
Coko followed her, not knowing her answer (hey i started a new thread please try it. its called Mancyfantisia (translation: magic wish) and its under fantasy/super natural.)
Ricky laughed, and walked out of the booth. "Aww man, it's 8:40." He told belle as he started walking to her tent "See you in your show." He said, a little sad.
Coko shrugs. "Seems legit". (two more things: i dont understand your powers and the oldest you can be is 10,013)

"Seems legit."
(its like i have these different colored eggs with me and they represent something i want to be i unlock them and gain the weapon they posses and im gonna be 10,013)Nichole nodded and lead him to the burger stand. she got a burger fries and a milkshake.(gtg nite)
Nichole nodded following. she sat down and started eating. she felt nice and calm. she liked the feeling.she finished her food and went to throw her trash away. but lady luck wasn't on her side she tripped over her shoelace.
Coko, still drinking his shake, walked over and offered a hand. He smiled sweetly and chuckled. "you must not be on good ends with luck."
Nichole took the hand blushing. she said''i guess not''giggling. she tied her shoes and sat down. she looked at the time she had to get home soon not like her dad cared.
Coko looked around and rubbed thw back of his neck. "Sooo...uhhh...there's a dance starting soon and i just wanted to know if you'd like to be my partner."
"sure." Coko looked at the clock and smiled at Nichole. "itz time." He takers her hand with great delicacy and walks her to a large tent. Inside it, were couples dancing.
"Its like this." Coko held her hand and lifted it to her head hight, then he put the other hand on her hips. "Now put your hand on my shoulders."

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