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Fantasy Chaos in Wonderland ( O-P-E-N )

Gemini listened to Whitney for a while, still his butterfly self, then eventually turned back into a human, nearly falling to the ground in the process. "Well....I dunno. It's just cruel what they do to us sometimes. They crush you, they rip off your wings and leave you to die, they drown you...." He let out a sigh. "And those of us who are witnessing it are silently praying not to be the next victim. I know it sounds silly, but, well, it's reality when I'm in that form." He cleared his throat. Then Whitney spoke about respecting his passions since he was now her boyfriend. He was silently breathing a sigh of relief. So she didn't mind his true form part two. He looked up at at her; she had a warm smile on her face, a smile that he couldn't help but return. "I'm really glad that you don't mind it, though," he added, stepping closer to look at Whitney. His hair was slightly windblown from all that flying around, and a leaf had somehow gotten into it. Again. He didn't seem to notice, however, when he kissed her on the lips. Hopefully she wouldn't mind...

@Kazehana @Cruor Flumine @Drakerus
Whitney Farrell

She was rather uncomfortable when he spoke of how some of the rather... brutish children spent their pastimes. Of course, she would never think to do something so cruel to something so innocent and beautiful. Though she believed that some would do it just for fun. To be candid, she had no response for what he said, as she couldn't relate in the slightest. Perhaps it was okay that she couldn't understand. Some matters were simply not for everyone to experience and fully grasp.

Despite his return to human form, she was still uncomfortable, mainly due to the topic at hand. This is why she was glad when he changed the subject to something more lighthearted and directly related to her. It made her feel like it was appropriate to respond. However, before she could, she noticed the leaf in his hair; she couldn't comprehend its origin. Were there leaves in here? She didn't think so. What a weird guy.

Before she could think any further on the matter, he was already kissing her. Her face reddened in her shock, her body almost petrified by the sudden nature of the kiss. Surely this was too soon? But it hardly seemed to matter, as his lips persuaded her otherwise. Relaxing after the initial shock, she closed her eyes and started to kiss back, no longer feeling the worry of moving too fast that nagged her before. Being with him just seemed to... feel right.

Unfortunately, this wouldn't be the best kiss in the world for Gemini. Despite her long stay in high school, she had never kissed anyone. In consequence, she was rather inexperience, forcing her to try to go with his flow. Even so, she knew mostly what to do, and she wasn't going to let the opportunity slip past her just because she had the nerves.

Varien was going to be pissed.

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@femjapanriceball[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Cruor Flumine[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Drakerus[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']
Gemini spent a few minutes just....enjoying the kiss, though it was somewhat obvious that Whitney was new to this whole kissing thing. He pulled away from the kiss, his face almost as red as hers. "....Sorry. I couldn't resist. You just looked really pretty with that smile and my brain kinda went into autopilot...I hope you didn't mind that much." He added. "That friend of yours really doesn't seem to like me, though. I think he's jealous, y'know? Gave me the squinty eyes when I hugged you."

@Kazehana @Drakerus @Cruor Flumine
Whitney Farrell

Despite her misgivings about ever starting, she never wanted him to end the kiss. Though eventually, it would have to end, right? She opened her eyes to greet her new boyfriend with a warm smile once again. This could very well be the best thing to happen to her all school year. It was nice that she could experience something so wonderful for herself rather than vicariously through the people they helped in the council. Sure helping felt good, but this was something else entirely.

"N-no! I don't mind at all!" she insisted, almost blurting out her response. In truth, she really minded much more that he ended it rather than initiated it. Besides, she had kissed him back. Wasn't that enough to signal to him that she wanted it?

"Don't worry about Varien. He's just kind of overprotective," she replied to the latter, hoping it was convincing enough. To further assure him, she wrapped her arms loosely around his neck, her smile uncontrollably growing. "Besides, I'm all yours now," she added, gazing into his eyes.

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@femjapanriceball[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Cruor Flumine[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Drakerus[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']
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Gemini couldn't help but smile, relieved, when Whitney said she hadn't minded being kissed. For a minute, he had thought that she would slap him across the face or something. He felt her arms on the back of his neck and that phrase—I'm all yours now—entered his head, circling it for a few minutes. He felt a sudden rush of confidence and smiled.

"You're brilliant, you know that?" he mumbled, kissing her on the forehead and wrapping his arms loosely around her waist. "I'm a really lucky guy to have you."

@Kazehana @Cruor Flumine @Drakerus
Cecil Mayhew He'd opened his mouth to retort when all of his thoughts were whisked away to the corners of his mind. Like a toy without batteries, his thoughts still existed in an odd, encrypted way. His mind was never this empty.

As an instant reaction to the shock of his lack of thoughts, his body began to shift back into that of a human. Cecil staggered off of his roommate's lap when he shifted, dropping into his own bed, eyes on the ceiling.

Involuntarily, his head began to roll from one side to the other, pupils dilating to the size of his irises as he tried to find his thoughts. Almost as suddenly as it had began, his mind was returned to him, though the bright tones were subdued into grey. They bored him.

He had to make some more. In a sing-song voice, Cecil began to speak once again,"That wasn't very friendly, Mr Aurelius." Without a stitch of clothing, he grabbed a pack of 'emergency' biscuits from under the bed, unashamed of his body. Plus, he knew that it would get a reaction.

Cecil returned his gaze to meet Blanche's, cradling the box of macarons in one arm as his pupils returned to narrow slits.
"And just for that, I'm going to make my mind the busiest place you've ever been."
Mood: Mischievous~~Mentioned: @Xan
Whitney Farrell

She smiled in an embarrassed fashion as he kissed her forehead. "Well, we'll see about that," she teased, enthusiastically beaming at him. After a few moments, another thought hit her like a runaway train. "Oh! What about your painting? Should we go see it? With Varien and Sorren here, they can finish the decorations for Julian. This is official council business now," she said dramatically.

She let go and grabbed his hand, loosely wrapping her fingers around his own. "Come on, they won't mind," she bargained, lightly pulling him to the door. She opened it with a big smile, looking around for the other two. "Oh hey! We have to retrieve a donation to the student council. You two work on decorations, okay?" she delegated, then gave them both a smile themselves. Today was just a happy day for her.

And with that, the two were off once again to Whitney's pull. Though she slowed once they got out of the sight of the other two. "Alrighty, so where is this painting?" she asked, glancing at him as they walked. She was itching to see it, let alone bring it back. Would it be rude to invite Gemini to Julian's party thing? Probably. He would live without her for a short while though.

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@femjapanriceball[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Cruor Flumine[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Drakerus[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']

Sorren Likerus

Sorren wasn't prepared for Varien to literally drag him, chair and all, outside. When he regained his bearings, he looked up to see the irritation on the man's face. He looked like he was seething but also...not? Strange. He was also wondering what was going on between Whitney and Gemini but he could confront them later. Right now, he needed to help Varien calm down a bit.

"Well. I guess you guys are done decorating then. Um, would you like some gum" he asked, trying to sound as cheerful as possible despite the chilling aura Varien was exuding through his demeanor. As he asked, he produced a stick of mint flavored gum from his pocket. Although Sorren wouldn't say it out loud. the stench of Varien's breath was certainly not helped by all the smoking he did. Maybe he could kill two birds with one stone with this. Cheering up Varien and remedying his hygiene. It was worth a try at least.

@Cruor Flumine
Gemini had almost forgotten about the painting in the little moment that he and Whitney had shared. So when he finally remembered, he jumped upright and followed Whitney to the door, silently. A small smile was still on his face, then he began weaving through the crowd of students to the art room.

"Where all art is," he answered simply. When he finally reached the room, he pushed open the door dramatically. Several paintings sat there, but he was looking for one in particular. He looked for the desk with his last name, Quince, printed messily on it, then when he found it, rummaged through it.

A work-in-progress painting of a little boy in a forest, a carefully sketched out eyeball, a rather gruesome depiction of pollution, and, finally, what he was looking for. He had found photos of each member of the student council and basically added them to a painting. All of them were seated at a table, conversing—he had also taken the liberty to find out their relations with one another. Gemini smiled, proud of his work, then, realizing he had missed a few brush strokes, took out a paintbrush and fixed the minor error. Though it certainly wasn't minor to him.
"Well, here it is. It's not Da Vinci level, but I tried."

Whitney Farrell

She hardly payed attention to what he was doing when she entered the room, as she had taken to looking at all the paintings and various art projects. She first started by skirting the counter featuring pottery, all of various colors and sizes. Their beauty ranged from mediocre to awe inspiring, and it almost made her want to learn. But she didn't really have time for that, considering her duties to two major clubs. Due to her commitments, it was no surprise she had never been to the arts area before.

Halfway through the still life acrylics, Gemini mentioned that he had found it and was ready to take it back. She tore her attention away from the drawings and made her way over to his, stopping and staring at it for a while. Her expression fell blank as she examined it, wondering just how much work he could have put into that. To her, it was a bit peculiar that he knew so much about the members already, causing her to question how he would have obtained that information.

Despite her misgivings on the actual process, the product made her smile shyly. "I can't believe you went through the trouble to make this! It will make a fine addition to the room," she commended, her eyes drifting from his work to him. He was beaming at how proud he was, which only made her smile more. There sure was a lot to learn about this man in the time to come. Hopefully there wasn't anything too creepy hidden underneath, as she knew a lot of boys held dirty secrets.

"We should probably get back. Julian still needs some love, and we still need to give it to him," she explained, taking a step towards the door. After a moment's though, she returned her foot back to its original position. "Do you think you could carry it? I wouldn't trust myself with that sort of thing," she inquired, hoping he would oblige. After all, neither of them would be able to forgive her should she drop it or god forbid ruin it in any way.

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@femjapanriceball[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']
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Aurelius Blanche

Guilt was immediate and Blanche startled in shock when Cecil shifted in front of him, now completely naked and of course, going to eat.

The way he'd reacted had, ashamed as he was to admitted, frightened him, causing Blanche to scoot back, against the wall his bed was shoved against. "I didn't do that." He objected, wincing inside as the lie compulsively tumbled out, and it would have actually sounded quite convincing if it weren't such an obvious one.

Perhaps he was just reaching the bottom of the barrel in regards of how much of Cecil he could dose himself with within a day. But the male didn't make a move to leave, only sat there against the wall, knees drawn up, and scowled. "It's not nice to indulge in petty revenge," he countered, looking anywhere but Cecil at the moment.

If he did what he threatened he would, the relieve Blanche had hoped for would be nonexistant.

Mood: Frustrated

Gemini stared at Whitney for a moment, pride evident in his face as she spoke, then he shrugged and nodded, carefully lifting the painting. "Sure, I'll carry it," he said before beginning to walk back to the student council room. Once he reached the room, he looked around for a good place to hang it. In the end, it was Whitney's decision, but he always was the type to check first where it could go. Maybe at an angle where the sun hit it just right? He bit his lower lip, considering it. Nah. Not there. What am I thinking? Maybe a little to the left....up! Right! Down!

Cecil Mayhew Delicately he nibbled at one of the pastries, crossing one leg over the other, relaxed. Once comfortable that his roommate was unsettled enough, he dressed himself again.

Once he was covered, Cecil smoothed out the baggy striped jumper and got comfortable with the macarons again. "Petty revenge is what fun people do. You shook up my mind, so I'm allowed to shake you up."

His logic was infallible in his mind, so began to think of his childhood holidays in Paris whilst he ate. The scent of fresh bread and pastry swirled around his mind in hues of pastel pinks and mint. Hectic crowds of unfamiliar people flurried into his mind from the Champs-Élysées, in clothes that cost more than a car. Mumbles of unfamiliar languages filled his head, along with the rudeness when he got in the way.

The memories were good, but he knew it would be too busy for Blanche to cope with, and didn't care much for the actual thoughts. To avoid getting slapped, he imagined a loud lorry honking its horn as it passed before clearing his mind entirely.
Mood: Playful~~Mentioned: @Xan
Whitney Farrell

She followed him silently back to the room, staring at the painting the whole way. She had no idea how delicate it may have been, but the risk wasn't worth taking her attention away even for a moment. A stray bird flying through the halls could defecate all over it! Their arrival relieved her beyond measure.

She assumed that he had the rest of it covered, and she was itching to finish her plans before lunch ended. It wouldn't last forever! "Yeah, so uhm, go ahead and put it wherever. I have to get Julian so we can get him all better," she explained awkwardly, hoping it was good enough. With that, she slowly backed out of the room until she had a clear shot down the hall. Briskly, she made her way to the male side, completely ignoring the fact that she wasn't supposed to be there. Oh well.

Three knocks later, and she was already calling for him. "Juliaaaaaan," she almost sang out, a smile all over her face. She was quite excited to show him what they had done for him; she hoped it would work out splendidly in her favor. He needed it after what just happened. It was, after all, mostly her fault. Though why he felt at fault, she would never know.

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@femjapanriceball[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@luthor[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']
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Julian Durand After his little freak out, the Jubjub bird had retreated to his nest- the dorm room he had to himself. In his first year, administration had made the mistake of giving him a roommate, who ended up in therapy. For a short period of time, he had a deaf roommate but it wasn't long before that one transferred.

So Julian lived alone, in a room with a small kitchen space that he'd bartered for (or more accurately, written a letter for and screeched when rejected). The blinds were closed, leaving only enough light to read the textbook by. Although he was sulking, he chose to spend his time wisely and read the next semester's maths work.

Hearing Whitney's voice was unanticipated, but filled him with an immense joy as he stood from his desk to open the blinds. His room smelled like books, pastry and the soft scent of lime candles.

Julian forced himself to relax as he opened the door to see the girl he'd worried about so much just a little while earlier. A wide grin spread across his face as he gave her a slight wave of greeting, before welcoming her in with a flourish of a hand.

Where the other bed should have been, there was instead a battered looking couch and an antique loveseat. Ever the host, he led her politely to the more comfortable couch and placed a small bowl of raspberries on the worn down table. He longed to say,'Sorry it's not much, but I hope this will do! What is it you came to talk about? I'm very sorry about earlier.' But instead he said nothing, just smiled sweetly and sat beside her.
Mood: Slightly confused, but happy nonetheless~~Mentioned: @Kazehana
Whitney Farrell

"Hey! I-" she started, but stopped while he was trying to be a good host. She smiled as he led her, ecstatic that he wasn't too bummed about what had happened. Perhaps this would be easier than she thought. The room would have been nice had there been more lighting, but she wasn't here to make demands of him. Besides, how rude would it be to demand someone to change something about their own home? Either way, she respected him too much to make that sort of demand.

His as always exaggerated body language spoke rather clear to her; his demeanor did not go unnoticed. "Oh, well, thanks Julian. But we need to be somewhere soon, so we don't really have too much time to stay here. Thank you for the offer," she replied, her smile just as welcoming as ever. After a moment, she drew him into a firm hug, closing her eyes in thought. "I'm so glad you're okay," she mumbled softly.

After about three or so seconds, she let go and stood up, still as jubilant as ever. "Well, are you ready?" she asked, hoping he might be primed and prepared to leave at once. If not, she could wait, but lunch was ending soon. It was far better to be safe than risky in her eyes. She headed to the door and waited by its frame, ready to take him to the council room when he was ready.

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@luthor[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']

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