Chapter One: The Skull on the Sword. [An Age Undreamed Of]

To All

"'Bout three m're days and you'll see it for yourselves. Can't miss the damn thing." All the locals at the table have a good laugh.
To All

"But truly," the old greybeard says, pinching his nose, "We've not been able to figure out what those old ruins are, or why the island fades. Some think it may be some old god's realm, maybe some bizarre shadowland, we're not sure." He shrugs, fixing his gi, "You look like worldly people, any ideas?"

Anyone who would like to answer, give me an Intelligence + Occult roll.
Adair greeted "Ivory" with a smile, but he grew quiet listening to the story. This is exactly the sort of thing that would catch his interest. Matsu's intent on speaking about the place in private was shattered by the Eclipse's barely containable enthusiasm.

"So, we are going right?" He said, after shoveling a spoonful of stew in his mouth. "I mean, we can't pass this up!"
To Rain

You're not entirely certain, but this does sound an awful lot like some kind of sorcery, at least the island does.

Kwan Shu takes another swig of ale. "I don't know much about the magical side of things, but sounds like sorceror's work to me."
To Rain

The old graybeard nods, "Aye, that's what our shaman says and some of the daimyo's exorcists have mused a similar line of thought. But they don't know what the hell to do with it." He spits, "Not too shocking."

The old man, nods back to the younger across from him, "Oh, aye, they're not the only ones interested in this little phenomena. Lookshy sent of their sorcerous engineers out here once to measure things, talkin' fancy words like geomancy and lunar cycles, they didn't find shite either."

One of the younger servants of the inn, maybe in his late teens, "What about those blokes across the lake?"

That will elicit total silence, and a few men make the sign against the evil eye. Mumbled prayers.

Kwan Shu's head snaps up and looks at the boy. "Speak up, lad. Who lives the far side of the lake?"

Dancing Ivory nods her head slowly in agreement with Adair, "this is the type of thing you should be doing. To do bold goes the prize."

Results for 9 dice: 7 successes (TN: 7)

[accidentally pasted the other post's die roll...]
To Mirri

Same as Rain, you know it to be sorcery of a sort most likely.

To Rain

The boy looks a bit sheepish, like his tongue suddenly swelled in his mouth. "Well, they don't live there as much as claimed it. Decently large camp squatting in one of our, they're like natural little canyons in the plains here. They're small or really big. The one they're camped in is a medium sized one, I used to play in it with...anyhow, um, these folk took up camp there some months back. We don't really know who they are, but they're eerie somethin' fierce."

Ivory speaks in a low voice, "it is likely a sorcerer's spell keeping the island hidden."

She pauses and finishes her drink as the boy speaks and then continues, "those two travelers at the bar seem very interested too."
"I knew you'd agree Ivory!" He grinned, swallowing his food before speaking again. He turned his eager face to Matsu. "She's right you know. Its not just something random, its something we should be doing."

"Sorcery?" Adair tilted his head to the side. "Like, evil sorcery? Or...uh...slightly less wicked sorcery?"

"Who is to say?"

She smiles and nods her thanks as the stew arrives and waits for her to leave earshot, "given the claimed size of the island, it must at least be powerful sorcery."

The bounty hunter's eyebrows raise slightly at the man's comments. The one who said they should go. Eerily, they echo his own thoughts, but he knows better than to voice those now. Sorcery, though? That can't be good.

Scorpion looks at the lad who's been speaking. "What do they look like? And eerie how? Like a hungry ghost? Or something else?"

Intelligence (2) + Occult (1): Results for 3 dice: 0 success [ 6 5 3 ] (TN: 7)
To Scorpion

"Odd manners of speech, strange coin, they have some freakishly tall man who leads them. The...the lot of them are..." he looks to the adults for help, but they look to unnerved to really speak.

"We don't know if they are the dead who walk from Thorns or wherever the dead come from. We don't know who they are. We don't mix with them."

The Night nods, keeping his voice low as he raises his mug to drink, so that his lips are obscured. "I agree. But then, it looks like we're going to get some competition from those blokes down at the end of the table. This is going to be dangerous work. Or, at least, risky. They should probably be dissuaded." The mug is brought to his lips and Scorpion takes a long draft.
"Powerful magic eh...?" He tapped his chin lightly in thought. "I'm sure we've can handle it!" He flexed his (non-existent) bicep and patted it with his free hand. "So, we should probably leave sometime in the night, right...?"

"You want me to do the talking? I...I'm not that good with words. I mean, I can stop them. If they're sleeping here, I can make sure they don't wake the night of the full moon. Besides, at least one of them has been giving us the eye. Seems like we may have competition. Especially after that comment. They do seem unusually eager. At the very least, I'm inclined to go check out this eerie phenomenon our young friend has been talking about. We can assess the situation after that."

To notice the others looking: Perception (4) + Awareness (3) - Results for 7 dice: 6 successes [ 7 1 9 7 7 6 0 ] (TN: 7)
To Scorpion

You'll hear the most damned fool boast out of the youngest one sitting on the far side of the table, patting his arm of all things and several of the townies around him look at him with can only be called naked horror.

Ivory tilts her head slightly and looks at Adair sharply, then she says quietly, "we should converse about conspicuity at some point."

She glances around without moving her head much, wishing they had not drawn all the attention. She continues a bit more quietly, "I think we should investigate the area in the morning, to at least get the lay of the land. If we do not discovery anything then, we will at least know the nearby area for when we go back in three days when the island is scheduled to show. What do you think?"

Shu raises an eyebrow. "Either they're same as us, or else they're fatally stupid. Maybe we should talk them down..."
"Uh..." Adair was suddenly acutely aware of all the eyes on him, and turned bright red. "That...uh..."

He sighed, eyes wandering to the floor in embarrassment. "That sounds like a good idea, Ivory."

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