
Sam had managed to lure a few more people to her game. They came and passed, soon Sam ha finished her shift, and she had a little bit of time to waste before she needed to head home.

Ricky smiled "I'm always here for you, ways remember that." he whispered into her ear. He kissed her cheek just a the ride took off.
Sam saw that the same girl before, she looked at her and then stood next to her. "Hey, you ok?" she asked, not trying to be nosy or anything.
Sam looked at the performers who were working with the animals. "You're right." She agreed, taking a little bit of a step towards the people. "I'll see what I can do." She told her before she walked.away.

Ricky held Belle a the ride continued, as it finished he helped Belle out of the car. l"How was it?" he asked her a he starts walking with he again.
Ricky laughed, "Great." He said, pecking her cheek. He looked around and then gasped, "Lets go to the photobooth!!" He said as he led her over with a happy and bright smirk.
(hey sorry im late!) nichole waited and turned seeing someone familiar. she tilted her head and said''jacob?''what is he doing?​ she followed him silently and peeked from behind a tree.
suddenly a hand went over Nichole's mouth and she screamed. the person said''shhhh'' holding her close. he said''im not gonna hurt you nichole.''
Ricky sat down with Elle, he closed her shade, and pointed to the camera, "Ready?" he asked her with a little smile, made a funny face, and laughed a little.

Sam watched as the girl left to go say hi to a guy, she walked behind the stage and started to talk to the stage manager.
Nichole struggled and kicked the boy running back to the tent. She looked around in fear and sat down in a corner crying. the dude said''crap she's in danger here!''
Sam turned around, she saw the girl from earlier being dragged away, she walked behind the people, and saw the girl in the corner with two guys by her. She hid behind the curtain, she watched, wondering if she should do something or not.
Nichole looked at the guys in fear. She said''please don't hurt me!'' trembling. the guys said''oh we just want to some fun'' smirking coming closer.
Sam stepped out from the curtain, she crept up from behind the two guys, she grabbed their legs from behind and tripped the both, forcing them to faceplant on the cold, hard cement ground. She grabbed the rope that draped over the railing of the tent and tied the guys together. She looked at the girl, and held her hand out to her "You ok?" she asked
Nichole looked at the girl and nodded. she grabbed her hand standing up. she was a little wobbly on her feet. she said''t-thank you..um what's your name please? i'm nichole..''
Coko whitnessed everything in the background his pitch black hoodie covered his eyes, his pale skin had scars, causing some concern among the crowd. His white lips grew a smirk, and he said to himself in a low and intimidating voice. "This should be interesting."
nichole sat down and sighed sadly. she said''sorry..'' getting up and leaving. she looked around the carnival and saw a game stand. shesaw the cutest stuffed animal. she walked over and paid the person and aimed her ball. she tossed and it missed.
coko noticed the gil wanting the animal and walks up to the girl h looks down at her and smiles sweetly. "need some help?"
He chuckles then gives the booth guy money for a ball in return. Faking a throw two times, he smirked. "Fire!" He shouted. he threw the ball with great strength and hitthe target. He gestured ti the girl next to her and

asked politley. "The stuffed animal for the girl please?" The booth guy nods and gives Coko the animal the sweet girl wanted.
"Sure." He looks around then back at the girl. "Hey uhh.. I mght need to stay with you..." Jerubs the back of his neck. "A girl of youre...beauty could run into some trouble."

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