Chapter One: The Skull on the Sword. [An Age Undreamed Of]

To Mirri, Matsu and Adair

"Most certainly." Aki claps her hands, the wine will be put in a pot of wine over the fire and sprinkle it with seasonal raisins, nuts and a pinch of hearthspice. "It'll be ready in a few moments." The platter of bread and butter will be out from the kitchen in just another minute along with the pints of lager.
Adair had been sneaking glances at their new companion when Matsu's comment snapped him back into reality. His intial response was to smile and chuckle nervously.

"Uh...well..." It was obvious that he didn't have the funds for this sort of thing as soon as he started speaking. He stopped for a moment, and then placed his hands together in mock prayer. "If you pay for my meal, good Matsu, then I swear I will pay due reverence to the immaculate dragons for a fortnight!"

After bowing his head solemnly for all of five seconds, he peaked up to see if Matsu's response was favorable. A man could dream, could he not?

"It seems our friend has already taken the initiative, however. I suppose the dragons will have to wait for a time..." He resumed his grin, leaning back lazily in his seat, oblivious to the newcomers or just about anything else going on for that matter.

She pats Adair lightly on his arm, "you don't have to worry about eating your fill while I am around. No prayer needed, though I am sure He would not mind." From their previous conversations, there was no doubt which He she meant.

She draws her cloak tighter around her shoulders wishing they had taken a seat closer to the fire. There is no mistaking him for anyone else. That must be Rain, a non-commiter. Why would they send him? Maybe they finally managed to turn him.
"Truly, He must be glorious to deserve as benevolent and lovely a follower as you." He responded to Mirri, offering her a wink. "I'll certainly thank him the next time I see him. Probably in the morning."

"Not to say your Dragon's aren't spectacular as well, Matsu." Ever the amateur diplomat, Adair turned to his monk friend. "They just have yet to provide me any free food."
Matsu just sighed at Adair's words. He really needed to learn one or two things about self relience. Wouldn't last long otherwise in this world. He also kind of found sad how he was getting controled at the same time both by his stomach and his gonads.

At least he got some free food out of it and more importantly, some drink. That would help a little with the headache.

Ivory laughs softly at Adair's wink, covering her mouth with her hand, I am going to have to watch this one carefully. He could be trouble. She turns to Matsu and says, "come now, what would you like to eat to brighten your mood? The fact that the weather is gloomy outside is no reason for it to be the same inside."

Her eyes pass over Rain again as she glances from Matsu to Adair, "I recommend a thick beef stew to warm your bones and a roast chicken to fill you up."
Matsu wasn't exactly used to having to make a choice for food. Quite frankly anything over the boll of rice was practically a luxury to him.

"I'll just take whatever he's having. Not that I don't like this place, it's adequate as far as inns go but we're not exactly getting anything done sitting on our asses all day."

I think it's time I had a little talk with little miss Sunshine over there. Kwan Shu leaned in to Scorpion. "Excuse me, Scorp, but I think my stomach isn't used to such rich food after so long on the road. I'll be back shortly." Pointedly staring at Mirri as he rose to his feet, Kwan Shu walked toward the privies. Once alone, he carefully lifted the weaves of fate that created the persona of Kwan Shu off himself, hanging them loose on a strand of fate beside the one that carried his other, less used identity of Apple. Now people would see him as he truly looked, and forget him as soon as he left. Rain returned to the tavern, hovering in the doorway and glaring at Mirri to attract her attention.

“One of the best words of advice I have known was ‘to eat your fill whenever the Fates give you the opportunity, for you never know when you will eat again.’†She looks at the two Solars before her whimsically, briefly contemplating the raw potential for power sitting before her, “and tonight might just prove the wisdom behind those


Ivory deliberately avoids paying notice to Rain as he makes his way to the privy.  He can not possibly want to talk right now. I will just have to make him wait.  She sits idly for a few moments in silence ignoring his stare, before her nerve gets the better of her. I should just get this out of the way, before he decides he needs to make a scene.

Mirri meets his stare for a brief pause and flicks her eyes towards the stairway heading to the second floor, before returning to his eyes to make sure he understood.  She recites another favorite bit of wisdom from her Sifu, when pushed into a corner make sure it is the corner you choose, before addressing her companions.  “Excuse me for a few minutes, I am not dressed warmly enough for this draft. Would you be so kind as to order the food when she comes back with our drinks?â€

Not waiting for a response she stands up and climbs the stairs and heads to her room at the end of the hallway.  Once inside she leaves the door slightly ajar and removes the complex tangle of destiny that forms Dancing Ivory.  He better not think he is going to be able to take them from me.
At Mirri's advice, he simply answered:

"That makes sense I guess."

But as she left, the end of her sentence hit him.

"What did she mean when she said tonight might prove this right ?"

He sounded a tad bit concerned at these words.

Rain waits a moment after the other Sidereal goes upstairs, then follows. Seeing the room at the end has a door ajar, he walks up and knocks softly, speaking in Old Realm. <"Mirri. What a pleasant surprise. What brings you to this little part of the world?">

Mirri responds in kind with a perfect Yu Shan accent, "I am here at the behest of the Loom." She takes a seat on the beds corner and gestures for Rain to sit down.

She straightens the folds of her dress as she speaks, "I must admit, I was not expecting to have such graceful company tonight. To whom do I owe this pleasure?"

Rain takes a seat and shrugs. <"I can't stay long, my companion will wonder where Kwan Shu has gone. Since you're here, I presume you're aware of the formation of the circle of Solar Exalted that takes place here. I'm travelling with one of them, the Night Caste Scorpion. My orders are to infiltrate the Circle and maintain a close eye on them. This is the largest single gathering of Solar Exalted known in 1,500 years. If they manifest signs of insanity, I am to assassinate them. Now. I know your political leanings, but this one comes all the way from Oversight, and that overrides factional politics. Do not hinder me. I don't care if Ayesha Ura assigned you this personally. And what would the Loom have with you here? And more importantly, why wasn't I informed another Sidereal was being assigned to this?">

Blunt and to the point. Seems his reputation is true. "Of course I am aware of that but I was not told I would be joined by another agent," she lies. "I am accompanying another two. An Eclipse and a Zenith." She purses her lips together before going on, "I have however not been give any orders to terminate them should they exhibit signs of insanity. To be perfectly frank, I do not understand how you could be expected to judge what actions are deemed insane, nor can I see how you would be expected to eliminate a circle of Solar Exalts without significant reinforcements."

Rain shrugs. <"They have to sleep sometime. I can call in backup if I need to. And someone has to keep an eye on them... Oversight doesn't want to risk a group of superpowered madmen on the loose.">

Rain stands up again.

<"So, your companions are the Eclipse and the Zenith, then? Good, good. Things are moving forward. We can discuss our orders later. For now, Scorpion will be wandering where Kwan Shu has gone, and your companions will be missing you, too. So you know, I am masquerading as a Dawn Caste warrior named Kwan Shu. He wields starmetal weaponry he found in a first age weapons cache, and knows little about anything. If you will tell me your resplendency's identity, we can both rejoin the table below. I am sure you and I will be able to work together on this, Mirri.">

"Yes, we can save that discussion for another time." She stands up and wraps her cloak tightly around her, "they know me as Dancing Ivory, a seer of the Cult."

She pauses before donning her identity, "please do not do anyhing that would compromise their trust. I am sure they will give you no reason to undertake the second of your orders, but if you must, I would not be able to assist you greatly if they distrust me."

Hopefully he buys that. Now I know almost for certain he is working with the Bronze. I will have to watch him carefully.

The Cult. Ura is interfering with my mission. Kejak won't be far behind.

<"Very well. I will see you below."> Without another word, Rain leaves, heading downstairs and out to the privy again. There, he once again dons the delicate strands of Kwan Shu's fate before heading inside and sitting down beside Scorpion again. "Good gods, but I feel better after that... ah, more ale!"
To All

All and more shall be brought before you as you ask. It's roughly three in the afternoon now. And the rain is only letting up a little. Talk begins, this of trades, this of fields, all manner of nonsense, a few bawdy tales from the fishermen of the Merman King and the Miller's Wife. The miller is none too pleased, but laughs in the end all the same.

There's a rather strong tradition with this lake and the town. Soon talk turns to the Island in the Lake. Which is odd, because approaching this village, none of you ever noticed an Island in said lake.

"Island? There's an island on the lake?" says Scorpion. "That's funny. I didn't see an island. Did anyone else?"

Mirri waits for Rain to take his leave before heading back to the table. A full Circle?! To think I will be with them when they first join together. A true privilege, if a bit blemished by unexpected complications.

She retakes her seat and smiles seeing her drink ready for her. Dancing Ivory holds the pewter cup in both hands letting the warmth spread to her cold fingertips and breathes in the scent of the spices. Certainly not what I have grown used to, but it will do.

She leans back in her chair and takes in her surroundings and the conversation around her. There must be something to this village. It would not have been picked out as their meeting place at random. But what...
To All

The townfolk chuckle some, a few grow quiet.

"Well," A large bellied, older man speaks up, swiping rice out of his goatee, "ever since this village was founded, right after the silver mines in the mountains were discovered, this place was a support for the mining village. Wood, grain, metals, clothing, fish, whatever. One evening in the fiftieth year, after we'd built the wall out there, a brilliant silver full moon shone upon the lake here. It was said to be the most gorgeous thing a man could ever see. Some even said the image of the Goddess walked upon the waters." He pauses, taking a sip of sake.

"Correct me if I'm wrong," he'll glance over to a few men across from him, "shortly thereafter, the island appeared in the lake. You can see old columns standing on the shore of it. Always a soft horn playing in its dense woods. It's rather large, as you new folk know our lake is quite large as well. We don't often go near it for fear of being trapped when it vanishes."

"Hm. A worthy tale. How often does the island appear? Has anyone ever been on it when it disappeared? And if so, were they on it when it reappeared?"
To Scorpion

The man pauses. "Good question." He fields the question to the graybeards across from him with an upturned eyebrow.

"I do believe," one of them says, "that a child got onto the island one full moon--that's when it appears without fail, full moon--and reappeared a month later, but I can't recall what happened to him. That was a long, long time ago."

Kwan Shu listens, rapt, but internally Rain's mind races. Sounds like the Exaltation of a Lunar, if the records are true. An odd one, but even so... If a Lunar is present in the area, it could introduce complications.
Well, the lands were full of odd and wonderous stuff. So this more inrigued Matsu than surprised him. Still, something like that must have some spiritual origin to it. Would be the sort of thing to check out, just to make sure it doesn't represent a threat to the local people. He would talk about it later to his compagnions, in private.

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