Castouts (Accepting new characters)

*Kyle comes in winded, without his shirt on, trying to look bigger then he is* Can we make this quick I want to get back to my training. *He looks at Xander and becomes scared* What happened to you? You didn't try going home or something dumb like that did you? See this is exactly why we need Steven around here, I bet he'd kick dad's ass or anyone else that messed with us, you should really let him teach you how to fight Xander, I mean real fighting not the stuff you seen in the movies. *Kyle has no clue that his words may strike Xander in his manhood, praising another guy over his own brother like that.* Hey you can be my sparring partner I promise not to be to rough with you.

(After everyone post I'll have Steven show up)

*Calico is getting impatient and starting to wondered if it was smart to let Xander go, maybe that kid knew more then he was saying, not that he was saying much plus it was pretty fun punching him. But he has to somehow replace the drugs and cash that he lost in that van and find out who's hitting his shipments, the Homeland won't tolerate much more delays in their cut, for now he can move money from some of his other ventures, the cars and the girls should be able to get him enough cash to keep them off his back. His mind is fuzzy so the names he's trying to remember escape him so he just grabs a female member of his gang by the arm.* You bring me that pimp whats his name? DO IT QUICK!
(Is basically anything on the menu? I'll assume so for the moment xD )

When Lei is finally directed to a table, she follows and clambers up onto the chair, her height actually a tad shorter than the table before she sits, the only thing right now that might remind anyone that she is infact still considered a toddler. She looks at the menu, some of the more complicated words missing her before she spots the word toast and the combined words of hot chocolate. Toast and Hot Chocolate sounded good to her right now. It wasn't exactly summer time - which Lei was glad for, since her black gloves could be seen as way to keep her warm.

She glanced around carefully, her eyes resting on the two occupied tables. She smiled lightly as she watched one of the tables - occupied by an elderly couple. She watched the shaking hands of the old man as he raised his fork to his mouth and placed the meal inbetween his lips, a bit of remaining food slipped down his chin, in the typical fashion that one would expect from a baby rather than a man, and Lei watched with a content curve to her lips as a lady she assumed to be his wife leant over with a grin and wiped the food from his chin, chuckling lightly and speaking in an over used voice, "Try to get some in your mouth when you eat dear." The grey-haired man looked to the lady and grinned back, love clear in his eyes, "You know I could never get any in my mouth even when I was able to"

Lei looked back away from the couple as she waited for Rikarah to come back over and take her order, imagining her own mum and dad as the two elderly couple, if things had worked out differently, maybe if her daddy knew that her mummy was pregnant with Lei, then maybe he would have stuck around and maybe they'd be together right now. Calico would have been able to protect her mummy from those men who hurt her, and maybe one day they could have been like that old couple, and Lei could be visiting every weekend with kids of her own, and a prince of her own.



Xander was finding it harder and harder to keep calm. Hearing that Kyle liked Steven too was not good. Infact, he found himself distracted with Chris talking about calling Max, not quite yet seeing anything that could end in a potential relationship, and nodded, smiling lightly at his youngest sister and completely blocking Katarina from his vision as he spoke. "Yeah I'm sure we can find a phone box somewhere."

But then Katarina had taken over, finding a way of SOMEHOW bringing Steven into this, and Xander looked away from them when Katarina said Steven likes her, his jaw tensing as he tried to keep his words back. Strike One.

When Katarina spoke directly to him, Xander managed to meet her eyes, a clearly negative yet undescribable spark in the depth of his eyes. Then she made it all the more worse by saying they would be in danger, almost as if she was using it against him, and that he should tell them BECAUSE they might be in danger. He wanted to freakin' tell her. He wanted to tell her that STEVEN was the danger, that her amazing, 'he-really-likes-me', 'oh-he's-much-better-for-Kyle-than-you've-ever-been' stupid almost boyfriend Steven had KILLED a man AND blown up a vehicle of a highly dangerous thug who was now out for Xander and his siblings.

Oh yes. He wanted to tell her. Strike Two.

Then Kyle finally decided to make an entrance, topless and all, like he was some tough hero rather than a 14 year old kid who almost got himself shot the other day, and when Xander looked to him he saw the fear reflected in his brother's eyes as he asked Xander what happened to his face.

Then Steven was mentioned again. And Kyle was saying this was why they NEEDED Steven. He suggested Xander had done something dumb, like go home, and then praised Steven like he was the lord himself. Strike Three.

Xander stood up then, moving away from Chris for fear of scaring her as he put both hands to his head and felt his heartbeat spike, going faster and faster as blue sparks erupted from his hands and danced on the skin of his face, eyes closed as he spoke furiously in a fast paced, normal volume of voice, "Oh yeah of course. Can we just not mention Steven for five seconds please?" He looked to Katarina and Steven then, mad at them, not Chris, before his oddly brightened eyes focused solely on Kyle, "If you're so in love with the guy, why don't you just go declare him your new big brother? I'm sure he'd be better at it than I ever was. Since I'm so DUMB and he's such a HERO" He looked to Katarina then, "And why don't you just go marry him and live your happy little life together? I'm sure he won't keep secrets from you to protect you. OH wait. He already has." He couldn't help but spit that out viciously as he shook his head and paced lightly, blue sparks still leaping from his skin before retracting and going back, his hands glowing a blue colour now. "You wanna know what happened to me Kat?" He asked, looking to his twin now as he stopped pacing. He was clearly maddened beyond calming down and his fists were now clenched at his sides, you could even hear the sound of a machine shorting out as more blue sparks danced on his knuckles.

"I was out for a walk, seems innocent enough right? Then suddenly BOOM. A gunshot flies past my head and I find myself in the middle of some sort of assassination type thing." He was telling a story now, still fast-paced and furious as ever though. "So yeah, I duck behind this billboard thing to protect myself, incase it's me being shot at. Then I watch as a van is shot at, one guy losing his shoulder and arm, then the van stops and the only remaining survivor leaps out, and puts his hands on his head, like he's praying to god or something." He looks to Kat, "And guess who appears out of no-where, gun on back, as he approaches the guy, then shoots him through the skull?" He shakes his head, "Steven. Yup. That's what I've been keeping from you. I watched Steven shoot a guy through the skull, then blow up a freakin' van. Pretty sure it was him who shot the driver too."

He pauses, before carrying on, "But yeah. You wanted to know what happened to me right? So I left, headed to the park trying to figure out what the hell just happened when suddenly, this guy shows up." He looks to Kyle, "Your boss shows up. And he asks me who blew up his van, since he knew I was there." He looks down, uncomfortable as his voice drops a bit, "He said he'd hurt you three. That he'd do more than just hurt you two girls, and then kill you guys." He kicks his feet lightly, "So I told him I didn't see who blew up his stupid damn van and who killed his men." He looks up at Kat, anger gone for a moment, "'Cause you guys all like Steven, and even if he did shoot a man I wasn't going to be stupid enough to give him up just like that." He shook his head, "So Calico beat the sh*t out of me anyway."

He turned mad again then, his eyes going brighter, "So please just shut up about Steven. 'Cause I'm REALLY struggling here not to explode when you say he likes you, that you like him, because I watched him fu*kin' murder someone." He drags his eyes away from his twin to look at Kyle, "And I'm finding it almost IMPOSSIBLE to remain calm when you say he can PROTECT us. 'Cause he's the damn reason I was coughing up blood outside the motel at midnight!" He is clearly angry again, and as he flings his hands up to try and get rid of some of that anger, his knuckles brush the light above his head, and with a sharp flash the room is suddenly lit, and Xander looks up to see the bulb above him is coloured yellow, rather than nothing.

He blinks, anger forgotten momentarily, almost as if it was zapped out of him and into the light, as he mutters. "Well. That's new..." His hands are no longer dancing with electricity.


Terabithia is muttering lightly to her baby, something about the cold and needing a jumper to keep her tiny little doll arms warm, when Shira bumps into someone, causing Terabithia to stop and look up questionably, baby cradled against her protectively as she eyes this new potential friend. After deciding he looked much like a prince from one of the books her mummy used to read her, and going by the simple fact he had been nice enough to give out his name instantly, Terabithia smiled warmly and held out the hand not holding the baby to him.

"Hi! I'm Terabithia, like the place from that film, and this is Annabel. She's shy around people who aren't part of her family, so don't worry if she doesn't talk much to you, she's not being rude or anything." The ginger-haired child looked from Shira to Max, "Do you know him Shira? Is he a good guy?" She looked back to Max as though it didn't matter she was talking about him infront of him, "He looks like a good guy, like a prince from a book I used to read." She tilts her head, big blue eyes questioning, "Are you a prince? Or do you need to marry a princess first?"

(Sorreehhh If you wanted it to be a big secret, but Xander couldn't keep secrets like that when provoked so much.)
Rikarah tends to the couple of other tables she has now been assigned, as a few more people have joined the diner inhabitants, and goes to fetch drinks. As she lingers at the counter, she steals another glance at the lone little girl, noticing her watching the elderly couple nearby. There is something that looks to Rikarah like longing in her eyes, as though she wishes for something that they have. Company? Or is she simply hungry? Rikarah doubts it, though the child does not look overfed.

She just may have to break her promise to herself not to read her thoughts.

Returning to her, she smiles at her as if it were not at all unusual to wait on a lone preschooler as she holds her pad, poised to write. "What would you like?"


Katarina is finding it hard to breathe. Between Xander's anger, the sparks emitting from his hands, just barely in his control, and the way they so suddenly shocked the lightbulb, lighting the once dim room...all of this would have been enough to focus on, enough to upset her. But hearing his story as well...she couldn't accept it. She just couldn't.

Kyle's boss beat him? Kyle's boss threatened their lives, threatened to...hurt her and Chris? That she could believe, even if it scared her, because based on what Kyle had told them, he would do it without hesitation. What would he do to Kyle now if Kyle returned to him, would he take it out on him?

But what he said about Steven was even worse. Kyle's boss wanted to kill Steven...and...Steven had killed someone? Someone who wasn't trying to kill him first? Steven...a murderer?

Katarina didn't believe it. She couldn't.

"No," she almost whispered, and then repeated louder, her voice growing tight, "No, I don't...Steven wouldn't do that. He's not a KILLER. Or if he did...then the guy was trying to kill him first. Xander...Xander, he wouldn't do that. He's not like that...he...he saved us. Chris and me. He wouldn't....he's not a KILLER."

She digs her nails into the flesh of her arm unconsciously, her hand burrowing inside her sleeve, as she says with growing alarm, "Is Calico coming back here? Does he know where we live? Xander, do you think he'll really come back and try that stuff?"
*Kyle is pissed and runs over and grabs Xander's shirt.* YOU'RE A DIRTY LIAR CAUSE YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS ADMIT IT YOU'RE LYING HE WOULDN'T JUST KILL SOMEONE WITHOUT A REASON! *He turns to his sisters tears running down his face.* I'm right aren't I? Xander is just being mean and jealous cause he's not the hero anymore..Chris...Kat...I'm right aren't I? *Kyle turns to run out the room throwing the door open and runs smack dead into Steven who's been standing outside the door listening. Kyle looks up to Steven crying* He's lying right, you didn't kill someone for no reason did you?

*Steven looks down at Kyle and places his hand on top of his head but says nothing, Kyle loses it and his powers start to flare up* YOU'VE LIED TO ME, YOU'RE NOT A GOOD GUY! YOU'RE A KILLER GET OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW! *Steven looks down at Kyle his eyes are tormented and he's fighting back his own tears but he doesn't cry, he looks at Kat, Chris and Xander and finally speaks.* Yeah...I did it I killed those guys and probably dozens of others but Xander is wrong about one thing, it wasn't for no reason but why I did it is my own business and I'm not done yet, not until they all pay for what they've taken from me, Kyle I'm sorry if you feel betrayed, I doubt you could ever understand this but it's something I have to do. *He doesn't wait he doesn't defend himself he just turns and walks out going down to his room to clear out what stuff he left in his room.*
Katarina doesn't answer Kyle, biting her lip. She doesn't want to believe Xander...she wants to think he's twisting things, that he wasn't telling the whole truth. She wanted to believe he had misunderstood, that Steven would never have done what he was saying. But she has some doubt, just a tiny bit, enough that she can't answer him. She watches her brother break into tears, and she reaches for him but doesn't quite touch him, digging her nails even harder into her skin in unconscious reaction to her feelings of helplessness.

"Kyle..." she starts, but then Kyle is opening the door, and suddenly Steven is in the room too. Katarina stands up, going to him quickly and saying his name, but then freezes as Steven confirms Xander's words.

He had killed those people. For a reason...but..he had killed. He WAS a killer.

She sees the tears in his eyes, hears the pain in his voice, and yet it takes her several minutes to come to the decision to follow him. She has to force her legs to move at first, and her voice cracks as she catches up to him, grabbing his arm.

"Steven...don't...don't leave."
*Kyle stands there staring at the floor, confused he heard Steven confess but he heard him say something about something was taken away from him, even his young mind starts to churn about what could have driven him to do the things he's done but he can't move his body refuses to move. Outside Steven pulls away from Kat and goes into his room, frantically shoving his stuff into a bag.* Look Kat, I'm not going to make excuses or apologize for what I've done, everyone I've killed deserved it and maybe worst after what they did I will hunt them to the ends of the earth and beyond! I have to do this cause no one else will!
Hurt, Katarina flinches when Steven pulls away from her, again biting the inside of her cheeks and taking in a slow breath. She follows him nevertheless to his room and comes up behind him, watching him as he unpacks, still chewing the inside of her cheeks. She grabs his arm, then squeezes herself in front of him, blocking him from getting to his suitcase as she looks up at him with some desperation, forcing him to meet her eyes. She can't let him leave, not now, not like this.

"No, you can't go! Steven, we need you! Kyle needs you to help him control his power, and Chris, you saved our lives last night! Xander will get over it, he's just...he will...and...Steven, I need you too. Please, I don't...I...Steven, I know you wouldn't kill them if you didn't have to, it's's a lot to think about, and...but...I don't care. I trust you. Don't go...I want you to stay. Please," Katarina finishes, her voice trailing off, and she takes his arms, looking up at him, almost close enough to kiss. "Stay...just...just tell us what happened. Tell me. We'll...I'll understand."
*Steven stops and stares at Kat* Saved you? It's my fault you were there and in danger in the first place, it's my fault Xander got beat up. Kat I'm fighting ever fiber in my body to not to leave you, Chris and Kyle but maybe Xander is right and I'm no good, that I'm going to bring you trouble cause I won't stop doing what I'm doing..I'm sorry but I have..I have to make them pay for what they did to my parents! I will kill them all for what they did. *Now he's crying* My mother is a vegetable being fed through a tube a machine has to breath for her and my father was beaten to death so badly they they needed dental records to identify him! THEY DESTROYED MY LIFE SO I'M GOING TO TAKE THEIRS! *Reaches into his pocket and pulls out 8 bullets all with names in Spanish written on them and throws them on the bed* 13 of them took part in the attacks on my parents, 5 of them are dead 8 left including Calico! But he'll be the last after I destroy his world!
"I don't really know him, Abi. I just bumped into him yesterday."

Max smiled down at Abi. "Why hello there Terabithia and Annabel. Sorry but I'm not a prince. Maybe if I can find a pretty princess to save, I'll become one." He was flattered that the little girl compared him to a fairy tale prince. Many other girls had done the same but to be called one by a child was different. Because they were so innocent, they wouldn't lie just to suck up to someone.

He turned to Shira. "As an apology for bumping into you, why don't I go treat you two to something? And you don't have to worry about money. I have plenty." He brought out his wallet and showed its contents to the girls. There were a bunch of twenties, a couple of fifties and even a hundred dollar bill.

Shira eyed the money and then turned her gaze to Max. "I'm way more expensive than that, you creep." She tried to pull Abi behind her in case this was one of those pedophiles Cas had warned her about. Though she couldn't see any white vans nearby.

Max burst into heavy laughter at Shira's comment. That was a reaction he had never seen before and it was funny. "Sorry. I wasn't going to buy you. I was just showing you that money is not an issue."

The boy's laughter lowered any flags Shira might've had about him. He seemed genuine. If he was a creep, he would've done that fake laugh that sounds more like those snobby girls on tv. "I want ice cream," she said to him.

Still smiling, Max took both girls and baby Annabel to a nearby cafe that had outside tables. He ordered them whatever they wanted, which included a sundae for Shira. He was a little confused as to why Shira would want ice cream in such cold weather. Even more confused that the cafe was still serving ice cream in such cold weather. He himself had a coffee.

"Are you two sisters?"

(People can come by if they want to see Max.)
Katarina drew in her breath sharply, backing away from Steven just slightly as she blinks several times, stunned by what he's just told her. Five people he's killed...five people who killed his father, who destroyed his mother...but still...five people.

Katarina cannot comprehend this. She does not know if she could kill someone, if she would be able to go through with it, even if it came down to life or death. Does she value her life enough? How about her siblings? If she could have saved Alice's life by killing someone...would she have done it?

She would have tried...she knows that. But would she have been able to do it?

Steven is crying, and her stomach twists in empathy for him. She knows what it is to lose someone you love, to feel such anguish and guilt over their death...but with Alice, she has felt helpless. She could not kill Kyle, nor would she want to. She knew the others would not let her kill herself...and who else was left to do in in revenge?

Coming back to him, she silently slips her arms around him. Tears are beginning to slide down her own cheeks, as much in memory of Alice and renewed pain over her loss as in empathy for Steven. She holds him and says only, "Don't go."
I don't want to go but how can I stay when all that's happened is my fault but I have to finish this, the police are either scared or paid for and won't do anything even tho they know who did it..Kat I don't want to leave you I wish I could just forget all this and stay with you but I don't sleep cause I see my parents calling for me to help them when ever I close my eyes, I can hear Calico and his friends laughing as the stump on my dad's skull till it cracks open like an egg. For god sake he had to have a closed casket cause there was no way to show him without giving people nightmares..So I can't stop not yet and if I have to when it's over I'll face whatever punishment I have coming.
At this rather graphic visual image Katarina swallows, closing her eyes tightly in an effort to drive the picture that comes all to vividly to her own mind. She thinks of the smell of smoke in the night, of her own singed hair and skin, of the way the smoke had burned her lungs as she coughed and choked, hoarsely screaming her sister's name. She kept her eyes closed, still crying without sound as she steps back from Steven, giving him space, but still meeting his eyes.

"You're going to leave. One day and you're already gone. Please...stay here. Please."

Without waiting for an answer she backs out of the door, not wanting to watch if he does walk away. Her vision is blurry as she makes her way back to her and Christina's room, but stands in the doorway without going inside.
Sebastian would sigh in relief at her words. A blood clot or something preexisting. That meant he could be in the clear, that he might have not taken another life. The relief was short lived when she brought up Violet and how she had fled, her words echoing in his head. Why had she said that, what had she seen that this one didn’t? He would nod at her words only for them to sink in “Wait did you just say-?” he was cut off with the realization that this one too had split. Sebastian might have joked about perhaps having bad breath or something, but there was no one to hear him, besides; he wasn’t one to talk in excess, such a thing could create bonds afterall.

None the less the girl Violet perplexed him. She was a textbook introvert that avoided others, and when she did interact she was quiet and sure to not say anything to dishearten another. So what was with that question and the expression on her face? Shaking his head of such thoughts Sebastian laughed to himself, but of course the girl was freaked; he had beaten another up, and from her view it might have looked like he killed the other. The fact that he had done it for her must have been why she had tried to safeguard her, but of course such a thing would freak her out. Sebastian looked out into the park wondering if perhaps he should try to move the pervert’s body, not even quite sure where the old man had been left. Looking down to his own bloodied and stained body he shook his head, it would be better for him to wash up and dispose of the evidence, last thing he needed to do was be caught with the man’s blood on him while trying to hide the cold body.

Leaving the scene before the man was found, Sebastian made way to a restroom to wash up and change his soiled shirt before stuffing the could be evidence into his backpack. Tousling his hair to make it dry faster he glimpsed into the mirror where his own haunted eyes stared back at him. I need to replace that hoodie he thought to himself feeling quite off without one on to act as another barrier against any and all that weren’t him. One last look in the mirror as he left to make sure he had washed it all away before he decided to head out into town to clear his head and eventually get some food in his stomach.


Violet had a good three hours between her odd encounter with Sebastian and the beginning of her shift at the diner. Still in some state of shock she wondered around town some, zoning out more than her typical spaced out behavior would entail. Her nerves were so on end that when she finally calmed and attempted to center herself she realized she was late to her shift and ended up running into the diner about fifteen minutes late out of breath. A fellow worker gave her a questioning look but she shrugged it off as she stashed her bag and washed up for her shift.
Things had started out well. Kat had agreed to help her find a way to call Max and even Xander didn't seem to mind that she was planning on calling him. Not that it was a big deal or anything. Well Chris assumed it was kind of. At least to her. She rarely made the effort to befriend anyone. Even if she did go out, Chris was still standoffish and unapproachable and anything far from friendly. But here she was wanting to talk to Max. Chris wondered at that and smiled a little, beginning to search for the paper.

But then things started to go bad. Kat kept on mentioning Steven and even without her power or sight, Chris knew that was thin ice she was treading. Xander seemed to not think highly of Steven, but she had no idea what he was going to say. Then Kyle entered the room, talking on and on about Steven. Chris herself had a middle view of Steven. Sure he did help out last night, but she was more focused on Max anyways. Besides she didn't know him as well as Kat or look up to him like Kyle. But at the same time, Chris didn't think poorly of him like Xander. It was almost uncomfortable for her to be caught in the middle of this.

Then Xander exploded, revealing things about what happened. Chris was surprised. She could feel the heat of the electricity her brother was producing and she slowly moved away from him, a whimper managing to escape her lips. It was hard to believe Xander's accusations, but then again she didn't know Steven. But his words sent a chill down her spine, especially the part about the guy who threaten to come after then. Chris was always aware of how vulnerable she was, more than normal as well.

She could only imagine how bad this fight was going to be when Steven showed up. Chris snorted in disbelief at it all. It was overwhelming for the blind girl, but she did what she always did. She kept quiet. She pulled into herself. Chris swallowed, trying to keep a lid on what she was feeling. She just wanted it all to stop. The fighting.

Chris finally stood as Kat, who she wasn't even aware of leaving, arrived. Chris pushed past her, running out of the house. She knew she shouldn't, but she had to get away from her family. She had hoped things would get better, but no matter what, it seemed that things were always going to be bad for them. Even without their parents, they still managed to tear their own family apart. If Chris could cry, she would be.

Chris had no idea where she planned on going, letting her feet take her when she heard a familiar voice. She sent a pulse out and sure enough the voice seemed to be connected to what she thought was Max. She couldn't be sure, but the body shape and voice made it seem like it was fine, although she felt other people with him.

"Max..." Chris said, not realizing how out of breathe she was.



Jillian moved away though he didn't want to. He stood looking at the boy as he cried and he swallowed hard. This shouldn't be happening. He was looking forward to more people, to new friends. He didn't expect this reveal, if it was legit or not. But that didn't matter. Julian was hurting and he seemed to be adamant about Jillian keeping clear of him. He kept on repeating that he should leave though he made no move to do so.

"Do you really want to go," Jillian asked. He didn't want to see him go. What Jillian wanted was to get to the bottom of Julian's claim. And if it was true, completely true? Jillian would have to deal with then. But he couldn't watch Julian cry.

When Christina pushes past her, Katarina stumbles, somewhat startled at her movement and the urgency of it. Then her sister keeps going, and Katarina, seeing the pain in her face, realizes that she's upset, that she seems to have no real destination in mind and no intention of stopping, turns after her, calling her name.

"Chris! Chris! Where are you going?"

She starts after her, calling her name again. Chris was BLIND, even with her echolocation. What if she ran straight into traffic? What if someone grabbed her? How could she just run away when she couldn't see?

But Chris must have been using her power fairly effectively, because by the time Katarina got to the center of the parking lot she was already out of sight. Katarina turned in a circle, alarmed, but she had no idea which direction her sister had taken. Breathing unevenly, she walked to one street corner, then the other, and saw no sign of her. She circled the building and could she have been outpaced by her BLIND sister? She really was such a loser.

Leaning against the hood of Steven's car, she hid her face, her shoulders shaking as she tried to keep from crying.


Julian could feel Jillian standing near him, not yet backing off. He did not look at him, but he could guess at his indecision, his confusion, and how could he blame him? What kind of nutcase announced he was a murderer, and then burst into tears like a weak little nothing...a weak little girl?

Julian, of course. Only Julian. Julian the girl, Julian weakling, Julian the waste of space, Julian the sinner. And that was what he was, what everyone thought of him. He knew it well.

But...Jillian wasn't saying any of that. Jillian was standing there, watching him...and then she was asking him if he didn't want to go.

He didn't. Julian didn't, as much as he knew he shouldn't. He wanted to be here. He wanted to be safe and warm, to have food and clothes and showers. He wanted to be with other people who liked him and didn't think he was a terrible, evil person. He wanted to be with Jillian.

But he couldn't be...could be?

"No," he whispered. "I don't want to leave. I just should."
Lei is broken from her trance of watching the sweet old couple when Rikarah returns, asking her what she'd like to eat. Lei is slowly becoming more and more aware of the diner's amount of customers growing, and this is - although she doesn't show it - worrying her slightly. If someone were to question her being here now, there would be a considerably sized crowd to witness it.

But never matter, she could throw a lie out there if she needed to. "Can I get some jam toast and a hot chocolate please?" Even though Lei may sound and act older than she is, she still has the culinary appreciation of a five-year old. Since she is only five afterall. She hands the menu back to Rikarah - knowing that people give back the menu once the waitress has taken her order.

To Lei of course, there is nothing strange about a lone child ordering breakfast from a diner.


Xander, by the time Katarina has returned, has sat down on one of the beds, not caring which, and placed his head in his hands, eyes tightly shut as he breathes slowly. This is too much. Way too much.

He didn't even bother to correct his twin when she said he couldn't have shot someone, didn't bother to re-tell her that he had SEEN it. He didn't come back with a comment to Steven about how he never said Steven hadn't a reason to kill those people, he couldn't say anything to Kyle even as the younger grabbed him and called him a dirty liar, jealous. Xander isn't the hero anymore.

He vaguely heard Katarina speak of Calico, finding them, finding where they live. And he yet couldn't bring himself to response, hearing her leave the room as she chased after her lover-boy Steven. He also heard her return, waiting for her to say something, anything, but he still didn't lift his head from it's hiding place. He had no idea what to do. He wasn't the hero anymore. Not like he'd ever been a hero in the first place. He couldn't even save his damn own baby sister, how was he expected to save the rest of them? To save himself?

He just couldn't. But then he heard Chris move, or something in her direction, and looked up in time to see her sprint past Katarina. It seemed like they were breaking up in all directions. Kyle's words had hit Xander harder than he thought they would, showing him the cold truth that he wasn't a good brother at all. If his own little brother, the one who was supposed to look up to him, was supposed to want to be like him, if he favoured another guy over Xander, if he thought he was dumb, a liar and no longer a hero, then he must suck at being a brother. He was looking down by this point, no longer covering his face, and as this realization struck, as he came to the conclusion that they were a broken family, one single tear rolled down Xander's face before hitting the ground.

He felt shame rise in him as he glanced to Kat, knowing he had just cried infront of her, and stood up quickly, wiping his damp face to remove the evidence before he moved past her with a mumble of, "I'm sorry." Before heading outside, looking like his purpose was to find Chris when it was infact to find somewhere away from his family, somewhere isolated and alone so that he could think, maybe electrocute some sense into himself.

Well, that was a new possibility. He wondered if he could even be electrocuted. Would he feel the effects? Or would it just charge him up?


Terabithia was awed by this kind prince boy, first he spoke of princesses - one of Terabithia ideal career's to go into - then he proved he was rich AND offered to buy them ice cream! Terabithia of course ordered a warm, fresh brownie and munched on it happily as she swung her legs, her feet not able to reach from the floor when she was sat. When Shira and Abi were asked if they were sisters, she nodded, holding up Annabel again, "Yeah, 'cause Shira is baby Annabel's auntie, and I'm Annabel's mummy so that means we're sisters" She says this proudly, smiling at Shira.

This isn't a lie, it's just part of Terabithia's game, Natalia is also her sister in this game because she's Annabel's auntie too. Of course whether Shira decides to go along with it or deny that the two are sisters is up to her.

Still munching on the brownie, savouring the taste of it, Abi stops and swallows before talking again, "You're really nice you know Max, I'm sure every princess you met will wanna marry you and let you be a prince and maybe even a king when you get bigger." She smiles, "I really wanna be a princess too but I wouldn't be old enough to marry you if I did so you'd have to find a different princess."

Then there is a small voice, calling out Max's name, and Terabithia looks over to see a girl, maybe about Natalia's age, with pretty black hair and scars around her eyes. She frowns a little bit, wondering how she got hurt, but then remembering Natalia's scar - even though it's not as bad as this girl's - and how Natalia didn't like to speak about it, she decided not to ask and her frown went as she instead smiled, thinking that despite her scars the girl looked friendly enough and that she wasn't a threat to Terabithia. "Hey Max, is this your friend? Can she sit with us too?" Assuming the girl was, since she spoke the boy's name, and also deciding she looked like she needed to sit down because she was out of breath, Terabithia jumped down from her seat and ran over, grabbing the girl's hand lightly and pulling her in the direction of a chair, helping her sit before Abi sat back down in her own seat and spoke chirply, "Hi! I'm Terabithia, like the place, what's your name?"

Yup. She might be experiencing a sugar rush from the delicious brownie.

(Oh dear Abi, don't overwhelm the poor girl O.o Have you also noticed how she uses practically the same phrase to introduce herself? xD )
Rikarah smiles and greets her coworker, Violet, as the girl comes in late, making no comment about her arrival. The girl was quiet, shy, did her share of the work without much complaint or discussion, and Rikarah had no problems with her. Of course, she didn't particularly find her interesting either, but there were worse things.

This little girl though...that was a different story.

Rikarah smiled as the took the child's order, returning it to her in only a few minutes. "Here you are. Enjoy." She wondered if the child could actually read the items she had requested, or had only asked for them hoping they were a choice. As she walked away, checking up on another table, she lingered just near enough to appear to not be paying attention to the child, and then slowly, carefully began to probe at the outermost shield's of her mind.

So she was a sucker for mysteries. Oh well.


Katarina heard Xander walking by but did not look up, unsure which of the three boys remaining in the area it was until she heard him speak.

"I'm sorry..." Sorry for what? For losing his temper? For embarrassing and hurting her yesterday? For saying mean things about Steven? For telling her about Steven at all? For Chris leaving? Or for their entire situation at all?

She had seen the tear he shed when she went after Chris, she had seen and she could hear in his voice that he WAS sorry, that he was utterly miserable. They all were...and the way it felt to her, they always would be. And what could they do to change it? Chris had run, she and Xander were hurt, Kyle was crying and hated Xander, and she and Xander both felt helpless, like complete failures. They were the oldest, they were supposed to have it all under control, and where did this leave them?

She didn't know what to do, or where to go. Xander was looking for Chris, and he'd always been better with her than Katarina. Kyle was crying in his room, Steven wanted to leave...where did that leave Katarina?

She simply remained where she was, leaning against the car with her face hidden, and tried to shove down everything she was feeling into nothing.
"We're not actually sisters," Shira said. "Well not by blood anyway. It's more like adopted siblings." She continued spooning ice cream into her mouth until Chris came running up. The girl was obviously blind yet was able to not only run all the way here on her own but also pick out Max, unless she knew a different Max. The blonde wanted to applaud the blind girl's skill or luck.

Max turned when he heard his name being called. "Chris? Are you okay? Did you run here? You know, you shouldn't do anything that could reopen your wound." He wondered why she was out of breath. If she indeed ran here, why was she running. Could she have been chased or something? As he helped Chris over to a chair, he turned to answer Abi's questions. "Yeah. She's a friend. Chris, do you want something to drink?" She was probably dehydrated, having run her and all.

Following Abi's lead, Shira decided it was probably best if she made her presence known as well. "My name is Shira. Did Max pay you to keep him company as well?" Her question was a little bit sarcastic. She was half joking since he kind of lured Shira and Abi to follow him with money, or rather promises of sweets.

Max was a bit flustered at Shira's question. It made him look bad, either like a pervert hiring a call girl or a pathetic dork who has to bribe people to be his friends. Though he had to admit most of his normal friends were probably after his money, he never had to directly pay anyone to like him. "It's not like that!"
Xander had been walking around for a while now, and finally, spotting an abandoned looking theatre, thought it looked like the best place to practice his powers. Alone, isolated and away from his family. He made his way inside, clambering through a broken window, before landing almost silently and looking around. So far, so good. He made his way through the theatre, heading to the stage but instead ducking down inbetween the chairs so that if somewhere were to enter, they wouldn't see him on the stage, since he was hidden amongst the chairs, sitting down on the ground with his knees pulled up.

He put his hands together, and focused as a blue light began to emit from them. He slowly pulled them apart, so they were about a thumb width apart, watching the blue mini sparks of lightning collide and dance in his palms, his face lit up by the light as subtle sounds of electricity shocks occurred every so often.


Natalia had finished getting ready a while ago, and was enjoying the peace and quiet before she decided it was time to find Abi so they could go get some money. Sure they had gotten a lot yesterday, but it was good to keep saving up incase they did manage to buy somewhere real to live one day, when Natalia was old enough. So she began to search the theatre, checking the food room, Rikarah's room, even Shira and Castiel's room. Nothing. So she guessed Abi must be off playing in the theatre area, where else would she be?

Natalia remembered a time when she had been trying to ditch the little one, not trying to find her.

So as she entered the theatre room, her eyes scanned for Terabithia playing anywhere, she frowned as she saw an odd blue light, and heard sparking from the same spot, almost like someone was playing with alive wires. She slowly made her way over, picking up a bit of broken wood that lay on the floor from the theatre door that had been cracked, ready to swing, she held it close to her and jumped infront of the stall, about to swing at the intruder when she saw what they were doing.

They had electric, in their hands, sorry, HE had electric, in his hands and he was controlling it. Manipulating it, apparently emitting it because when he noticed Natalia he leapt to his feet and the electric vanished. Her eyes were wide and she stumbled over her words, "Yo..You were were controlling electricity! How'd you do that?!?"

Xander's own eyes were wide and his heart spiked, "Uh, I...I should probably go.." He moved forward then found the sharp end of the wood pointed at him, he held up his hands, stepping back from the weapon wielding teen, he frowned at her. She only looked about Chris's age. After a pause he spoke, "Um..are you gonna stab me or something?" He raised an eyebrow, nodding at the weapon pointedly.

Natalia watched the boy for a moment, he only looked about a year older than herself, what was he doing here? And that POWER. If he had this power, and since he seemed to know about it, maybe he could help her? Maybe he could explain stuff to her. She wasn't letting him go anywhere. If Rikarah wouldn't talk to her, maybe she could get this guy to. He then asked about the weapon and she narrowed her eyes, "What are you doing here? And, how did you do that? With your hands?" "Uh, I just needed a place to think by myself, this place looked abandoned so I was only popping in for a moment." Natalia glared at him, "And how did you do that thing with your hands?" "What thing?" Maybe blatant denial would make the girl think she was insane, or deluded. But no. Natalia was having none of that. She stepped closer, pressing the wood against the battered boy's throat as he stepped back from her. "Don't try and pretend that didn't just happen. How did you do THAT?" Xander swallowed, thinking of a way out of this as he feigned fear, "Look, I was just sitting here, I wasn't doing anyt---" "DON'T LIE TO ME!"

Natalia didn't mean to shout like that, she had experienced a few stressful days, finding out you have powers - more than one infact - definitely was enough to make her snap. And when she shouted, well, blue sparks of her own shot out of her hands, setting the wood in her hands alight and she let out a yell as she threw it to the side. "Ah sh*t!" She cursed, her hands now alight with blue sparks. "No no no!" She ran over to the wood and stomped on it until the fire was gone, then looking up to see the boy, the boy who had just given her his blue sparks, was running towards the exit. She held out her hand and yelled, "HEY STOP!" Then a burst of blue had left her hand and hit the wall beside him, causing the teen to leap to the side and look back at Natalia with her intensely bright blue eyes. He watched her with wide eyes, then slowly heading back to the sparking girl, he spoke with confusion, " did you do that?" Natalia glared at him as she sparked. "I..I don't know! It made me mad, and it happened. How do I stop it?" As she spoke, blue lines danced across her hands and even her face.

Xander sighed, "You have A LOT of pent up anger don't you?" He then reached for her hands and she pulled back, frowning at him suspiciously. He rolled his eyes, "Look, I think I can help, just, trust me ok?" Natalia frowned at him still. Trust him? She didn't trust anyone. She sighed and let him take her hands, muttering stubbornly, "This doesn't mean I trust you by the way." Xander couldn't help but crack a grin at that, the girl did remind him slightly of his own family, stubborn as they are. And as soon as their hands made contact a very slight jolt hit Xander as he absorbed some of the electricity, enough so that Natalia's appearance lost the blue sparks and she wasn't freaking out anymore. She immediately ripped her hands from his as soon as he had finished and he still couldn't help but only grin at that. "No thanks needed." She simply rolled her eyes at that and when he moved to go she found herself gripping his shoulder, "Wait! Please tell me what just happened, I..I've never had powers before, and all of the sudden I met this guy who could move shadows, then later that day I moved shadows, and this girl I know, she had this power to see memories and I think even persuasion or something, and then I could do it to!" She paused as he faced her, she was clearly getting worked up and she was sparking lightly, "And...and now you! I can do what you can do!" She looks at him as he stares at her silently, "I didn't have this two days ago! What the hell am I supposed to do?"

Xander looks to the girl as she rambles on, so confused about her powers, and it oddly reminds him of himself, of his little brother, even of Chris, and he finds himself giving in as he sighs and motions to a chair, "This might take a while. And calm down, you're sparking."


Lei smiles at Rikarah as she hands her what she ordered and she manages to control herself enough not to scoff the food down her throat, remembering her table manners she picks up the hot chocolate and sips it in the way her mummy used to, keeping the black fingerless gloves on even as she picks up the toast and bites into it.

She of course has no idea Rikarah is watching her, or what she is trying to do to her mind. Her power didn't allow her to sense it just yet, but her mind is oddly complex for a girl of her age, matching that of a healthy adults' if not succeeding it. It is highly likely that she would see anything if she were to get through, maybe even see the memories of a wall.


Terabithia grinned at Shira and Max, still munching on the brownie in the typically slow eating fashion of a young one - too much talking not enough eating. And she shakes her head at Shira, "He didn't pay us, he just brought us brownies and ice-cream!" She is beaming with happiness, or sugar, either one would do.

She watches Chris curiously, thinking she was rather quiet.
Chris was right into having assumed that the people with Max. By their voices, she assumed female and young. She could tell one of them, Terabithia? Yeah that was her name, was young. She smiled, glad to have run into Max. She assumed if she kept going she might have run into trouble. She was amazed that she managed not to land herself in traffic, but Chris knew the streets near her "home' well enough and this couldn't be too far could it?

The other girl was called Shira. That was an interesting name. She wondered at her race, but appearances and all things connected to that had stopped mattering to Chris. After all she couldn't see it so why care? Not that she was good looking herself anyways.

Still she was relieved to have run into the man she had planned on talking to.

"I'm Christina, but I prefer Chris," Chris introduced herself. "It's nice to meet you both. And it's good to...hear you Max." She laughed a little at her own joke. She laughed more when she heard why the girls were with Max. She shook her head and turned it in the direction of Max.

"No he helped me out last night. I just wanted to find him and say thanks again." Chris touched her right shoulder when she mentioned that.
Lips still trembling, her body still shaking, and her tears still poured from their ducts relentlessly. Hailey had fallen asleep curled up and crying and she woke up in much the same manner. Except now there was sunlight filtering into the room, and she could see the dark bruises that lined her wrists and was aware of the fluid that stained the sheets. The dirty blonde couldn’t look though, her face remaining in the pillow after she glanced around the first time.

It didn’t matter if she didn’t look, everything hurt, and with her eyes not open it made the sense that much stronger. The girl had barely moved, opening her eyes, tilting her head, having her arms twitch slightly. Even that, even now…everything was sore or felt dislodged in its place; she felt wrong, and sick to her stomach.

She starts moving ever so slowly; it starts with curling her toes and having her shins twitch against her still movement. There are voices in the other room, which is what reminds her she’s not alone, that man, Jessie and a new female voice. Hailey barely understands what’s being said, and she doesn’t know if it’s because there’s a door in the way or it was all because of what happened.

What happened…she didn’t want to think about it, she tried to push the memory of his hands out of her mind. Curling up again, the pain forces her to stop, and she continues her silent plea for some kind of help. Something rustles in the sheets and she looks to it, through her blurry eyes, to find a folded up 20 dollar bill. As if that reignited the flame inside her, the girl breaks out into strong sobs, wishing if anything…for Sebastian.

It was too late for that though, he barely contacted her, if at all, and she was left to do something so…stupid. That’s what she was, Hailey was stupid; if she had just got the money, if she had just earned enough she wouldn’t find herself in this position. A knock sounded on the door, and she twitched slightly but made no move to cover herself. Her lips twitched as she tried to silent her sobs, but her body remained shaking harshly every time a new one hit her. “…Hailey” Jessie, It’s only Jessie, and at his voice her lips slacken as she chokes on the held in tears. “It’s okay love… you did it” he confirms and she lightly bites her finger as he enters the room, nodding.

“I’m sorry...I'm so sorry, Hail; You’re never going to have to do that again…” he apologizes, making it to the head of the bed to stroke her loose hair. The girl forces out a big nod and he smiles, “That’s my girl.” Then as an afterthought he adds, “I have to go see Calico-” At the mention of the name Hailey pulls the slightly injured digit from her mouth. “Calico!?” she accuses, finally forcing her limbs to work against their dismantlement.

“You said you were done with him Jessie!” she accuse, the anger from long ago bing easily pulled to the surface, something that didn’t improve her already upset nature. “I have to go through him Hailey, he’s what runs this city!” he notes, lightly grabbing her to shake her, but she’s already up. “That’s why we were leaving Jessie, wasn’t that what we were saving for!?” she questions him, throwing her old clothes back on her slightly battered figure.

“It is Hailey! I- I just have to do this…” he notes, “I just love you so much...” he reassures her and she remains still, opening the door in her next movement. The blonde meets the female gang member’s eye with an even stare and her lips pull slightly; she needed to get out of here…she didn’t need to see this...

Hailey hurriedly exited the house, still holding the crumpled bill in her hand as she hurriedly ran down the sidewalk. All this movement was killing her, but she had nowhere else to go… she just felt so dirty, and wrong…

The girl repeated Jessie’s last words to herself… He just loved her...
When Jillian is silent for what seems far too long to Julian, so that he hears his own shamed words echo back to him, Julian takes in a long, shuddering breath, trying to control himself. It seems to him then that Jillian must want him to leave, but cannot bring himself to say so. Who would want him to stay? Even at his best, when no one knew the truth of him, what did he really have to offer?

Even without knowing how terrible he really was and what he had done, his parents and everyone else from his hometown had rejected him. They had thrown him out of their lives, out of their sight, just because they knew that he was gay...or as they called it, sick. Unnatural. Even without having killed, even without having killed a CHILD, Julian had known that he was not good enough. He was small and girlish in appearance, he was weak and overly sensitive, he was shy. He was self-conscious. He was klutzy. He liked boys...sometimes he almost thought it would have been better if he was born a girl. Easier. Would he have been okay then?

But Jillian knew this, and most of this, and she had still liked was just this now. What he had done to that little boy. And how could he change that? How could he fix that? It was impossible?

"I'm sorry for it," he whispered. "I'm...I'm s-sorry for w-what I am."

It was one of the truest statements he'd ever made in his life.


Katarina was not sure how long she remained against the hood of the car, crying without sound, the backs of her hands pressed against her eyes. Her twin and her sister had come and gone, and who knew where Steven was now...she was sure he was gone too. Their family as she knew it now was breaking apart, and the longer she felt their absence, the more she was certain of it. They may live together, but were they really family? Did they really know each other at all anymore?

That was when she told herself, with sudden and surprising determination, that this had to change. They were all each other had, whether they were all screwing it up or not. This had to get better...they had to do SOMETHING, whatever they had to, to make this better. Right now they were walking around as blind as Chris, knowing nothing about what each other was doing or feeling or thinking, and this was where it was bringing danger every second of every day, yelling and hurting each other, literally and emotionally both. This had to stop.

With a long sigh she straightens, wiping her eyes with the palm of her hand, and then walks slowly back to Kyle's and Steven's room, standing in the doorway and calling Kyle's name. She'll talk to him first...then, when Xander comes back with Chris, they can talk too.


Rikarah watched Lei for several more minutes on and off, keeping herself busy with refilling drinks, making coffee, and clearing tables as she waits until she has some down time to concentrate. She will not be able to break into her thoughts when she has an armload of dishes; she will not have the strength or concentration for both. When she is back at the counter, refilling the napkins, it is mindless and simple enough of a task for her to be able to focus, and she tries then to see her thoughts.

It is not difficult, which she is grateful for, to break past her initial shields. She is a child, her thoughts unguarded and simple enough, and Rikarah sees almost immediately that her name is Lei. It is with little further prodding that she sees the thoughts at the surface of her mind...those of an Asian man that the child thinks to be her father, a man she regards as something of a hero. He is Asian, as she is, and it seems to Rikarah that she has not met him before, because what images Lei has of him are indistinct. One is from a photo, of an older teenager, and others appear somewhat shadowy, as though they are vague memories or else...could they be what Lei pictures from what another person as described of her? Or another person's memory altogether?

There is something odd about the images, and Rikarah concentrates on them further, nearly forgetting to refill the napkins continuously as she does. And then it strikes her.

The man in Lei's head, the man she believes to be her father, the man she thinks of as a heroic figure, whom she is apparently searching's the same man that Rikarah had witnessed at the zoo with Terabithia the night before.

Well this is certainly a new turn of events...the question is, how to proceed now?
*Kyle comes out, rubbing his red eyes, he had taken time to put a shirt on, he stops in front of Kat* I don't want to talk about that anymore we need to go find Chris. *He turns and looks back towards Steven's room then starts walking, not sure where to start looking he just starts but is suddenly stopped when a heavy hand lands on his shoulder, he turns and looks up to see Steven who's eyes are also red.* I'll drive, we'll stand a better chance of finding her if we can cover more ground. *He looks up at Kat* I'll stay for a little longer, at least until I'm sure Calico isn't going to come after you. *He kneels down in front of Kyle* I'm sorry if I let you down, you and your family are the best thing that's happened to me in months and I let my revenge put you all in danger...So I'm done, I started this cause they hurt people I loved and now my revenge is putting people I care for in danger..So I'm done. *Steven walks over to his trunk and pops it open, first pulling out his guns that he's carrying and unloads them putting them in to a lockbox in his trunk, the holsters follow then he closes his trunk.* I'll figure out a way to dispose them later. *Kyle looks up at him trying not to show emotion then says*

Kyle:Doesn't change anything you still killed people. *totally missed the parts where Steven mentioned revenge.*
"We have to talk about it, Kyle," Katarina says quietly, reaching out to take hold of his shoulder. "Look...we have to...we can't let this happen to us. We have to talk."

Steven comes up behind them then, and Katarina's head swivels to him, though she does not go to him. He's going to stay...for a little while. To Katarina that is no promise, and hardly seems better than walking away right this minute. Still, it's a little more hopeful than it was a few minutes ago, so she nods, choosing her words with uncharacteristic care.

"Okay...let's go find them. It's not safe for them to be alone anymore. For any of us to be."

Looking at Kyle as she opens the door to Steven's car, sliding into the passenger seat, she adds, " don't know the whole story. Let's not talk about it now."

Waiting for him to get in the back, she pulls at her sleeve unconsciously, opening and closing her fingers around it.
As Lei sits and eats her toast, occasionally sipping her warm drink, she feels a slight tingle in her head, but she brushes it off as nothing more than a small headache, or the warmth of the drink going through her, and carries on eating.

She is thinking about her dad Calico, about how to find him and even trying to remember what she had seen of him from the photograph and other's memories of him, she keeps the most recent image of him in her mind, so she can spot him and go over to him if she does manage to bump into him. She can't wait. To finally meet her daddy, her mummy's brave knight in shining Armour, and to tell him she's his daughter, that they can be together now that she's found him, and maybe when she's big enough and old enough, maybe she can help him save people.

But first she has to find him. He's most spotted around this area, this is where she had been pointed in the direction of, and there were even some rumours that he had a place somewhere here, a home of sorts.

Once she is finished her food and drink, she reaches into her pocket and pulls out the appropriate amount of money with an extra tip for the waitress, she hops down and goes over to the counter, placing the money infront of Rikarah as she looks up at her simply, "Thank you for the food." And then she turns to leave.


Terabithia smiled when Chris laughed, not used to hearing that from Natalia, or from anyone really, since Natalia was the only one she ever really spent time with, apart from recently. And then looked to Max and Chris almost as if she realized something before a huge grin overtook her face and she pratically bounced in her seat. "Ooo! Max is Chris your princess? 'Cause it sounds like you helped her, or saved her or something, and she's definitely pretty enough to be a princess, so is she? When you two get married and have a princess or prince baby can I be the babysitter? 'Cause I'm really good at looking after babies! Just ask Annabel!" She made the baby 'discreetly' nod and beamed at the two.

She did honestly mean the words about Chris being pretty, sure she had those scars near her eyes, but that didn't make her any less pretty, just like Natalia's scar didn't make her any less pretty either.

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