//There is snow, forgive me as snow is a gift from the gods. I was raised in nevada, please forgive me.//
Damion smiled at their remarks at the old truck. He put the keys and turned on the car. It roared to life and it seemed to be cleaning itself to look like a truck made a week ago. "What was that guys?" Damion said sarcastically as he pulled into the road. He worried about his sister, and where she might be. Damion continued to drive despite his nervousness.
Damion smiled at their remarks at the old truck. He put the keys and turned on the car. It roared to life and it seemed to be cleaning itself to look like a truck made a week ago. "What was that guys?" Damion said sarcastically as he pulled into the road. He worried about his sister, and where she might be. Damion continued to drive despite his nervousness.