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Fantasy Chaos in Wonderland ( O-P-E-N )

Anders Vinterhall/Cafeteria/Enraged

Anders grits his teeth raising the pearl horn ring grabbing the mass of Jason with telekinesis. Lifting the six foot tall giant off the floor and tossing him aside. The big teen crashes to the ground but manages to roll up to a knee. Anders ignores the imbecile, he now being out of the way, points the ring at Louise. Blue blazes startle him, this girl had powers... a minor set back. Shooting a bolt of telekinetic energy at Louise like a fast ball from a Major League baseball player straight at the young girls shoulder.

Jason McCallouic/Cafeteria/Righteous

Jason feels some slight pain in his shoulders, he had been through worse, the robotic owl still clung on hooting. Seeing the tactic in Anders move, getting him outta the way for a quick shot at the girl. McCallouic places both hands on the ground feeling the power rise up surging the energy forward he causes a concrete wall about five inches thick to rise up. Seeming to be just in time for the telekinetic bolt to collide with it for a solid THUD. Placing a right hand on the owl, Jason surges the power recombine it into a kite shield with the owl as an insignia, still hooting excitedly.

Needle said:

Caleb and Jacob | Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum


Location: Cafeteria hallway

Mood: Excited

One minute, Caleb and Jacob were sure they had him in their grasp, the next second, he had disappeared into thin air. Quite literally.

"Hey, where the hell did he go?" exclaimed Jacob, swerving around madly. Meanwhile, Caleb spotted the butterfly whizzing around, and attempted an unsuccessful hand-dive. It failed.

With a loud
thump, he crashed onto the floor, right by Gemini's feet. Way to go, Caleb, he thought to himself. He could feel the student body's stares burning through him, when all of a sudden, he was engulfed in the smell of lady's perfume and small, timid hands were struggling to help him up. Jacob watched in amusement as a band of wannabe-girls (though he would never say that to their faces) ran over to him to help him up, probably trying to win over their favor to go to a dance or something. Pity we hate dances. Jeez, four years in this school and they still don't have a clue? How dim-witted can girls be? But then he reminded himself that Whitney was a girl, and she was by no means dim-witted.

Caleb must have been thinking the same thing, because after shrugging off the girls with
thank you's and see you later's, he jumped straight onto the question. "Hey Gemini, bro, have you seen Whitney?"

Gemini smirked, amused, as a bunch of girls crowded Caleb, trying to help him up. And of course tried to make a move on him (which failed, of course). He took a puff from his cigarette again, closing his eyes slightly, always the carefree one. Then Caleb mentioned Whitney. Gemini choked on his cigarette; it wasn't very well-known that they were seeing each other. "W-Whitney?!" He repeated, turning into a slowly reddening person. "Her?! Uh....I don't know," he said, feeling people stare at his very strange actions. A girl tried to ask him out; he brushed her off with a rather rude hand gesture. "I haven't seen her all day yet." Speaking of her, he still had yet to text her. He took out his phone, trying to make it seem nonchalant.

Whitney (music)
Hey there, hope you're having a good day. Meet me 2night @ the greenhouse?
Whitney Farrell

Whitney had no idea that the dormouse had ducked into an empty classroom to take a nap again. Oh well. Shotty excuse is shotty. But she did know that she had to get to the target and fast. She turned corners ins a precise manner, never once stopping or hesitating. It was sort of like she had already known exactly where they were going the entire time. She still simply ignored the other students, mainly because the didn't matter.

When they finally arrived, she swung open the door and flipped on the lights, revealing nothing but an empty classroom and of course their target. He was in the corner as if she couldn't see him, and she really wasn't in the mood for this sort of thing. "Jabberwock," she addressed firmly, "restrain him." She wasn't too terribly comfortable with the whole commanding thing, but he seemed up for it, and she wasn't about to take the time for pleasantries. She prepared herself for the thing, and she would rather not have to go through the hassle of forming starlight and using it to create restraints then using it and- it was all entirely unnecessary when she had Varien.

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Cruor Flumine[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']
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Cecil Mayhew It took a while for him to notice his companion's discomfort, but when he did Cecil acted quickly. Without a word, the boy walked behind Blanche and promptly disappeared before sprinting into the cafeteria. Seizing the sunglasses, he escaped into the bright sun of the outside world. Internally he scolded himself for being so selfish-he knew about Blanche's condition, but it didn't even cross his mind.

As soon as he was done beating himself up, Cecil chose to become visible once more and gently placed the sunglasses on his companion. Yet even though there was no need for guidance, he needed physical comfort so laced their fingers together as he began to walk. "If we need destruction, we can just make a bloody atomic bomb. Fire cannot be trusted- it's an untameable force and I don't want to get burned."

When stressed he always had to be moving quickly, so his poor roommate was dragged along for the ride. There was no shadow of a smile on his face, no twinkling eyes or mischievous smirk. He was serious, maybe for the first time at this school, brain racing at a mile a minute.

Her powers were not to be trusted, but wouldn't it be better to have her on their team? The girl herself wasn't
too awful, though her clothes were a bit outlandish, easily recognisable. A mask could solve that issue, but now everyone had seen the blue flames. It was risky. Possibly too risky.

"Let's go ask Whitey. I know you're not gonna quit."
Mood: Tense~~Mentioned: @Xan
Aurelius Blanche

It sort of freaked him out when Cecil left him, walking back towards the cafeteria and definitely away from Blanche. He had sort of caught hold of Cecil's intention, but the other's head wasn't always so clear and right now, wading through it kind of felt like trying to walk through rapidly drying concrete.

He nearly jumped out of his skin when the sunglasses relocated themselves onto his face, and Blanche gave Cecil this look of owlish confusion, but ultimately now he could see properly and could see that his roommate wasn't smiling. Not that he should be, but the other's capacity to be smiling when one definitely should not was an oddity in itself.

'Bizarre,' he thought. Cecil seemed to have some preoccupation with fire, to the extent that it seems he'd rather handle an atomic bomb. "There's fire in ovens, they tame that pretty well." He said blankly, and his roommate was moving again, but this time Blanche was prepared, hustling behind him less like a half-blind tortoise.

"She has other powers, sort of like mine. Well, actually, not really. I don't know what she was doing, only that she was doing it." Blanche said truthfully, the way he visualized it was like having an outlet but someone had already plugged into it before you got there. Irritating.

"We don't necessarily have to go see her now- I mean it's inevitable we see her sooner or later. Actually quite impossible we don't see her. It's up to you because you're right, I won't quit."

Mood;; Concerned

Varien Ardal | The Jabberwock

Location: Classroom (?)

Mood: ???

Varien, with blinding speed, shot towards the poor boy in the corner. One of his hands wrapped around the boy's throat and lifted him up while the other hand's claws were extended. Tossing the boy aside, he walked over to where he landed, seeing him dazed. Reaching down, he pulled both arms behind the target's back and lifted him up. Holding onto the arms with one hands, he extended his claws on the other hand just in case trouble was started or the target tried to run. Dragging him over to the queen, he forced him down to his knees. "Here, My Queen."

Whitney Farrell

The boy glared at her, prompting her to tilt her head slightly. He tried to initiate some sort of blue spell, but it was cut off early in the process by her anti-magic field. "Now, now. You wouldn't be so hostile," she said, raising two stars into the vicinity. It was all she could technically muster under the power of her own field, but it was sufficient for her needs. "Stellar cleanse," she spoke softly, causing the stars to shine a bright, blinding white light into the area.

The next thing anyone knew, the two were back at HQ, both stripped of their costumes. Whitney woke up from the couch with a stir, blinking her eyes awake. She adjusted her gaze to the room, then got up to stretch. "Well that went well," she commented, smiling to herself. One more job had been completed. "Oh!" she said abruptly, eyes widening. She moved quickly to a closet, fishing out a few things and throwing them in a bag. "We need to take these to the student council room to decorate. Are you almost ready to go?" she asked him without looking back. She pretty much just assumed that he would be waking up right around then, which may or may not have even been true.

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Cruor Flumine[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']
Varien Ardal | The Jabberwock

Location: Rozen HQ

Mood: Tired

Varien was rolled over on the floor, still fast asleep when she awoke. A small snore could be heard from the tall man as he slept. He muttered something unconsciously. Something about a fight and some girl. In his dreams he was reliving a past experience, almost a nightmare. A small amount of sweat could be seen on his forehead, evidence of the bad dream tainting his mind.

Whitney Farrell

Whitney expertly and quickly stuffed several things into her rather large bag fashioned out of quilting material. She had a fascination with quilts, and she wanted to be able to take it with her wherever she went. Her actual skills regarding quilting were pretty minimal, but she was able to fashion something she was somewhat proud of into her handy bag. It was rather large, which was perfect for the situation at hand. She could fit streamers, tape, gossamer, and a few golden cords to tie everything together nicely. Hopefully, Sorren was already gathering members. If not, he most likely got himself side tracked. She sighed lightly to herself as she finished stuffing her bag, filling it over the top with her various decorating utensils. When she couldn't fit in anything more, she huffed and closed the closet door. "Well, this should suffice I suppose," she muttered to herself, hoping she was right. After what she had Julian do, she felt irredeemably horrid. The poor guy!

But now it was time to rectify her mistake, so she couldn't just dwell upon it. She shook her head and turned around, immediately walking over to Varien. He hadn't replied, so she could only assume that the lazy bum hadn't gotten up yet. She looked down at the man sleeping on the floor, and quite evidently so. She squatted down near his head, inspecting his body up and down. The poor guy was obviously having some sort of fit in his dreams, which only made her more concerned for waking him. In all honesty, she would have preferred to leave him if he had been dreaming. He had quite a bit against most of what she ever wanted to do, and decorating just might take the cake for him.

With gentle hands, she prodded him with her hand, rocking him slightly back and forth with the gentle shoves she hoped would wake the man. "Varien? Wake up. I'm here, and you're fine," she cooed softly, hoping to subconsciously coax him back to the waking world. She frowned, not at him but at herself. Didn't they just pass out? Why was he having a dream when she never did? Perhaps she simply did and just forgot. It wasn't like she remembered too many of her dreams in the first place. She laid on the floor perpendicular to his chest, laying her head upon his torso and wrapping his arm over hers. Hopefully it would offer some sort of comfort to him one way or another.

Just then, her phone beeped its testing tone, presumably a reminder text for one she had missed. She fished through her bag to the impossibly unreachable bottom. Quite a few things of various colors and functions spilled out, but she was able to reach it. After replacing her things, she turned it on to see what was up.

Hey there, hope you're having a good day. Meet me 2night @ the greenhouse?
Hey! It's been pretty busy on my end. You can meet me in the student council room right now if you want. I'm heading that way now.

She closed it and laid it on her chest, looking up at the ceiling. Why did he need to meet her? And why didn't he say why? Suddenly, she has a jolt of anxiety, though it quickly passed. Of course he didn't know she was a part of Rozen. How could he when all evidence pointing to her was ultimately erased? She tilted her head to look at Varien's face, and she closed her eyes with a soft smile. They were doing good work, she just knew it. And when Varien woke up, they'd go do even more good work, though a different kind. The look on Julian's face was all she needed to complete her day.

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Cruor Flumine[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@femjapanriceball[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']
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A small "ding" came from Gemini's phone; he looked at the message, then nodded. Sure, he had time to go to the student council room. He wasn't exactly what you'd call "interested" in anything occurring there, but he did like Whitney. He grinned at the twins. "Well, I'd better go. I'm meeting someone," he said before heading to the student council room. "See ya." And off he went, adjusting his necktie as he walked. And attempting to tame his bedhead. He plucked a leaf out of his hair, courtesy of Gemini's Caterpillar Adventure - Episode: We Lost Track at This Point. Then, clearing his throat, he walked into the room. Right. I think I look presentable.

@Needle @Kazehana
Cecil Mayhew Instead of going to find the queen, he made a direct beeline for their room, wanting to forget everything. Nimbly he sidestepped to avoid students as they walked, eyes pinned on their window from outside.

"If I don't get a nap, I'm gonna be super cranky. I'm not nice when I'm cranky." His face was still set in a slight frown, fingers still gripping Blanche's hand tightly. Cecil's long legs sped ahead with ease, the typical bounce in his step replaced with a dutiful march.

As he entered their room, he had to admire the piles of junk in the room which simply added to the hectic atmosphere about the place. It was comforting, and allowed him to relax his grip on his roommate's hand, flopping onto his bed.

After a quick stretch, Cecil's lips quirked into a smirk as he knocked over one of the towers. The various objects clattered to the floor, eliciting a giggle from the boy though he was only too aware that he was distracting himself. Or trying, at least.
Mood: Distracted~~Mentioned: @Xan
Varien Ardal | The Jabberwock

Location: Rozen HQ

Mood: Tired

Slowly, Varien awoke at the nudging of Whitney. Rubbing his head to soothe the small headache, he rose from his spot on the floor. He stretched his large form and let out a yawn. Using his sleeve to wipe the dampness from his forehead, he turned to Whitney. "Shall we go then?" He questioned.

Mentions: @Kazehana
Whitney Farrell

As soon as Varien started to get up, Whitney herself jolted to an upright seated position. If not for the surprise of him waking up so unexpectedly, she had just realized that she forgot something important. She jumped up and rushed into the other room, a side room of Rozen's headquarters. After she released an audible sigh of relief, she walked back into the main room with Varien. With that out of the way, she nodded to him.

"Yeah. If you don't want to, you really don't need to come help decorate. I'd be just fine without you," she said, then realized her mistake. "Well, that's not what I meant. You're perfectly essential as a close friend," she said, rubbing the sides of his arms a little. "What would I do without you?" she wondered aloud, then snapped herself back to reality. "Alright, well you've put in quite a bit of work today, and I know you don't want to decorate. So take some time for yourself. You deserve it," she said, smiling up at him. At least she knew he was fine.

She gave him a quick but tight hug, then started off for the council room. Of course, she thought she could discuss whatever Gemini needed while decorating. He would understand, right? She started to walk faster, angsty that lunch might get over before she finished it. The hall was buzzing with more rumors and vague descriptions of what happened, but she paid them no mind. She had to get started on the room for Julian.

Quickly opening the door and walking in without stopping her motion whatsoever, she set her bag down on the desk and started taking things out, carefully placing them in separate piles in the order in which she intended to put them up. It was about halfway through that she realized that Gemini was there, and she flashed him a quick smile in salutations.

"Sorry, Gemini. I've been really busy lately. What's up?" she asked, looking around. Sorren had probably just gotten sidetracked, but she figured he might be here soon to help. If not, she might have to do it all. It was a daunting task, but she thought she could do it. Taking a roll of gossamer, she grabbed a chair and dragged it to the corner of the room. From there, she taped the end of the gossamer to the wall, making sure it was secure enough to hold it up while she moved on.

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Cruor Flumine[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@femjapanriceball[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']
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Gemini had been waiting for some time, which luckily gave him some time to smarten up. He heard Whitney enter, getting started on decorating. In all his nervousness, he transformed into his butterfly form. He flew about for a few minutes, only to crash to the ground, transforming back into his human self. He let out a shout of alarm, now flat on his face, just as Whitney turned around to talk to him. He reddened, dusting off his shirt and standing up.

"Hi," he said awkwardly. "I'm doing well, how about you?"

Aurelius Blanche He figured Cecil would go back to their room and briefly, he bemoaned the probability that neither of them would be returning to classes. The male also suspected that he probably would of skipped either way, but that was besides the point.

His roommate's crushing grip on his fingers was a bit disconcerting and if Blanche didn't suspect that Cecil would out stride him if he let go, he would of extracted himself. The normal whirling of all the nearby minds they were passing distracted him from it anyways.

Upon the door closing behind them, a pile tipping over and Blanche looking at his room mate with a mixture of exacerbation and fondness as he put his pile back in some order, partly with his foot.

"Is it accurate to say that you're nice other times?" He said curiously, shucking his jacket and sunglasses off and chucking the former somewhere into the mess, glad to see it go as he always preferred less layers. The male sat on the edge of his own bed, which was completely devoid of stuff because as much as he liked clutter, he didn't like sleeping with it.

Blanche stared at Cecil, not hard or really with any apparent meaning, before tapping his temple. "You're all in shambles, and not in a particularly usual way." He commented, the odd mismatched colors of his eyes bright in the dimmed room. He'd put up thick curtains on his side of the room anyways, refusing to be harassed by the sun in his own room.

Location: Dorms ;; Mood: Curious

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Whitney Farrell

She turned back just after she heard him yell, quite shocked to hear that sort of noise coming from such a simple question. Why was he on the ground? Why did he redden? What was happening? She shook her head clear of her confusion, then got off the chair to move it to its next position. It wasn't hard to put everything up. But it sure was a pain. She suddenly wished she had asked Varien to come so he could just put this up no problem. But he wouldn't like it, and she knew that perfectly well. She sighed in her own little frustration, trying to keep it to herself.

"I'm fine..? That didn't exactly answer my question though," she replied, trying to get just the right amount of drape on the gossamer. It had to look elegant, yet not obnoxiously overbearing. Was it blocking out too much light? A bright room would be far better than a dark room, after all. That's the whole reason they chose this room instead of headquarters in the first place! No matter. It would be fine, she was sure.

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@femjapanriceball[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']
Gemini rubbed his head, checking to make sure no leaves had fallen on him again. A couple had. He sighed and plucked them out. The disadvantage of being able to turn into a butterfly. "It's good to know you're doing well," he said, then proceeded to actually answer Whitney's question. "As for what's up....well...not much, really. Unless you count the annoying freshmen girls approaching me every five minutes. Kinda hard to get a smoke if they're chattering about you like you're some kinda playboy. Honestly." He watched Whitney work, then walked over. "Here, let me help; how would you like it to look, exactly?"

Whitney Farrell

She looked at him for a moment, simply staring. Didn't he have any business with her? Why else would he be here instead of smoking or whatever? Which, for the record, was not her favorite habit in the world. It reminded her that she needed to secretly steal Varien's stash along with his lighter. But for now, she gestured to the string she already had going. "So to get it like this, you just drape it, twist halfway through, then finish, pinning it down with tape here. It's fairly important that they all be the same length apart to look uniform. This is the base, after all," she explained, pointing to what she was talking about throughout.

Once she was satisfied with her explanation, she stepped down from the chair and handed him the roll of gossamer she still had left as well as the tape she was using. During the exchange, she looked up at his face, just getting a quick looksee in. She hadn't much time to simply watch other people and appreciate how attractive they may be, but he mentioned his looks in quite the positive manner, and she couldn't help but look for herself.

She cleared her throat and stepped to the side so that he could try it. "I can see why you would think freshmen are annoying; they are quite so. I wouldn't go around calling yourself a playboy, though," she replied, purposefully omitting the smoking part out of her response. He didn't really care about what she had to say about that anyway, so there really was no point. What she really wanted to know was something entirely different.

"So why did you need to meet me? I assume it wasn't to idly chat with small talk or whatever," she asked, pressing further to try to get to what she really needed. If he avoided the question again, she would definitely know it was on purpose because she was being so direct.

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@femjapanriceball[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']
Varien Ardal | The Jabberwock

Location: En Route from Rozen HQ to a random location

Mood: Confused

Varien raised an eyebrow at Whitney as she left. That was the first time in a long time that she had hugged him, tightly too. What was even stranger was her choice of words. 'What would I ever do without you.' She had said. It made their who relationship sound like that of a couples. The whole arm rubbing thing didnt help either.

With a sigh, he pulled one of his cigarettes from its box and lit it, taking a drag from the white and brown stick. Releasing the smoke, he watched it drift into the air as he walked, thinking about what he could bring to the party.

Eventually, he arrived back at his dorm room. Looking around, he baga. To rummage through several places. After a series of tossed drawers and dumped boxes, Varien pulled out a large ornate looking box. A small smile crept onto his face as he set it on his bed. Cracking it open, he made sure the contents were all there before leaving the room.

When he arrived at the Student Counsel room, he narrowed his eyes at the other kid there for a moment before setting the box down on the table. "Brought something, thought Julian might like to use it for today." Varien said, cracking the lid on the box. Inside was a large teapot, another, smaller, wooden box, and a total of eight cups. Each item was placed neatly in felt holders. "This was a parting gift from a group of friends a while back, knew I liked to drink the stuff before I started smoking."

Mentions: @femjapanriceball
Gemini nodded, following Whitney's directions silently. When he mentioned him mentioning being a playboy, he looked up, shocked. "I didn't say that; I said they treat me like that and—" He began to interject, only to be asked another question. Why he had wanted to talk to her. He reddened; would he be able to tell her? It had been a surprise...wait a minute. He forgot it! "Er....I actually finished something for art...." He mumbled. "A painting, to be exact. I-it's not the best, but I kinda wanted to give it to you....? It's in the art room right now." Another person entered; a very red-faced Gemini looked up. The dude narrowed his eyes at him. Huh...? What's his deal? He finished working on the curtains, then, feeling a sense of accomplishment, looked at his work.

@Kazehana @Cruor Flumine
Whitney Farrell

Whitney smiled, mainly because she assumed that she had been able to frazzle Gemini with the playboy comment. Well at least, that's what she assumed. It was always fun to mess with people, especially unsuspecting boys. So she kept that little bit of knowledge tucked in the back of her mind. Eventually, it would surface and she could frazzle him once more. Maybe this was why she wasn't dating. With a mental shrug, she went back to paying Gemini some attention.

The whole painting thing was rather odd, as she wasn't sure what giving her a piece of art would accomplish. He might have been trying to butter her up for a proposal or something. After all, she had quite the hand in student council as their president. Turning to Varien's entry, she smiled and nodded. "I thought you weren't interested in decorating. But thank you for thinking about how to improve it. I'm sure he'll love it," she said, observing him take everything out. Once more, she opted to ignore the smoking comment. What was with everyone and smoking around here?

Since Gemini had finished his work, she inspected the curtains to evaluate their effectiveness. They were decent enough for her, and she wasn't about to redo them herself. "These are wonderful. Pretty, but not enough so that they detract from what is really important," she judged, resting her hand lightly over her mouth. What was next? "Steamers!" she said aloud, as if the realization was a brilliant idea. Instantly, she rushed over to the table, fishing through the items until she found a few rolls.

She tossed one to Varien, then one to Gemini. It would be far easier for them to reach the ceiling, after all. "Well now that you're here, you can help out with ceiling stuff. I think we all know I can't reach at all, and you're perfect for the job," she explained, a mischievous glint in her eye. Oh how fun it was to drag Varien back into her projects. But for now, she had to start on her end of the work. She grabbed her trust chair and moved to the corner, inspecting the room to get a feel of where she wanted the streamers to go. She taped the end down into the corner, preparing to drape it across the room. If the gossamer was for the sides, the streamers could be for the top.

As she moved the chair, she found the time to respond to Gemini. "Why do you want to give me your painting?" she asked plainly, hoping that her question was worded i a way that would receive an unbiased answer. Once she reached the center of the room, she climbed onto the chair and twisted the streamer several times, making it spiral all pretty like. Then she pinned it to the ceiling with just the right amount of drape that it wasn't flat, but it wasn't intrusive. With a nod, she clambered back down and began moving the chair once more to the opposite corner.

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@femjapanriceball[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Cruor Flumine[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']
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Gemini shrugged as he began putting up the streamers. "........Well......I.....kinda....." Great. Now he needed to come up with a logical reason other than "I really really really like you and wanted to give it to you to show you how much I really really really like you". "It's an assignment I was supposed to do," he said lamely, twirling the streamers around with the eye of an artist. "Make a work of art and give it to one of the clubs. Art Club has too many paintings in their meeting room, and someone already took Poetry, sooo....I chose Student Council." He stared at the streamers. Maybe an inch higher. Something like that. He adjusted them to suit his standards.

@Kazehana @Cruor Flumine
Cecil Mayhew The boy pulled the well-worn boots from his feet, placing them neatly underneath his bed before laying on his side. As the sun was high in the sky, its beams bathed Cecil in warm light whilst leaving the other half of the room in darkness. Basking in it happily, a low purr started deep in his chest as he was too distracted to remedy it.

"You know that I'm a delight, Blanche. I'm your favourite person to talk to, not to mention absolutely gorgeous." Cecil struck a pose on his bed, placing one hand on his hip and the other beneath his head.

Yawning then, he moved to shift into a cat in order to sleep comfortably, opting for his natural tabby cat form.
"But I'd appreciate it if you stopped dipping into my thoughts. They're mine." He curled up on the unused comforter on his bed, happy in the sun.

Cecil wasn't asleep- not even close, simply relaxing whilst deterring his roommate from interrupting his thoughts. After a while, he twitched his paws and nose to mimic feline dreams though his mind raced with ideas about the newest recruit.
Mood: Stressed and sleepy~~Mentioned: @Xan
Whitney Farrell

As she finished up her first string of streamers, she looked down the line to see it running smoothly down the length of the ceiling. She was proud of her work, especially since it was for someone she cared about. Gemini wasn't doing too shabby either, and she was happy to see someone helping out. Well, he was really only doing it because it might be considered rude not to, but at least he too care to do his best.

And his best was pretty good. After all, he was apparently an art student. Though the fact that he was doing it because he had to wasn't the best feeling. She frowned slightly, but shook it off as soon as she could so that she could try to be nice to him. "Oh really? That's nice of you," she replied, though she wasn't too sure it was true. After all, they weren't even his first choice, and he had to do it to finish his assignment.

Whitney didn't much appreciate being used to complete an assignment, but hey, free decor is free decor. She wasn't about to say no just to be mean about it. After all, there was no reason for rudeness on her end. She had a council to represent and lead. What kind of example would she be setting if people found out she didn't help someone out? Plus she would have gotten something free for the club! There was just no way she could be mad about it. At least not outwardly.

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@femjapanriceball[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Cruor Flumine[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']

Sorren Likerus

"I'm late, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late! Gota hurry and get these to the others!" he muttered to himself as he moved impossibly fast through the halls of the school. He was using magic to partially convert his body into light, giving him the ability to move at extreme speed and pass through objects. Although, it was a little bit unusual. He didn't perceive himself as moving super fast but rather, everyone and everything moving in slow motion while he was moving at normal speed. One could easily mistake it for manipulating time. Unfortunately, this magic's only purpose was mobility since he couldn't interact with anything physically while doing this unless he was touching the object prior to activation. Fittingly, he called it 'Light Speed'.

He was carrying a stack of cards with notes written on them. He had made them in order to make it easier to deliver the Queen's message more easily. He just didn't anticipate making the cards would take so long. As he ran around the school, he threw a card at each of the Rozen members he spotted so it would noticeably, but safely, hit them in the head so they would have no choice but to examine them. Sure, it was a bit rude but they'd never know who was responsible since he only appeared as a brief flash to anyone he passed by. No one to blame, no tension! Easy!

The cards all had this message written on them.

Whitney wants you to come to the student council to help with some decorating. It's not mandatory but any help is appreciated!

@LaDyGrEy @Needle @Mine @Jadus @Marsharoo @NekoQueen49

(Your Rozen characters are supposed to read the card)

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