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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: The New Heroes [OOC]

Once I actually drag myself out of bed and to my laptop I'll repost Marion and Leila. After rewriting some stuff most likely.
I can't seem to fix it, I say just don't worry about it. The info is viewable.
[QUOTE="Banana Panda]Hmm... I really want to join, but I'm not sure if I should play a guy or girl... Any thoughts/suggestions?

If you want to make two characters, you can, to satisfy your indecision. :P If you think you can handle it. Otherwise, like Celebi said, maybe a guy because the genders aren't exactly evenly distributed. :)

The IC should be coming back into action today. Thanks everyone for the patience!
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coolio, i'll take a look again :b might not reply tonight,kinda tired and I have school tomorrow haha

this is an Rp and I wanna like strangle Mr. D xD he's s bad with names like what the fudge dude haha
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