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Realistic or Modern Camp Winifred OOC

Zielinski, Ophelia

Oppie is who Oppie is, and what you see is what you get. She is comfortable in who she is and is honest to herself. While this may not always apply to intentions, she is a fairly straight forward kind of person. She doesn't mind exploring new things and doesn't try to hide such things behind false pretenses.

Oppie can certainly be curious little bugger. Though not the gossiping type, she likes hearing secrets and learning about others. She loves new experiences and is always willing to try something new. Yeah, it can bite her in the end. But until she finds out that nagging feeling will plague her until she is lucky enough to forget about it.

While not a fully carefree individual, on the whole she is fairly relaxed and casual. She isn't often stressed and has so far been pretty good at shrugging off insults and bullying relatively quickly. As well she is pretty good at handling criticism and even mean spirited advice.

As if her general esthetic wasn't off putting enough, Ophelia doesn't exactly help it along very much. She has a tendency to fall into weird mannerisms, play with her tentacles, touch things, and forget that there is a filter between her brain and mouth. Worse perhaps is that she is a sneaky and quiet individual, and can sometimes come off as a bit of a creeper.

Appearance: A short fairskinned girl with wavy black hair. The most notable feature of mention here is that, to put it simply, she has tentacles for arms. Yes, that is what I said. From each of her shoulders extends four long octopus-like tentacles just over six feet in length and a deep purplish-black in color. Given their cumbersome and disturbing nature, she does not normally flail them about in public, but instead tries to keep them "braided" together to the closest semblance of human arms that she can acquire.

Ophelia was one of the rare cases where her super gene became active in the womb. Given to up for adoption shortly after her birth, she was sent to an orphanage. Formerly the Bellview Orphanage, the Cinnamon Ridge Home for Special Children was a government funded home that specialized in similar cases of beastly mutations. It wasn't the fanciest of places, but it wasn't a terrible place to grow up. The kids were provided for, it kept the creepy ones out of public schools, and it gave the politicians something to brag about when it came to trying to get the super rights advocates to vote for them.

Ophelia has lived her life here, and like the other children, has been home schooled within the facility, save for the common excursions and collaborations with the public schools. Though when she did turn thirteen, she did have to go to the public system. Being the kind of super that she was, she wasn't exactly met with the warmest of receptions. Bullying and teasing were pretty frequent, as we're those who avoided. Though to be fair, it happened outside of school too, she didn't exactly live in the most tolerant of neighborhoods. After one particular incident walking home from school one day, a thrown rock to the head put her in the hospital. It wasn't a terrible a wound, but she was driven to and from school after that.

Ophelia didn't really really look forward to going to school, and learned to keep to herself and not stand out, but also at the age of thirteen she started going to Facility 108. And this where she looked forward to going, being with other supers and not having to worry about unpleasant normies.

However, cant always be at school. So when break comes along her orphanage shipped her off to camp. That simple.

Ophelia is afflicted with quite the eldritch mutation... Her hyperdactentillium has left her with tentacles in place of human arms. Each approximately six feet in length.

  • Regeneration: Though nowhere near along the lines of many famous superheroes, Ophelia does have the ability to regrow lost limbs and heal faster than the normal human. This applies to more than just her tentacles.


  • Using things: No thumbs, no hands, just long boneless masses of squirming muscle and suction cups. It can be quite hard to operate anything, not to mention how long and cumbersome they are. Though they can be quite dexterous, it takes a bit of creativity sometimes to make things work. I shall mention again, that the tentacles are without bones, and would be relatively easy to cut off. And get tangled or caught on things... oh, and I would imagine sunburn sucks too. (Which makes me not want to wonder how easy it would be for tentacles to apply sunblock)
  • Top heavy: Ophelia is top heavy, and not in the good way. The tentacles do no favors for her center of balance, and though she can use them to help balance and move... she can easily over extended herself and become unstable.
  • Creepy: Just plain creepy - I mean come on, she has tentacles. Not only do they kind of make it look like she eats babies and strangles puppies, most people know enough about ****** to imagine where she could be going. Whether or not it is true, her mutation tends to be a good bit out of peoples comfort zones.

welian welian
Will that work? Just need to find a good picture for her.
I uh... might have some or... all of the photos that anyone ever used for a character profile. Y'know, stowed away. Just in case.

If you wanted to use her old photos, that is, maybe you want new ones?
I uh... might have some or... all of the photos that anyone ever used for a character profile. Y'know, stowed away. Just in case.

If you wanted to use her old photos, that is, maybe you want new ones?
I think I'll be using this one. And pretend she has legs hidden under there.

Oh my gosh that's friggin amazing.

Lemme just... surreptitiously add that to the folders...

Aaaand done. You might be able to get Nessy to draw human legs over that? I could but it wouldn't look half as good and take at least five times as long.
Oh my gosh that's friggin amazing.

Lemme just... surreptitiously add that to the folders...

Aaaand done. You might be able to get Nessy to draw human legs over that? I could but it wouldn't look half as good and take at least five times as long.
Lol I couldnt possibly bother her with such an edit. Besides, other things about it dont exactly match Oppie. But it's just a a sort of idea of what she might look like.
Well, if you do change ideas though, I'd gladly take the challenge
I've recently changed an image's entire outfit as a project, wouldn't be as much work as that was! XD
//watches in dismay at the sheer number of notifications rolling in overnight

What... what have I done...?
Is your char limit "aegis"?

Sixteen campers, one counselor for every 4 campers.

And then for staff, we have a groundskeeper, a cook, and a nurse.

There's a bit of wiggle room because I know some people may have to drop due to finals, changing their mind, etc.
Okay, I sent in my application. If I get approved is there a specific way to get a character picture inside the little bubble?
Like I have an url typed in mine instead of a picture.
Like I have an url typed in mine instead of a picture.
Right-click on your image and click "Copy image location". As long as the URL ends in .jpg or .png, it should work.

And as always, as long as your character is balanced and fun to read, we'll fix your bbcode for you.
I don't think the character I sent in is fun to read, but she's proper balanced! I think.
I don't think the character I sent in is fun to read, but she's proper balanced! I think.
If you end up not liking your character, we can kill them off and call it PLOT.
Don't let me forget about assigning cabins. We still need to argue over who gets top bunk.

decides who gets the top bunk
Is there a way to format my character sheet so it resembles the others?
Is there a way to format my character sheet so it resembles the others?
Yeah! I'll take care of it for you, no sweat. The fancy BBcode can be tricky, and at the end of the day it's the writing that counts anyway.

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