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Fantasy Chaos in Wonderland ( O-P-E-N )

Aurelius Blanche

Blanche gave a loud, borderline unkind, laugh. Cecil wasn't wrong, but he wasn't right either. Blanche talked to anyone that stood close to him for long enough, making him every teacher's nightmare. To imply he had a favorite person to talk to was right, and Cecil being that person was also right, but Blanche simply couldn't not argue that it was also wrong, since there were also people he liked to talk to almost as much as his roommate.

Maybe he'd argue that point just so he wouldn't have to admit it. Accepting defeat wasn't his forte nor did he actively practice it.

"Your looks are wasted on you," Blanche replied, rolling onto his stomach, though his legs remained halfway off the bed. "You would need a better personality to truly make good use of them, you know."

As the pot called the kettle black, it was a well-known fact that Blanche wasn't in anyway an award-winning personality, making this assessment almost comical to anyone who wasn't them. Blanche was a liar, heart-breaker, and a slacker but it seemed his sweet smiles and charm smoothed his reputation over enough to still find his mailbox stuffed with letters.

He lay there, trying not to focus on the grinding gears of his room mate's thought process and didn't bother to explain that he didn't really have the choice to stop the intrusion. Some people had minds as open as screen less doors and Cecil happened to be one. Blanche closed his eyes, but he couldn't break or divert the fact that his ability had latched onto Cecil sometime during the distressful lunchroom feud.

"What if our thoughts aren't ours? Whose might they be?" He said nonsensically, rolling onto his side to stare at Cecil's bright corner of the room.

Location: Dorms ;; Mood: Entertained

Cecil Mayhew Not being one to really argue, the cat tried to remain as still as possible before simply sitting to face his roommate. Yet he didn't sit as a normal cat would, rather more like a human, with his back propped against the wall and his omniscient eyes focused on the boy. A small smile quirked his lips as he silently observed.

In his eyes, Cecil had a rather good personality- the perfect mixture of mischief and kindness. To others though, he was meddling and clingy, not to mention emotionally unavailable. He was most definitely loving, but could rarely talk about his emotions.

Maybe that was why he and Blanche got along so well. If something was wrong with Cecil, his roommate could just dip into his mind and understand. It required no words or loss of pride: it was involuntary.

Could he see the blazing mansion that stood at the centre of his mind? Could he hear the crackling of the fire, the sound of a rafter collapsing within? Could he taste the autumn mixed with ash? The scent of regret?

In a desperate attempt to cloud his mind, Cecil thought back to the few times he'd taken odd substances at parties. The hallucinogen-induced confusion melded with his memory, a flame that glowed with all of the rainbow.

"If my thoughts aren't mine, I'd rather like to know whose they are so that I can return them." He tapped his tail against the bed, eyes locked tightly on.
Mood: Mournful~~Mentioned: @Xan
Nice. Yeah. Okay. Deep breaths. It's just a painting. JUST A PAINTING. No big deal. Now say something clever. You're kind of just......standing here. Like an idiot. Gemini straightened up; he had completely frozen in his tracks, a pink tinge slowly crawling up his cheeks. He stared at Whitney for a few minutes. Bloody hell, she's pretty. Can I really ask her out today?

"It's.....nothing, really,"
he said awkwardly. "Um....d'you want me to show you the painting now or....uh....sometime else?"

@Kazehana @Cruor Flumine
Aurelius Blanche Blanche could tell when someone was asleep- or rather, feel it, so it amused him when his roommate seemed to give up and look at him, even if it unnerved him when it was a cat doing it, and not a human. The quiet made him nervous, his hair color shifting as he did. Pink, blue, green, purple, back again. He usually had a fairly impassive poker face, but his own abilities betrayed him more often than not.

"You can't return intangible concepts," he replied absently, looking away with pink tinged ears when he couldn't stand the intense eye contact. It was odd, he loved being the recipient of attention, but when Cecil was in this kind of mood, it felt too sharp, like needles running down his skin. A peculiar sensation, accompanied by visions of a blazed building and dry heat that licked the corners of his mind.

Blanche had always wished he could help, occasionally for selfish reasons. He wished he could wipe the horrid sensations away, to make Cecil think of other things and give him some respite. And though he knew he could easily do it, he never did. He'd been warned of the dangers of using his abilities for the sake of others, and unless the other asked, he'd never offer something like that.

Maybe it was just his selfishness at play.

Blanche's cellphone went off, making the male stiffen with alarm, before tapping the notification silent. It was a reminder to meet someone, a girl who's face he didn't ever find remarkable enough to remember, but who had approached him all the same, asking him to a library date. Of course, he had planned to go, but now it seemed pointless to sit with a girl he wasn't interested in, doing things that only took up time. He peered at the phone for a good minute before his fingers danced over the keys, making up some story, some reason as to why he couldn't make it today. Or any other day.

Marie Someone-Or-Other would be mad at him for the week, but like all others she would get over it. Finished and rather pleased with himself, he dropped the device on the floor, where it landed in a pile of fabric he had been absorbed with that morning. It would make a nice dress or skirt, maybe even a new outfit for Lilium.

Mood:A little guilty

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Whitney Farrell

The silence gave Whitney the opportunity to accidentally focus too much on her streamer work. The few minutes he gave her were plenty of time to finish up the streamers. As she looked over her work, he suddenly spoke to her, causing her head to snap to him. Was he nervous? Well, that question wasn't even appropriate anymore; he clearly was. The prospect caused her head to tilt ever so slightly in curiosity.

"Oh? I don't mind when," she responded almost distantly. Her mind was more focused on the meaning of his subtext, for he was evidently not saying what was really on his mind. "Is there something else you want to talk about? You seem a little edgy for just talking about a painting," she observed, walking towards him. This situation had gone from mundane to quite interesting the moment she realized what was going on. Well, not exactly realized what, but realized that there was something after all.

Once she was about a foot away from him, she looked up at him with curious eyes. At this point, it hardly mattered what was even going on. It might have been the mysteriousness of the situation rather than what might have been on his mind. But not knowing something was completely against Whitney's policy. She could have let it go, but- who are we kidding? She couldn't let it go. What was he up to?

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@femjapanriceball[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Cruor Flumine[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']
"Er....great! I'll get it, then—" Gemini trailed off when Whitney asked him if there was something else he wished to talk about and then mentioned how on edge he was. "H-huh? Well, actually, there's one thing that I want to talk about besides the painting." At this point, his face was a light shade of red. "But....it's more of a....er....private discussion sort of thing." He gulped. Okay, you've got this. Everything's fine. Come on, Gemini! You're one of the most popular boys in school. You can do this! He bit his lip, looking nervously at Whitney. She was really close to him, he realized. His face reddened further. I think.

I hope.

@Kazehana @Cruor Flumine
Whitney Farrell

During his little nervous attempt to explain himself, she simply looked at him with ever so curious eyes. Private discussion? What warranted that besides under the table deals? Her head tilted in thought subconsciously yet prominently. His face and general body language gave away any notion that he may have done this before and that he was quite the nervous wreck. She pursed her lips to the side while she evaluated the situation. She even went so far as to stretch her neck to get a closer inspection.

Unfortunately, she couldn't be too sure he wasn't looking for something else. What else would be private enough to warrant this sort of embarrassment from him? He could have been soliciting her for sex, but she dismissed that idea. After all, he was a playboy. Was he hoping to push a project through the council? Was he looking for help? Did- did he know she was a part of Rozen? The thought almost sent a chill down her spine. That organization simply had a rather besmirched reputation around these parts.

When she was finished, she pulled back and relaxed her face, having come to a conclusion. Her lips drew up into a mischievous smile, as if she knew a dirty secret she shouldn't have known. "Oh I get it," she said with an interest. "So when were you going to tell me?" she inquired, raising an eyebrow at him.

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@femjapanriceball[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Cruor Flumine[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']
Gemini only got increasingly more nervous as Whitney kept. Staring. At. Him.

Shit. Does she know I can transform into a caterpillar? Is she AFRAID of caterpillars?! Crap! What if she doesn't like me? Is she some sort of mind reader who's trying to find out what I'm trying to ask her?! Has she heard some bad stuff about me?! I'M NOT A PLAYBOY! I JUST HAVE BAD LUCK WITH GIRLS!

Then a mischievous smile formed on Whitney's face; he bit his lip. She knew. She KNEW. And it was confirmed when she spoke. Gemini was silent for a minute, pretty much holding back the urge to turn into a butterfly and fly away.

Finally, he worked up the nerve to stop gaping at her like an idiot and actually say something.
"Bloody hell, Whitney," he mumbled, scratching the back of his head. "Are you secretly a mind reader or what?" Here goes. Deep breath. "Okay, so maybe I fancy you—I have for a while now—and I was wondering; will you go out with me?"

@Kazehana @Cruor Flumine
Varien Ardal | The Jabberwock

Location: Student Council Room

Mood: Irked

Varien watched Whitney as she put up the streamers. Seemed easy enough. After an attempt, failed it seemed, he turned to Whitney for confirmation. His eyes narrowed at the boy as they spoke. After the boy's little confession, Varien's eyes seemed to get dangerous by that point. He would wait on the sidelines until he was told otherwise. For now that is.

Mentions: @femjapanriceball
Whitney Farrell

The minute was far too long for Whitney, as she was rather impatient. But she stuck it out solely for the prospect of satisfying her unquenchable curiosity. The fact of the matter was, she had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. Sure there was a lot of speculation, but she hadn't the evidence to make a definitive answer. Thankfully, it didn't take much for this egg to crack.

As he spoke, her smile slowly dropped in exchange for the slightest of jaw drops. "Really?" she said plainly, hey eyebrows raised and her eyes full of shock. For a few moments, she hardly knew what to say. Of all the boys in the school to ask her something so absurd, Gemini wasn't on her list of prepared rejections. Sure she had done many before, but this time it was different.

She turned slightly to the side, looking down at her hands. Her pointed index fingers were colliding as if they were jousting continuously as she thought for a moment. It was her turn to allow blush to creep along the surface of her skin, and she tried desperately to will it away. "Oh, erm..." she mumbled, taking more time for herself.

Finally, she mumbled something under her breath. After a few seconds, she snapped her head up to look at him, standing up firm, though her reddened state still remained. Her face was screwed up into the form of someone about to cry, though she was far from the verge of tears. "I certainly will!" she bursted out without warning. Her eyes remained fixed on his face, almost petrified despite her born again confidence.

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@femjapanriceball[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Cruor Flumine[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']
Gemini looked up, a smile forming on his face. "Really?!" he asked excitedly. His heart was slowly swelling up, almost exploding into a million pieces. He pulled Whitney into a hug almost immediately, grinning. She said yes. She said yes. I thought she was going to reject me! Gemini finally calmed down after a few seconds; he had completely freaked out about this whole ordeal (mostly because he was worried about her saying no). Then he looked at the guy glaring daggers at him. That guy obviously didn't like him that much....oh well. Not that many people actually liked him at all, so he didn't care. "I thought you would say no, I was so worried....I'm really glad that you said yes, though." He moved so he could look into her eyes. She looked beautiful.

@Kazehana @Cruor Flumine
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Whitney Farrell

Gemini's smile brought hers back to life, though ever so timidly. His excitement had further boosted her confidence, especially since it was rather uncharacteristic of him. For the longest time, she didn't think she would even date in high school. It must have been a split second impulsive decision on her part. Though she knew she wouldn't regret at least testing the waters. After all, it was with a playboy.

The hug was warmly received after the initial shock. She wrapped her hands ever so snugly around his torso, resting the side of her face on the front of his shoulder. She wasn't too entirely sure if it was too early to be doing this, but heck, might as well live a little. In those moments, she simply felt the moment. His warmth, his body, his smell- what was that? Oh she was going to have to have a talk about smoking. He reeked of smoke!

Though as he looked into her eyes, hers were drawn into their tractor beam, and she couldn't look away. Her smile broke into a casual disposition of joy, and her eyes lit up with sparkles. Sparkles I say! "Well it was worth it, was it not?" she asked, already teasing him. "But be warned: I'm not low maintenance," she spoke softly, her grin widening slightly further.

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@femjapanriceball[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Cruor Flumine[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']
Gemini blinked, seeing the sparkles in Whitney's eyes. Then she mentioned not being low maintenance. His smile softened. "Fine by me. I ain't high maintenance, so....I think we're even." Aaand he was back to his usual somewhat flirty self; he winked at her with a small smile on his face. "Besides," He added, leaning in close so their noses were touching. "I enjoy the high-maintenance types. It's much more exciting to live up to their expectations."

@Kazehana @Cruor Flumine
Cecil Mayhew Desperately he racked his brain for a snappy response, finding one towards the top of a heap of thoughts. "And who's to say they're intangible concepts? They could be little bugs that simply speak at too high a pitch for most to hear. Or maybe one big bird presides over everyone's thoughts, dishing them out like failed poetry."

The cat longed to shift back into his human form, but he was currently sat atop his clothes and didn't fancy flashing his roommate. It would be easier to retain his attention in this form, anyway.

Cecil leapt across the gap between their beds, brushing against the boy's back as he moved to stand at his other side. His body had disappeared, leaving a cat grinning widely with wild eyes,
"Or maybe you're just a thought. A piece of failed poetry, a small insect or an 'intangible concept' that doesn't adhere to return policies."

Turning to face Blanche, thoughts filled his head past its capacity, a house set ablaze, covered in cockroaches, a fat dodo sat atop the chimney-pipe. Whispers of poet's words snaked around the grounds, everything in perfect iambic pentameter and rhyming couplets; a sonnet of nonsense, confusion, beautiful chaos.

The floating head suddenly turned around, still facing him with that feral look on his face. It hovered over to the boy's lap, where the rest of the cat returned to visibility just before he sat down.
Mood: Wild~~Mentioned: @Xan
Whitney Farrell

She wasn't quite sure what the wink was supposed to mean, but she figured she would try to let that one go. After all, there was a chance she didn't want to know. The nosey touchy thing caused her to flush in embarrassment. Was it already appropriate for these kinds of things? He sure seemed to be moving quickly, tho9ugh after all he was a playboy. But how far was he willing to go?

"I supposed that makes us balanced," she replied. "But it would be a shame if I made you do all the work, wouldn't it?" she asked, mostly rhetorically. She closed her eyes and broke out a jovial smile, already planning out what she might do. Although she may have been getting ahead of herself, she was excited to imagine a slew of scenarios that may have been too romantic for the playboy's tastes. Her mind paused for a moment to think about that. "Uhm, what is your policy on sex?" she asked abruptly, her eyes opening ever so slightly.

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@femjapanriceball[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Cruor Flumine[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']

Sorren Likerus

As soon as Whitney mentioned the 'S word' Sorren had finally arrived in the room, seemingly appearing out of thin air at the doorway. He was gasping for breath from all the running around.

"Don't...worry. I...I'm here g...guys! Sorry I'm...late..."he trailed off as he moved to sit in a chair, trying to regain his composure. When he got his breath back, he looked around to see that many of the decorations had already been set up. Whoops...

"So uh, what'd I miss?" he asked innocently.

Aurelius Blanche If Cecil transformed now, nude or not, it was liable to hold Blanche's attention one way or another.

He jumped a little at the sensation of a cat brushing against him. It was hard to resist the urge to automatically pet him, and considering that this was still his roommate, cat or not, he wasn't entirely sure how it would go. It was reasonable to assume that the cat was speaking nonsense simply to hear himself, or distract Blanche from digging around his head.

It didn't matter what the other hoped to achieve, because Blanche only winced, looking a bit contrary with the feline as it settled in his lap. He wondered if there was a point in indulging him when he was like this, or if he was better off ignoring him, as fruitless a prospect that idea seemed. Blanche's hair was beginning to lose a bit of saturation as his frustration mounted, making him appear a bit gray.

Only when Cecil settled into his lap, did Blanche deign to give him a reply, looking quite cross. "You're always spouting nonsense. It's a wonder I put up with it." He said sharply, before raising his hand, and making a swishing motion, as if dispelling dust. It looked like a normal enough gesture, but with it went Cecil's oppressive thoughts, effectively muddling the rhythm until Blanche could no longer hear it. It would leave him a tad dazed for a while, but Blanche couldn't really feel sorry for it. 'There, he can't get cross with me for this much. I could have tried to knock him out.' He thought, bemused, and patted the feline on the head very gently, lacking energy.


Varien Ardal | The Jabberwock

Location: Student Council Room

Mood: Angry/Happy

That little shit actually dared to ask Whitney that question? And she actually accepted him? He didn't know whether to beat the shit out of him or congratulate him. Regardless, he was going to threaten him. If he dared hurt her...well, he could say goodbye to that pretty face he seemed to be so proud of. To distract himself from the ridiculous questions Whitney asked the boy in front of him, he grabbed the back of the chair Sorren was in and pulled him out of the room. "Something we don't need to be there for." He said once the door was closed. He reached for his smokes but thought better of it. After all, they were inside.

Mentions: @femjapanriceball
Gemini chuckled as Whitney's face got significantly redder and she spoke. He stayed silent most of the time, then she mentioned....the "s" word. Just as another guy walked in. His face flushed. "That....? Well...er...." He noticed the dude already in here grab the newcomer's collar; his green eyes followed their movements then he awkwardly continued. "Never actually done that yet. Personal issues," he added awkwardly, looking away. He wasn't just going to blurt out that all of those fourteen girls before him had been disgusted with his true form. "To be honest, I never got that far 'cuz they always broke up with me after I spilled my biggest secret to 'em. They don't like ca—guys like me. At all. Kinda sad, to be honest."

@Kazehana @Cruor Flumine @Drakerus
Whitney Farrell

She glanced to the side as Sorren bursted in, though her gaze didn't rest long on him. Before long, Gemini had gone back to speaking, and she looked up at him with eyebrows raised. She knew that Varien would be upset, but she didn't pay that much mind. He would probably get over it. And if not, he would still have to just deal with it. Who was he, her mother?

Her face lit up in surprise when he mentioned that no nasty deeds had been done. Though apparently, he wasn't disinterested in the idea. Secrets were her worst folly, as she was unable to accept that there were things in this world she couldn't know. Was she supposed to respect that even with him? She sure hoped not, as she was already biting her lip to keep it from asking.

"Oh? Well, er..." she said, screwing up her face slightly. How was she supposed to respond? Asking about the secret was a big nono at the start of a relationship. After all, there couldn't have been enough trust for that. "I'm sure whatever it is, it'll be fine," she said finally, granting him a soft smile. Abruptly, as if it hit her on the spot, her face fell into wide eyes and a neutral expression. "Wait, you aren't a murderer or some lunatic, are you?" she asked, suddenly longing for Varien's company once again. If for nothing else, the sense of security alone may have been nice.

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@femjapanriceball[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Cruor Flumine[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Drakerus[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']
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Gemini's eyes only widened in surprise when Whitney asked if he was a serial killer or a lunatic. "Bloody hell, no! Absolutely not!" he shouted, feeling a little offended. "I'd rather die than become one of those monsters," he added, subconsciously looking outside. A bunch of freshman boys were laughing, crowded around an anthill. Their hands reached out to squish the ants, and—Gemini cringed. Without really thinking, he moved to open the window and scream at them. Then he thought again. He looked away entirely, attempting to ignore it. Although it was difficult not to. ".....Er....like I said...."

@Kazehana @Drakerus @Cruor Flumine
Anna stalked the halls, almost with an air of intimidation that she didn't mean to put off. Her one eye glanced from side to side rapidly at the students. Some cowered away from her gaze while others met her gaze with defiance. Anna found she preferred the latter.

Her sharp ice blue eye continued to sum up the entire population. She didn't care or like most of them. They did nothing to earn her respect. They did nothing when ordered. Pathetic.
Whitney Farrell

His shout cause her to jump back in astonishment. After all, she hardly expected him to be so adamant about clearing that up right away. She could understand the urgency to discredit that theory, but still! "Alright, alright, yeesh!" she replied, still bewildered, but trying to recover from the shock. It was probably unfair to even mention such things or passively suggest that he would be a part of that group.

Before she knew it, he was screaming at underclassmen in the courtyard. Her bewildered state only augmented in potency, and her eyes looked at him as if they could see into his soul. What was happening anymore? At the very least, she should have gotten to know him more before she agreed to date him. This guy could very well be a lunatic!

"W-what was that about?" she asked fervently, trying desperately to come up with a suggestion of her own. But she had no idea what he was even doing. Those boys seemed to be just fine to her. But she may have missed a crucial detail to his anger. But she couldn't deny anymore that she couldn't hold her curiosity back. "What is this secret?" she asked, close enough to her first question. It was no surprise that she would have linked the bizarre situation with something he may be sensitive about. She wasn't dumb.

After a moment, she shook her head. "No, that was unfair of me to ask. Forgive me, but it simply didn't seem as if there was anything to be upset about. Honestly, I feel as if secrets are entirely unnecessary if we want to build a healthy relationship. But it is your business if you feel as though it is unwise to share with me. Though from what you've said, it seems as if you'd tell me eventually," she deduced, shrugging at her own thought. To her, her logic was undeniably correct, and she hoped he would see that she could think critically about the facts. He would need to know if he slipped up later and she caught him doing something bad.

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@femjapanriceball[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Cruor Flumine[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Drakerus[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']
Gemini looked nervously at Whitney. The best way to explain his actions was to show her. And what was the harm in just showing his butterfly form? Jacob and Caleb knew he could turn into a butterfly, and they didn't know he was the Caterpillar from Lilium. He let out a sigh. "Sorry. I keep forgetting that this isn't important to most people. The thing is," He pointed at the boys, who had completely ignored him and continued torturing the ants. "I hate when they do that. It's just...." He took a deep breath and turned on his heel; blue smoke surrounded him and he slowly turned into his butterfly form. "Imagine if you were that small and somebody started squishing all of your comrades."


Whitney Farrell

Her gaze drifted back to the boys when he gestured to them, though she looked back at Gemini just in time to see him do his little transformation thing. She blinked a few times to make sure she was seeing it correctly. It wasn't that a power like that was particularly bizarre, ie Onyx. It was more that she wouldn't have expected him to possess it.

"Well I suppose that makes sense. But what do butterflies and ants have to do with each other?" she asked, staring at him. While he was beautiful, she couldn't help but prefer him to be human. After all, how awkward was it to talk with a butterfly? And about something so serious no less! But for the sake of supporting him and his confidence, she said nothing.

"Nevertheless," she continued, absently looking out the window, "I can respect your passions. After all, you're my boyfriend now." She looked back to Gemini as she finished, giving him a soft, warm smile. Though it was still weir that she was talking to a butterfly. Even so, how was this a deal breaker to most girls? Did he prefer that form? If he had conversations with them like that, she might be able to understand. But he wasn't getting out of this relationship that easily.

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@femjapanriceball[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Cruor Flumine[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Drakerus[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']

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