Catching Fire (Wolf RP, still accepting)

Pepper stares at the big wolf no longer as playful, still shaken up from the water. She was busy thinking about how to get it back for playing such a dirty trick on her, as if the water was an opponent she could beat. Realizing the big one in front of her was making those noises, she stayed still trying to figure out why they were so important. She thought she heard a sound she could copy and tried it out herself "eh!" she barked back proudly.
Luna tensed up at his touch, cautious but smiling. Her eyes flickered up at him and her smile was even more prominent. What was all this? Just early yesterday they'd fought, physically and verbally, and now they were at this point. She paused and suddenly thought to herself. Is this his sick way of working himself up to a higher ranking? She looked over and him and was instantly upset. She squeezed her eyes shut before looking the opposite way.

She needed to start seeing the better in others. Warily, she entwined her tail with his.

Kane smiled at the pup and then looked at May, sighing. "You're more patient than I am..." he looked over and Pepper and huffed. "How do we even start to teach a pup?"
Pepper stumbled over to the big one who was still making noises and curls up into his fur nuzzling into the warmth. She lays down listening to his voice it came from deep in his chest. Being this close she could feel the noise as well as it mades its way out. She wags her tail happily enjoying the noise.
May looked at Kane and shrugged. "We should let Silver teach Pepper and Haku. She has more experience than any of us. Poor little Pepper doesn't know anything because she was left at such a young age, maybe she was the runt." May looked over at Pepper and carried her over to Silver's side then walked back over to Haku and sat down by the pond, drinking only a little bit of water.
Rian leaned in and gave her a light nuzzle, his tail winding around hers. He sighed and traced his tongue lightly over her ears in an affectionate manner. He sighed and mumbled a quiet "You seem upset?"
"Confused, is all," she answered, forcing herself to relax into his touch. After all of the affectionate touches, she looked up at him with a cocked head. "Why?" she asked, hoping he'd understand she was confused by his mixed signals. She blinked slowly and looked down at their reflection in the water, smiling at what she saw.

Kane sighed with relief. "Sounds good to me," he chuckled, watching as Pepper was taken from his side. "Well that's... new," he said, motioning over to Luna and Rian. A confused expression was written all over his face as he tried to decipher the scene with May.
Rian folded back his ears and muttered a quiet "I don't know..It just..feels..right.." He shifted his frame, dragging his tongue lightly along her neck before nuzzling against it.
Pepper pouted hunching her back. She didn't like all this being moved around without using her own paws. It was fun at first, but she kept being taken away from something interesting. She didn't like not making her own decisions anymore. She stood up walking back over to the same spot next to the the big one (Kane) and sat down again.

[QUOTE="Little*Dreamer]Pepper pouted hunching her back. She didn't like all this being moved around without using her own paws. It was fun at first, but she kept being taken away from something interesting. She didn't like not making her own decisions anymore. She stood up walking back over to the same spot next to the big one and sat down again.

I get really confused with "the big one" because you call all of our characters the big one. Can you add names please?)
May looked over at the two wolfs and smiled slightly. "They are figuring out their feelings... that's good. They be good mates because they bring out the best in each other."
"You're a pain in my ass," she mumbled teasingly, running her tongue over his orange fur. She worked her way up to his ears, grooming his whole face while her tail wagged. She nuzzled her small snout into his large furry chest, closing her eyes and inhaling his sweet scent.

"Hmm," Kane hummed, nodding along with May. "I agree," he smiled, turning back towards her. "Maybe we oughta do the same, huh?" he winked and flicked his tail, an extremely lame attempt at flirting with the petite femme.

(and yes I agree, it gets extremely confusing) 
Kane looked down at Pepper and groomed the top of her head, a deep chuckle erupting from his chest. He had a weak spot for pups, they were just so darn cute.
Rian grinned with a light chuckle, he nuzzled his head over hers and embraced her the best he could, his tongue gliding slowly over her pelt, he whispered a playful "But..I could give you pain in the ass.." He smirked cockily before nipping at her ears.
May laughed and smiled at Kane while walking over to him. "I don't know..." She licks his cheek softly before backing away. "Your such a flirt."
(omg is Rian referencing anal sex because if so HAHAHAHAAHHAHAAHHA. if not awks my mind is dirty idk)

((I'll reply when I figure out the answer HAHA))

Kane smiled at May, running his tongue over his lips. "That's okay," he barked, winking again. "I enjoy the chase. Easy is boring." And with that he stood tall, his form towering over hers as he walked away and towards the forest in search of a small meal, a silly grin still etched on his face.
Pepper sat still not moving as if proving her point. Which she assumed everyone knew she was proving, which of course was not true. She thought she herd another one of those sounds that she could say. "Firt!" she repeats proudly leaving out the L.
May smiled as she watched Kane go and went back over to Pepper, licking the small pups fur to clean off some over the dirt that got stuck on her. 
May smiled as the pup attempted to talk and continued to clean her.

Luna closed her eyes before they abruptly shot open. "Rian!" she laughed, using her paw to lightly swat his chest, giggling. "Naughty...!" she yipped, still giggling from his cheeky remark. She shook her head back and forth, her tongue lolling out in happiness. She decided it was definitely time she was happy-- she deserved it. Everyone did.
Rian chuckled and gave her a wink, he grabbed her scruff and growled a playful "Now, come on my love, I'll show you what a pain in the ass I can be." He smirked and pranced into the cave with a laugh, he leaped up onto the ledge leading into his nook, which was big enough for a small family. He nudged Luna inside and tackled her with a smirk.
May watched Luna and Rian interact before tending to the pup in front of her. When she was done she went into the pond and started getting all of the dirt and filth off of her.
Luna chuckled and happily followed after Rian, giggling as he guided her inside his den. She wrestled and rolled around with him, playfully biting his neck and chest. "What're you even doing?" she barked in between laughs, her orbs glistening with joy.
Rian simply shrugged, grinning and pressing his nose against Luna's growling lightly before lapping at her lips, smiling faintly. He nuzzled his head beneath hers, his tail fanning against the air. (HEY, I JUST FIGURED OUT THAT WOLVES CAN KISS KINDA SORTA.. THEY PRESS THE TIPS OF THEIR MUZZLES TOGETHER. OHOHOOOO. I'm smart.)
Pepper wags her tail liking the affection of being cleaned. She hasn't felt the warmth of a tongue since she could remember and was craving all the attention, she just wasn't sure if it was the right kind of attention. Things were so confusing here. She looks around unsure of what to do next.
May stepped out of the water and shook her fur before laying down on the grass in the sun, trying to dry her fur a little quicker. 
May looked at Pepper and tapped her paw on the ground. "Pepper, come here." May tapped her paw on the ground again, hopping the small pup would understand.
-Haku sat looking up at the sky- ''clouds are so pretty'' -she rocked on her feet till she fell backwards with a thud. she just laid there and pawed at the clouds.- ''I bet they're soft'' -she said wishing to touch them- 
(I would like to create a second wolf if that's ok.)

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