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Fandom Chaldea Days (Fate/Grand Order RP) - OOC

Sorry for saying I'd post one day and end up doing it over a week later. My motivation has been at an all time low these past few weeks. Hopefully meds and some creative writing will help me out of this funk.

So, just wondering, since the combat in the RP will be more like the anime than the game, do you all want to forgo the advantage triangles and star ranks or keep it in place for the sake of f/go community memes?
Hello! Is this by any chance still open?
Now that there are more than six servants, I would suggest that a new master be created before too many more servants enter the RP. I'm not going to force anyone to do it, but I just don't want Gudako to be overwhelmed. She only has so much mana, you know?
I could make a master as well if you so desire.
If you think you can handle three characters. Though I'd wait until after a little RP. I'm not looking for a new master immediately until there are about a dozen servants since Gudako can't bring all of them on a mission at once.

Although it might work out just fine if one person uses only one servant for a mission... Just don't go out of your way to make a master character.
No problem. If you need a master, I'll be ready whenever. And three characters is no big deal. The most I juggled once was 5.

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