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Fantasy Cataclysm

The Immortal Mage, as his servants refer to him, lived nearly a millennium ago. He was so powerful, that he created some sort of invisible explosion which rippled out, having an odd effect on most of the planet. Most lesser creatures transformed, mutating not only their appearance, but their behavior as well. Some grew limbs, others gained weird abilities, but they all became more aggressive, and ultimately bowed down to the Immortal Mage.

These creatures conquered the planet for the Mage, forcing others to either bow to him and serve, or die. Any nation strong enough to withstand the creatures soon had to face the Mage's next event. The Immortal Mage some how ripped portals all around the world. Even worse, he can some how control these demons, forcing them to take down entire nations, and no one seems to know how to stop it.

800 years later and the Mage still lives. Originally trying to wait it out, another, equally long lived individual has decided to take action, gathering troops to fight back. No one seems to know who this person is, but he has methods of communicating that the Mage can't seem to detect. Sometimes he sends simple birds with parchment, other times seemingly ordinary pots and containers will roll around with messages in them, guided to their targets. He seems to have a plan to defeat the Mage, though he doesn't have the strength to join the fight.

His letters help gather an initial group of travelers, and after that, help guide new fighters to the group. You are part of the initial individuals to receive one of his letters, will you meet with the others and fight? Or continue to live in fear, watching as the people you care about are wiped out?
Dear Warrior,

It saddens me to send this letter to you, as it most certainly means your death should you accept. But fear not, for now is the time to fight. Fight the Immortal Mage. Do not worry, you will not be alone. I have assembled a group of very capable warriors to assist. I can not be with you in this journey, but I know how to defeat this Evil. The demonic portals that he has torn into our world, those are the sources to his power. Without his demons, he can not hold the world back. This is the first step at least.

I do not know how to close them yet, but I'm searching for a way. In the mean time, head to the river south of Kravencraft on the Eastern Continent. There should be a single foot bridge next to a large cherry tree, that is where you will meet your fellow members. I'll be in touch as soon as I know more about the portals, for now, there should be one a few miles to the south.

This letter was delivered to Spindle by a small black bird. It didn't detail much, but it held hope, for Spindle was tired of hiding, she wanted peace for her family, her home and herself. Spindle was the first to arrive, she sat under the tree with her cloak pulled over her head. A river is a good spot for her to wait, being near a body of water meant she was safe. While waiting, she played with the parchment in her hands, turning it over and over, knowing that even if this were a trap, she could defend herself. To die fighting is better than to die hiding anyways. Regardless, Spindle was scared, she never hoped to see a day without the control of the Immortal Mage. His demons roamed everywhere, and the creatures she heard that used to be peaceful are aggressive and attack anyone on site.

It's odd, this place is empty, not a soul in sight. No demons, no animals, either the letter sender is lucky, or he has some kind of foresight. The river Spindle is sitting at runs North to South, and the letter mentioned the demon portal was to the South. Would she be so lucky as to have a portal next to the water? Torn from her thoughts, she saw someone approaching from the North. Spindle stood up, not bothering to unstopper her water canteens because there's a river right here, but she was prepared for a fight either way should this not be one of the mentioned allies.

(@Elvenoff @Krimson Kane This story is now ready to begin. If you want to discuss anything, don't be afraid to post in the OOC tab! I'd be happy to move the story in any direction you wish :D )
Artillerous’s heavy hand fell to his side, the parchment still clutched tightly in his hand, his other hand moved forward and rested upon the warm, white stone balcony railing of his home to support his weight. Forty-five years he has watched good men and women dyeing trying to stop the hordes of demons released by this mad man, and now the day has come that he has been waiting for. His blue orbs rose to the thick white clouds that hung heavy above the treetops and allowed a much-needed sigh to escape his lips. “Finally!” He whispered into the wind, “It is my turn.” His gaze drifted from the clouds down to the gardens below, watching the good people of the vale moving about their business under the heavy burdening hand of this immortal mage.

Walking from the balcony, Artillerous’s hands secured the items that he needed to answer the call of this parchment. His heart raced with the list of spells that he memorized, many of them was not required so he had to find the time to restudy the good book and memorize the ones that were going to be useful. That was the flaw of being a mage; so many changes occur from day to day that selecting good spells was a thing of difficulty. Cursing to himself for not memorizing some of the traveling spells, he hurried about gathering the normal traveling gear he would need and headed out the door.

The travel was one of painful experience, for he could never get used to riding those damn horses. His hands rubbing his arse upon the final day of his riding this cursed beast, for the meeting place was just down the hill. Bidding farewell to the hired guide Artillerous turned away, gathered his things, and headed down the hill. Artillerous grunted and groaned with each jagged step down the incline of the hill. His anger flaring with each spark of pain coming from his arse. “Tis be the last damn time I ride a cursed beast!” His voice boomed out from the flowing anger.

His gaze fell upon a standing figure just some fathoms distance from him. She was one of curiosity, his gaze scanning over the nearing feature. His mind instinctively preparing one of his defensive spells, his grumbling still came forward as he approached her. “Greetings.” He offered along with the raising of the parchment that was in his hand. “I believe we were asked to come here.” He offered once more in an attempt to ease the tension that was sure to come between two strangers.
Spindle gazed in simple amazement. This was a fairly old man, could this be the person from the parchment? That person seemed to be the older type, for who else would be able to gather people and provide information so well? Her mouth opens slightly as she recalls the tales told to her of necromancers when she was young, and this man dressed just like the descriptions, though she doesn't ask for fear of being rude and turned into a zombie. Only a moment allows for her to give her returned greeting to this master of the dark arts before she spots something in the water, coming from the South.

It almost looked like a head to Spindle, like someone was walking in the water. The water had to be at least eight feet tall, how could he not be swimming? As the being closed the distance, she realized it to be a troll. She's also heard stories of the enormous and clever beasts, but she's never seen one. Spindle was curious though, as to how the troll could avoid the transformation of the Immortal Mage's magic, as it has changed all other lesser creatures.

To Spindle's embarrassment, Echol let out a deep, smooth and intelligent sounding greeting. "My name is Echol Garb, and I believe we're partners. I was wading trew deez waters to hide from ta demons I encountered some miles dat way." The nine foot troll pointed in the direction he came, his speech showing an accent, but otherwise just as bit as intelligent as everyone else. He had a way of calming nerves as he spoke, for who else wouldn't be comforted to realize this massive man was an ally? Spindle, mouth still slightly agape, noticed a third and fourth stranger approaching, and wondered who they may be? Could they possibly be as impressive as a necromancer and a troll?
Kane's red eye scrolled the letter.

"Fight the Immortal Mage?" Kane was shocked, the Mage is said to be immortal, but the chance to kill him would be well worth the reward.

Kane stood from his chair, tossing the letter in the trash bin. He grabbed his coat and wrapped it around himself, putting his arms in the appropriate holes. Kane opened his closet grabbed a weapon sheathe. The sheathe was curved, much like a scimitar or Uchigatana. Kane pulled the hilt of the weapon, revealing its form: an Uchigatana. The blade of the weapon is made from layered steel, refined into a one-sided edge. That edge was sharp enough to cut through most metals and hides.

Kane returned the blade into the sheathe, strapping it on his waist. He opened the door and pulled his hood up simultaneously. The shadow of his hood covered everything but his mouth.

He opened the door and ran down the stairs, tossing the tavernkeep the tab. The man looked at him and nodded, turning back to his current customer.

Kane smiled softly, and left the tavern, heading for the location described in the letter he recieved.

"South of Kravencraft it is." Kane muttered to himself. He pulled his hood tighter to his face, then jammed his hands in his pockets.

It was a four hour walk. Sorry fellow members, Kane thought to himself, he was crossing the bridge when he saw the rest of the party. There was three of them.

Here goes nothing, Kane raised his arm and waved it, greeting the other members of the party.
Duelan had been walking for several days. Of course, he'd been walking at a leisurely pace, he was lucky that the assigned meeting place was relatively near his previous location. As he neared the location that had been disclosed in the letter delivered via bird, he went over the plan he had thought up on the way.
Artillerous brow arched as he looked up the strange color that was atop this young woman head. He was about to ask her what foul mixture of ingredients did she use to create this monstrosity that clung to the top of her head, but is acquirement had to wait for the quick change of the young ladies attention captured his curiosity in what she saw. A twitching of his nose and a few steps forward gave him the sight needed to see the rippling effect of the river, than without warning a rather large creature bore its presents to them.

Defensively Artillerous pulled his staff forward and was prepared to blast the creature until a clear and distinctive voice ushered forth from the beast. A slight so be it expression formed over Artillerous’s face as he pulled back his staff and allowed the spell he had prepared moments ago to fade away from his mind. “Greetings Echol, I am Artillerous, I am humbled to make your acquaintances.” Artillerous offered in hopes to make this giant an instant friend.

His hand went up once again to ask the young woman about the moments ago topic of her hair when again the young woman’s gaze darted off into another direction. Artillerous shook his head and decided that he would just sit upon the log and allow all to come before he questioned the young one. He had to know what she did for in a way that color was starting to grow on him. He chuckled at this thought as he moved to the log and took a seat, his gaze shooting off in the direction that the young woman was looking.
Fanaen had been traveling for about five days taking only short breaks. As he ran across the fields approaching the meeting place, he would appear as a rapidly moving shadow, as he drained the light around him. He approached the clearing, where three others had already gathered. A quick analysis revealed a male and a female, and one creature he couldn't identify. He ceased taking in light, and the shadows dissapated. He was rather against revealing his abilities with people earlt on. He was a bit of a ways away, but it was unlikely he wouldn't be noticed. As he approached the three, he pushed back his purple hair and spoke a greeting.

"Well met fellow travelers. I assume you received letters as well?"

With this he held up the letter he had received. He felt no reason to distrust these people, as it was very likely to have an objective similar to his.
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Guess not, Kane continued walking towards the group, taking care with his steps so as not to fall into the swampy waters, he jumped onto the final rock and then hopped on the island the group was on.

"How goes it?" Kane puts his hand on the hilt of his blade and salutes to quartet standing in front of him.
As Duelan approached, he discreetly conjured an illusory demon, focusing on sight, touch, and sound. As he pretended to suddenly notice it, he ran forth and cast an illusion of a sword, pretending to conjure it. However, he then had the demon decapitate him, then cast an invisibility onto himself, using the same three senses as with the demon. Now, he could survey their skill levels and abilities. Now let's see if this is worth my time, he thought to himself as he approached in stealth. Visibly, none of their attacks would do any damage, so this was mostly a test of intellect, although he might get some level of his potential companions strength if the test goes well.
Artillerous pulled himself up with a gruff to be on the polite side of things, his gaze falls to another unique individual whom seems to have had a bad alchemical mishap as well. A slight chuckle escaped his lips while his gaze moved between both newcomers. “Well met to you lads as well.” He gave a slight greeting with his free hand, while leaning his weight upon the staff, his gaze drifting from the two newcomers, to the young woman and the giant. “I believe it is time for introductions are in order.” He turns so that he faces them all in a general scope.

“I am…” His words stop as his gaze falls upon the approaching creature. His face grows hard as he mutters the power word to his readied spell. A small globe of light shimmers around the group, “It will not hold long against this creature!” He yelled, “Prepare yourselves!” he moved forward centralizing himself within the group. "You can step out of the light but will not be able to step back in. So try to stay inside as long as possible.”

Artillerous began to whisper another chant, the words were soft and hurriedly muttered, his hands began to glow to a dim blue, his lips and face also began to turn to a lightly tint of blue as he continued to mutter words. The air about the sphere began to chill.
Kane spins around, his Uchigatana ready at an instant.

"Where did it come from? Did the demon follow someone?" Kane's hood fell, revealing his eyes and hair. He didn't bother pulled it back up, and instead positioned himself into a combat stance. The long blade of the Uchi pointed downward slightly. One of Kane's legs was extended fully and the other was bent sharply.
Still in a daze at the veritable army that is being gathered, Spindle's senses were dulled and she didn't notice the creature as soon as she should have. The approaching creature was even larger than the Troll. From her knowledge, this is what used to be a frog nearly a millennium ago. Mutated into a nearly 15 foot monster, maybe even taller. It's tongue has evolved to be a wicked piercing weapon. The only solace you can feel when facing such a creature is that it'll only kill one member of your group while the rest get away.

Echol the Troll steps out of the water, placing his arm out in front of the group, "Let's not be hasty, a good plan would come in handy." The creature leaped into the air, soaring an easy fifty feet forward, nearly to the group at this point. "Let me take the front lines, I can keep it occupied while you take him down." Echol stepped forward, ready to wrestle with the creature.
"In that case, I'll attempt the demon."

Fanaen step out of Artillerous' magic field. He unsheathed his falchion, and began taking in light. To any outsider, it would appear as if he had cloaked himself in shadows. He dashed towards the demon and attempted to bring his falchion down onto it. However, even with his enhanced abilities, he couldn't hit the demon. It would simply dodge his attacks and make rather shallow yet painful cuts. He was surprised by the demons speed, and quite frankly irritated by its method of fighting.

"I require a bit of assistance." He called out to his associates.
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Blue orbs focused upon the battle that raged before them, impressed was Artillerous with the skill that the young man showed with a blade but even with his best ability, this beast was just a little faster or immune to the slicing cuts that the young man was doing to it. Artillerous began to step forward but stopped when the giant moved forward to engage this beast from the water. Its muscles ripped as it prepared to engage, but Artillerous feared this beast could only be dealt with the power of the arcane.

Artillerous waited to cast his spell, he wanted to make sure that it was needed for their journey was just the beginning and he did not wish to use all his power this soon so he decided to allow the giant and the others to gang up on the beast. He remained close by with this readied spell just incase things did not work out as he hoped.

Quickly, he diverted his eyes about looking for the young woman. He wanted to make sure that he kept a close eye on all of them, not because he did not trust them, but just incase one got in over their heads and needed his help. He had many cantrips that could be uttered to distract the beast’s attention for a few vital seconds. His gaze diverted back to the fighting once his gaze fell upon the young woman and she seemed to be safe.

One thing puzzled Artillerous was the ability to move so fast, even its smaller counterpart the frog did not have this agility and yet here is this umber hulking frog moving like a cat on a patch of hot coals.. “Hmmmm,” he began to ponder and decided to ready another spell just …”Let me try this,” he muttered.. In addition, began to chant one more…
Spindle stood in shock at the scene. This is not something she is used to seeing, blood pouring from the troll as he struggled to keep the beast's attention. The creature's tongue still lodged into the troll as Spindle wondered if troll's hearts weren't in their chests. Echol used his strength to plunge his feet into the ground, acting as stakes to anchor the giant frog, though doing little to hinder it's speed. This was not the time for Spindle to be freezing up, she needed to prove her worth.

A little clinking noise could be heard as if tiny shards of glass had been raining down upon the bodies of everyone present, as well as the ground beneath them. Spindle began to freeze both the moisture in the air and the water from the river. Slowly what seemed to be a golem started to form with the intent on freeing up the troll from his struggle. If one can pierce the ground, then surely one can pierce a flesh and bone creature. As the golem formed, Spindle wondered how they would defeat the demons, they can't even beat an over grown frog. She knew they would need a plan, a formation, a way of tackling their future battles and playing on their strengths while covering their weaknesses. It seemed as though they had a lot of weaknesses they needed to cover indeed, and fear was one of Spindle's.

Why does she have to be so weak! Spindle yelled at herself in her thoughts as her creation was taking so long. She watched as the others seemed to act instantly and without fear. Could she really be in the same league?
Kane examined the battle before him, a warrior wielding a falchion, a necromancer, a towering beast, and a mage.

What an odd group, Kane remained stationary in his position, further examining the demon's attacks. The demon seemed to focus its attacks around strength instead of speed, but it was still fast enough to deflect attacks.

Here goes nothing, Kane dashed forward, slicing his Uchigatana diagonally at the demon's chest. Kane felt his stomach tug on him, he twisted his body. The demon's right hand slashed at the original position Kane was in. Kane's eyes widened, he was face to face with death.

Kane jumped back, and joined his allies.
Artillerous completed his chant with a small exhale of breath before refocusing his attention upon the beast. He slightly cursed himself for being so slow when he witnessed the young girl drawing forth an ice golem knowing that drew a lot of stored energy. The life of magic users was one of difficulty especially in times like this. They never know what to prepare for, what should be the best spell to use, so in a way, it is always a guessing game, just like now, spending a lot of stored energy guessing the best course of action to engage this beast. No matter he had already brought forth this spell might as well use it even if he assumption might be wrong. He had to take the chance and hoped he was right.

His gaze fell upon the troll, anger once again flowed through his veins, “ENOUGH!” he shouted as he muttered the power word of dispel magic. His hands rose up and shot forth a purplish light to flow from his hand and strike the beast in its center mass. A heavy intake of breath followed his shout, which quickly came back out in a heavy exhale. He seemed to be drained a little by the casting but quickly recomposed himself and once again selected another spell just incase his assumption was wrong or his attempt to dispel the magic, this what, he believed to be an illusion failed to dispel it.

He feared either way of this attempt failed, for if it did not dissipate the creature all those fighting it believe they are fighting the real thing, will believe the wounds they take are real, and will suffer. The other was no matter how much magic anyone throws at the beast it will not affect it and more spending of critical energy will continue. Again Artillerous grumbled for never finding a ring of spell storing, something that he has sought for a very long time.

His eyes focused upon the beast waiting to see the results of his actions…
Maybe her place wasn't pure fighting capabilities, but the knowledge she possesses. Her scruffy group that she was a part of before leaving to join this one was very much like a cult, though that's probably how they survived. They lived on knowledge, which beasts could be hidden from, which had to be fought, and a decent amount of knowledge on most creatures that exist. Maybe the letter sender was from her home group? That doesn't matter now, her golem was complete and she set it forward, dazzled by the light show the necromancer was creating, though it seemed to have little effect outside a mild distraction to the beast.

Luckily that all they needed. The distraction brought the beasts attention away for a second, allowing it to refocus on Spindle's creation, also freeing up the troll, who rolled to the side and lied there seemingly lifeless. Echol wasn't out of the fight though, simply resting. It's not easy to hold a huge beast down that's pierced one of your hearts. Echol was allowing his regenerative abilities to take effect, rebuilding everything including his second heart. "The middle of it's back is where the vitals are, a couple of attacks there should kill it!" Shouted Spindle, for she wanted to make sure everyone could hear her. The golem showed no signs of struggle, in fact, it seemed to be winning, though the frog was just slowing down as is to be expected when body temperatures drop.

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