Castouts (Accepting new characters)

Xander had re-entered the fight by now, and watching the interaction between Steven and Max. They were both being stupid idiots and were majorly ticking him off. Then he heard his baby sister, Chris, the sounds of her sobbing and crying out words of apology. He looked around, trying to spot her through all this mess. He noticed a girl on the ground and marched over, instantly recognizing Chris. He dropped down to her and began to hush her as though she were a baby, as he had done with Terabithia, "Shush...Chris, it's alright, Steven's just overreacting, we're going back to the motel now alright? We'll get this all sorted out, don't worry." As he whispered in this soothing tone he gently picked up his little sister in a princess carry and headed back to the car, he noticed Katarina's expression, her rigidness and kept his lips pressed together from the anger he was experiencing. His twin was so petrified she couldn't move, couldn't speak. His youngest sister was reduced to a pile of sobs and cries and there was a damn toddler in the middle of all this.

He was pissed. Not at them of course. No. Max had brought Chris here, and Steven had brought Kat here. He was annoyed at them. He put Chris in the back of the car beside Terabithia, who seemed a bit less scared when she saw someone she recognized, and went to shut the door when he felt an arm on his shoulder. He looked back with exhausted yet mad eyes to see Natalia there. "I'll take Abi, we need to get back to the theatre." Xander looked to the hiccuping, sniffling toddler and nodded to the car. "Get in, I'll drop you home." "But--" "Get in the damn car Natalia." Xander ground his words out and Natalia knew not to mess with that tone as she also clambered in the car, it was a bit squashed until Terabithia climbed onto Natalia's lap and clung to her, still hiccuping and sniffling, shaking even.

Xander then, shut the back door, opened the driver car door and clambered in, slamming the door shut and only pausing to check his siblings were all in the car before pulling away from the scene. Steven and Max could go f*ck themselves for all he cared. His hands were gripping the wheel so tightly that his knuckles were turning white and he sped away from the scene so fast that no-one would be able to catch up on foot.

Chris, Kyle, Terabithia and Natalia in the back. Check. Katarina in the front beside him. Check. Everyone who mattered to him was in this car, and that's all he cared about.

Terabithia, in the back, managed to look over at Chris, seeing she was also upset, and she held out her hand, gripping Chris's one lightly in her own tiny hand as she whispered, still shaking a bit, "Chris? Are you hurt?" Her words sounded more like a scared whimper than anything else. Natalia remained silent, not trusting anyone in this car besides Abi and MAYBE Xander, however, she did look over at the boy who was asleep beside Chris and rose an eyebrow. How did he manage to sleep through all that?


Lei is silent still as Rikarah speaks, can she trust this girl? No, no she can't. But she is right. Lei has no-where to go, no-one to stay with, and it is dark, and cold, and she already had to run away from a few bad people who she had met on these streets.

But was Rikarah one of them?

Then Terabithia is mentioned, and this sparks Lei's interest. Terabithia.....where had she heard that name before...? That was it! Terabithia knew about her dad aswell as Rikarah, and it is this thought, combined with the others, that compels Lei to nod her head cautiously, as though she could change her mind at any minute. Not only would a place to stay be good, but Rikarah and Terabithia both knew her dad, had met him, and if she was going to find him - which she was - then they would be a good place to start.

"Okay." She half-whispers this, right now, her thoughts are too complex for her to be speaking much, as she needs to organize her mind first, so she doesn't say much else, but her hand is still in Rikarah's, and she has given her the approval to take her to where Rikarah lives.
Katarina didn't begin to snap out of her state of near paralysis, both in body and mind, until the sound of the car engine starting up again penetrated her hearing. The car began to move, and she blinked, once, twice, then slowly turned her head, realizing that they were driving. That they were moving away from the shots, the screams...but she can still hear someone crying. She realizes she is cold, and it makes no sense to her...where are the flames? Why are they driving away, when someone is crying...

"Alice," she says out loud, and then turns her head in the other direction, seeing that Xander is driving. One cold hand reaches out, touching his shoulder, as she continues, "Xander, she was...did you get..."

She turns her head to the backseat and is astonished to see a rather large amount of kids in the back. A teenage girl she doesn't recognize, with a sobbing little girl on her lap...a child who is not Alice. Her brother, sleeping...Chris, who appears to be upset, maybe Alice. Why had he left Alice?

"Xander, Alice-" she repeats, and then it hits her, as she rapidly becomes oriented to the present day and events. The park...Steven, Shira, the shooting men...there was no Alice. There was no Alice.

And where was Steven...was he hurt? Why had Xander left him behind? Had he been shot?

Katarina's face pales again, and she bends over, putting her face in her hands as she fights a losing battle against joining Terabithia and Chris in tears. "Is he dead?"

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"Good," Rikarah tells Lei in the same gentle tone, and she is very, very careful to keep her mind shielded now as she walks with her, making sure the child is holding on securely when they cross streets.

It will be a challenge, if this child lives with them for more than a night, to keep her thoughts guarded from her at all times. But this, Rikarah feels, is the right thing to do. And is that not how she operates- always within what she believes to be right?

"I have food as well, if you would like some," she tells Lei as they come upon the theater. "This is where I live. We have clothes to play dress up in, and lots of room to run and play. My name is Rikarah...what is yours?"

Coming upon one of the front windows, she cups her hands to give Lei a boost up. "Step into my hands."
Xander could feel his guts twisting, getting tighter and tighter as they knotted together. Alice, Xander, she was...did you get... Xander, Alice-

Xander could hear Katarina's confused words, feel her cold hand on his shoulder, Alice. She kept saying Alice. Why wouldn't she stop saying Alice? Then she seems to remember, and Xander could only imagine the pain she is feeling when it re-hits her. But then she is asking if he is dead. He? Who's he----

Xander rolls his eyes,
"No. Steven is not dead Kat. He was beating up Max the last I saw. So I decided to leave the children to their fight. Steven, after what I saw of him the other day, will be fine. He knows where we stay and if he decides to come back then you can see him then, alright? But for now we need to get back to the motel and have a talk. All four of us, okay?" Obviously this doesn't include Natalia and Terabithia, and he glances back to her for a second before looking ahead, "Natalia, do you want me to drop you off anywhere else? Or just back at the theatre."

Natalia could have glared at Xander then, yeah sure, just give away their location to three strangers,
"Just drop us here, we can walk back." "No. It's dark and Terabithia is still shaking." Natalia scoffed at him, but looked down at the child clinging to her and tightened her hold on Abi slightly, "We don't need any help. Just let us out here." "Natalia. Stop being so stubborn." Natalia glared at his back but fell silent anyway. She shifted Terabithia slightly on her lap and as she did so her sleeve rode up a bit, revealing the beginnings of a scar that run up her arm.

Terabithia hiccuped, still holding Chris's hand lightly.


Lei is still silent as Rikarah approaches the theatre with them, speaking of food and clothes, running and playing. Then she realizes she has to respond since she has been asked a question, and as she steps in Rikarah's hands, then being boosted up, she clambers through the window and lands softly on the other side, stepping back for Rikarah to climb in too.

So Rikarah doesn't have a home either? This certainly isn't a house, this is a theatre from what Lei can see as she looks around, and it is defiently not belonging to Rikarah as she had to clamber through the window to get here. And once Rikarah is inside also, she speaks, "My name is Lei." She pauses, "I'm looking for my daddy and I know you've met him. Do you know where he is?" She asks this very seriously, her hands loose at her sides as she watches Rikarah for any sudden moves. She looks around, taking in her surroundings, before looking back to Rikarah a bit more softly.

"Thank you."
Katarina falls silent as Xander tells her that Steven is not dead, that he has simply left him behind. She has her doubts, with all the fighting and gunshots from earlier, but she tries to accept and believe. Steven was in the military, Steven had survived the battle from the night before...maybe he'd be okay. But what if he didn't come back? What if he left, after all of this?

She keeps her hands over her face, trying to slow her breathing as Xander discusses with the other girls where to drop them off. Natalia, and Terabithia, he called them. Katarina's stomach churns as she tries not to think back to the park, to those Alice. Will she always hear her, always be trying to save her? She would never want to forget...but will she always haunt her as her lifetime failure?


Rikarah weighs her possible reactions to Lei's question, finally deciding to herself that the best course would be to not reveal the truth to her quite yet, when the child is surely not ready or willing to hear it. It will do little good to reveal her intentions towards the man, nor the truth of who he is. Instead she shakes her head.

"I do not know where he is," she says truthfully. "But perhaps we can find him together."

She smiles as Lei thanks her. "You are welcome. If you are hungry, I can show you to the food."

She starts to lead her to her own dressing room, meaning to get the leftovers she has stashed on the shelf. The place is quiet inside, and Rikarah assumes that no one is yet home.
*Calico holds up a small bag of drugs in front of Jessie not yet ready to hand them over, he leans in and stares Jessie in the eyes* Steven Arron? Are you sure? *It starts clicking in Calico's mind, Steven has the skills to do something like this both his martial arts and military skill after all he knew Steven went into the Marines after highschool but he thought he was still gone.* This all makes sense now, I guess he found out what we did to his poor parents so now soldier boy is trying to get his revenge. Here take it and here's one more just because I'm such a kind person. *He drops to bags in Jessie's hand* Of course if you're wrong I'll kill you..I'll still kill him but I'll kill you to for wasting my time. *Calico picks up his phone and calls all his generals putting the word out on Steven, he's not surprise when he hears about the incident in the park that went down they even have a info on Steven's car. And using the lowlife version of the telegraph similar to how Steven tracked Max's car only with gangmember lookouts they spot the car. It's not long till Calico is in his car with a bunch of his men are on the trail of the car but Calico gets another call Steven is still in the park. Calico orders everyone into the park.*

*It takes Steven getting his car stolen by the very people he was trying to save for him to calm down and realize as dangerous as this place is, it's not a warzone. He scratches his head with the butt of his gun and laughs* Well it looks like we're both walking now..Unless you want to help me change your tire, looking back that may have been a bit premature to do...Dammit I guess we both went to far with our trying to help, neither of us listened to a damn thing they wanted.

*In a matter of minutes the entire park filled with Calico's men they're not making a move yet but they're making their presence known to Steven. He leans down and picks up Max's keys and walks toward him and gives them to him.* Look I need you to do something for me real quick. Get in your car and drive away as fast as possible..Drive on the damn rim and get out of here...They're not here for you and I can't protect you from this many. Go to Kat and the rest and tell them I'm sorry and I'm sorry for this but it will probably save your life.*Steven strikes Max right in the stomach making him double over and fall to the ground, to make it look good he grabs his wallet and whispers.* Wait till I'm gone then drive the hell out of here! *With that he takes off running away from Max, drawing the gang members away from Max, in the distance Max can here some gun fire then silence.*
Chris found she had no problem with Xander treating her in this manner. She was so upset and confused that she would gladly let her older brother take control of the situation. She made a mental note to apologize to everyone. Her siblings, Shira and Terabithia and of course Max. Max she could only hope that he was okay. That Steven didn't actually hurt him or that one of the people did. She blamed herself for the whole mess. If she had just gone with Kat...

"No I'm not hurt," Chris said to Terabthia, forcing a smile. She squeezed the girl's hand lightly, glad that she seemed okay as well. "Are you okay?" Chris' attention was drawn away though by Kat's words. She felt a sharp pain when she heard her speak about Alice. What if she had been hurt? Chris didn't want to die, but she also didn't want her siblings to loose someone else.

"Kat... Kat I'm so sorry. I didn't think he would do that. I... " Chris trailed off. She could never make this okay. Kat would never forgive her for what had happened. And that hurt her as well.


Jillian was glad to see Julian in a better mood. He looked at Lionel and then to Duck, making a choice.

"Let's go then. I have some time before work. I'm sure the others won't mind if we go. Someone can tell them where we are." Jillian wanted to take this chance of getting to spend time with Julian alone. If he was to figure it all out, he wanted no one else around incase things went south. He also didn't want anyone else finding out, unless Duck already did. He wasn't sure.


Liselle was more curious and frowned at Raekel's asking to smoke. She hated smoking. She may have been a party girl and done some drinking, but she always found cigarettes to be disgusting.

She sat herself down next to Hailey and gave her a small smile. "I'm Liselle by the way. I saw someone else leave your house. Was that your father?"
Katarina didn't respond to Chris's apology, saying nothing at all, and at first does not even move. She is struggling in her strong emotional state not to do something to end the restless, almost painful prickling up and down her arms, legs, and stomach, urging her to do something to knock it back to numbness, hurt herself in some way so she can have another physical sensation to take its place.

She grips her knees hard, digging her nails in, but through the worn material of her jeans it doesn't do any real damage. Taking several deep breaths, she finally lifts her head, staring straight out the window as she finally speaks.

"We'll never be safe, will we...we'll never keep any of you safe. I think...we're less safe here than we were at home. With them."

Her words are soft, almost resigned, and she wraps her arms around herself, saying nothing else before they come to pull into the theater. As they do, she speaks again just before Terabithia and Natalia can get out, to only Chris now.

"Does it even matter to you that we're family anymore...did it ever?"


Julian blinks, thinking at first that he must have misunderstood. Surely Jillian isn't saying that he wants to spend time alone with him...right?

But Jillian is looking straight at him, and when Julian looks back at Duck, seeking his okay, the boy does not seem to mind. He is blushing when he looks back at Jillian and can only briefly meet his eyes.


As he moves to stand beside him, but a distance apart from him, he is trying not to smile, not to have any expectations, but his heartbeat is quickening.
"How could you ask me that question," Chris said. She want tempted to start crying again, but an anger welled up inside her as well. She never thought she'd have this kind of conversation with anyone. She expect Kat to be mad at her, to tell her what she had done was wrong or something. She expected a lecture or a scolding or something. But not that. Never that from her own sister.

"How could you even think that Kat? What kind of person do you think I am? Sure I push away my problems. Sure I tend to shut down instead of coping with things, but I never once stopped caring. Even before. It was easier running from things. I know I am selfish. I did the things I did to protect myself." Chris could not keep the words from spilling out of her. She didn't care who was around to here it. "But after what happened to Alice... You all matter to me Kat. You, Xander, Kyle. You're the only things." She swallowed, her throat tight. "You're the only things that keep me going." Chris then scoffed. "And I'm the one who's actually blind."


Jillian was glad to here him accept that. He moved out of the shelter. He told someone that if Duck or Lionel came looking for them, that they would be out at the thrift store. With that taken care of, he headed outside.

As they walked, Jillian looked at his friend. "So tell me about yourself Julian."
For Katarina, her feelings almost always dictated what she felt to be true, whether it was valid or not. If she felt that she loved someone, then she must, whether or not she had known them a long time. If she felt that someone hated her, then that too must be true. If she felt bad or sad, angry or upset, it was all she could focus on, and her emotions became the only truth and reality of her world in that moment. This, of course, had caused her a good deal of trouble over the past few years, and more so in the past few months, since their homelessness. This was a large influence of her desire to self harm...and it was for this reason that she found it difficult to quite believe or accept Chris's words.

It was rare for Katarina to feel that she was loved by anyone, and even more so to feel like she was understood, that her attempts to protect and provide for her siblings were seen in the way she meant them rather than the way they usually turned out. It was even harder to feel it or not to take it hard and personally when she was shown any sort of rejection. So when her siblings ignored her or pushed her away, yelled at her or were angry with her, it was difficult to remember, let alone feel or fully believe, that they could still care. Especially with Chris.

But this was more than she was capable of putting into words, so she just tensed her jaw, her arms again wrapping around her torso, as she stared at the dashboard. "We're falling apart," is all she says, almost inaudible.


Tell Jillian about himself? Julian almost choked at the thought, pulling at the collar of his shirt nervously, for it felt as though it were choking him. Tell him...what Jillian already knew was more than bad enough. Julian cannot imagine telling him any more than he knew willingly. What would not be boring or pathetic or stupid...what would not make him cringe to think it or say it?

"I...don't know w-what to say," he muttered, shoving his hands into his pockets. "I'm...d-don't have a lot about me."
Cas had been finished with "work" for hours now. He pocketed around 70 dollars today, enough to make up what he spent yesterday. He was tempted to go home right away. New York wasn't the safest place to just sit and hang out. But he couldn't go home too early or Shira might get suspicious. And if she found out that he lied about his motel job, the results could be disastrous. His hypnotism was still the skill of a human. It wasn't like whatever power Shira had used to kill those men years ago. It had holes. To make sure it worked, it was imperative that she trust him. The slightest crack in her faith could break his hold on her.

So he spent most of his time just walking around. He went to the library and read a book. Too bad he couldn't finish it. And he didn't have a parent or id to help get him a library card so he just had to hope that the novel was still there tomorrow. As the sun began to set, he made his way back to the theatre. There were the sounds of heavy gunshots but they were distant so he wasn't worried. Walking past the Salvation Army, Cas decided to look inside. With winter fast approaching, he should probably get some heavy coats.


Max looked down at Shira. "Yeah, I'm okay. That was quite the performance you put on back there. Have you always been able to do that?"

Shira's face was blank with a hint of confusion. "What do you mean? I didn't do anything? I was with you all day, I couldn't have been performing." She was referring to her singing for tips, unaware at the little water show she put on.

Max blinked for a second. Was she serious? He witnessed her shoot water at a man and freeze his hand. Thinking back on the situation, he did notice something. The Shira back then was giggling, playing around as if murdering a man was nothing more than a child's game. Nothing like the calm and serious Shira who was talking to him now. A split personality? This was certainly getting interesting.

The two watched as the DeSantos made off with Steven's car. Max couldn't help but burst into laughter. Karma was a funny character. He turned to Steven, already forgetting their fight before. "Sorry, I don't have a spare with me. I can get someone from home pick us up though."

As the park filled with Calico's men, Max pushed Shira behind him. He was positive she was a domino and he was not going to let harm come to her. But what could he do? His gun was useless. Without ammo, what was he going to do, throw it at them? But then Steven delivered a blow to max's stomach. As the rich boy doubled over and was basically mugged by Steven, he heard the man's plans to lure the gangbangers away. He smiled, and sincerely at that. This was probably the first time someone was helping him without needing to be paid.

As Steven's form was shrinking, Max gathered all the energy he had left and yelled after the soldier. "Hey! You're alright! If we meet again, we should hang out sometime!" Steven was now gone and Max was finding it hard to breathe. Shira helped the boy up and supported him as the two walked away. Max was giving the directions but Shira was probably doing all the talking. It was embarrassing. Being helped by a girl five years younger than him. He smiled weakly. "Guess I'm not much of a prince, huh? Needing the princess to help me."

Shira continued to look forward. She didn't bother making the slightest movement to look back. "Princes are over rated."

As the two made it past Max's doorman, the blond boy pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number. "Hey James. I need to call in a favor. Come on. Pretty please. But there seems to be some gang activity down by Central. Looks like it could get out of hand quickly. Yeah. Okay thanks. I owe you." He sighed in relief as Shira dropped him on his living room sofa. Hopefully that would help in some way. He didn't want to lose a domino after all. No. It was a bit more than that. Maybe Steven could be something of a friend. Nah. In Max's line of work, it was not wise to become friends with the research. He was a Kennedy. Kennedys have connections, not friends.
Chris opened her mouth again. Then she realize she had nothing else to say. The anger grew and she decided that it would be best to just keep her mouth shut anyways. Clearly nothing good was going to come of this at the moment. She decided it was best to just let it go for now. It wasn't like Kat was adding much to the conversation anyways. The blind girl knew she was doing as she always did though. Avoiding the problem. But she wasn't going to try and force her sister to talk to her. Not like it matter.

Chris just hoped that things would get better. They had to at some point right? She didn't know anymore though. It seems as something good happened, bad things always happened as well. Maybe it was best to just accept that their lives were messed up to the point that nothing could make it right. Chris groaned. She just wanted to sleep. So much had happened and she just wanted to rest. Let sleep take away her problems for a while.


"I'm sure that's not true," Jillian said. After all Julian was on the streets as he was. Something had to have happened. Did it involve the murder he claimed to have committed? He thought maybe, but he didn't want to push the boy into anything at the moment.

"Why don't I share my story instead then?"
Christina was not responding to her, at least not with words, and Katarina did not bother to look back behind herself to see her expression. She didn't want to see it. She knew in her own mind what she thought Christina was thinking and feeling, whether or not it was actually true, and that was enough for her. Leaning her forehead against the window, still wrapping her arms around herself, she too fell into silence, the despair that usually enveloped her returning for the moment. With Christina reacting the way she was, and Katarina had a feeling that Kyle, once awake, was going to yell, and then Xander would would they ever talk about anything that mattered calmly? It was impossible. She was stupid to think that anyone could change, or that anything could. When had it ever done that before?


Julian nodded eagerly as Jillian offered to share his story instead. Not only was he very much interested to hear it, but by knowing what Jillian had been through, what was normal to him, Julian would know what he too could share. Of course he could not tell him understanding as he had been so far, surely there were limits to it.

But if Jillian can show him what would not shock him, then maybe Julian can decide what is okay to tell him. What would not make him hate him too much.
When the other girl, Liselle she introduced herself as, had asked Hailey if the other person coming out of the building was her father, she smiled. “A better father then mine ever was” she notes, but with the remembrance of last night, her hands run over her knees and she tries once again to shake the thoughts out. “Did you see where he was going?” she asked absent-mindedly, to Calico she bet, but it wasn’t like she knew what direction that entailed.

At the sounds of gunshots somewhere farther in the city, she grinds her teeth and not for the first time, wishes Calico was dead.


Jessie eagerly grabs the drugs from his Calico’s hands, knowing his information was right without having to worry. Almost on cue, Calico gets on the phone about the man himself and after a few other conversations on the phone he’s ordering them all to the park. Deciding to follow along, just to see what the hub bub is about, Jessie falls in next to a few gang members.

They might need him after all…

When he gets to the park, he hangs behind the gang members, having a rather standard handgun pointed at the fellow. Steven Aaron, this was what he looked like, considering what Calico did to his family, Jessie wasn’t all that surprised that Steve was trying to draw him out. When the man decides to run, the gang members actively follow and Jessie tags along behind them, running past Max and Shira.

((Jessie isn’t aware he has his powers, mostly because you know, it’s normal for people to be normal xP’. I’m guessing he wouldn’t affect Shira’s hypnosis, But Steve better watch out >83. ))
Sebastian’s cell phone went off in his pocket and he quickly pulled it out to check the new message. ‘Deal’s back on. Park in 30 minutes.’ With a sigh he slipped the phone back into his jeans and adjusted his pack, wondering if he could make it back by walking or just catching the subway and playing it safe. Judging his walking time for a good twenty minutes minus complication he sighed and headed towards the nearest entrance. Sebastian liked to be methodical when it came to business, which of course meant showing up before a scheduled time, even if he wasn’t given proper notice.

Not fifteen minutes later and he was as the meeting spot with proper time to spear. Leaning back against the trunk of a tree he pulled out a fresh pack of cigarettes and lit one up. Closing his eyes at the first inhale he allowed himself to finally relax. He was on his second cancer stick before Charlie decided to show his face, late as his typical fashion. “You’re late” Sebastian teased his acquaintance as he neared.

“Yeah yeah” was Charlie’s noncommittal reply as he reached out to shake hands. Money acquired Sebastian reached into his pocket for safekeeping while making it look to onlookers that he was messing with his cell phone. “Got something for ya” he pulled out a slim envelope and passed the so called goods over. “All’s good” Charlie grinned, doing his own pocketing technique before heading off to wherever grime and his kind slinkered off to. “By the way be careful out here, I hear people been getting mugged left and right lately, hell a businessman was tricked and left for dead the other day” he warned, leaving Sebastian with a knot in his stomach.
Raekel highly doubted that the man was her father if Liselle was speaking of the same person she had saw last night. She took a drag on her cigarette, wondering if she should say something about what she saw. Most likely it would scare her off, but Raekel was also not one for subtly nor was she a particularly patient person as well.

She looked at the raven haired girl, waiting to see which way the guy had gone, though she assumed he had taken off in the other direction. "So he's not your father," Raekel said. Hailey had said that, but Raekel wanted to hear it in clearer words.

She lifted her head at the sound of gunfire. A shooting? Wouldn't the first time. As long as it didn't come near them.


Lionel had fallen asleep somewhere in the middle of Julian's and Jillian's discussion. When he had awoken, they were both gone and he recalled Julian admitting to having murder someone. The nearby bed moved when Lionel recalled this, his own past coming back up to the surface. The young boy pushed any thoughts away. He didn't want to deal with that this morning.

He dressed and moved into the other rooms. He learned that both of them had woken up before him and went off. Lionel felt lonely and a little betrayed. Jillian rarely went off without him expect for work and a few occasions. He knew Jillian was not replacing him with the new boy, but he still didn't like it. After all Julian had said he murdered someone. How could Jillian spend time with a killer?

'But aren't you a killer too?'

Lionel swallowed his oatmeal he decided to eat. That was true. And if Jillian took Julian's new well, maybe it was time for Lionel to come clean. Maybe not completely, but enough. Still he felt lonely and he didn't just want to sit around. One of the helpers offered to tutor him as they sometimes did, but Lionel shook his head.

"I'm going out for a walk."

They nodded. Lionel knew he should really be roaming the streets alone, but he felt safe enough. It was day and he had a power. He would be okay. He headed down to central park, but shooting started up and Lionel took off in the other direction, not sure where he was heading now.
*Kyle slowly starts to wake up feeling a bit squished with the new people in the car, he rubs his eyes, quite happy to see his sister Chris is in the car, then he sees Kat and finally Xander but no Steven. It suddenly dawns on him that Xander is driving, he didn't even know Xander could drive everyone the tension in the car could be felt, it's almost suffocating he reaches over and taps Chris on the leg.* Hey what's going on? Where is Steven and why is Xander driving...Xander when did you learn how to drive?

*Calico is parked on the outter edge of the park, hearing all the gun fire he figures it would only be a matter of time before his gang would bring Steven to him but Calico is not a patient man, he only waits for a few minutes before he jumps out the car and moves into the park where he hears the most gun fire.* WHY ARE THEY SHOOTING? I WANT HIM ALIVE STOP SHOOTING AT HIM DAMMIT! *He notices Jessie with a group of his gang going after Steven* JESSIE? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE I WANT TO CAPUTURE HIM NOT GIVE HIM A GOOD TIME!
By the time Cas had made it home it was dark out. He entered the doors of the theatre, shouting. "Hello? Shira? I'm home." He couldn't hear Shira so he began to panic a bit. Was she out like last night? He tried to calm himself down. Maybe she was with Rikarah or Blue. Okay, that made his worry worse. He took a deep breath. Shira wasn't stupid. She wouldn't leave with a stranger. He had to have some faith in her.

Now calm, he continued to go through the theatre. "Is anyone home?"


Max thought about what Steven had told him. Sitting up, he said, "I've got to find Kat and the others." As soon as he said that, a rolled up magazine smacked him in the face. He looked up to see Shira standing over him with the magazine in her hand.

"Your nose is still bleeding. You can't go out."

"Aw, come on. I made a promise with Steven to tell them something. You know what a man to man promise is like."

Shira gave him a look that in itself called him an idiot.

"Oh right. I guess you don't. But it's really important. Pretty please." He gave her a puppy dog look. Then he realized why did he need her permission. He was the older one here and it was his house. Then he remembered what she did in the park. Yeah, it was best not to risk it.

Shira sighed. "Fine, but I need to go with you if you pass out again."

"Okay, mom."

The two got into another one of Max's cars. This one was a black hummer. Some might say that it didn't suit his image, but he liked knowing he could easily mow down any gangbangers that dared to mess with him again. This time, he did lock the doors and made sure he had a back up gun and ammunition in the glove compartment. He drove over to the motel that the DeSantos were living in. He couldn't see Steven's car so they must not be home at the moment.

"Sorry. It looks like we have to wait a bit."

Shira seemed unfazed at the DeSantos' home. Hers wasn't much nicer. "It's okay. I have nothing to do."

Max wanted to ask Shira about her power but it looked like she knew nothing about it. Thinking back to the park, he swore he had heard that melody before. The one she was singing to. The lyrics were new but the melody was so familiar, it was creepy. Where did he hear it before?
Katarina turns her head to look behind her as Kyle speaks, exhaling slowly. So he was finally awake...took him long enough. How he could sleep through a gang fight, gunfire, and people piling into the backseat, with three people in the car crying at some point too, was beyond her, but that was Kyle for you.

Biting her lip, she turned to face the window again, her shoulders tensing as she replied tightly. "Steven....Xander left him to...take care of the people in the park. Xander's been driving for a while now, didn't you know? And he took Steven's car."

She said nothing directly to Xander about any of this, but her tone isn't exactly happy about what she's just relayed to Kyle. She stares out the window again, taking in the building of the theater outside of it and waiting for Terabithia and Natalia to get out so they can get home to the theater. She is hoping that Max gave Steven a ride back there, that he would be waiting when they pulled in.

"We have to talk when we're alone in the car or back at the motel," she says to Kyle, her voice unenthused. It wasn't like she expected anyone to listen anymore.

([MENTION=1488]xJobozx[/MENTION] it's your turn! lol)
*Kyle leaned forward* What people in the park? How was he taking care of them. *Kyle may be a kid but he knows how to read between the lines* Was he fighting again..Was he killing people? He promised he wouldn't kill anyone anymore. *He looks at Chris then at Xander* If he's killing again it's both your faults! We were looking for you and if you didn't run off like that we wouldn't be out here. *Starts kicking Xander's seat from behind* GO BACK RIGHT NOW! IT'S YOUR FAULT HE'S FIGHTING AND YOU LEFT HIM DIDN'T YOU XANDER CAUSE YOU'RE JEALOUS! GO BACK GO BACK GO BACK! *He continues yelling that and kicking Xander's seat until he eventually runs out of energy* Why do you hate him so much Xander? He's never done anything to you.
(Gah sorry. College just dumped about a months amount of homework on me and expected it due in the next week D: So yeah, sorry)

Xander, by now, has pulled up to the abandoned theatre and when Kyle begins kicking his seat, yelling at him, blaming CHRIS. Chris who has been, who is crying, Chris, Chris who HE blinded. He wanted to be calm, but his little brother just had a way of knowing exactly how to make him flip. "SHUT UP KYLE." He turns to glare at the boy, his eyes flash a bright blue and his hair flys back suddenly, as if a gust of wind has just hit him, before it settles, but sounds of sparking electricity can be clearly heard, and his hands are infact covered in the dancing blue sparks. "You leave Chris the hell out of this before I kick you out of this car and let you make your own way back!" His tone is clearly authority and definitely pissed off as a loud spark occurs.

"Xander." Natalia's calm tone makes Xander's eyes snap to look at the teen, who hasn't yet got out, and his eyes dim back to their normal colour as the sparks die down to nothing. He then looks to Kyle, trying to speak calmly, "I never said I hate him Kyle. If I hadn't of gotten out of there we would have ALL been dead, and I wasn't prepared for any of you to get hurt, and if you haven't noticed there's a toddler in this car who I needed to get out of there. If Steven hadn't of been busy beating up the guy that saved Chris's life then he'd be in this damn car too." Natalia sighs at this, pushing open the door with a sniffling Terabithia clinging to her, "Well, you guys clearly have some family stuff to work out, so thanks for the lift Xander, and the whole saving us from being shot in the head thing too." "They was gonna shoot us in the head Blue?" Terabithia finally speaks up, the words worried as she snuggles further into the girl, still scared, "I don't wanna get shot in the head, my mummy and daddy got shot in the head and they died." Natalia frowns at the child, still amazed that she gives out information so quickly, "It's okay Abi, I won't let you get shot in the head, alright?"

Xander frowns at the little girl's words also, her parents were both dead? That was just wrong. "Don't you have any brother or sisters to live with Abi?" Terabithia looks up at the boy, blinks at him and shakes her head, "Nope, my mummy and daddy didn't have no family and no other kids." "Why didn't you get taken into social services?" Natalia glared at Xander now, snapping, "What is this? 21 questions? Leave the kid alone Xander." He glares back at her as she stands up, outside the car now, "I'm just worried about her, she's just a toddler." "Yeah well she has me, and I can do this now." Natalia held out her hand and uses Xander's power, sparking up an electric ball in her hand and then throwing it, watching it hit a nearby brick wall. "Hey! Don't just do that in public Natalia!" She rolls her eyes, "Oh calm down, I just got this power! I wanna use it." Xander placed his hands on the wheel again as she shuts the door, "Well don't go electrocuting people, 'cause they'll die." "How do you know that? Killed someone before?" Xander shook his head, "No, I don't believe in killing people unless you really have to." Natalia tilts her head at him, eyes narrowed slightly, "And when do you really have to? When would you need to kill someone?"

Xander looked to her, speaking in a dangerous, serious tone, "If they intentionally hurt or threatened to hurt my family. Then I'd fry their brains out." Natalia chuckled, "Tad protective aren't you? Though I guess I'd have no idea about that, must suck though, to constantly have to look after your siblings." She glanced to the three in the car, Xander shrugged, "What about Terabithia?" "She's not my sister." "But you look out for her. Bye Natalia." Xander then drove away, leaving the two girls to head inside the Theatre.

"Right, we need to seriously talk guys. No shouting, no screaming, no name-calling." He says this deliberately to Kyle, "Just talking, okay?"


Lei follows Rikarah still silent for now. Together? Find her daddy together? Why would Rikarah want to help her find Calico? Why should she care? Lei may only be five, small and innocent in this world. But she is not naive. She knows how people work, how the world works, and that people always want something. It is very rare to find someone who will help others with no ulterior motive, so rare infact Lei has not come across it yet.

Rikarah must have an ulterior motive. But Lei does not yet know it. And since her power allows her only to SEE what has happened, she cannot read minds, or feel emotions, she can only see. If Rikarah has not spoken her motive, or has not shown it through actions, Lei will not know it until she does so. Which sucks, but of course nobody is perfect.

But food. Yes, Lei is hungry, and a meal is not always certain, so she will accept what is given. As long as it is not poisoned of course. "Yes please." She responds quietly, but then a noise is heard. A male voice asking if anyone is home, and Lei's observant eyes snap over to look at the doorway. She sees no-one yet, but someone is definitely here.


Natalia, with Abi still clinging to her, enters the theatre, the toddler is clearly distressed, sniffling with tear stains down her cheeks and she is shaking, whether it is from the cold or the fear, Natalia does not know. She does not call out for anyone, and is heading to hers and Terabithia's room when she spots Cas heading towards them. She does not want to speak to him, but Terabithia, still looking like she had just survived a bomb attack, calls out with big eyes, "Castiel!" She leaps down from Natalia, remembering the older boy's reaction to her when they first met, and jumps up into Castiel's arms, her sobbing renewed as she blurts out barely understandable speech.

"Cas! It was so scary! Me and Shira was out having tons of fun with this nice girl Chris and this prince Max, but then there was a bunch of bad people who showed up, and they had guns and wanted Max's car, and then there was shooting and shouting and swearing and then Shira acted all funny and started dancing and made this water go everywhere and she started singing this song thing and then Natalia shooted electricity at the bad people and it was so SCARY!" She is full out crying now, the sound loud and terrified, "I almost got shot in the head!"

Natalia of course, as Terabithia mentions it, realises that Shira got left behind, thanks to Xander's quick driving, and is sure Castiel will not be happy about this, not in the slightest. This wasn't going to end well.
Katarina jumps when Xander starts kicking Xander's seat, her nerves on edge, and sits up very straight even as she again twists her head to look at him. She really doesn't have the desire or energy to deal with Kyle right now, and so she puts little effort into trying to stop him, her voice barely heard above Kyle's yelling.

"Kyle, stop it...leave him alone..."

When Xander yells back, his hand covered in blue sparks, Katarina gasps, her eyes widening, and she presses herself against her door, eyes glued to Xander's hand. "Xander...calm're going to..."

But it was Natalia who calmed him down, and this causes Katarina to look at her with some surprise, and growing wondering. Was there something going on with them? Did they already know each other, somehow? For how long?

She tunes out the conversation between Natalia, Xander, and Terabithia, her forehead again leaned against her window as she dully watches the girls disappear into the theater. She doesn't move or acknowledge her siblings again until Xander speaks. Then she sits up, taking a deep breath.

"Just...let's get it over with now. Let's pull over and do this...the talking."

She gestures towards an empty parking lot just up the road and waits for Xander to follow her instruction, already dreading this. She knows perfectly well they won't be able to follow his guidelines of nice behavior.


Rikarah too hears Castiel's voice, and she smiles down at Lei, seeing her nervousness at the sound. "That is Castiel," she reassures her. "He lives here. You will meet him, Shira, Natalia, and Terabithia, they all live here with me. Castiel is the only boy."

Still holding her hand, she calls out to Castiel lightly. "I am home, and there is someone I would like you to meet. Let me bring you the food I promised first."

She leads Lei down the hall to her dressing room/bedroom, gesturing for her to proceed her as she explains.

"I use this as my bedroom. It is interesting, isn't it? You may wear anything you would like if you see anything that may fit you."

Retrieving the food from the shelf she had left it at, she smiles again at Lei and gesture for her to follow her out into the main theater, again calling to Castiel.

"I have food. Where are you?"
Cas smiled at Abi. Ah, children were so cute. He noticed Natalia, so Shira must've been with Rikarah.The boy was worried though when Abi went into his arms crying. His eyes widened at her recounting of her day. Guns? A boy Cas didn't know? Water? Shira . . . laughing and . . . singing? He subconsciously squeezed the little girl tightly in his arms as he whispered a name. " . . . Lucy . . . "

He looked down at Abi with a weak smile that was obviously faked. "W-well, at least you didn't get hurt." He looked up at Natalia. "And . . . um . . . just where is Lu-I mean Shira now? Y-you did bring her home, right? Right?" He started breaking out in a cold sweat. If Lucy was out, that couldn't be good.

When Rikarah calls out to Cas, he jolts up to look at the fairy like girl. Shira wasn't with her. Of course she wouldn't be. Abi just said she was with them. He was still stiff though as paranoia began racking his brain. "Ah, yes. The food . . . I-I'm right here. With Natalia and Abi and . . . um . . . Shira?" He said the last name hopefully, silently praying that his newest housemates didn't unleash a killer out in New York.

(If Rikarah wants to find out about Lucy and Adrian by reading Cas' mind, it would be fine I guess. She'd only see one scene though and he's not going to reveal anything by talking.)
(she won't right now)

Entering the hallway with the others, looking behind her briefly to see that Lei is still following, Rikarah tugs the girl forward lightly by her hand as she joins them, holding out the containers of food.

"Leftovers as promised. I tried to get things that will still taste fine cold....this is Lei, everyone," she introduced the child, tugging her forward slightly. "She will be staying with us for some time."

Her eyes moving to Terabithia in Castiel's arms, she frowned, concerned, as she watches the little girl cry. Coming closer, she releases Lei's hand and reaches for Terabithia, stroking back her hair from her forehead gently.

"Terabithia? What is the matter?"

She looks up at Natalia, meeting her eyes briefly, before returning her focus to Terabithia. It would be wise, she knows, to avoid Natalia as much as possible, even now. Surely the girl has not forgotten her intention to speak with Rikarah.
*Kyle getting yelled at by two people suddenly goes quiet but then lifts his head up* Steven was out there looking for you and Chris you big jerk, he didn't have to go looking for you but he did and you left him, that's not how men are suppose to act Xander! And you were going to use your powers on me too weren't you? That's why you got all sparkly and stuff. I don't think I like you very much anymore and Kat you're just sitting there and not saying anything I thought you liked Steven, you two were kissing and everything. *Gives Xander's seat one final kick before he goes quiet.*
"Kyle, STOP!" Katarina snaps again, her head jerking up again to turn towards him. "You just slept through everything, you don't even know what you're talking about! Stop just accusing everyone, we're all wrong, we're ALL F*CKING WRONG, okay?! All of us! We all have to talk, no one's using powers, and if any of you do I'll...I don't know, I guess scream at you like we all usually do because I don't exactly have any to use back against you! Just...stop."

She takes a deep breath, pressing the palm of her hand against her eyes, and swallows, feeling tears burn that she blinks back. Her fingers are itching to scrape or pinch at herself, but she keeps them still, saying finally, "We can't....we have to talk like normal people...I mean...Kyle, you can't just...yell at us all the time and hit people. can't go off like that where we don't know where you are...Xander, you have to control your temper, you know what could too, Kyle. shouldn't have left them behind. And I...I know the things I do. I know it. don't have to yell at me over it or embarrass me in front of people...because that only makes it worse."

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