Castouts (Accepting new characters)

Max thought about where they should go. Clubs were a no go since the girls were under aged. Plus after last night, Chris probably wouldn't like the idea. Also with her blindness, that took out mueseums, movies and ball games. So where coud they go? He thought for a bit before turning to the group. "You know, there's a battle of the bands playing in Central Park tonight. There's bound to be at least one decent act among the many. You guys want to go?"
Katarina's lips twitched into a self-conscious, brief smile as she nods slowly, acknowledging Steven's words to her. "Yeah...secrets, they...we kind of need to stop having them. It's...sort of tearing us all apart."

And she means it, this time, even as she unconsciously fingers the edge of her sleeve. Secrets have done nothing but harm them all, secrets are why they are all scattered in different directions, in danger on all sides, seemingly. Secrets will have to end between them, and soon.

Katarina keeps her head turned to scan the sidewalks outside the window, and in another five minutes, she passes a cafe on the way towards Max's house. It takes her a moment to recognize three of the four people outside it...Max, her sister, the girl Shira she had met in the park the day before, all with a little girl who looks maybe six or seven. Katarina bolts up in her seat, pointing, and says to Steven with barely concealed excitement, "There she is! It's Chris! Pull over, before she hears us and runs!"

Barely waiting for Steven to do so, she scrambles out of the car before he's quite pulled to a stop, getting out and moving straight to Chris. Taking hold of her wrist, she holds it tightly, ignoring the other three for the moment as she speaks to her. "Chris, we need to talk. All of us. It's really important."
*Not wanting to get out of the car and leave a 14 year old kid in the backseat sleeping Steven decides it's best if he waits in the car with the engine running just in case one of Calico or himself sees them and decides he wants to hurt them again. He stares at the glove compartment where he keeps one of his guns, it's tearing his heart to pieces knowing he's giving up on keeping his promise to his father about making Calico pay for what he did but his father is dead and Calico is no longer a concern of his father who Steven hopes is at peace now besides Kat, Kyle, Chris and even Xander they seem to need him more then his dead father does. Right now he decides that he will really try to put all that behind him and live with Kat and the others but as he looks around the streets he thinks that if Calico showed up right now he's probably jump out of the car walk up to him and without a word blow his damn brains all over the park. He sighs and says under his breath.* Baby steps Steven baby steps.

*Calico stops hitting the bag, it was pretty much done anyway the person inside is probably paste. He looks at Jessie and ignores the money in his hand* How much is there? Cause you're disturbing me so that better be about what? Lets say a million..Is that a million huh? Cause if it's not a million I'm gonna break your knees. *Calico reaches for a spiked bat from the wall when the female gang member steps up and reminds him that he summoned Jessie.* Oh that's right I did "summon" you I like the way that sounds summon it's sounds so regal and proper and shit like that. Well I summoned scum like you so you can put the word out to your girls..But technically they're my girls..Either way I want them to see if anyone is talking about what's happening to my shipments and even more I want a name of who's doing it. Am I clear on what you're suppose to do? And do me a favor take those table scraps and buy yourself a decent suit and ummm just say no to drugs cause you look like shit!
"Same here." Jillian then started laughing quite loudly, covering his mouth and glancing over to see if he had woken up the others. As much as he liked talking to Lionel and Duck was okay, he wanted to have this time to discuss things with Julian. Jillian smiled and shook his head.

"Sorry. I guess I'm technically queer. As I'm not sure if I am a girl or boy, gay or straight doesn't technically work for me. But yes I have found I am exclusively attracted to males and males only," Jillian explained. He was quite please that Julian seemed to take his confession well. He could see him relaxing and that made this situation better. He still didn't know how to handle what he learned last night, but at least for now, things were okay. He was glad for that.

"But no one here will judge you. The workers and volunteers are very open-minded, since this is a shelter and many kinds of people walk through that door for help. And of course I won't and I believe neither will Lionel." Jillian nodded. "Now shall we go shopping?"


Bands? Music? Chris was pleasantly surprise by the suggestion. She didn't need her eyes to listen to music and she was quite thankful that Max had suggested it. He really was a sweet guy and Chris wondered if he would ever see a street rat like herself, poor, blind and living in an abandoned hotel, as anyone worth his time. She decided that it didn't matter. Not now.

"That a lot of fun. I'm for it if the others are." Chris whipped her head to the side just in time for her sister to reach her and grab onto her. Chris listened and frowned, then tried to yank herself out of her sister's hold.

"But...will it take long? What happened?"

This was not what Jessie wanted to walk into; Calico was angry, angry enough that he seemed to have forgotten why he summoned Jessie. As the man noticed him, after beating two punching bags he knew by now were filled with people, he questioned the bills in the pimp’s hand. It was table scraps, but anything would be compared to the money that this man had. As he reaches for a bat, Jessie take a sp back but luckily the woman reminds him why Jessie is here.

As he talks, Jessie remembers something one of his girls had told him already, but he wasn’t sure if it had anything to do with the shipment. Heck, Calico was angry already, and if it helped the man then Jessie might get what he actually wanted. The man was still yelling at him though, and after refusing the money so he could by himself a suit, Jessie sighed.

“I’ll tell em’… but I found out something interesting already” not one to walk away without his fix, he steadily offers Calico a deal. “You give me my order, and I’ll tell you the details” he offers, remembering that a customer of Ginger’s owned a gun shop. Calico might be interested to know who came in to buy…and what they bought.


It’s like Hailey’s a deer caught in the headlights, as she stares down the strangers that approached her. The girl with the red hair was asking her questions, and she felt a frown mar her features, what was she supposed to say? It’s not like she lived there, but she didn’t really live anywhere…she usually spent her nights inside Jessie’s house.

“Yeah…” she answers indiscriminately, the answer to both questions; then gives the girls a closer look. Why were they asking if she lived there? They didn’t look old enough to be police, which was lucky for Jessie since he didn’t actually own the house. There was something in the redhead eyes that made her heart clench though, feeling the pain of yesterday night still in her bones. Hailey leans against the building next to her, “Can we sit?” she requests, “My legs are still a little asleep” the lie comes as easy as breathing now.

She was used to it.
Julian flinched when Jillian laughed, and looked down, his face reddening, shoulders hunching inward. Jillian was laughing at him...was he mocking him? Did he think that Julian was as terrible as everyone else did....did he think he was pathetic?

But in a few moments Jillian is speaking, and his tone is warm, reassuring....Jillian is gay too, or "queer" as he says. Julian looks up, relieved, somewhat annoyed with his own self for his sensitivity. Jillian would not laugh at him..Jillian was laughing with him. Jillian was relieved...maybe he could at least a little bit understand.

Everything Jillian was saying to him could not have been more in line with what Julian had wanted and needed to hear. Jillian wouldn't judge him...Lionel and the workers here wouldn't. Jillian still wanted to be with him, help him...and...Jillian liked boys.

A slow, awkward smile flickered across Julian's lips, and he stepped towards him slowly, a small bit of hope warming his insides as he nodded. "Okay."


"It will take however long it takes," Katarina insisted to Chris, not releasing her hold on her arm as she tugged at her, barely glancing back at Shira, Max, and Abi with her as she briefly addressed them. Normally she would be embarrassed to be seen again by Shira, after their last encounter, but she was too intent on her sister to really think about it at the moment.

"I've got Kyle and Steven in Steven's car, and we're going to go find Xander...come on, Chris, this is important. We'll take you back to Max later if you want, okay? We need to do this now."

It's about ten minutes into Rikarah's walk and she is still unsure of where, precisely, the man from the zoo might be. She is cursing herself now for not taking the opportunity, as she well should have, to try to penetrate his thoughts, see who and what he is, and where he likely spends his days. She finds herself gravitating towards the area where the zoo was located, though she knows very well that it is unlikely she would come across him there again, and she has no money on her to pay for the admission anyway.

But what she does come across is almost as interesting and welcome...after another fifteen minutes of walking, she becomes aware of a presence behind her, someone following behind. Turning her head just enough to see, Rikarah realizes that the child from the restaurant is behind her...Lei, the little girl who was looking for the very same man Rikarah was. The man who was her father.

Rikarah smiled, for this too could be useful. She made a show of turning casually, then seeing the child behind her, stopped and smiled, stepping nearer.

"Well, hello. Are you lost?"
(Kinda concerned how Calico's gonna handle having a little toddler as his daughter after seeing the way he acts :P Should be fun >.> Though I feel bad for crushing Lei's dreams of a perfect daddy :( Oh, and yeah, Lei's 'story' is going a bit slow so I'ma show her power to Rikarah :P )

Lei had been infact following Rikarah for a while, wondering not only where the girl was going, but also how she knew her dad, how should she approach her? Should she just outright ask her? Should she try and sneakily find out?

Does she know where Lei's dad is?

When the girl notices her, Lei decides it is now or never, and if she sees nothing of interest then she can just play it off as stumbling. So she takes off her gloves, pretending she hasn't noticed Rikarah has noticed her, and when the brunette pixie calls out to her, Lei looks up and smiles. "Hi!" She is near enough to Rikarah now, and she stumbles forward, her bare hand gripping Rikarah's exposed wrist as though she is steadying herself. Her palms make contact with Rikarah's skin and she closes her eyes as the slideshow begins.

She sees Rikarah being born - always the gross part of her power - then it speeds up. She catches glimpses of Rikarah's home life, her sister swearing at her and mocking her, her mum ignoring her and her dad being a bit odd, creepy even, then she sees Rikarah kill her dad; but doesn't catch the part about her killing her mum and sister also. At this shocking memory, seeing the blood splatter and the glittering in Rikarah's eyes Lei's own eyes shoot open as she gasps lightly.

Her eyes are completely white. There isn't even a faint stirring of colour in them, even the black pupil is gone, and as she stares up at Rikarah with the white eyes she sees more and more of her life, and she doesn't know she is staring at the girl. She sees Terabithia walking with Rikarah, talking to her, she also sees another girl, with brown hair and blue eyes and sees Rikarah meeting Lei herself in the diner. Then she sees Rikarah at a zoo of some sorts, with the Terabithia girl, and she watches as Rikarah commands the men to shoot themselves.

Her eyes return to normal and she pushes herself back from Rikarah, looking up at the girl with an almost fear in her eyes. "You...You killed your Dad, those them shoot themselves." The small girl is too shocked to even move, knowing she is in the presence of a killer, a killer who was evil enough to hurt her own Dad, but if she could move, she would have ran by now. She has bumped into killers before, but she hadn't interacted with them as thoroughly as she has Rikarah, and she certainly had never met one who had killed their own dad. " killed your daddy"

To her, killing your own daddy, it was evil. Scary. Wrong. She couldn't process it as she stared up at Rikarah with a paling face and fearful eyes.


Terabithia nodded, "Blue is a nice person." When Max speaks of taking a vacation, Terabithia frowns lightly, "That does sound like a lot of fun, but Blue would need to come with me, she looks after me and she needs to know where I am most of the time." She smiles brightly now, "Plus, I think Blue also needs a va...vacation."

Terabithia lets a smile grow on her face once again as Max speaks of a battle of the bands, "Really? My mummy and daddy met at one of those! Can we go to see it? Pleaseeeeee!" She is bouncing lightly in her seat, thrilled with the prospect of going to a place that her mummy and daddy loved, assuming she'd love it to, that she barely notices the approaching girl until she has grabbed Chris, seemingly wanting to take her away from them, and not knowing the girl is her sister she jumps up and runs over, standing beside Chris almost protectively as she frowns lightly at Katarina.

"Hey! You can't take Chris away! We're having tons of fun and I just had a nice brownie, and now we're gonna go see battle of the bands thing together and Chris wants to go too!" Seeing that Chris is trying to pull away, this only makes Terabithia's frown deepen as she speaks again, "Stop it, you're hurting her!" Terabithia's eyes water as she tries to make Katarina let go of Chris, "You can't just go up to people and take them away unless you're the police or services! And you don't look like neither of them!"


Xander and Natalia were sat side by side in the Theatre still, and were both done with training for now, Xander, still a bit peeved that he couldn't shoot electricity balls like Natalia could, sighed outloud. "How come I can't do it?" Natalia rolled her eyes and stood up, "I told you Xander, I have no idea." He frowned up at her as she began to walk to the exit, "Where you going?" She paused and looked back at him, "I need to find Terabithia, it's getting late." Xander jumped up then, "Well she's not in the building, obviously, so how about I help you look outside? I need to head home anyway, me and my siblings need to have a serious talk." Natalia frowned as they exited the theatre and began to walk down the street together, "Siblings? You never mentioned siblings." Xander shrugged, "We just had a massive argument, didn't really want to."

Natalia found herself still frowning, she had never had a sibling, and thought it was odd that they were all on the streets together, "What..and you all live on the streets together?" Xander rolled his eyes, "Actually, we live in a broken down motel, to be exact, but yes, all four of us." Natalia's eyes widen, "You've got three siblings? I've never even had one." There was a pause, "Is it hard?" "What?" "Being the oldest, I'll assume you're the oldest, since you're old." Xander scoffed, "I'm only seventeen." "You're avoiding the question." Another pause. "Yeah, kinda. I mean, you have to be the responsible one. You have to be the one who looks after them all, and with siblings like mine, that's extremely hard to do. I mean, one starts fires, one's blind and the other..." He trailed off, "The other's my twin sister, and she certainly has a mind of her own."

He couldn't believe he almost told this girl, this girl he had known for a few hours at best, that his twin sister self-harmed. "So.." He spoke quickly, changing the subject, "What's Terabithia look like?"
(God I hope this is the type of action girls fall for. Or at least something Kat won't hate Max over.)

As Max watched the interaction between Chris and Kat. Chris still probably needed a breather even if Kat wasn't a bad sister. He smirked to himself as he thought of a plan. He began whispering to Abi and Shira. "My car is just around the corner. It's the black coupe. I don't have thhe doors locked so when I say 'go' run and get in, okay?"

Shira nodded. Something about this plan seemed devious or at least rebellious.

Again, in a hushed voice so that only those three could hear, he said, "Ready? Set? Go!"

At that moment, he yanked Chris out of Kat's grip, hoisted her body over his shoulder and ran like hell. He looked over his shoulder with a triumphant gaze and yelled, "I'm going to be borrowing your sister for the night!" He sprinted around the corner and headed to his car.

Shira had gotten in first and was waiting in the back seat. Max got in as quick as he could and lightly tossed Chris over into the passenger's seat. Shira adjusted the blind girl's seat belt as Max floored the gas pedal. He drove fast so that whatever vehicle Kat was in couldn't follow them. As an extra safety precaution, he twisted up and down random roads. He knew New York like the back of his hand but needed to confuse any followers.

The coupe eventually skidded to a stop in front of Central Park near the battle stage. He turned around to the girls in his car. "Everyone still alive?"

Shira nodded. She felt the adrenaline kick in during the ride and she was super pumped for whatever came next.
Katarina had been paying little attention to Terabithia's presence- that is, until the kid has the nerve to get in between them. Katarina frowns down at her, now wondering exactly who she is. She tries to smile at her and reassure her, but it doesn't look very genuine in her worry.

"Look, I'm her sister, it's okay...I'm not hurting her. We just need to talk. She can come back later, right Chris?"

But Chris has no time to respond even if she wanted to, because suddenly Max is wrenching her from Katarina's grasp and throwing her into the car. Katarina stands still, stricken, as he tears off with her sister and the other two girls in his car. She cannot believe her eyes. After a few moments she screams after them both, "CHRISTINA! MAX, WHAT THE HELL!?" but she knows she will never catch up to them, not at that speed.

Frustrated, she screams a swear word after them and punches the wall of the cafe twice before turning back to Steven and Kyle, sliding into the front seat and slamming the door. "I'm killing her. Let's just go home...oh yeah, we don't have one of those. Let's just go."


Lei's stumble looked suspicious to Rikarah even before she grabbed hold of her, and Rikarah tensed, not pulling away at first. If the child has a power, she wants to see what it is before she defends herself. And with that man from the zoo as her father, it's likely she does.

As the child's eyes go white and roll back in her head, Rikarah tenses, then pulls her arm away from her fast. She knows looking at Lei that the child is having a vision...of something to do with Rikarah, no doubt. Can she too read minds, with physical contact? What has she seen?

The child's words are not reassuring. She is frightened of her...and she now knows entirely too much. If Lei were older and less innocent, Rikarah would know exactly what she must do. That, of course, was kill her. Protect herself...keep her own secret.

But Lei is a child, one of the few that Rikarah would feel deserved protection. She cannot help what she knows...and it is up to Rikarah then to sway her.

She sighs, then kneels before Lei, looking directly into her eyes as she speaks to her very softly.

"Yes," she tells her, first looking to be sure no one else is approaching. "Lei, have you ever met anyone who was a very bad person? Those father...they were very bad people. There are many men like that...they will hurt little girls, and older girls, if people do not stop them. If you will come with me, perhaps I can help you understand."

She paused, then said softly, "You are special. You see things others cannot. I am like you. It is difficult at times to have our abilities...and sometimes it is cruel. But it is as it is, and no more."
*Max picked the wrong night and wrong place to try to show off, pulling a fancy car into Calico's territory it didn't take long for a couple of his gang members to see the car and they wasted no time in trying to take it. 2 male gang members step in front of the car, they're the distraction to keep Max's attention while two more come from behind taking advantage of Max's policy of not locking his doors, he yanks the door open and before Max can react slams the butt of his gun into the side of Max's head, then pulls him out of the car. while his buddies pull out their guns and point them at everyone.*

GET OUT THE F@$KING CAR OR I'LL BLOW YOUR DAMN HEADS OFF! *One of them fires twice in the air before pointing his gun back at them.*

*Steven has to wait for Kat to run back to the car before he can take off after Max and Chris* What the hell just happened? *slams his fist into the dashboard as he pushes his car..yeah Max has his fancy European piece of crap and as fast as it is nothing leaves good old american muscle in the least if he could have taken off after them as soon as he pulled out but waiting for Kat to finish her fit gave Max to big of a headstart.* I told you I didn't trust that guy didn't I? I swear when I catch him I'm going to break his richboy neck!
"Did you see that...he just...that little girl got in my way, she was acting like I was hurting CHRISTINA or something," Katarina spat, her hands clenched into fists in her lap, jaw tensed as she stared down at the floorboard. Now that she's so angry with Chris, though she had seemed to have not had the idea herself, she's calling her Christina all the way, almost like a parent. "I was barely touching her! We have to talk, our whole damn family if you can even CALL it that is totally losing it, and that's just proof! I can't talk to her without her taking off 100 miles an hour, literally!"

She opened and closed her fists reflexively as she continued. "I told her we needed to talk, to come with me, and that idiot just grabbed her and said he's stealing her for the day...what the hell ever. Just go home, Steven, I don't even care. Let her go, that's all she ever did anyway back with our parents...just let her do whatever the hell she wants, let everyone do whatever the hell they want. Don't look for Xander, don't look for anyone..just...whatever."

She does care, of course, very much. But it was so much easier to try not to.
Sorry Kat I can't do that, she wouldn't even know him if I hadn't taken you two out that night, you don't understand Kat I can't risk it, someone like him with all his money he could do something to her and make her disappear and we'll never see her again. Do you want to risk that? *But he does stop the car and grabs his cellphone.* I have a friend in the Traffic Department, if we're lucky he's working tonight. *He dials his buddy and he does get lucky, he describes the car and where he saw it last then hangs up.* It will take him sometime to do anything but he promises to call me back. Kat we'll find her then we'll find Xander I promise. *He reaches over Kat to the glove compartment and grabs the black Sig 224 he kept in there.* I know I promised I'd stop but just this one last time...If he puts up a fight and refuses to give her back...just one more time Kat I promise. *placing the gun in his lap and pulls out's only a few minutes his friend calls back after tracking the car with traffic cameras he tells Steven they lost the car entering Central Park.* The park is huge but only a few areas where the cameras are out and that's because the gangs knock them out so many times they don't bother putting them back up. *The sound of Steven's charger sounds like thunder as he pulls into the park and slows down scanning for Max's car.* This is still gonna take awhile but I'm not giving up.

*Calico thought his business with Jessie had concluded but when he talks about information he'll give to Calico under a condition he turns around with a fire in his eyes* Are you trying to set a condition with me? Do I have to remind you that you don't exist without my blessing, everything you got you got from me so whatever you think you know you got about 2 seconds to tell me before I crush your skull with my bare hands..And if this information is useful I may spare your miserable life and reward you with a taste..Just a taste because the last thing I need is my employees using the product and then do something stupid like coming to me and trying to set some sort of condition for something that is rightfully mine! *Calico hammers in his point by snapping the bat in half with his bare hands.* Talk or die!
Terabithia grins at Max's words, this sounds like fun, so she nods eagerly and when he shouts go she takes off after Shira, a bit behind the girl but still keeping up as they pile into the back of the car, Terabithia's eyes are wild with excitement and she can hear her heart thudding with the thrill. This is a lot of fun, running away with three older people, she feels much included, glad that they didn't leave her out just because she was the little one, and infact herself feels rather grown-up sitting in this car beside Shira.

But then the scary stuff happens.

There are suddenly people, and guns, a gun to Max's head, and then someone is swearing, telling them to get out of the car, and Terabithia finds herself pressing against Shira, her heart now pumping so quickly from the fear, and her eyes now wide with worry and confusion. She whispers to Shira as she huddles beside her, not sure what to do, "Sh-Shira...who are these people? Wh-why do they have guns.." She is stuttering lightly in her whispers from the fear as she stares wide eyed at the man pointing the gun at Max.


Lei is still unable to run as Rikarah sighs, when she begins to speak, Lei is determined that there is no excuse, no excuse for killing your own daddy. But then she speaks of bad people, bad people who would hurt little girls, hurt Lei, hurt older girls. And Rikarah sounds just like Lei's mummy. Lei can remember bad people, she can remember the panic in her mummy's voice as she told Lei to hide, told her that bad people were coming and they would hurt Lei if they found her.

They still hurt her mummy anyway.

Lei slowly finds herself nodding, subdued now as she puts the gloves back on to protect her power, and she speaks very softly, almost like a child who has been scolded, "You sound just like my mummy did. She had a power too, and it saved me from people who mummy said would hurt me, but they hurt her anyway." She looks up at Rikarah gingerly, "I'll come with you." She declared softly, holding out her gloved hand to the brunette so that she could lead her where she wanted to go.

Maybe...just maybe what Rikarah did was okay. If her dad was like the men who killed her mummy, then maybe.


Natalia and Xander were still walking when the screech of a car made them both look up, both of their eyes widened at the same time in a comical fashion as Xander spotted Chris in this speeding car, sitting in the front, and Natalia spotted Terabithia, in the back. "There's Chris!" "There's Terabithia!" Their voices mixed together as they shouted, then Xander bolted off to follow the car and Natalia did the same.

Luckily for them, the car was halting to a stop anyway, and they both paused in their tracks, ducking behind a nearby post box as they saw the guns. "Sh*t" Natalia muttered, "How many did you see?" "About four, two infront of the car, two beside it." "Terabithia's in that car." "So's Chris." Xander then had once again cursed himself for not having a gun, he shoved down the self-anger and did the first thing that came to his head. He stepped out from his spot, not having done anything offense yet, and held his hands up in surrender to show he wasn't a threat. "Don't shoot!" He had a very good feeling that these gang member's were Calico's, and that pissed him off enough for him to want to shock them into a coma. But to do that, he had to get closer.

He looked to Chris in the car, "Chris, get out of the car, get out of the car and come over here." He needed his baby sister by his side if he was to save her. Also, by telling her to get out of the car he hoped the gang members would see him as almost helping them.

Natalia meanwhile, jumps out from cover and holds out her hands, blasting the gang member with the gun to Max's head so hard that the force of the blue electricity that he flies back and hits the wall, hitting his head hard enough to knock him out cold as his gun drops beside Max. A shot is fired in her direction and she ducks back behind the post box and called out, "You let the little girl go and I won't fry the rest of your brains out! GOT IT?" If she heard so much as a mutter of 'no' then she would kill the first gang member she saw. She patted herself, as if looking for something, before pulling out her pistol - she did live on the streets afterall - and holding it to herself. She was sparking majorly, and the gang members could probably hear that.
(Well mow seems a good a time as any to introduce Lucy.)

Max was hit in the head before he could reach for the handgun strapped to his ankle. But he wasn't knocked out. Amateurs. Still, with a gun to his head there wasn't much he could do. He actually thought about going along with their demands. He had three more cars at home after all. Losing one was no a problem. His top priority were the passengers. He couldn't let any harm come to the dominos or Abi.

The warning shots gave Shira a migrane. She brought her hands to her head as a pulsing pain went through her skull. Soon a circus melody filled her head. Images of children flashed before her as the lyrics of a song were sung in the background.

Deep in thw woods, lost in the shadows

Hidden from God, there is a show

Suddenly the pain stopped. A smile formed on Shira's face and she began laughing. Ufufu. She grabbed the hand of the gang member that had held her. A thin frost formed on his skin. The man tried to pull away but Shira held on tight, digging her nails into the man's skin. He could feel his blood getting colder. She turned briefly to Abi. "Want to see something fun?"

She then climbed onto the man, using his head as a leaping off point as she jumped into a tree. She was still laughing, ufufu. The man fired a few shots in her direction but she seemed to dance around them, humming that circus tune. Two bullets managed to graze her leg. She stopped and smiled at the man. "No interruptions during my show."

Then a burst of filthy water shot from a sewer grate and slammed into the gang member's skull. Much went into his mouth. "On the house."

Max was wide eyed at the display. A water user. As a ball of electricity knocked Max's holder down, he quickly grabbed the gun from the fallen gangbanger and his own. His first move was directed toward Chris since another girl was there to taken care of Abi. He pushed the barrel of his gun into the man's back. "Seventh vertabrae down from the base of the neck. Damage to this can produce paralysis in the lower extremities. I wonder if you can even be called a man if that particular organ can't work. Now let the girl go before I turn you into a woman,okay?" All this time, he never once let his princely smile falter.
*While slowly driving in the park looking for Max's car the sound of gunshots get Steven's attention, true this being Central Park gunshots are common but he has no other clues where to go, the sound of his car roars again as he speeds up and does what most people have sense to not do and that's head towards gun fire but Steven is a marine and well used to the sounds of the battlefield. After a few quick turns he sees Max's car surrounded by gangbangers and they looked like they were being carjacked and somehow turned the tables on them but they were far from out of danger. Steven pulls his car just a few feet from the front of Max's car and stops, hitting his High Beams to blind everyone.* WAIT HERE! *He directs Kat jumping out the car with his gun in his hand. He wastes no time messing with the Gangbangers and uses the distraction to rush Max shoving the gangbanger Max was playing with to the side and slams his fist into Max's princely smile.* YOU SON OF A *****! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU! IS THIS A GAME TO YOU DOES THIS LOOK LIKE IT'S FUN. NOW STAY DOWN OR BE PUT DOWN FOREVER! *He holds his gun on Max for a second but when the gangbanger gets up Steven fires at the guy and hits him in the chest. Then points it back at Max* Now we want Chris and then you can get back in your European Toy and get out of here!
With all this action going on, Shira turning creepy and freezing people, Blue shooting electricty, guns going off and lights flashing from no-one, people yelling. Terabithia can't handle it. She can't. She begins to shake, closing in on herself as she wraps her arms around herself protectively.

She's scared. Where's Blue? Where's Rikarah? Anyone? She's alone. So alone.

Tears begin to drip down the child's face as she shakes with fear. She begins to sob lightly, and she falls down onto her butt, sitting on the floor as people shout around her and fire more bullets. "BLUE!" She cries out, sobbing heavily with fear now. "BLUE HELP!" She cries out again as a body falls beside her, a dead one. And she crawls away from it. She's so scared.


Xander's eyes widen at the sudden events, Shira - the girl from the park - is suddenly laughing, as if this is a game, and she is freezing, yes freezing, a gang member. Shira has a power? But then she has flipped into trees, and is humming a creepy circus tune, much like a child in a horror movie, more water. Then a light was blinding him, and for the fact that he couldn't see because of the stupid car, he marched over to it and placed his hands on both headlights. Electricity sparked then the lights turned off, as though they had been overpowered, and Xander frowned to see Katarina in the car, and Kyle asleep in the back.

"Kat?" He was utterly confused, then he heard the sounds of terrified sobbing, his eyes widened and he spun around to see Terabithia on the floor, clearly petrified, and he blinked as he suddenly smelt smoke, and heard screams, he could see red, red fire, and more screams of Kat, Kyle, Chris, Alice. Alice had sounded like that. That's the last thing he heard from his baby sister, the same horrified, chilling screams and sobs. He couldn't handle it. He strode over to the little girl and picked her up swiftly, carrying her over to the car, pulling the back door open and plonking her down beside Kyle as he spoke soothingly, "Terabithia, shush...'s okay." He had heard Natalia refer to girl as Abi, and this seemed to work, because Terabithia's sobs died down to a frightened sniffle and hiccup as she spoke in a fearful whisper, "B-Blue, is Blue dead?" Xander shook his head, "Wait here Terabithia, calm down ok? It's fine, it's just silly people." He shut the door, glanced to Katarina as if to say 'Be nice to her' Before venturing into the fight with sparking hands and two objectives.

Find Natalia. Save Chris.


Terabithia meanwhile, had glanced to the boy beside her, then the girl in the front, hiccuped, and curled herself up into a tiny ball as she looked out the window with wide eyes. Another gun shot rang out and she jumped, hiding her face in her knees as she stifled another sob.
Rikarah smiled down at Lei gently, relieved that she was reconsidering her fear and suspicion of her, but did not show it in her face. She merely took the child’s hand and continued to speak to her softly.

“Do you have anywhere to stay? You can come stay with me, if you would like. I have some friends I live with. Some of them have powers too. There is another little girl who is about your age, with a funny name. Terabithia. I think you would like her. For now, why don’t you come home with me. It’s not safe for you to be alone on the streets, where bad men like my father can get you and hurt you. Then we can talk about what you would like to do and any help you might need. That is something I do- help people. Keep them safe.”

It is true in a roundabout way, at least in Rikarah’s mind. It looks like finding Calico will have to be postponed…at least for now. She cannot allow the child to roam about alone, especially after her knowledge of what Rikarah has done.


Katarina is surprised but relieved when Steven indicates that he can find Max’s car. As he speeds to the park, where they are located, she holds tight to the door handle until her knuckles whiten. She doesn’t dare speak, scared that Steven will be distracted and crash them at this speed.

But inside the park, what she thought had been fear while driving with Steven is nothing compared to what awaits her there. As Steven jerks the car to the shot, she hears gunshots and screams and bolts upright, her eyes darting…she can see her sister, she can see the little girl from earlier, and Max…Shira…there is so much going on at once. Max has a gun? Max is shooting? Shira is…laughing. Shooting water. A Chinese man…a gang? So many people shooting…Steven is out of the car, Steven is shooting, and people are screaming…Xander? Did she just see Xander? Xander…Chris…

Then Xander is yanking open the car door, depositing the little girl beside Kyle, but Katarina cannot understand him. She is frozen, unable to move or react, as her insides twist with fear. All she can think about is the screaming, the gunshots, and images are flashing through her mind that have nothing to do with the very real chaos outside the car. Her mother, her father, screaming, yelling, the sound of her own bone snapping, of Kyle’s cry of pain…dripping blood, staining her pillow in the middle of the night as her nose bleeds again. The crackle of the flames, Alice, screaming…Alice, dying, beyond her reach…

Katarina remains rigid in her seat, unresponsive to the child sobbing behind her. To her, it is Alice all over again, and there is nothing she can do.
Shira caught sight of Steven and Max, hearing Steven shouting, she stood on the tree branch and twirled around once. "Yes a game. Oh so fun this game is. Ufufu." She leapt down from her place in the tree and landed on the gang member she had nearly drowned earlier. Her smiling face was a mere inch away from his before she slammed his head into the concrete. She wasn't strong enough to kill him on impact or even knock him out. But now with him on the ground she was jumping on his stomach and chest, making him cough up blood. All the while, she was laughing. "Come one and all. See this once in a lifetime show. But beware, this circus is not for the faint of heart. This is God's blind spot!" She stepped off the man, now swaying lightly as she quietly sung her song.

"A two headed clown begins our show

A deformed diva shall sing for you

A temptress who flies across the sky

And a blue beast that likes his food cold"

Max shoved Steven away from him. His nose was bleeding but his smile never faded. It was the way he was taught by his father. It was the way of a businessman. His eyebrow started twitching though as he did his best to stay calm. "Of course this isn't a game. But allowing yourself to show any emotion in front of the enemy proves a big disadvantage. That is the Kennedy way. Everything is a business transaction and you are the salesman." As a Kennedy, Max was never allowed to be seen sad, angry, surprised or scared. His father had drilled that law into his skull too many times for the blond to ever forget.

Another member tried to attack the one of the two guys, Max wasn't sure who. The boy pointed the gun in his direction, still smiling brightly. "We're talking here so piss off." He then emptied most of his cartridge into the asian man's face. He was already ticked off at Steven but he didn't want to harm a domino. But the AWOL's soldier's latest comment really crossed the line. "Well, why don't you ask what she @#$%ing wants?! Don't you think she needs a damn breather?! Couldn't you take the hint when she first ran off?! And how could you just attack that guy like that when he had a gun to her head. He could've put half a clip into her skull before he fell!" Max nearly scowled but took a second to compose himself. Back to his smile, he addressed the man once more and whispered in a voice low enough so that no one else could hear. "No matter how useful you may be to me, even I have my limits."

(Just a note, never ever mention or sing this song because it'll most likely bring Lucy back or make Cas angry and paranoid enough to either try to kick you out or lock Shira away.)
I get a breather just fine but you egotistic jackass, you don't have a clue what's going on here and did you think I was gonna standby while you kidnapped Chris and left her sister standing there crying do you understand how that makes you look? And that jackass wouldn't have had a gun on her if you didn't act like a spoiled brat! Landing us all right smack in the middle of the most insane gang leader's territory in the city! Now I'm gonna say it again we're taking Chris and Xander and leaving and you can go jump in the Hudson for all I care! And if you ever do something like this again I will pull your spine out through your nose! *Scanning the area for more gangbangers and seeing no threats Steven slips his gun back in his jacket but pulls out a knife that snaps open Steven uses it to pop one of Max's tires.* What's going on is not yours or my business this is between them.
"Oh please. As if you could escape gangbangers anywhere in this decaying city. In fact, I wouldn't be surprise if that husk of a building you guys call home were infested with the low lives. Even the area around my place gets gang activity. If you wanted to keep Chris or anyone away from it, you should leave the damn city." Max tossed the now empty gun aside. It was useless now. He took in a deep breath before speaking any more. His voice was calm now. "Look. I'm no Solid Snake or Terminator or whatever, but I have more than enough resources to protect her myself. My family has connections. To hospitals, police, politicians, journalists, even the military. (He doesn't know about Steven yet but just something to maybe put him on edge) With one phone call and a few pretty pleases I can have a case of military grade weapons here within a week. And legally at that." He looked down at the dead bodies now littering the street. "I can have these cleaned up and any trace of them erased from almost any databank I can find."

As Steven pops one of the tires of Max's coupe, the blond angrily throws the keys in his face. "Consider it a gift." He began walking away, wanting to just go home now. But after a few steps, he stopped and without turning around he said, "I'm just as much involved as you are." (He means like how Steven is in this because he likes and wants to protect Kat, the same applies to him and Chris. Although he doesn't like like her yet.)

After the threat disappeared, Shira stopped singing. Her eyes glazed over for a second before she collapsed on the sidewalk. Upon waking up, her head was hurting again, and she was met by Steven and Max's fighting. As the blond boy walked away, he seemed upset to her so she followed him. She didn't intend to but something inside of her just wanted to see if he was okay or something. Soon she was right beside him. "Are you okay?"
Important? Chris could tell that something was up with her sister. Although she'd rather not deal with it at the moment, Chris knew that she would go with her sister. It sounded like things were not well either and this worried the girl.

She opened her mouth to agree to go with Kat and to tell the others that she would return later after she learned what was happening. She did not expect Max to kidnap her and she let out a shriek of surprise when he grabbed her. She flailed for a moment. Not many people touched her and she didn't expect Max to just pick her up.

She let out a burst of laughter though when she was dropped into the car. Oh Kat was going to be pissed, but Chris didn't mind as much as she knew she should. She'd make it up to her sister and if she went after Max, Chris would be sure to defend him. It couldn't be that important unless...

No. Chris wouldn't think like that.

But things were not going to go well at all. When they were stopped, Chris was confused. What was going on. She let out a scream as she felt Max get hit and then them shouting at her.

Chris fumbled at her seatbelt and the door alternatively, not wanting to get shot. She began to whimper a little bit, having trouble with both the door and seatbelt in her nervous and mad attempt to do as they said.

Chris had always worried about being killed. She was blind and so a target for people. But Chris was rarely alone and she had managed not to get herself into trouble. But the fear of being hurt, it was overwhelming. She didn't want to go like this.

Suddenly she heard her brother's voice call out to her. Calming herself, she got out of the car and moved towards him. Of course things weren't quite done going to hell. She looked to where someone - Shira? - had gone and then felt a weird movement. Water or some kind of liquid. Then she felt Max moved and she breathed a sigh of relief. He was threatening one of the people attacking them, but he was okay. Still Chris moved to Xander.

Of course Steven had to join them as well. He was yelling at Max and this upset Chris. Max had done nothing wrong. Why was Steven being an ass to him? Threatening him.

"I swear to God Steven, you hurt Max I won't ever come back. Leave him alone." But she wasn't even sure if he heard him.

Then they started arguing. Chris covered her ears. This was all too much for her. She collapsed on the shot, starting to sob. Tears didn't fall, but the rest of it acted as if she was crying. She shook her head.

"Stop it! Just stop it! Please..." Chris shook her head again and again. She was terrified of what had happened. And now Steven and Max were fighting and things were just.. bad. 'I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," she whispered.
Raekel did not quite believe Hailey's words, but she wouldn't press her. At least not yet. She looked Hailey over again. A rage she had not felt in quite some time threaten to come forth and take over. But Raekel wouldn't allow that. Scaring off the girl would not be good at all. She wanted to help her after all.

"That's okay with me," Raekel said. She glanced at Liselle and smiled a little. She had no idea why she dragged the stranger into this mess, but she hadn't left yet. Which said something about the girl. She just didn't know if she stuck around for curiosity sake or because she actually didn't have anything better to do, so why not? Or maybe she intimidated her enough. Raekel chuckled at the thought.

"You don't mind if I smoke do you?"
When Calico got angry yet again, Jessie just kept his mouth shut. It was probably the best idea in this situation, especially since the man was just beating people to death. The man had truly given him everything though, but Jessie knew for a fact that he needed him. There was no one who could work the girl’s this well and Calico would probably end up killing someone every night in his position. Not that the man actually minded or anything…

Jessie needed the drugs though, so he would at least accept the offer Calico presented him, even if it was just a taste.

“One my girl’s said a regular customer had a Steven Aaron come into his gun shop and purchase ammunition. Not just any regular stuff, Calico…but things that even had the owner suspicious and you know how those guys are…” he explains. “The name ring any bells?” he asks the man, before noticing some commotion between the gang members. Something must’ve been happening out in the streets…


Sliding down the building and making a seat of the sidewalk, Hailey sighs, rubbing her face before adjusting her sleeves. The bruises around her wrists were still bright, and she’d rather not have the girl’s ask about them. When another question is directed her way she seems to stiffen though, until she realizes it is simply the girl wanting to smoke.

“No, you can…” she notes, picking absently mindedly at her nails,

Hailey was trying her best not to invite conversation…they had approached her in the first place, after all. The girl also didn’t want to initiate something that she didn’t want to finish either, like if they asked about Jessie. A sigh passes her lips as she tries to push it out of her mind.
*a boy was sitting on a building with the madness going on down below he didnt even notice it, untill a bird landed on him, startled.....he fell off*"owwwwwwh", he groaned"stupid birds always startleing me.....*he notices the fighting and bullets flying around him*"when....what is this? how did this happen?
(([MENTION=3358]runeofflame[/MENTION] , If you want to join in on the fun, you'll need to sign up HERE first, and then get approved by Faith Eliza Cord. Please be aware most role plays need you to sign-up first :3))

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