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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: The New Heroes [OOC]

I'm now trying to figure out where to go from the current point in the Rp..

Wait, when is the CTF game starting?
@ColeTurtle : Hey so (i'm all up for interaction) how would Sebastion know about the dead cat when he was already at the dining pavilion and Zeke just came back from getting rid of it?
@Federoff because he wasnt doing anything so he had been looking around and heard the screech from the cat. So he looked outside and saw Zeke carrying the dead cat to the creek and got curious
well by the map that wouldn't really be possible unless sebastion has supervision, as the cabins aren't squished up right next to the pavilion, they are just in close proximity, and the river is farther still. Plus I said he went behind his cabin.

You could fix your post to where he actually wandered around for a bit and then happened to stumble upon Zeke disposing of the dead body, then at the pavilion have him confront him
I love how there's been at least one post per day for the past week. And I'll post again after Gabriel.
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Due to recent events, I will be leaving the site permanently and ceasing all roleplay here. My own roleplays will effectively be shut down and potentially deleted within one week's time. As per the rules of RpNation, individual characters are the rights of a roleplayer. I am giving you, G4hardcore, possessive rights to Crazy Nate. Use him for whatever plotting you wish to whatever extent you wish. He is now yours as he was mine. I wish you the best of luck and prosperity.
The Architect] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16365-g4hardcore/ said:
Due to recent events, I will be leaving the site permanently and ceasing all roleplay here. My own roleplays will effectively be shut down and potentially deleted within one week's time. As per the rules of RpNation, individual characters are the rights of a roleplayer. I am giving you, G4hardcore, possessive rights to Crazy Nate. Use him for whatever plotting you wish to whatever extent you wish. He is now yours as he was mine. I wish you the best of luck and prosperity.
What if I told you...

...That you can never leave the Matrix?
[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]Guys, help! I don't know what to do for my next post!


Reply to me and anyone else who mentioned you?
[QUOTE="Gabriel Leko]Errrr.
Reply to me and anyone else who mentioned you?

I was hoping to do that on my tablet, but it won't work without wifi and that isn't working right now, so I'll do it on my phone.

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