with perfect skill, whether pre-modern, modern or even futuristic using laser, plasma, antimatter or even more exotic ammunition/attacks. If it is a weapon or could be improvised as one, they are completely proficient with it. Some users can even make the weapons out of a piece of themselves, whether by using their life-force or shaping their own flesh and bone. The more he switches out the fast he loses energy. Also each piece of armor he has will have a set of limitations and weakness. I'll post the limitations and weaknesses within the rp and i'll add it to his cs.

Molecular Speed Manipulation-

The user can control the speed of which molecules travel. They can accelerate molecules, decelerate molecules and even halt molecules altogether. Advanced users can speed up molecules until they combust, slow down molecules until they lose energy, stop them completely, or revert them to an earlier state. Bigger structures means more molecules, which makes it harder to control.

Requires direct touch if the user want sit to work instantly, the further the target the longer the effect will take.

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):


Zane's black steel katana

Kuro Karuma


Vaewolf Form


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[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]


Zane WolfBlade






Vaewolf-Half Silvermane, Half Vampire

Transcended Being






Zane is strong willed, arrogant, and doesn't like to take orders from anyone who he deems inferior. He sometimes says weird things. He likes to think think his way out of thinks, while also punching anything that gets in his way. He is both brain and brawn. Zane doesn't like to lose, he'll go to the fullest extent just to make sure he wins.

Physiology ( Optional ):

Vaeowolf Physiology

Transcended Condition

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ):

Weapon Manipulation- "I'm always armed, even when I'm naked"

Zane can create, summon, shape, manipulate and use any kind of weapons with perfect skill, whether pre-modern, modern or even futuristic using laser, plasma, antimatter or even more exotic ammunition/attacks. If it is a weapon or could be improvised as one, they are completely proficient with it. Some users can even make the weapons out of a piece of themselves, whether by using their life-force or shaping their own flesh and bone. The more he switches out the fast he loses energy. Also each piece of armor he has will have a set of limitations and weakness. I'll post the limitations and weaknesses within the rp and i'll add it to his cs.

Molecular Speed Manipulation-

The user can control the speed of which molecules travel. They can accelerate molecules, decelerate molecules and even halt molecules altogether. Advanced users can speed up molecules until they combust, slow down molecules until they lose energy, stop them completely, or revert them to an earlier state. Bigger structures means more molecules, which makes it harder to control.

Requires direct touch if the user want sit to work instantly, the further the target the longer the effect will take.

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):


Zane's black steel katana

Kuro Karuma


Vaewolf Form




  • Name



    Ageless (Physical age unknown)






    Deity of Madness/Insanity


    Merciless and cruel, Sovereign does not disappoint in his moniker as the God of Insanity, as he is a complete and utter madman. Morals are foreign concepts designed for weaker minds incapable of strength; if someone is not strong enough to win in a fight, then they deserve to die, and anything weak are of no use to anyone, only as food for the strong. He despises humans, seeing them as weak, and thus, purposeless, and firmly believes that they should be annihilated. He views people and living things as limited to how useful they will be to him, even people he considers ‘friends’.

    In behaviour, Sovereign is clever, cunning, and manipulative; if someone has something he wants, then one way or another, he will get it from them. Despite being absolutely appalling in the things he does to other people, he is very charming, able to sway many people to his cause by picking them apart with their flaws - tear them down and bring them to a weakness he can work with - then using clever words to influence them to join him, by convincing them that their worth will only be reached in him. His ambitious nature, despite his determination to see it through and the cleverness to actually make it happen, is also his greatest flaw. His pride makes him believe that he is unbeatable and smarter than anyone, which makes him think his goals are much closer to accomplishment than they actually are, and his goals are monstrous enough that many people would strive to stop him, among them powerful people who actually can inhibit him. This causes him to get frustrated and angry, which is not helped by his poor handle on his psychotic temper.

    Personality strengths:

    Clever, Manipulative, Driven, Difficult to manipulate.

    Personality weaknesses:

    Quick to anger, his hubris, mentally unsound.

  • Layla and Sovereign have a long, exceedingly complicated relationship. Sovereign met Layla when she was a juvenile stirring up trouble, and was drawn in by her spitfire nature and stubbornness. Over the next couple of years, they bonded over a multitude of things; their love of battle, their easy and relaxed relationship, and their mutual ambition. Eventually, they tentatively began a romantic relationship, which eventually fell apart due to Sovereign’s infidelity and cruelty. Over the thousands of years, they had an off and on relationship, but had a constant, underlying care for each other. Sovereign’s insanity began to corrode his mind - his ambition became an uncontrollable hunger, and his respect and love for Layla bordered on obsession. The last occasion that they had seen each other face to face was in the 1940s. They had a violent fight, which ended in Layla severing contact with him.
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CelticSol said:


  • Name



    Ageless (Physical age unknown)






    Deity of Madness/Insanity


    Merciless and cruel, Sovereign does not disappoint in his moniker as the God of Insanity, as he is a complete and utter madman. Morals are foreign concepts designed for weaker minds incapable of strength; if someone is not strong enough to win in a fight, then they deserve to die, and anything weak are of no use to anyone, only as food for the strong. He despises humans, seeing them as weak, and thus, purposeless, and firmly believes that they should be annihilated. He views people and living things as limited to how useful they will be to him, even people he considers ‘friends’.

    In behaviour, Sovereign is clever, cunning, and manipulative; if someone has something he wants, then one way or another, he will get it from them. Despite being absolutely appalling in the things he does to other people, he is very charming, able to sway many people to his cause by picking them apart with their flaws - tear them down and bring them to a weakness he can work with - then using clever words to influence them to join him, by convincing them that their worth will only be reached in him. His ambitious nature, despite his determination to see it through and the cleverness to actually make it happen, is also his greatest flaw. His pride makes him believe that he is unbeatable and smarter than anyone, which makes him think his goals are much closer to accomplishment than they actually are, and his goals are monstrous enough that many people would strive to stop him, among them powerful people who actually can inhibit him. This causes him to get frustrated and angry, which is not helped by his poor handle on his psychotic temper.

    Personality strengths:

    Clever, Manipulative, Driven, Difficult to manipulate.

    Personality weaknesses:

    Quick to anger, his hubris, mentally unsound.

  • Layla and Sovereign have a long, exceedingly complicated relationship. Sovereign met Layla when she was a juvenile stirring up trouble, and was drawn in by her spitfire nature and stubbornness. Over the next couple of years, they bonded over a multitude of things; their love of battle, their easy and relaxed relationship, and their mutual ambition. Eventually, they tentatively began a romantic relationship, which eventually fell apart due to Sovereign’s infidelity and cruelty. Over the thousands of years, they had an off and on relationship, but had a constant, underlying care for each other. Sovereign’s insanity began to corrode his mind - his ambition became an uncontrollable hunger, and his respect and love for Layla bordered on obsession. The last occasion that they had seen each other face to face was in the 1940s. They had a violent fight, which ended in Layla severing contact with him.



Species:Deity of vengeance.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.8f1a70de5d567b2fd44ce0bf08449d44.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107054" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.8f1a70de5d567b2fd44ce0bf08449d44.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Protective,Stubborn,Reclusive,Kind hearted.

History ( Optional ):




He can Shapeshift into anything he as seen at least one minute ago.


He cannot become anything bigger than a two story building,it takes two minutes to get used to any new form he has not became Before,if he does not revert to his humanoid form in at least two days.he will be forcibly reverted back and he will go into a coma for 4 weeks(without aid.),He cannot heal while in another form,and he cannot use powers of other beings he turns into.

Shadow control:He can bend shadows to his will allowing him to make shadow copies of himself or others,he can also make them into just About any form he can think of,he can also shoot a focused beam of shadows

Limitations:He cannot make anything bigger then 7.2,shadow beings can be destroyed easily,he can only make a maximum of 10,they cannot be created/Used in sunlight.

Pocket dimension:r?zbunare has his own pocket dimension, he can open a portal anywhere he can do almost anything there.

Limitations:He cannot harm anyone in this dimension,he cannot force others into it,only request the. To enter,he can only have people in his dimension as long as he is in it.he can be forced out of his dimension by putting a rose where his portal last was.

Ascend:he can ascend onto his next form by performing a ritual,with each ascend,his power grows.

Ascending once: he now can create 15 shadow beings and becomes 10X faster/stronger then the average man.

Ascending twice:he can now create 20 shadow beings and is 40X faster/Stronger then the average man

Final form:Can create 38 shadow beings,can now go faster then the speed of sound/hecan now lift anything the same weight as freighter boat or lower,can now give people in his dimension the sensation of pain,and can force up to two people into his dimension.

Limitations:When preform in the ritual he cannot be disturbed and has to do it for 4 days each,he can't be reverted back to previous forms by prefoming a ritual that only takes a half hour,and once started cannot by stopped.

Extras:He loves Sweets and will trade things/do bidding for it,if you do somthing to piss him off,he will stop at nothing to punish/harm you in some way.

1st form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.63ef7d2d8e5c47eadf52d56e5ec8a049.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107075" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.63ef7d2d8e5c47eadf52d56e5ec8a049.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Second form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.85f945ca883f00f8c3dcbeb599b5d8fc.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107076" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.85f945ca883f00f8c3dcbeb599b5d8fc.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Final form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.cd09556fe3f4993bbcadcf09d18db178.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107077" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.cd09556fe3f4993bbcadcf09d18db178.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(If rejected please say so.)



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MTchaos1134 said:


Species:Deity of vengeance.



View attachment 239083

Personality:Protective,Stubborn,Reclusive,Kind hearted.

History ( Optional ):




He can Shapeshift into anything he as seen at least one minute ago.


He cannot become anything bigger than a two story building,it takes two minutes to get used to any new form he has not became Before,if he does not revert to his humanoid form in at least two days.he will be forcibly reverted back and he will go into a coma for 4 weeks(without aid.),He cannot heal while in another form,and he cannot use powers of other beings he turns into.

Shadow control:He can bend shadows to his will allowing him to make shadow copies of himself or others,he can also make them into just About any form he can think of,he can also shoot a focused beam of shadows

Limitations:He cannot make anything bigger then 7.2,shadow beings can be destroyed easily,he can only make a maximum of 10,they cannot be created/Used in sunlight.

Pocket dimension:răzbunare has his own pocket dimension, he can open a portal anywhere he can do almost anything there.

Limitations:He cannot harm anyone in this dimension,he cannot force others into it,only request the. To enter,he can only have people in his dimension as long as he is in it.he can be forced out of his dimension by putting a rose where his portal last was.

Ascend:he can ascend onto his next form by performing a ritual,with each ascend,his power grows.

Ascending once: he now can create 15 shadow beings and becomes 10X faster/stronger then the average man.

Ascending twice:he can now create 20 shadow beings and is 40X faster/Stronger then the average man

Final form:Can create 38 shadow beings,can now go faster then the speed of sound/hecan now lift anything the same weight as freighter boat or lower,can now give people in his dimension the sensation of pain,and can force up to two people into his dimension.

Limitations:When preform in the ritual he cannot be disturbed and has to do it for 4 days each,he can't be reverted back to previous forms by prefoming a ritual that only takes a half hour,and once started cannot by stopped.

Extras:He loves Sweets and will trade things/do bidding for it,if you do somthing to piss him off,he will stop at nothing to punish/harm you in some way.

1st form:

View attachment 239123

Second form:

View attachment 239128

Final form:

View attachment 239130

(If rejected please say so.)
Accepted though there are some things you can't turn into. Just certain characters since shapeshifting is always limited in a sense. Like obviously God isn't one of the people you can turn into. Y'know things like that.
Light said:
Accepted though there are some things you can't turn into. Just certain characters since shapeshifting is always limited in a sense. Like obviously God isn't one of the people you can turn into. Y'know things like that.
Yeah I was going through my character sheet and found out I made this error when you told me,thanks for pointing it out.

  • Name:

    Hakeem Hiata






    Dark God/ Human







    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/3762136_1428211317.8668_funddescription.jpg.81278824f7e1311eeed7a080d55bda15.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108562" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/3762136_1428211317.8668_funddescription.jpg.81278824f7e1311eeed7a080d55bda15.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/mens-14k-white-gold-ring-with-sapphire-and-diamond.jpg.912ae51d920030270fdf2d3e284ab847.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108571" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/mens-14k-white-gold-ring-with-sapphire-and-diamond.jpg.912ae51d920030270fdf2d3e284ab847.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Two of these one of them has a Ruby gem.


    Hakeem is almost like any 10 year old boy. He's energetic and hard headed. He enjoys eating and if he doesn't get enough sleep he'll get cranky. He's a free spirit, and emotional. He fights for what he believes in. So Dragon War as an example. If anyone tries dissing Dragon Roar around him he'll either punch them on the spot of go into a speech about how awesome dragon war is.

    Physiology ( Optional ):

    Dark God Physiology

    • Transcended Condition Sealed away only allowing an Enhanced Condition
    • Gravity Pressure Sealed away
    • Dark Soul form Sealed away
    • Chronolock Sealed away

    Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ):

    Nuclear Manipulation- Sealed Away

    [*]Attack Powers using nuclear reaction. The more he uses the quicker he gets tired. Requires sleep and food to energize.

    [*]Explosion Manipulation

    [*]Plasma Manipulation can't manipulate electricity, fire, and light at the same time.

    [*]Fire Manipulation

    [*]Light Manipulation

    [*]Radiation Manipulation it's constantly active at varying levels

    [*]Transmutation can't be used on living beings


    Limitations: Rank Point Used on all

    • Usually temporary.
    • Summoned creatures may have to find their own way back, which is likely to cause problems.
    • Summoning immensely large/heavy targets may take a mental toll on the user.
    • Summoning may not grant control over the summoned being.
    • Summoned entities may become uncontrollable and put the summoner and everyone else in the vicinity in danger.
    • May require a contract to summon specific entities.
    • Summoning certain entities may require a sacrifice, such as blood, wealth or life.
    • Certain symbols, carvings and/or ceremonies may be needed to summon.
    • May require knowledge of what is to be summoned to actually summon it.
    • Certain temporal/spacial limitations/restrictions may prevent/complicate summoning.

    Theme ( Optional ):

    History ( Optional ):

    Hakeem is yet another son of the dark goddess, but he is also the last. He was raised with his human father. He had a dream about join dragon roar. When his powers awoken he released a powerful amount of radiation that killed an entire city block. The dark goddess took Hakeem into her realm, then erased the radiation within that block. The goddess sealed his powers away, earned his memories giving him new one, and gave him two Guardian protectors. Ai and Amon. She dropped the kid off in a random place while he was somewhat unconscious. His guardians took him to Japan were he stayed safe, and went to school. He also continued his love of Dragon roar having all there merchandise in his room. He left home with a the dream to join.


    Hakeem's protectors stay within his bracelets on his arms. His left bracelet has a Sapphire gem, and his right bracelet has a Ruby gem. Also when he enters a state of strong emotion his powers are released. After his episode he passes out.

    Dark Soul Form sealed away



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Oden Free











Without Hair Pins:



Seemingly happy-go-lucky, this is simply a face he uses to get close to people, he's actually a sadistic SOB who likes to hurt people. And I know you're wondering why he joined a guild about protecting people, why it's simple, he isn't stupid, he's actually pretty freaking smart, that's why when he found out he was wanted pretty much everywhere he knows to go to, he went to the guild in attempt to find a place to continue his 'hobbies'. He also can't feel emotion to an extreme degree, so while he can feel basic sadness, he will never feel depressed, he never thinks of the consequences to his actions as he seems to think there will be none...




While not having many powers of his own, he does have a few tricks up his sleeve.

Tricks and S**t: He has various gadgets and tricks, let me try to list them all.​

  • Flash bangs

  • Cherry bombs

  • Poison throwing knives

  • Red, blue and black elixirs(Health, mana (For his demon)and berserk potions)

  • Various poisons

  • Torture tools...


(Best I could find, sue me)



Born in Toronto Canada, Oden had a very normal childhood, nice parents who raised him right, nice neighborhood with nice neighbors, brought up on good grades and even became a bit of a sports star. Things changed on his eleventh birthday when he had accidentally killed his sister. It was a simple mistake, she was annoying him as little sisters do, then he went to punch her...While he had been holding the knife he'd been using to cut his cake... The next few weeks were a blur, but sometime after his parents had disowned him and after his mother and father had drunkenly screamed at him for the millionth time, he snapped and killed them as well. After that he went on the run, from city to city, state to state, and eventually country to country doing the only thing he knew how to do...Kill (He has a thing for killing kids....Don't ask why)


I should mention that while he doesn't use it very often, he does have a weapon:


A typical ice pick in sheath, it's actually a knife out of sheath.




Ageless (Looks 25)









Without Hat:





Cold and bitter ONLY to Oden,she's not happy to be under his control. To everybody else however? Well... Meet the first motherly demon you'll EVER meet. She's like the nice, religious, cookie baking, and dotting mother that you see in every Disney movie. Odd considering the general coldness she shows to anybody she deems a terrible person.




  • Hell Fire Manipulation: While this typically has many uses and is powerful as hell, Illyana isn't on that level...Her power only works on the same level as others when used on somebody who has evil intent, which means the better person you are, the worse her powers work on you. Which sucks considering the person she's tied to.

  • Teleportation: She can go anywhere she wants with two people AS LONG AS she has five seconds to concentrate (This one is more so I don't have three characters who are like hitchhikers on the road whenever something happens) without those seconds she can only go about ten feet away at a given time.

  • Demon Morphing: Once per day she can reveal her true face, she gets stronger, faster and her reflexes grow for thirty seconds, afterwards she is physically drained, she feels like one would the day after working out.

Theme ( Optional ):



Although she was born a demon, she also was brought to earth very quickly, she also learned how to hide her demon appearance quickly, so at a young age she was adopted into a church. There she learned kindness and compassion, she even joined the sisterhood, however she was soon after literally dragged back to hell, and after a stupid little brat summoned for a demon, she was chosen. Her life is now spent in servitude to him.


Her weapons:



(Dual wields these)

(I brought it back because of @CelticSol and @GingerBread )

(Alright, so can I ask that they never existed before this? That's be great...)
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LokiofSP said:


Oden Free












Seemingly happy-go-lucky, this is simply a face he uses to get close to people, he's actually a sadistic SOB who likes to hurt people. And I know you're wondering why he joined a guild about protecting people, why it's simple, he isn't stupid, he's actually pretty freaking smart, that's why when he found out he was wanted pretty much everywhere he knows to go to, he went to the guild in attempt to find a place to continue his 'hobbies'. He also can't feel emotion to an extreme degree, so while he can feel basic sadness, he will never feel depressed, he never thinks of the consequences to his actions as he seems to think there will be none...




While not having any powers of his own, he does have a few tricks up his sleeve.​

  • Demon control: He has a demon he can control (CS below) while she is reluctant to help him, he controls her with various markings all over his body, these force her to do what he says, once he uses one it disappears, he uses this to keep her in check.

Tricks and S**t: He has various gadgets and tricks, let me try to list them all.

  • Flash bangs

  • Cherry bombs

  • Poison throwing knives

  • Red, blue and black elixirs(Health, mana (For his demon)and berserk potions)

  • Various poisons

  • Torture tools...


(Best I could find, sue me)



Born in Toronto Canada, Oden had a very normal childhood, nice parents who raised him right, nice neighborhood with nice neighbors, brought up on good grades and even became a bit of a sports star. Things changed on his eleventh birthday when he had accidentally killed his sister. It was a simple mistake, she was annoying him as little sisters do, then he went to punch her...While he had been holding the knife he'd been using to cut his cake... The next few weeks were a blur, but sometime after his parents had disowned him and after his mother and father had drunkenly screamed at him for the millionth time, he snapped and killed them as well. After that he went on the run, from city to city, state to state, and eventually country to country doing the only thing he knew how to do...Kill (He has a thing for killing kids....Don't ask why)


I should mention that while he doesn't use it very often, he does have a weapon:


A typical ice pick in sheath, it's actually a knife out of sheath.




Ageless (Looks 25)












Cold and bitter ONLY to Oden,she's not happy to be under his control. To everybody else however? Well... Meet the first motherly demon you'll EVER meet. She's like the nice, religious, cookie baking, and dotting mother that you see in every Disney movie. Odd considering the general coldness she shows to anybody she deems a terrible person.




  • Hell Fire Manipulation: While this typically has many uses and is powerful as hell, Illyana isn't on that level...Her power only works on the same level as others when used on somebody who has evil intent, which means the better person you are, the worse her powers work on you. Which sucks considering the person she's tied to.

  • Teleportation: She can go anywhere she wants with two people AS LONG AS she has five seconds to concentrate (This one is more so I don't have three characters who are like hitchhikers on the road whenever something happens) without those seconds she can only go about ten feet away at a given time.

  • Demon Morphing: Once per day she can reveal her true face, she gets stronger, faster and her reflexes grow for thirty seconds, afterwards she is physically drained, she feels like one would the day after working out.

Theme ( Optional ):



Although she was born a demon, she also was brought to earth very quickly, she also learned how to hide her demon appearance quickly, so at a young age she was adopted into a church. There she learned kindness and compassion, she even joined the sisterhood, however she was soon after literally dragged back to hell, and after a stupid little brat summoned for a demon, she was chosen. Her life is now spent in servitude to him.


Her weapons:



(Dual wields these)

(I brought it back because of @CelticSol and @GingerBread )

(Alright, so can I ask that they never existed before this? That's be great...)
Name: Lilian Taylor

Age: Physically 29

Gender: Female

Species: Nephalem

Sexuality: Hetero


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Screenshot_2016-02-27-18-17-29.png.2b73bcfe40f282ad1c311f3d1ba36fac.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108847" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Screenshot_2016-02-27-18-17-29.png.2b73bcfe40f282ad1c311f3d1ba36fac.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Lilian world is her child. She would do anything to make him happy and keep him alive. She cares for all living creatures.

Physiology ( Optional ): Nephalem

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ): Nephalem Physiology

-Most Angel Powers are gone.

-Only can use angelic arm

Seal manipulation

- Can only make or brake seals

- Seals she makes can easily be broken after a short time

- Some seals may be strong enough to damage her

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):

Extra: Ryan's Mom. Her angel side has become fallen.

Name: Clairvoyance Nogaletta

Age: Appears as 31

Gender: Female

Species: Angel

Sexuality: Hetero


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Female_Warrior_Angel_of_Liberty_Wallpaper.jpg.35b2a896e89f1af711f0c3d16ee625fc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108905" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Female_Warrior_Angel_of_Liberty_Wallpaper.jpg.35b2a896e89f1af711f0c3d16ee625fc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She is honor bound and extremely strict.

Physiology ( Optional ): Angel

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ): Can see the future

-only when she sleeps and when she wakes o she forgets everything

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):




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Enhanced Condition[/URL]

[*]Gravity Pressure Sealed away

[*]Dark Soul form Sealed away

[*]Chronolock Sealed away


Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ):

Nuclear Manipulation- Sealed Away

The user can manipulate the strong forcewhich holds together atomic nuclei, they can make objects disintegrate or make protons/neutrons from the environment incorporate into chemical elements and vice versa.

[*]Attack Powers using nuclear reaction. The more he uses the quicker he gets tired. Requires sleep and food to energize.

[*]Explosion Manipulation

[*]Plasma Manipulation can't manipulate electricity, fire, and light at the same time.

[*]Fire Manipulation

[*]Light Manipulation

[*]Radiation Manipulation it's constantly active at varying levels

[*]Transmutation can't be used on living beings

Theme ( Optional ):


History ( Optional ):

Hakeem is yet another son of the dark goddess, but he is also the last. He was raised with his human father. He had a dream about join dragon roar. When his powers awoken he released a powerful amount of radiation that killed an entire city block. The dark goddess took Hakeem into her realm, then erased the radiation within that block. The goddess sealed his powers away, earned his memories giving him new one, and gave him two Guardian protectors. Ai and Amon. She dropped the kid off in a random place while he was somewhat unconscious. His guardians took him to Japan were he stayed safe, and went to school. He also continued his love of Dragon roar having all there merchandise in his room. He left home with a the dream to join.


Hakeem's protectors stay within his bracelets on his arms. His left bracelet has a Sapphire gem, and his right bracelet has a Ruby gem. Also when he enters a state of strong emotion his powers are released. After his episode he passes out.

Dark Soul Form
sealed away










Marid (Water Geni)




View attachment 242053


Loving, and over protective,

Physiology ( Optional ):

Marid Physiology

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ):

Water Manipulation, Water Mimicry mastered

Still falls victim to either fire or lightning. She still has to rest to regain get strength to continue fighting.

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):


She lies within Hakeem's left band bracelet. She is the Sapphire gem. When she's resting the gem looks like it has a lack of color. It doesn't shine. When she's fully rested it's always shining.










Ifirt (Fire genie)




View attachment 242056


A bit of a smart mouth, and arsehole.

Physiology ( Optional ):

Ifrit Physiology

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ):

Fire Manipulation, fire mimicry. Mastered

Still falls victim to water, and has to rest to regain his strength to fight again.

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):


He lies within Hakeem's right bracelet. His gem is a Ruby. When his resting the gem has a lack of color, and doesn't shine. When he's fully rested his gem shines.


Tazmodo said:
Name: Lilian Taylor
Age: Physically 29

Gender: Female

Species: Nephalem

Sexuality: Hetero


View attachment 242740

Personality: Lilian world is her child. She would do anything to make him happy and keep him alive. She cares for all living creatures.

Physiology ( Optional ): Nephalem

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ): Nephalem Physiology

-Most Angel Powers are gone.

-Only can use angelic arm

Seal manipulation

- Can only make or brake seals

- Seals she makes can easily be broken after a short time

- Some seals may be strong enough to damage her

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):

Extra: Ryan's Mom. Her angel side has become fallen.

Name: Clairvoyance Nogaletta

Age: Appears as 31

Gender: Female

Species: Angel

Sexuality: Hetero


View attachment 242842

Personality: She is honor bound and extremely strict.

Physiology ( Optional ): Angel

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ): Can see the future

-only when she sleeps and when she wakes o she forgets everything

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):




Species:Z zen(it's how it sounds in human language



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.dc7fc690404133a910119957c863e27f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109831" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.dc7fc690404133a910119957c863e27f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(This is only how he looks,the rest of his race looks like this:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.fd128e05f19955a3fd5a22a66d89fd30.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109837" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.fd128e05f19955a3fd5a22a66d89fd30.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Or at least the soldiers.)

Personality:stubborn,brave,clever,quick acting.

Physiology( Optional ):


Rapid regeneration: Z Zeus can quickly regenerate lost matter,even somthing somthing as small as a particle of blood.though depending on what was damaged,it will take longer then it usually does.

High durability:beacuse of what his body is made is capable of surviving immense heat,cold and is able to survive somthing as deadly as a explosion as big as Africa.though it is suspectable to be damaged from multiple focused attacks on one area with somthing that has the width of a needle.

Immense strength:Due to the heavy gravity on their planet,he can lift things that are under one octillian pounds(it is a real number.)beacuse of his planets gravity,he can also run quickly and jump very high.but their strength can be weakened by having urainum flow through their system(rail guns use urainum,we have them today,crazy right?)

Massive army/advanced technology:

He has command over a massive army of his own species,he is the main leader of them all,and he has also made alliances with other races,making his army bigger/his race is the most rechnolgy advanced known this far.goving them a large array of advanced weapons,one of their most infamous creations is their solar system buster.which destroys solar systems with a massive explosion.but cannot use it unless they absolutely have to.

History ( Optional ):Unkown beacuse it has been kept hidden away,even from his own race.

Extra:No one in the Z zen race has a name beacuse they do not need one.(edit:I forgot to add that they are a tall species at a whopping 8.4)

And here is some pictures of his home planet:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.b28bb712e3a5cece8b9cb31e51ca9839.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109840" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.b28bb712e3a5cece8b9cb31e51ca9839.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He is some of his species ships:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.f4ae45c92e9a7ab31742c0df30347491.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109841" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.f4ae45c92e9a7ab31742c0df30347491.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.8c5c93ff5c76d3ffb3cbe4cf98a34592.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109842" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.8c5c93ff5c76d3ffb3cbe4cf98a34592.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

And his personal ship(only one picture of it was able to be captured and it was when he crashed it,but it has been repaired since then.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.0c376ad24bc9c54009baaad0df266e9e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109843" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.0c376ad24bc9c54009baaad0df266e9e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.png.bf1309392f87d38f56754fe4cae19bf4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109829" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.png.bf1309392f87d38f56754fe4cae19bf4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.760cc39fc567399109939ce7e5810a10.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109836" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.760cc39fc567399109939ce7e5810a10.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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MTchaos1134 said:


Species:Z zen(it's how it sounds in human language



View attachment 245032

(This is only how he looks,the rest of his race looks like this:

View attachment 245050

Or at least the soldiers.)

Personality:stubborn,brave,clever,quick acting.

Physiology( Optional ):


Rapid regeneration: Z Zeus can quickly regenerate lost matter,even somthing somthing as small as a particle of blood.though depending on what was damaged,it will take longer then it usually does.

High durability:beacuse of what his body is made is capable of surviving immense heat,cold and is able to survive somthing as deadly as a super nova.though it is suspectable to be damaged from multiple focused attacks on one area with somthing that has the width of a needle.

Immense strength:Due to the heavy gravity on their planet,he can lift things that are under one octillian pounds(it is a real number.)beacuse of his planets gravity,he can also run quickly and jump very high.but their strength can be weakened by having urainum flow through their system(rail guns use urainum,we have them today,crazy right?)

Massive army/advanced technology:

He has command over a massive army of his own species,he is the main leader of them all,and he has also made alliances with other races,making his army bigger/his race is the most rechnolgy advanced known this far.goving them a large array of advanced weapons,one of their most infamous creations is their solar system buster.which destroys solar systems with a massive explosion.but cannot use it unless they absolutely have to.

History ( Optional ):Unkown beacuse it has been kept hidden away,even from his own race.

Extra:No one in the Z zen race has a name beacuse they do not need one.

And here is some pictures of his home planet:

View attachment 245053

He is some of his species ships:

View attachment 245054

View attachment 245055

And his personal ship(only one picture of it was able to be captured and it was when he crashed it,but it has been repaired since then.)

View attachment 245056
Tone down the high durability.

Lekar said:
Name: Ronan Erudon
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Deity of Justice

Sexuality: Asexual



Personality: Easy-going, calm, quiet, yet caring. He may come off as brunt when insulted or threatened, but he's a general pacifist. Anyone who commits an act of injustice, or picks on the weak, will feel his unrelenting strength. He will carry those that he calls "friends" for miles if he has to, and refuses to let any of them go.

Powers: Although he possesses no magical abilities, he does bear a blade named "Tyrfing," that grants the user great strength and powers in the moments when they most need it, but at the cost of their life. Ronan has not allowed any being besides himself wield the blade, for he can't even imagine what would happen if anyone were to die from the curse of his own blade. The blade, when activated, grant enhanced speed, reflexes, senses, strength, and drive. The blade can also form mirror blades, that can shoot from the blade itself as a projectile, or be granted to those in need of a weapon to fend themselves with.


"Justice, the all-knowing, yet ignoring. Justice, the blind, yet all-seeing. Justice, do we deserve it?"

- Unknown

Justice had been living for as long as there was thought. Any acts or exchanges were always watched over, all means of conversations, all lies, all truths, all actions had been monitored by Justice. He is the silent judge, and the guardian of the weak and defenseless. Whenever a wrong-doing had been committed, he was there to clean up the mess. He takes the form of a humanoid so that he can observe and feel the world that he protects, and even commune with the beings that reside in it. He fights to protect those who can't fight, and will deliver what some put upon others. Whether it be pain, or happiness.

Extra: Relying very little on strategy, Ronan has a very spontaneous fighting style that surprises even himself sometimes. Although he tries to avoid combat at all costs, he does know how to defend himself and others rather well.

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