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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: The New Heroes [OOC]

I was going to move things forward to the Capture the Flag game, was kinda waiting for a few more people to post in all good faith. In the spirit of progression, I'll move things forward. And tag everyone while I'm at it. Gear up for action posts! And remember, Zeus hates called hits. :)
[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]Finished the House of Hades!

I'm right behind you lol

And I'm posting tonight guys!
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Sorry guys, some unfortunate things came up. Buuut, posting nao. :3

Edit^ It was a long post and I totes fell asleep, finishing up nao lol
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Thank you so much. And I hope this doesn't affect my chances of getting in but I see that every one is using the coding for there CS but I've never been able to figure out the code and always mess it up. So I was wondering if we have to use the coding or not?
Nahh, we just like to be fancy pants, as long as you make it readable it should be fine.
Psh, I always mess my coding up too (I still don't understand what happened with poor Asha's CS)

In any case, welcome! :D

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