
"Aw! See ya later buddy." Ricky said as he waved to Bron as she left to go to her band. He wondered how long it would take for the show to start.
Bron quickly walked towards the stage where a small group of people were waiting for her to go on. She walked around to the back of the stage and quickly put her mic on. Then she and her band went onstage to perform. Bron always loved to feel the rush of performing and the meanings behind every song she sang.
Ricky watched as the show started, he smiled when he saw Belle. He really enjoyed seeing his girlfriend onstage doing what she loved.
After a few songs, Bron picked up a stool that was sitting on the side of the stage. She brought it to center stage and sat down. "So the next song I'm going to do is for a special someone that is here tonight. But I don't have guts to tell him how I feel, and the only way I will is through song. So this is 1,2,3,4 by the Plain White T's. Hit it guys." Bron motioned to the band and they started playing.
Ricky heard the music from Bron's tent, he calls his friend JC who was at Brons concert, and told him to put him on facetime. He watched Bron preform and told JC to shout a few things for him. Then he turns his attention to the performance in front of him.
Bron smiled as she heard JC yell, knowing that Ricky probably told him to say things. When the song finished, Bron smiled and looked out at the crowd. "There is going to be a brief intermisdion. If you want to stick around, that would be great, but don't forget to check out all the other cool rides and tents. " She got up and put the stool back to where it was before and switched her microphone off. She then walked off the stage and to a food cart to get a water.
Ricky turned his phone off and stood up as the dance finished. He walks..backstage to meet.with Belle,but he had.some.troubles and.got caught up in a big crow that wanted to see the dancers.
After Bronwin bought the water, she went back behind the stage and took out a pack of cigarettes. She quickly lit one and put it in her mouth, taking a big breath in. She then let it out and watched the smoke dissapear into the dark sky.

((I love how we aren't actually rping with anyone xD ))
(I know! I don't.want to get too far ahead though'.)

Ricky finally made his way through the crowd, and started to talk with some of the backstage people. He knew them from being at all of Belles rehearsals, shows, and practices.
((I guess we can just kind of pause it. But this the only rp I'm apart of that's been active today. xD ))
OMG, I read everything, tht took forever! Sorry, ACTUAL competition show in New York yesterday, had to be there since I'm lead. :) We get the results tomorrow! :) I promise, I'll be more active now.

IC: Belle got onstage, ready for their first song (sorry, but they haven't performed yet). She heard the music start, and got ready to dance. She pointed right to Ricky as the music started. (The song: Catching My Breath). She held the last note, then faded with the music. Everyone cheered, especially the jocks in the back, then the next song began. Her voice rang out to the tents far beyond the bleachers and it was beautiful. (The song: Jar Of Hearts) She finished with holding the note again and did a huge spin and landed.
Ricky clapped and cheered for Belle. He watched her the whole time, amazed by her gorgeous beauty and talent that he knew she had, but was now even more expressed. When the last song was over, he stood backstage with a red Rose and a white rose for Belle. He waited with an excited smile on his face to congradulations Belle on her stellar preformance.
Belle was in her lyrical dress, long and flowy. The guys came up to her, but she saw Ricky and pushed them away, running to him. She reached him and smiled.
Ricky held onto Belle as she got to him. He kissed her, "For another one of your amazing performances." He said to her, handing her the roses with a smile. He took her hand and then stared to walk out o the tent.
She smiled and blushed, holding onto his arm as they walked. She held the flowers in her small hand. "Their lovely, thank you, Ricky." She kissed his cheek. then his lips.
Ricky nodded "You're welcome princess." he said, losing her forehead and leading her out into the carnival. "So what do tee do next?" he asked her, with a curious smile on his face.
"Um, I dunno. My next show doesn't start until 9..." She checked her watch with a picture of Ricky and her in the back of the cursive numerals and little red hand and black following. "It's only five.." She said, looking up to him and around at the rides.
Ricky smiled, "What ride would you like to go on?" he asked her sweetly. He walks with his arm around her shoulders as he waited for her choose her ride.
Ricky nodded, "Sure!! Looks like a good one." He agreed as he wlked into the line with her. As they got on, Ricky kept his arm around her "You ready?" He asked her with a smirk.
Nichole wasn't watching where she was going and ran into someone. she quickly appologized and looked up noticing how short she was compared to the other.
Sam had bumped into Coco "It's ok." She yelled to the girl as she continued to walk. She walked to the equiptment room and grabbed some whiffle balls and brought them back to her game.
Nichole tilted her head but shrugged going to the consession stand. she bought a lemonade and a hotdog. she ate while walking around and saw a tent. she walked towards it and saw it was a freak show. she went in and sat down in interest.
She nodded shyly. "I'm kind of scared, though. Roller coasters are scary, but as long as I'm with you, I'm not scared." She whispered to him, her eyes fluttering.

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