Chapter One: The Skull on the Sword. [An Age Undreamed Of]

To All

Soon after, the bell for the front door will ring, and soon a number of local fisherman, some with their wives tromp on in. One swarthy fellow with a topknot and wrinkled face sits down, using his old gnarled hands to tear apart some bread. Crumbs fly as he speaks, "Had to come in, not cause'a rain, but they got their damn boats on the lake again. Those ashen ships."

Scorpion snorts and speaks to Adair. "I truly hope your companions aren't as stupid as you are, boy. Sorcery'll get you dead. Especially the sort of sorcery that hides a frickin' island. This isn't a minstrel's tale, lad. A stout heart and a..." There is a pause as the bounty hunter looks at the arm Adair was admiring. "...a flexed bicep will get you killed. These wise people here are smart enough to let this island alone. I suggest you do the same."
To Rain

"Eh, of sorts. Gray ships, they're odd things. They scare the fish off too, so I want no part of it, we all tie tack and come back in." More bread crumbs.

Kwan Shu considers this. "Mysterious ships, eh? Well, you people have been quite hospitable to me, so I think I'll go look in to this for you." Standing up, he walks over to the 5-foot long, silk-wrapped bundle he left propped at the door when he came in, picking it up at the end effortlessly in one hand. "Scorpion, care to come with?"

"You know what I just said?" Ivory says to Adair, "Ignore that, I think we had best check out those ships."

She turns to Matsu, "you in? We would not want to leave all the glory to those two."

Scorpion shrugs. "Your funeral, Sparky. I did try. Let's go, Kwan." The bounty hunter turns and follows his companion out the door.

Kwan Shu grins. "Always a pleasure, big man." He heads out the door.

Walking down the path in the village toward the lake, he idly unknots the twine holding the silk in place, eventually letting the silk fall free, blowing clear in the wind. Revealed is wide flat blade, five feet long and a foot across, both edges razor-sharp and coming to a wicked point. The metal appears as normal steel, but the light glitters in rainbow patterns along the edge. It's unmistakable as a daiklave.

"Let's go to work."

"Nice sword. Not trying to compensate for anything, are you?" The bounty hunter grins to take the sting out of the words. "We need to find a boat. And we need to lose that crowd in there. If they're under foot, they'll get themselves and, more importantly, us, killed. Luckily, I'm good at this. You find the boat, I'll lead them away?"
To Rain and Scorpion

You'll make your way out of the village through the lakeward gate and as Rain's coverings for his daiklaive fall away, you'll see the shore a few dozen yards away on the lower ground. Little covered docks, smoke houses, and other little outhouses sprinkle the shore for a quarter of a mile. As you make your way down, it'll become evident of what the men were talking about.

Three oared ships, slim and resembling longships are quite a ways from shore, the two farthest at three quarters of a mile out and the other circling outward and coming back toward the shore you stand upon.
The young exalt was caught off guard by Scorpion's barb. He looked for something witty to say, but it didn't come in time to catch the gruff fellow before he exited.

"...Sparky?" Adair blinked before standing up. "We have to hurry up, then." He threw his jacket on in one fluid motion. "Especially if we are going to keep up with that one."

Adair's eyes were aflame with hurt pride and a desire to prove himself. He would not be swayed.

Shu shrugs. "Looks like one of them's coming to shore. We may not need a boat after all."
To Rain and Scorpion

The boat comes closer to shore, you can see finer detail, no sort of bowspirt, nor carving. Odd, longer than you thought too. And two decks. It's probably eighty feet long or so. The waves part before it, and you see no banners or such other than the odd sigil upon the sail: a silver skull with flaming eyes and an ebon tear trailing down the skull.

The minutes will pass. The rowers are taking their time. But soon enough, the boat will approach the shore and veer some toward the clear shore from the outbuildings and jetties.

Soon, men hop into the wake and drag the boat upon the rocky shore.

Kwan Shu stands maybe ten feet away from where the prow comes to rest, leaning idly on the crossguard of his daiklave, point buried in the dirt. His expression can only be described as friendly.

"Evening, boys. Mind if we have a little chat?"

"Let me check this out," says the Night. "I can use the cover of the rain and the shoreline to get closer and do some scouting. Unless you just want to rush piecemeal into that crowd of men...."

Shu nods. "I'll keep them talking. Come back if you hear the sounds of screaming. I may need someone to walk around finishing off the wounded."

Scorpion nods and fades back into the falling rain, making himself scarce. He moves down the shore, keeping out of sight, keeping quiet, until such time that he's even with the ship. From his hidden vantage point, he observes the men moving from the ship....

Dex (5) + Stealth (3) - Results for 8 dice: 4 successes [ 9 0 2 6 6 7 3 1 ] (TN: 7)
To Scorpion

You'll slip by unnoticed into the rocks. There appear to be some sixty rowers, all very normal to be sailing under such a sail. Men of various ages from the twenties to what you'd hazard as their forties, wearing only their pants or loincloth and taking a rest in the rain now. The men that hopped off are armed with short swords and a few spears. Soon, another man will come striding up on deck from the lower, dressed in layers of dark cloak, shoulders belying heavy armor pauldrons. He's thicker than a man should be, has to be armor. He's looking down at Rain and will leap deftly off the deck.

To Rain

You see much the same, only you see the men on the ground pulling the boat in, only six of them until what you assume is their captain leaps to the ground. "Hail." He calls out in a dull monotone. Hard looking jaw, weathered features and cold gray eyes.
To Rain

"A simple request to the town elders from mine own leader to keep clear of the island, when it reappears three days hence." He pulls out a scroll from under his cloaks with a gauntleted hand.

Scorpion keeps an eye on the scene developing before him, watching the captain and Kwan Shu, but also watching the other sailors. He was sure the Dawn could take care of himself, but an extra pair of eyes and, if necessary, hands, could prove useful....
To Rain

The letter is penned in one of the most elegant hands you've ever seen. And that's saying something from being in the gears of the Celestial Bureaucracy. It is short and to the point:

We request that none of the inhabitants of Ito Village go forth to set foot upon the motonic distortion known to us both as 'The Island.' Due to the nature of the anomaly and our wish for zero incident among your native population, we insist that no boats leave shore and your people remain safe. We are given writ by the Confederation of Rivers Mandate for Scavengers, penalties for violating this request will be swift and levied at the capital of Fushida Protectorate, Kimikurhe.


Shu reads over the paper, and nods thoughtfully. "I'll be sure to pass the word along. However, something bothers me. Whose authority is this?"

"I knew you'd agree Ivory!" He grinned' date=' swallowing his food before speaking again. He turned his eager face to Matsu. "She's right you know. Its not just something random, its something we [i']should[/i] be doing."
"Sorcery?" Adair tilted his head to the side. "Like, evil sorcery? Or...uh...slightly less wicked sorcery?"
(just quoting so we know where I'm continuing from. Just Fyi, I live in Britain, so time zone issues)

Matsu, took a sip of beer and agread:

"I guess we might as well check it out. I don't want something there blowing up in our faces or something."

He sounded his usual grumpy self when saying that but was secretly glad they were willing to go there.

Scorpion snorts and speaks to Adair. "I truly hope your companions aren't as stupid as you are, boy. Sorcery'll get you dead. Especially the sort of sorcery that hides a frickin' island. This isn't a minstrel's tale, lad. A stout heart and a..." There is a pause as the bounty hunter looks at the arm Adair was admiring. "...a flexed bicep will get you killed. These wise people here are smart enough to let this island alone. I suggest you do the same."
Boy, these two were nicely telling them to sod off because the place could be dangerous. Matsu kept himself from snorting. How considerate of them. If it wasn't for the fact that two anathema were in his group these worries could almost be funded. Quite frankly, these two were those who were gonna end up as dead weight if things got ugly. Wasn't quite happy in having them there also because they might see something they shouldn't. He knew what the wyld hunt was capable of and didn't want it after him.

"You know what I just said?" Ivory says to Adair, "Ignore that, I think we had best check out those ships."

She turns to Matsu, "you in? We would not want to leave all the glory to those two."
"Might as well check the boats too if that's what you two want. I was almost getting dry anyway."


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