
Sierra walked through the front gate, paying the man in the booth and getting her hand stamped as she walked through. she looked around. she wasn't looking for anyone in particular, but it would have been nice if she could make a new friend here. after all, this was her first day in this town, and her mother insisted she come to the carnival to make new friends.
Ricky waved and walked around the front of the tent. He took his seat in the bleachers and waited to see his wonderful girlfriend do what she loved.
Sierra saw something going on, so she decided to go check it out. She walked over and sat next to a random guy, catching his eye and smiling at him. "Hi. What's going on over here?" she asked.
Ricky turned to the girl and smiled, "Hey. The dance performers are doing their act here." he told the girl before he turned back to the stage. The act was about to start, he couldn't wait to see what they would do this time, but he knew it would be amazing.
Bronwin walked into the carnival through the staff gate on the far side of the fairgrounds. Her band was setting up, so she had about an hour to do whatever she wanted. Her black high top converse made a soft noise as she walked toward the tent holding the dancing show. When she sat down on the bleachers, Bron could feel the cold from the metal sink into her teal tights and short shorts. Her very light pink hair fell down her back and her off the shoulder black shirt didn't help keep her warm. But that was the price to pay for being a singer. She crossed her legs and waited for the show to start.
Kyle pushed through the turnstile. He was overwhelmed with everything he didn't know what to do! He gazed at the attractions closest to him. He started to head towards the bumper carts, they had always been his favorite.
Sam watched as Bron walked through the gates. She focused her attention on getting the peoples attention using her usual call "Aaay! Give this game a try." She gave the balls to the visitors as they came to her booth and waited for them to throw the balls She had given them. Occasionally, a person or two would get a big prize, but usually she handed the smaller gifts out.
Bron looked around for people she knew. She flipped her hair back with her hand and saw a few guys staring.

Her straight face turned into a smirk. There was perks of being hot and wearing the clothes she did. Bronwin then spotted Ricky. She had seen him and got to know him last time the carnival was in town. "Heeey, Ricky!" she said with her hands cupped around her mouth, a big smile on her face.
Ricky turned and saw Bron, he waved and cupped his hands over his mouth "Heeeeey Bron- Bron"" he calls back with a smile. She was a good friend of his, and they had met at a carnival a few years ago.
Bron got up and walked to where Ricky was sitting. Their yelling had gotten quite a few people to stare at them, along with the guys who were already staring at her. "Anybody sitting there?," she said to Ricky, pointing to the seat next to him.
Ricky shook his head, "Nope, that's a free seat." he said to he with a little smirk. He couldn't help but laugh a little as he saw the people staring h shrugged then off and then turned back to the stage.
Bron sat down next to him and smirked. "You excited for the show? I heard your girlfriend is the lead dancer. When did you two hook up?" Her curiosity on the matter took over the urge to say some kind of sarcastic comment about it.
Ricky nodded, "Yeah, Belle is the lead dancer." he said with a smile. "We got together about 10 months ago." He told Bron as he leaned back in his seat a little bit more.
"How is that working out for you?" Ricky was a really good friend of hers and Bron wanted to make sure his relationship was going well.
"Pretty good." Ricky told Bron with a smile. He rubbed his eye "We haven't had too many fights so yeah,very good." he added a he looks over at her again.
"Thats really good. I'm really happy for you." Bron smiled at him. "I wouldn't know about relationships but they sound nice." She put her arms behind her and leaned back in her seat.
Ricky smirked "Thanks Brons." He said poking her side "You will one day, I promise." He took her with a reassuring smile and expression.
"Stop that!" She hit Ricky's hand and flinched when he poked her, but she was smiling none the less. "I really doubt I will, though. The only things that seems to fit the guys that like me are one night stands. But maybe I'll get the guy I've had my eye on. Who knows."
Ricky laughed, regardless of her pleading, he continued poking her side and stomach. "I'm nt going to stop this." He tol her with another laugh.
Bron started laughing uncontrollably. Her stomach and sides were her ticklish spots. "Stop it before I punch you in the face!," she said jokingly while still laughing.
Ricky gasped, "You wouldn't!" He said with a big smile. He continued poking her, not really caring what she would threaten him with.
"RICKY STOP IT!!!," she was laughing even harder and almost fell off of the bleachers from trying to get away from him.
"Fineee." Ricky said as he stopped tickiling her. He looked at her and slouched in his seat as he waited for the show to start so he could see what they would so this time.
Bronwin looked towards the stage and crossed her legs again. Suddenly her phone started vibrating in her pocket. She pulled it out and read the text she just received. "Crap. It looks like I have to go. They got the stage ready a bit early and want me up there in 15." She put the phone back in her pocket and stood up.

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