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Fandom [Casual] Starlight Academy OOC and CS chatroom

 Full Name:

Todoroki Izuka










Todoroki's Power allows him to cancel any other powers and abilities by looking at someone. It also blocks his opponent from any movement for the duration of 2 minutes, once those two minutes are over his cancellation powers still work yet his enemy can move. While Todoroki's Quirk is extraordinarily powerful, it does have  weaknesses:

  • The effects of the power wears off if he shuts his eyes or if his eyes are obstructed from his target
  • Another drawback to this power is that if he uses his ability for a long period of time, his eyes start to dry out.



Ever since Todoroki's birth, he was considered special. Not only was him and his mother kicked out of the hospital she gave birth to, but she couldn't find anywhere for them to stay during the early stages of his life. His father had walked out on them, and Todoroki grew up loving his mother all the much more. While she didn't enjoy having a son that was special she still loved her son. His mother did everything for him, and went through many sacrifices for him to be where he is today. She always wanted the best for him, before she could even think about herself.

The day she died, Todoroki was devastated. He went from being a very good child to becoming a rebellious teenager. He got piercings, dyed his hair, and did whatever the hell he wanted. He didn't care about any consequences anymore, but his power was fairly strong but he didn't have any reason to use it. Due to the fact that he had never seen someone like him before he never knew when to use his power. On the other hand, Todoroki knew what it did but he didn't have any opportunities to use it at all. Everything changed when he was kidnapped and taken to Starlight.

@Caffeine Freak I wanted to ask you if there was room for one more in this rp, but I didn't tag you, and Venom suggested I should, so I went back and edited it, and thanked him in the same edit, rather than making a new comment.
Question. How long exactly has Starlight been around? Could there have been any circumstances where people could've passed away while there? Specifically those who were taken there against their will?

Name: Courtney Clarenbelle

Age: 15

Looks: Long platinum blonde hair, pale skin, blue eyes

Power: Reading minds, and can control weak enough minds

Biography: Courtney might be what you call perfect. Good grades, pretty, nice. But that's Courtney on the outside. Courtney was abandoned by her family when she was born. Someone found Courtney in the middle of the woods crying. That someone was Hank Clarenbelle. Hank took her in and Courtney took the last name Clarenbelle. Courtney lived a happy life in Hank's small and dirty apartment in a big city, far away from the town Courtney was abandoned in. One day, the cops came to take Hank to jail. "Whatcha doin' here, kid?" The cop asked Courtney. "That's my daddy." Courtney replied, pointing to Hank. "Well, your daddy is goin' to have to be with me for a while." The cop said. "Where are you taking him?" Courtney questioned. "Jail, honey buns." The cop answered. The cop gave Courtney to adoption center, since Hank will have to stay in jail for his whole life. Courtney stayed for 5 years, but then she realized something. She'd been caring, kind, and clueless about the real world. She realized that the world isn't all friendly. She then escaped from the adoption center to the woods, and now lives in a self built treehouse. Over the years of her living on her own, she realized that she had something special about her. She was able to read minds and control weak enough minds. And so, Starlight Academy kidnapped her.

invisible writing

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Full Name: Ano Null

Age: 19


Power/Skill: He can manipulate his Qi ( life energy) to protect himself , and extend his fists and kicks and use it to manipulate it to create small projectiles and fire them short distances but it can exert himself sometimes faster than usual. He tends to avoid violence but is self taught in Muay Tai to use his opponents own power against them and Aikido to further his use in Qi but both of these are self taught and he can make mistakes

Bio: Ano was born to a abusive father and a mother that always shielded him, he followed a path of peace and eventually forgave and taught his father about peace and harmony, going down this path he learned that words only went so far and self taught himself in Muay Thai and Aikido to learn self defense and help those who needed help. When he was coming back from a library to learn more he was talken from behind and woke up in Starlight Academy

Misc details: He enjoys helping people and meeting new people , while not prone to violence, he will fight in self defense and to help those who need it. Those self fighting skill's are self taught and are not refined.  

What do you call two crow's on a bench , a murder

@Caffeine Freak

in progress
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Alright! I'm back for real this time! I'll get on answering these questions.

@arcaneSentinel Characters will find their personal items either still on them or already delivered to their dorms. If any personal items happen to be weapons, they'll be confiscated.

@RunicFollower Accepted!

@Faithful Close, but I suggest you revamp the 'weak minds' aspect of your power, otherwise players will just use 'strong minds' as a loophole.

Question. How long exactly has Starlight been around? Could there have been any circumstances where people could've passed away while there? Specifically those who were taken there against their will?

Starlight was built and started kidnapping 50 years prior to the events of the roleplay. Some characters may have been in stasis for a few months, others the entirety of that 50 years.
@VenomSlayer Oh yeah, you're probably confused about what's going on right now. The OG players of the roleplay have already gone to class, in which they have entered a combat simulation, kinda like a hunger games type shenanigan.
Hi! Are you guys still accepting new people at the moment? (I know it says that it's open, but I wanted to ask, just to make 100% certain ^ ^; )
Hi! Are you guys still accepting new people at the moment? (I know it says that it's open, but I wanted to ask, just to make 100% certain ^ ^; )

Of course! Just post your CS here.

@VenomSlayer I've cut it short anyway, as I intended to do from the beginning - this roleplay might just turn into a hunger games one if I didn't.
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Of course! Just post your CS here.

@VenomSlayer I've cut it short anyway, as I intended to do from the beginning - this roleplay might just turn into a hunger games one if I didn't.

Umm ok, i just wish to say if anyone mentions me in further posts i apologise i am not on, i am having trouble irl, i have a hass essay to write and i have lost all my energy staying up, very sorry for the inconvenience to you as a roleplay creator, i will still occasionally check up and see if things majorly change.
@Tidnas only about ten years late, but you're accepted! (would you mind moving your CS on page 11 here? I'd appreciate it.)
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Umm ok, i just wish to say if anyone mentions me in further posts i apologise i am not on, i am having trouble irl, i have a hass essay to write and i have lost all my energy staying up, very sorry for the inconvenience to you as a roleplay creator, i will still occasionally check up and see if things majorly change.

You don't need to apologize for anything. Life comes first.

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