
Ricky saw Belle run backstage, he smiled and casually walked back there. When he saw her, he smirked, and picked her up from behind. He kissed her cheek as he set her down with a smile on his face.
Adeline Vera was new to the carnival scene. It wasn't that she was nervous. In these situations, she was confident and could usually make some friends. She'd probably hit it off with the male population as well. She knew that because, well, she was her. Adeline Vera was just well liked.

She walked along the dirt path to the carnival and saw an array of colors and throngs of people. She stopped outside the gate, taking everything in while leaning against a tree absentmindedly. This is it, she thought. All of her hopes were placed here. She rearranged her priorities. She first wanted to establish friendships, then she wanted to establish a steady relationship with somebody here. Then, well, she didn't know what would happen then. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it, she thought. That was probably one of her favorite adages, mostly because she didn't sit down and think everything through. She thrived off of spontaneity.
Brian ran into the carnival and gasped, "Wow..." He said as he looked around, He noticed a roller-coaster with a very little line, and dashed over to it. When he got on he was in front, Ready, he locked himself on and relaxed, and than the ride started, He didnt notice how tall it was when he got to the top, but too late. WHOOSH It flies down the track, and than it looped.... To Be continued, Because i have schoool...
Sam had finished up with her game, she gave the apron up to one of her fellow co-workers. She walked around the counter, and saw the ride across from her stand. She casually walked over to it, and climbed into a seat next to a blonde boy. She pulled her long, dark brown hair up into a pony tail. She shrieked with happiness as the ride swished and swooped. She closed her eyes as the ride continued.
Adeline decided to actually go in. She walked in at a fairly regular pace, hoping to find somebody willing to help her out or show her around. She was nervous to come here, but she knew it wouldn't be a mistake. She hoped she'd be meeting some other people here, and she was thinking about a boyfriend.

It wasn't that she was boy-crazy, believe it she wasn't. She just was tired of missing out on the fun of dating. She did run away from responsibility to come here and have a fling, but whatever.
(Coed, Is the blonde guy me? xD )

Brian just stared forward during the ride, And than when the ride finished, he ran to the restroom, I shouldn't of ate that burger before that... he thought, than he came back outside and went to a large waterslide,( Could there be a waterslide?) And waited in line, "Lalalalaleedadoo" He hummed and looked around, "This park is really nice.." He muttered..
(Yep, the blonde guy be yew.)

As Sam got off of the ride, she took her hair from the ponytail, and walked around slowly as she got herself used to the world once again. She heard her name being called from the water park area of the carnival. She ran over there where she met a ticket collector, "Sam, Marco wants you to be the ticketmaster for Raging River. -the water slide-" Henry told her as he handed her an apron. She sighed and nodded, "Ok..." She said as she slipped out of her clothes an revealed her bathing suit. She stood t the entrance and took tickets.
As Brian got to the front, he handed the lady her ticket, but he noticed she's the girl he was on the roller-coaster with, "Hey, Weren't you on that roller-coaster next to me?" He asked, "Tell me later, I'm gonna ride this" He says before she can respond, He goes up and slide down "WHEE!?!!?!?" He screams, Not noticing how weird that sounded. When he got back down he went around and asked, "Okay so wha?"
Sam nodded "Yes." She replied as he went up the water slide. She laughed as she heard him shrieking. She took mee tickets and let more people through before he came back. "I did ride next to you on that ride, just so you know." She said with a flirtatious wink.
Brian nodded to her, "Thanks for letting me know." He replied, He than walked over to a basketball game where his friends were, And started playing.
Sam nodded, she continued collecting tickets until Marco came by and finished her shift. She walked to the locker rooms and changed into her clothes before walking out again. She walked past the basketball game, reviving some whistles, and then made her way to the roller coasters. She rode a few, and eventually met up with her group of friends, and walked around with them for a while.
Miyuki thought back to how this started, just simply throwing some knives in the street, someone asked her if she wanted to join the circus, that was about a week ago. She laughed as she thought about it. As she wandered into the park she bumped into a group of people, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" She replied hoping for forgiveness.
Sam looked at the girl she had just bumped into, she smiled softly, and readjusted her bag on her shoulders. "It's alright, you're fine." She told Miyuki with a forgiving smile.
She nodded her head "Umm, you wouldn't by any chance be able to help me, would you?" She asked fiddling with one of her knives.
"What do you need?" Sam asked her with a friendly expression. She brushed some of her hair behind her ear, she smiled at the girl.
"Would you mind showing me where the circus tent is? I'm one of the acts there." She said gesturing towards her set of knives set around her waist.
Sam nodded and smiled, "Sure, it's behind the Viking Ride." She told her pointing to the brightly colored tent that was stringed with twinkling lights.
She entered the tent and before long it was she turn to preform, it was just like preforming on the streets. The show ended and she exited the tent. "I wonder who that person was..." She said to herself looking around the carnival for something fun to do.
Ace got bored of walking around, so he went to the front of the carnival (Where Ace and Sam met) and bought a piece of pizza, a pop, and some fries, and sat down at a table and ate,
Sam saw the guy from before, she shrugged, and walked over to a dart game. She gave the guy a ticket, and then tre the darts. She popped a balloon, and got a small stuffed animal. Yet again, she was called to a carnival game. Dhe needed to fill in for a hour or so. She sighe and tie the apron around her waist.

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