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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: The New Heroes (Camp IC)

Ai Ferri

Mood:Whistful,Determined |Location:Thalia's Pine |With:@starchan @Elision of Ecritures

Ai rolled his eyes as Rais tried to assure him that Ember actually liked him. Yeah right fat chance. Ai couldn't help but laugh as Rais got all mushy on him. It seems that Rais was falling for Ai rather fast,it was a bit troubling all they've done is kiss but then again Rais is a horny teenage boy and Ai was his first kiss.ai's thoughts were interrupted by Arlo's sage wisdom for Rais; that spoof him being wary of Ai's sexual conquests. Ai chuckled his voice light and pleasing like a bell as he walked over wrapping his arms around Rais' neck once again. This time Ai was much more comfortable with Rais and knew his body better,how he'd react to his touch and what would really set him off. Ai pulled Rais closer and pressed their lips together forcing Rais's lips open with his tongue invading his mouth,the kiss was intense, passionate,sensual, in other words completely mind blowing! When the couple pulled apart Ai smiled sweetly. "That's exactly what Arlo was talking about,I'm dangerous I just co,pelted melted your brain in a matter of seconds. Do you still want to be with me?" He asked tilting his head to the side slightly waiting on the boy's answer.
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Ilabelle Amora Darren


Location: Thalia's Pine, outside of camp l With: @Bishop The Corgi

Ilabelle tucks her head between her knees, starting to sob. She's terrified of what's to come. Monsters, blood, screams, and so much more. Death, maybe. Her nerves only got worse when a boy literally fell out of no where and landed next to her. Ilabelle squeaked, scrambling away from him with her whip in hand. She stares for a moment, her green eyes filled with apprehension.

"Who are you?" She demands. She's always had trouble with the Mist, and for all she knows, this is a monster. "Are you a demigod?" Her voice is shaking just a little, and her body is shaking more. She's obviously terrified by the boy.


Vyseria Castwell

Mood: "Great,just, great"| Location: Outside the Infirmary | With: Chiron, Derek and Serena @Yuuki Kuran

Well this wasn't good. Not good at all. Vyseria didn't want to play into any fear though, that just wasn't her way. She was brave, and always ready for a fight. She wanted to know the next plan of action though, she wasn't going to just stand around and wait for a horde of monsters to come knocking at her cabins door.

Vyseria sheathed her sword, it seemed all the excitement had been had. At least for now. "
Well, shit. Isn't that just great." She spoke in a sarcastic tone. She then dismounted her horse. "Head back to the stables, alright? I'll meet you back there later." She spoke to Vanora and Vanora obeyed. She walked over closer to them to continue the conversation.

So,what's the next move?" She spoke with a serious air. Vyseria wasn't going to be a sitting duck, and she was pretty sure none of the other campers would like to be either. She immediately thought of her brother, where could he be? Alex must be chomping at the bit to defend the camp. That is if he wasn't making kissy face with Ember, that is. She refocused and then spoke "What ever is needed of me, I'm on it."


@Starchan @Kingly



The wind picked up across Half-Blood Hill, it was painfully obvious that there was tension and fear in the air. The demigod's protection was gone and it was time for their training to come to good use. A warning horn blew as a group of asorted monsters slowly made their way up the hill. The first line made their way into where the border use to be.

Demigods, raise your swords!​
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Elijah Emerson

Location: The Docks | Mood: Worried | With: Derrick Emerson @Clementine

Eli let out a chuckle "I guess not." he smiled. His brother always knew how to cheer him up no matter the circumstances. Eli noticed the group of demigods guarding the entrance to camp and he worried his lip between his front teeth. Without the fleece the camp was unprotected, which meant more death was on the horizon. He smelt the lake before they reached it, the smell of breeze and the unexplainable smell of the water. He sat down on the dock and looked up at Derrick.

He knew the guild his brother was harboring and he was going to make sure to reinsure his brother that everything was okay. When his brother came close he stood back up and placed his hands on Derrick's shoulders and looked up to his face. If anyone was to cross their path it would look funny, as Eli had to stand on his toes to do this. The only downside was Eli was a head or two shorter than his brother. "Don't blame yourself, it's my own stupidity that got me in this mess. I shouldn't have let my guard down, it's what father always told us never to do." he sighed heavily.

"I thought that I could get info and not nearly die." he frowned. That didn't work out too well. When the horn blew his eyes widened, it hadn't taken too long for the monsters to make it. He took off his skull ring "How about you kick some monster ass with me for revenge?" he grinned.


Alissa Ackerman (NPC Oracle)

Alissa had been getting something to eat when she felt a force pull her to the attic. That was weird because, the oracle hadn't been inhabiting the attic for 40 years. Making her way up the squeaky stairs she saw several demigods up here. "You guys know the oracle hasn't been here in years." she clicked her tongue. It was disrespectful how they were going through dead demigods belongings. She suddenly felt dizzy and stumbled back into a chair. A cloud of dust made her cough and her eyes glowed green. A raspy voice came from her mouth and spoke a prophecy

When Magic steals the golden gift

The fog will lift, and powers shift

Sides will be taken and War will rage

Children of gods choose whether to end an age

To snuff the life of those made of clay

Or join with Darkness, so life will stay.

When the prophecy was finished she coughed green mist and looked at the others dazed. "It happened again didn't it?" she asked.
Arlo Blumenthal ~ Camp Border ~ With Rais @Starchan AI @Angel Evans and Octavian @9forgotten

Arlo immediately noticed that he did not have a sword. He looked as a group of monsters began to advance towards the border and began to rub his wrist again, feeling the Golden bangle on his wrist heaten from his slight stress. Arlo was one of the most peaceful kids one could ever imagine, and he would never hurt a fly outside of basic training. He was sweet, he was kind and considerate of others, and he was one of the smallest campers considering how Demi-Gods tended to be taller and more physically fit with the blood of God's helping their genes in terms of everything. But he was still a Hypnos child, a weak one, someone who couldn't be trusted to really fight, like many of his kind he was lazy, and slothful. But he refused to let himself or anyone else believe that anymore. Sure, he couldn't bench press a house and run a couple miles like an Olympian, but he could damn well fight when he wanted to. He slipped the Bangle off of his wrist, and it turned into the large Lucerne Hammer in his hands as he began to swing it within his grasp, approaching the border as the momentum supporting the movement of the heavy hammers head had it flying about him while Arlo swung it with precision and speed.

The speed only increased soon as he began to rush forward, he needed to aim directly at the Monsters head to have a single one hit shot, that's what the momentum was for anyway. As he walked forward, he aimed for a monster, any monster as he swung the Lucerne Hammer to the monsters head, letting out a war cry. Of course, he kept to those monsters who were in his range of height, otherwise he would simply aim for the stomach or chest of a large one, and at least Pierce their stomach. He swung the large spike end forward, aiming to decapitate of at least harm one severely.




MENTIONS : @Runakei @Allcure @9forgotten

@Nico ( Alissa Ackerman )

Vincent opened his mouth to say something - probably something sarcastic again - when he was interrupted by a voice. A female voice to be exact. He turned his head and found the image of a brunette at the entrance, a brunette with light-colored eyes. For the life of him, Vincent couldn't remember who she is, but then again, he hardly bothered knowing anyone who wasn't a Hermes child or, in a certain extent, the children of the minor gods who has no Cabins of their own. They all share a Cabin, after all, and it was only cordial to get to know those people.

" Thanks for the tip. We haven't figured it out ourselves, seeing this place deserted and all " he says, his sardonic nature getting to him again. Honestly, though, this attic was their only lead towards the Oracle because according to the recent history of the Camp, the Oracle resided in the musty attic they were in until its spirit finally managed to transfer to another person.

And it looked like they were on the right track. Before Vincent could say another thing, the girl started stumbling back and then..


There was hardly a sound that came from the teen. The eerie voice of the Oracle's spirit, accompanied by the visions that the prophecy carried, rendered him absolutely speechless. Tremors rocked his body at their amazing clarity, and the horrible nip of the cold dread he wasn't immune to bit through his spine. He had never been called to face the Oracle before ( Chiron or Mr. D gave him quests, rather than facing a prophecy from the Oracle herself ), and he wasn't sure if he wanted to repeat the experience.

" Y-Yeah, I think... " he muttered, losing his sarcastic tongue at the trepidation he felt from the prophecy. His voice trailed as he tried to focus, trying to remember the prophecy.

Magic... golden gift... Those were Hecate and the Golden Fleece, he figured.

War... was it a real war or Ares?

And darkness... Hades? Or some other deity associated with darkness? If it was a normal setup Vincent probably had said something along the lines of "Please let it not be Hades like c'mon, him again?", but he wasn't in the right disposition to joke around.

At times like this, he wished he had a pen and paper with him, or maybe a Child of Athena, because remembering AND deciphering the prophecy when he still risked collapsing of fear is a difficult task.

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Samantha Rei

Mood: Battle hungry|Location: Big House to battle field|With: Everyone Mentions: Alexandria, Clarissa, Vincent @Excelsis @Runakei @Allcure

If a girl randomly showing up and remarking on their presence up in the attack, then falling in a chair and and eyes turning green was definitely weird. Rei hopped back, watching the girl intently, remaining silent throughout the whole thing. Once it ended, she gave a short nod, her gaze darting to the walls leading to the outside as a warning horn was blown. "Great, thanks Miss Oracle. I'll leave you guys to reporting it, I have a battle to fight and a little brother to protect." she said turning and walking swiftly back the way they came.

Flying down the stairs, she called forth her black sword and burst out the Big House. Her blue eyes flickering excitedly as she raced across the grounds to the battle field. She spotted Tav from afar and instantly saw he was nervous about the whole thing. Even though he was very capable to fighting and defending himself, she could tell part of him hadn't totally gotten used to fighting with out her around to keep an eye on him.

Racing up the hill in effortless bounds, she reached his side only to fly right past, ruffling his hair briefly.
"Never fear little brother, I know you can fight!" she called in a teasing tone, encouraging him as she raced straight towards the biggest monsters. Throwing out an arm, she called down lightening, frying some of the monsters in the back while diving head on with the bigger ones.

"Be careful!" came a call and she jut waved an arm to let them know she'd heard. It was the same typical line Tav called out whenever huge fights broke out. She knew she had a habit of not noticing things sometimes when to engaged with one monster bt she couldn't help it, the bigger and stronger they were, the more focused she became.


Mood: Nervously excited|Location: Boarder|With: Everyone Mentions: Arlo @Elision of Ecritures

Green eyes shinned as the two boys set up a few rows of weapons. How he'd managed to get them both to carry them all ways beyond him. He supposed that's what happened when you were about to have a full out war with a bunch of disgusting monsters trying to wreck your home. Just standing around now, adjusting his pockets that still carried various traps or explosion, he waited for the warning call.

When it finally sounded, he jumped in nervousness. Pulling off his ring and tossing it up into the air, it transformed into his trusted sword, covered by its simple sheath. Grabbing it and hooking it around his waste. His fingers twitched nervously at his sides as the monsters advanced up the hill. While some ran in, he chose to stay back, feeling a bit nervous. He had no idea where his sister was, normally she was the first on the battle field.

Right as he thought about that, he felt a hand skim the top of his head and heard the voice of Rei before he even realized it was her dashing out in front of him. Smiling slightly, he finally ran down to the field near Arlo, fighting away fiercely along with everyone else. Watching the battle field keenly, he kept an eye out for monsters trying to sneak up behind campmates. Throwing out a small ball, it spun around for a moment before exploding and green fire sprung forth, catching fire to any monster it came across and only them.

He didn't even have to look for his sister, all he had to do was smell for burning electricity and a wild figure running all over the face. Sighing, he paused for a moment watched Rei fighting off some Hydra thing, hoping someone was keeping an eye on her incase she got to reckless and missed something like a monster coming from behind which was bound to happen at some point through out this whole thing. A hammer coming down on him brought him back to his battle and just barely missing the thing, he focused in on the huge beast in front of him.
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Alexandria Moore

Location: Attic to Infirmary |With: Vincent Jeon, Clarissa Greene, Allison Ackerson | Mentions:
@Excelsis @Allcure @Nico

Was shocked when the woman appeared and just as so when the green mist started to pour from her mouth as she began to chant the riddle that we'd been waiting for so long expecting it to come from some dead girl that was nailed to the wall in a coffin. Though, once the prophecy was read she looked at the girl who seemed just as confused as she was. Stepping forward she'd wrap her arms around the girl in a tight squeeze of a hug, "Thank you Delphi, and thank you too." she'd give another tight squeeze before looking back to Vincent and Clarissa, "Are you guys coming... I have it remembered and we have bigger things to worry about at the moment than solving a riddle. We can do that at the bonfire tonight!"

As soon as she said that she was gone, though, you could easily hear her rushing down the stairs to attempt to do something in the small battle between monster and Demigod. Upon arriving outside and down the weird hill that The Big House rested upon all she could see were monsters all around. Though, before she could do anything she quickly rushed back to the infirmary to give one last check to anyone who may have been hurt from the beginning of this thing. Knowing she'd have to stay there until someone else could take her spot in the medical field.

Quickly mixing up remedies and potions trying to save as much Ambrosia for the more severe wounds as she could.
Alex Black

Outside of the forest/wounded/looking for others/interaction none

Alex, the hades one that is had spent most of his day wandering around, not sticking to any place for a long time as he would always find something else that would suddenly take his attention. Being him he didn't even notice how much time had passed and not only had he missed breakfast as he wandered around humming to himself and enjoying the day, he also missed lunch as well as dinner. Even though it was late and the night was upon him he
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/33694de57a183b70c03683008bedf333-d88fjsy.png.84e8ef5a20c54f0d67cea6c8ebc94a4c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123196" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/33694de57a183b70c03683008bedf333-d88fjsy.png.84e8ef5a20c54f0d67cea6c8ebc94a4c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
didn't seem to mind in the least as he walked near the woods drawing in the dark as he started to sing to himself in a hushed voice.

As he enjoyed the moment he had alone and away from all the other campers he remained utterly ignorant to the events that had been taking place in the camp. That was however about to change.

As he walked he soon ended up entering the forest section of the camp and he finally decided to take a break he went to a tree and leaned against it. Looking up at the sky he was quiet for a moment before jumping. "OH GODS! IT'S NIGHT!?!?!?" he shouted before looking around. "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn it! I don't want to almost get eaten again by those cleaning harpies!" Scrambling onto his feet he put away his notebook and flung the backpack over his shoulder. "....I thought for sure I would get to my cabin at a reasonablish time!"

Just as the white hair man was about to leave for his assigned cabin he heard a cracking of twigs behind him and to the side of him. Blinking at this he turned around and looked about. "Hello?" He called out as he looked in the darkness but saw no one. "If you are a new camper you really need to head back to your cabin those Harpies aren't kidding when they say they will eat you. If you are a monsters or something that's wants to eat me, let me warn you... I taste terrible! Like really terrible.... Like reallllly terrible...." He said before he looked up at the sky going silent for a moment. "That's why the harpies spat out my arm! I taste too terrible to eat! Hahaha Ahhh got to add that to the list of things I can d-........... Why am I here again???" he mumbled before turning around to walk off.

After taking several steps away from the forest he heard another set of twigs snapping and again he looked behind him but now he saw four very beautiful girls standing there smiling at him. Which just made him raise a brow. "Aphrodite children???" He asked in confusion as the three beauties made their way to him giggling a bit and letting out whispers. "Why are you guys here and not in front of a mirror?????" he asked with honest confusion. Soon all four of them had him surrounded and he felt something was wrong as he placed his hand in his pocket. "................You aren't children of Aphro.....you can't be. All of them around now are fixing each other make up or talking about outfits. Most of them don't like the woods.... You're too old to be new campers, and something about you isn't right...." He mumbled before blinking several times, his body relaxing. "????"

The moment he looked around in confusion one of the girls behind him charged at him with a dagger in her hands and sent a quick as well as a precise blow to his waste. One which Alex didn't nor couldn't avoid due to him having forgotten she was there in the first place. "Gak!" Getting hit he looked behind him at the girl before looking at his now bleeding waist, luckily it seemed like the monster expected him to side step as the blade had missed the vital area, though he was sill cut deep. When this happened he glared at the girl and held out his hand, almost instantly his shadow sent a thick tendril that hit the monster square in the stomach sending her flying. She crashed hard into a tree before falling on her side, and when she did her illusion went away revealing her goat leg and her bronze one, a empousai. The other monsters looked at their comrade before glaring at Alex.

"What? She started it." He said as he held his bleeding wound, the blade in his waist now starting to rust. Pulling it out he tossed it away before grabbing his watch and clicking the button on the top of it three times. Upon doing so he drew his scythe and got in a fighting stance, one hand holding his blade the other his wound. "You aren't friendlies.....bring it." He said as two of them charged at once each with a blade drawn. Now fully aware of what was going down he didn't let his concentration waver.

Dodging one blow while blocking the other he sent a hard kick to the girl's stomach before using his scythe to slice at the other's neck. Before his attack could cut the monster, the forth one blocked the strike, but it didn't help as a shadow tendril went through the monster throat. Gasping when the attack landed the forth tried to back away however before she could the side came down across her chest and with that blow she was turned to dust.

Backing up Alex looked at the others and grinned, and charged forward. After a rather vicious battle there were piles of dust around him and Alex was a bit brusied up but more or less fine. Putting his scythe back into it's watch form he pocketed before running off to find other campers. "We are under attack! What the hell is going on!?"



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Derrick Emerson

Mood: Vengeful | Location: Docks- throughout the camp | With: Elijah Emerson @Nico

Derrick knew his brother was just trying to make him feel better. He was going to kick himself about this for awhile to come. The horn then sounded, once again. Twice in a day. It didn't take those monsters very long. Derrick smiled, it wasn't the normal kind of smile, certainly not a happy one. It was a smile of vengeance. Oh man, killing these certainly was going to make Derrick feel better.

Let's make em our bitch" Derrick said unsheathing his twin swords. He then whistled and Phantom came bounding out of the forest shadows eyes glowing green just like Derricks when angered. Derrick gave his wolf a nod and they all began to run towards the heart of the camp.

As they ran, out of the forest came a manticore cutting them off. The manticore lowered its head, baring its teeth growling. It stared them down with its multicolored eyes before leaping for an attack.

Derrick raised his swords slicing at the beast in an x formation, then falling back and regaining his stance. Derrick went in for another attack twisting his swords around almost like a dance, then stabbing once again at the manticore's grey thick fur.

Derek and Serena

Serena answered Vy's question as a horde of monsters charged through the camp. "STOP THEM!" She screamed, meeting a Clazmonian Sow halfway. "Damn! If I ever see Ares, I'm gonna have a lot of questions for him!" Serena almost said that she'd kill the god, but how long would that last?

Derek whistled for Nycanor and quickly jumped on. "Hey, Vy!" He grabbed her by the arm and forced her behind him. "Call the horse and I'll drop you on 'er. Now that I think about it, these guys are probably what Nycanor was warning me about. Not the horse." He surveyed the scene from above. "Duck!" He yanked his gryphon's lead sideways as a hydra shot fire up at them. "Alright! Revenge!"
Owen Rydian

Mood: Eh

Location: A little outside Camp

With: Ilabelle

Owen looked at the girl whom he'd landed in front of and sighed. He pulled his hood off and pushed his glasses up onto his forehead and pulled the collar of his shirt down to reveal his full face. "No.... I'm human... Mostly" Owen said. He pulled his collar back up and readjusted his glasses. "Owen Rydian... Son of Apollo." Owen knelt down at looked at the girl. "I did not mean to scare you..." He said as his insects started crawling out of his jacket "But it tends to happen.... Crap." Owen stood up and looked into the dark woods surrounding the two of them. He glanced around before his head quickly darted right right as a Hellhound torn through the bushes and ran towards the two demigods. Owen watched the beast jump at them and smiled under his collar. He clenched his hands and a flash went through the air as Owens wire trap sprung into action. The hellhound stopped midair as wires wrapped around it holding it. The monster tried to squirm free, but it couldn't. Owen raised his other hand "Sleep now." Owen said as he clenched his other hand causing the trap to quickly tighten and turn the beast into golden dust. Owen exhaled and looked back at the girl who was probably now terrified of Him even more. "Sorry about that..." Owen said as his insects started to stir. "Monsters are at camp.... We should go..."

@Quiet Is Violent

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/minotaur_speedpaint_by_dasaod-d32dnbu.jpg.c7e29045450259664cc3fc47694faf1d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123233" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/minotaur_speedpaint_by_dasaod-d32dnbu.jpg.c7e29045450259664cc3fc47694faf1d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Alexandria Moore

Location: Somewhere within Camp Half-Blood's Forest |With: No One | Mentions:

Looking around seeing that no one was in the infirmary she'd eventually gather her things and head out since she knew that a hell-storm was forming and her mother was being accused leading it.

As she ran out the door all she saw was fire and smoke filling the sky that had initially turned dark as the night rolled around, though, believing it would be safe since the cleaning harpies couldn't exactly do their job while they were under attack. Running through the camp she'd manage to get past most of the cabins before eventually as she ran into the forest she was attacked.

While monsters came easy for her to kill without feeling any sort of remorse or anger, the one that presented itself caused her blood to run cold as fear struck her heart, yet, pure blood boiling hatred started to seep into her veins as she stared the Minotaur that had killed her friend a few years back. The one she now carried on her neck in the form of an amber locket. Gripping her dagger she'd pull it from its sheath while holding it in an underhanded position. Staring deep into the beast's eyes she could feel her face light up with rage as it puffed smoke at her from its nostrils in a taunting manner while a slick grin crossed it's muzzle, "Why... WHY...! After this long why do you choose to show your bull-headed face to me above everyone else!" her breath was laboured as the scene kept playing in her head over, and over, and over again as she spoke, yet, she'd never receive an answer before the beast reared back it's dual bladed battle-axe and charged at her horns first.

Seeing her opponent charge at her with blinding speed allowed her to just barely dodge out of the way while dragging the edge of her blade along the massive ribcage of the monster that for some reason or another had it out for a pound of her flesh or in this case, her entire corpse.

Looking around her instincts kicked in and quickly she climbed the nearest tree, just as the half-bull half-man hybrid turned towards her to initiate another charge, however, she was ready. Never again was she going to hold back or hesitate and it was time for her to prove that fact to herself right now. Quickly she resheathed her dagger and quickly removed her gloves stuffing them in her back before firing a ball of frost that lashed across the ground causing the ground to completely freeze over and forming a thick layer of pure ice along the surface. Not even getting enough time to pat herself on her back, the next step of her plan kicked in.

While charging at her, the Minotaur would then quickly find himself losing his footing along the slick patch of ice which would then send him crashing down onto his belly... Taking this chance, Alex jumped swiftly down onto it's back and tightly gripped a horn as her legs locked around as much of its neck as she could in order to keep herself on this ride. Not wasting a second she'd place her hand on the back of the bull's skull... Suddenly the eyes and upper part of its snout would burst from its head as she set off an explosive fireball spell that ripped through the thick skull of the monster causing him to fall flat on his face in ice before his body would dissolve into dust leaving nothing but one of it's horn behind.

Now lacking strength from launching such a major spell she'd grab the horn and nest up against the base of a tree holding it tightly as her body went into the fetal position with her back resting against the tree. Alone once again she was unable to hold it in any longer after so many years of holding back the grieving of a lost friend began quietly sobbing in both tears of sadness and joy having just killed her friend's murderer.



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Vyseria Castwell

Mood: Hyped| Location: Outside the Big House| With: Fighting by Derek and Serena @Yuuki Kuran

Everything happened so fast, next thing Vyseria knew she was on the back of a griffin dodging hydra fire. It actually excited her, it had been awhile since she had any real action. Vyseria nodded and whistled for Vanora who within seconds was galloping below.

I've got the ground!" Vyseria said preparing to jump from the griffin. "What a day, right?" She said sarcastically as she jumped landing on to the back of Vanora. She raised her sword and galloped past the Hydra and plunging her sword into its side. She knew she had to stay clear of the heads unless they wanted to fight off a hundred angry hydra heads.

She dodge the hydras fire and teeth as she rode past again taking another hit at it. She weaved around it while the bulky serpent plodded trying to attack her.
Arlo Blumenthal ~ Camp Border ~ With Rais, AI, Octavian and Others

Arlo's initial hit took the head of a monster near him, an explosion of Golden dust falling to his feet as he continued to use the momentum he had built up to slash and bludgeon at his opponents which began to enevlop him from all sides. He huffed, obviously a big overworked from the amount of exercise as he was not very used to so much physical activity. He supposed all those daytime cat naps were finally catching up to him, and with a poor diet he was left with little physical capabilities. He sighed, looking around as he lowered his hammer to the ground. Soon, he was surrounded by at least four monsters, panting heavily as he held up his head, a little worn out.

He gave out a sigh, the sudden smell of freshly

Laundered satin wafted about the air. The smell of sweet chocolate, of home and gentle things began to become a constant as around Arlo, monsters began to stumble, and take heavy, slow and easily avoidable swings. He looked up at the Monsters. Who began to sluggishly accost him before he finally opened his eyes, a flash of blue lighting them up.
"Why don't you go to sleep?" Before a couple monsters in his vicinity collapsed.

Alex Black

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/33694de57a183b70c03683008bedf333-d88fjsy.png.3b7766f8b059c0c8fd7cd5526a9d0458.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123280" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/33694de57a183b70c03683008bedf333-d88fjsy.png.3b7766f8b059c0c8fd7cd5526a9d0458.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


@Clementine (Derick) @Nico (Elijah)/fighting

Alex having left the wounds some time ago was searching for someone to help out or just to get an update about what the hell is going on. Taking a few calming breaths he looked at his wound which was still bleeding pretty badly. "Gods this hurts.... I need hea-" before he could finish however he heard a loud roar and he perked up. ".........That was at the docks." He let out a sigh and ran off into a shadow his watch out once again showing the scythe he possessed. Running into a shadow he focused and soon he was gone from the center of the camp and moving at a shocking speed to the docks.

Emerging from the manticore's shadow he ran forward and did a deep slice into the front leg of the creature before rolling away from the creature. Keeping the scythe in his hands he went in a defensive stance. Looking at his two half brothers he sighed. "Please tell me I'm not the one that let these creatures in before forgetting."



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Rais Nyman

Mood:Energized|Location: Thalia's Pine|With: @Angel Evans

Fireworks. Anger. Fireworks. Love. In Rais's head, there were many emotions swirling around. He felt warm from the kiss with Ai, and when the older male pulled away, he smirked. "You didn't melt my brain lovebug, you blew my mind." He winked, before taking his sword, Oort, in his hand. "Ready to go, handsome?" He said, his eyes turning slightly red. He puffed and huffed, as if he was turning more savage.

Ember Moreau

Mood: Determined|Location: Thalia's Pine|With: @Kingly

Ember pulled away from Alex, her cheeks red hot. In her grip, her bident was held with ultimate force. Suddenly, Ember was wrapped in shadows, and teleported over to the nearest monster, a small, yet deadly imp. She landed behind it, a perfect opportunity to knock it off guard. Her bident jabbed into it's flesh, the monster rearing back in pain. It hissed, spinning around to open his toothy maw right in her face. As it began to screech, she lifted her weapon to find purchase in the back of its throat. Her left leg lifted up to press against the monster, knocking it off guard. Its eerie cry was replaced by a gurgle, and it closed its eyes in defeat as the daughter of Hades stood before it, her hands and weapon covered in blood. The few other imps that were there were slowly closing in, but the shadow child had a plan. Her eyes closed, and she dropped her bident to her feet. Once there was Ember, there wasn't anymore.
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Mood: Excited | Location: Running to the borders | With: @Kingly @Starchan @Angel Evans @Elision of Ecritures

Constance was happily standing off to the side watching her friend obliviously fall in love. Actually it seemed everyone at the tree was falling in love. Rais and Ai were full blown making out one second and the next flirting with another boy, Arlo. Constance shook her head, love was weird in her eyes maybe that was why she wasn't in a relationship. Just as Constance was about to walk off the sounds of the battle horn meet ears. Constance grabbed her dragon bracelet and pressed the two ruby eyes. The bracelet transformed into a silver sword made from Valyrian steel. Constance ran away from the tree towards the borders. For once her love of running came in handy. She made it to the front lines without breaking a sweat. Maybe it was because she was Zeus' daughter but Constance didn't fear battle.

The terrible screeches of fury flying down from the sky caught Constance's attention. She readied herself as the fury reached out to grab her. Constance had other plans though, when the fury got close enough she throw a lightning bolt at the fury. Her target came crashing down to the ground. Constance quickly killed the fury before it could come out of its daze. Just as she was about to turn to find her next victim a hard force crashed into her and sent her flying.
"Fuck a duck that sucked." Constance said to herself as she jumped back up. Constance scanned the area for her attacker. A monstrous Argus stared at her with it's hundred eyes. Constance had to hold from puking at the sight of the beast. "Why couldn't I get a cute looking monster. Would've been easier to touch." Constance yelled at the beast. She twirled her sword in her right hand. The Argus stared at her waiting for her to make the first move. Constance refused though she had a greater advantage where she stood.

"Well come on then I don't have all day." She screamed at the Argus. Suddenly she felt a giant pair of hands wrap around her neck. Constance struggled to beat them off, dropping her sword in the process. The world was growing a little darker, she was losing consciousness. Constance had to think fast or die. She lifted her leg and grabbed Thelma from her boot. With all her strength she stabbed the hand ringing her neck. The beast howled in pain and throw Constance away from it. Constance crawled away, her body was begging for air. Her sight was still foggy so she had to rely on her other senses. She heard the monster drop Thelma and stomp towards her. Constance, panicking a little, quickly searched the area for Callahan. Just as the monster reached down to grab Constance she felt the hilt of her sword. The monster grabbed Constance by the chest and stared her straight in the face. Constance grabbed the monster with both hands and sent all her static electricity running through his body. The monster began seizing and released Constance. It feel down onto the ground still convulsing from being shocked. Constance dragged Callahan behind her and walked towards the monsters head. She stared down at the giant she was fuming with anger. She wrapped her hands around the hilt and with one large thrush down stabbed the giant in the heart. "I hate Mondays." She walked off to kill the Argus that was still fighting. Her neck and throat burnt with pain. She was going to have a terrible bruising around her neck.
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Ilabelle Amora Darren

Ilabelle gave him a skeptical look. Her issues with the Mist makes her skeptical of everything that isn't inside the camp. "Whaddya mean, mostly? Are you a halfblood or n-" There's a hellhound. Ilabelle doesn't have time to react. She looks at him in fear for a moment. Monsters. Alex. Where is Alex? Ilabelle looked around, seeing the battle going on. "We have to fight." Ilabelle insists. "Come on!"

The little girl ran over to the battle, her whip ready to use. She ducked under the feet of hellhounds, tying up their feet and tripping them like that scene with the AT-AT in Star Wars. She'd use arrows other demigods shot to stab the tied up monsters.

This method worked quite well. She killed three hounds. Until she wasn't quick enough. One hellhound swiped a paw at her, the claws tearing through the thin flesh of her ribcage. She was tossed a good six feet, landing with an audible thud. Ilabelle gasped in pain, then curled in on herself. She was bleeding badly. The girl forced herself to stand, gasping for breath. Another blow hit her. She fell. Her arm started to bleed. She can't fight like this. "A...Alex!" She screamed desperately.
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Dianne Percival

Location: Thalia's Pine / Mentions: Ilabelle Darren @Quiet Is Violent

Dianne took everything Tav had passed to her and placed it on the floor next to her. It was just a few bits and pieces they could try to build a defense mechanism out of. She surveyed the pieces, poking a few around and began to run through the ideas of what they could build. A giant sling-shot? No. Maybe more like a... Arrow turret. She smiled as the idea came to her. Opening her satchel once again, she rummaged through it's contents to find the tools to make it. She plopped her things a little closer to the battle and started building.

Minutes into the project, it was almost finished. But unfortunately, some deformed looking Furies thought it was a good idea to ruin her good work. How they managed to slip through the battle ahead was beyond her but now she has to deal with them. As they lumbered closer, Dianne gave an annoyed huff, pulled her sword out of the satchel and got into a fighting stance. The first one swooped down, aiming for her face. She swung her sword and lopped off it's pitiful head. The second and third one dived on her at the same time and almost caught her off guard. Almost. She swung her sword, aiming a their heads, and lopped off both heads with one blow. She smirked. This is the best I've done in ages! Wow, it feels so good to kick ass again.

While Dianne basked in her little bit of glory, the last Fury hid behind her, waiting to claw her to pieces. It lunged for her neck, diving from the sky. But she heard the wind whistle behind her and turned around with her sword ready. Though she wasn't fast enough as the Fury had dug it's claws into her shoulder. She cried in pain and swung for his head. It dodged and retreated to the skies, waiting for another chance at her neck. "Come back here you bastard!" She shouted. Her new found rage was boiling up inside of her, pulsing through her adrenaline high body. It dived again, right into Dianne's sword. She cut off it's left wing, making it lose balance and crash into Thalia's tree. It tried to get up but was pushed down by Dianne's foot. With clenched teeth, she drove her sword into it's heart and watched it crumble to ashes.

Dianne returned to the turret, despite her bleeding wounds and finished installing the draw string. Scanning the area for anyone in need, her eyes fell on Ilabelle, desperately battling a hellhound. She took an arrow from her quiver and aimed for the monster's head. She released the draw string and watched the arrow sail across the battle field. It dug into the hellhound's thigh. It roared and turned to Dianne's direction but refused to let go of Illabelle. Dianne aimed again and this time, she was slightly more accurate. The arrow hit the neck of the hellhound, it didn't kill the hound, but it released it's grasp on Ilabelle. Damn right. Dianne thought. Ilabelle can finish this monstrosity.
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Location: Thalia's Pine | Interacts: @Starchan @Quiet Is Violent | Fighting: Chimera

It all happened so fast, one second he was falling in love, giving into the things holding him back from showing his true feelings. And then the next, what he had been preparing for happened. The horns sounded and like the blink of an eye he saw chaos ensue all around the camp borders. The numbers of different monsters, hungry for demi-god flesh all bounding to the camp like a freak army collided with the demi-gods.

It was war.

Alex watched as an Imp yanked Ember from his grasp, instantly sending him into action as he rolled to the dirt and picked up his trident. He began sprinting towards her, an anger burning in his heart as an imp would ever think to lay one of it's dirty fingers on Ember. His shield wasn't even drawn yet, he charged in blind rage. But what he saw next caused him to stop and smile. He knew he wasn't falling for just any chick, the daughter of Hades knew how to defend herself. He watched as she stuck her bident into the back of the deadly imp, a small clash going on between them before she stood over it victorious. But it wasn't over
"EMBER! WATCH OUT!" He shouted as more imps began to close in on her, though just like that she was gone.

Alex didn't have long to gape at the spot where Ember was just moments ago, he turned his head slightly and what he saw next pumped his whole body into action. A drooling Chimera swiped it's clawed paw at his face, trying to pounce on the son of poseidons body. But Alex was quick enough, swiftly rolling under the chimera, yanking his watch off as he went to draw his shield. Perfect timing. The massive right paw came next smashing into Alex's shield causing him to smile as the Chimera's paw embedded itself into the spike on his shield. It was a confused screech as the Chimera ripped it's bleeding paw back, though Alex gave it not one second to recover. He was already coming with his trident to the neck of the Chimera, ready to deliver the killing blow. Though what happened next caused his heart to drop, screaming for his help was the little friend he had abandoned. Ilabelle.

It was that split second in battle that you miss that could easily kill a demi-god. Luckily, today wasn't the day, or at least not the minute yet for Alex. The Chimera was no dumb creature, it took it's opportunity of Alex's distraction to whip it's venomous snake tail back around trying to sink it's teeth into Alex's leg. Alex had to react quick, he could no longer deliver the killing blow now as he was on the defensive, he angled the pointed back of his trident towards the swooping snakes mouth as it tried to bite down on him. Though instead caught a lunch full of Celestial bronze, causing it to hiss and whip back around to the other side of the Chimera. Alex had survived this, but his friend was in need, and he didn't have enough time to dispatch the Chimera, he clenched his jaw his mind racing as it had to do in battle.

The next thing he did could have gotten him killed, he sprinted a bit away from the Chimera and began shouting out to it, trying to get the creature to pounce on him again. It was a very big risk trying to go for a quick kill like this, especially with that snake tail in the way. But he didn't care how big the risk was, he had to save Ila, and fast.
"Come on now! A kitten would put up a better fight then you!" He shouted out to the Chimera, taunting it to come over as it let out another deafening screech. What it did next wasn't apart of Alex's plan, it opened it's massive mouth showing off the expanse of razor sharp teeth, and then let out a spray of flames from it's mouth. Alex quickly cowered behind his shield as the fire crashed into it. He could feel an intense heat on his body as it felt like the fire went on for hours, when it was less then a minute. His pant leg began to catch fire causing a burn on his left leg that caused Alex to yelp in pain. This was no easy beast.

It let out another roar at Alex, too much time was wasting and the intelligent Chimera had figured out Alex's sudden urgency. It was blocking the path for him to save Ila from the vicious attacks of the hell hound. He promised he wouldn't let her get hurt, he promised! It was in that moment when Alex felt the true maddening effects of his trident, a rage like no other sweeping over him as the trident did it's work. He felt a spur of agression, a spur of energy as he locked eyes with the fire-breathing Chimera. He wouldn't let this son of a bitch stop him.

Suddenly it was a charge, Alex sprinting with his shield in front of him at the Chimera who began to sit back on it's hind legs, ready to pounce of the foolish demi-god. But what happened next, the Chimera wasn't expecting. Alex didn't try and jab the Chimera and go for the kill. He leaped over it, going for the tail. He felt a claw reach up as he jumped over the Chimera and scratch a fresh wound into his already burnt leg. He gritted his teeth and tried his hard to ignore it, soaring over the body of the Chimera, face to face with the snake tail as the snake attempted to strike the leaping Alex. But he was too late, the snakes head collided with the shields tip as Alex's leap came to an end and drove the snake head into the dirt. Alex quickly spun around, pinning the sneak head with the point of his shield before grabbing his trident from just below the tip and stabbing it into the squirming snake tail. He quickly swiped left, severing the snake tail from the Chimera's body as it howled in pain.

And that was all the time Alex needed to get away. He wasn't trying to kill the Chimera yet, he was trying to buy himself time. Alex never ran so fast in his life as he bound towards the massive hell hound, pounding over he little girls body. This was a much easier kill as the Hell hound was distracted by the arrows that had just been lodged into it's neck and thigh. Alex jumped up, angling his trident down at the Hellhounds neck before pouring all the rage into this strike, and jabbing it down with extreme force. The massive heap of black exploded into dust as Alex let out a quick breath of relief. Though looking down at his friend, there was nothing to be relieved about. She had taken on more beasts then anyone at this camp could handle at her age, and she was injured badly. Alex felt another wave of anger pouring into him as the Trident encouraged his rage even more. How could he have let this happen to his friend.

Though now wasn't the time to sit and weep as Alex heard another more familiar roar through the loud sounds of screeches and roars on the battlefield. It was Chimera vs Demi-gods fight night round 2 and Chimera sure wasn't happy. Alex took another deep breath, his sea-green eyes taking a glow now. He refused to let Ila get hurt anymore, especially not by a she-goat like this Chimera. Focus swept across Alex's face as he turned to glare eye to eye with the Chimera, Ila's sprawled out body right behind his foot. If he wanted to defeat this Chimera, he would still need her help.
"ILA! I NEED YOU TO LISTEN TO ME! YOU NEED TO TRY TO IGNORE THE PAIN. I NEED YOU TO GET ON MY BACK, AND I NEED YOU TO DO IT NOW!" Alex shouted out to her as the Chimera began to dig it's massive paws into the dirt. It was preparing for a charge. Some people would have felt utmost fear looking into the blood-thirsty eyes of a Chimera. Alex kept in the stare down with a smirk on his face. The battle was just getting started.


Zeke continued on his walk back to his cabin and ultimately, his work. He had just secured himself something he had never used before and was eager to begin testing immediately, the wonders that awaited him. What exactly would be the effects? How long would they last? Would it act as a catalyst? All these questions, and more, raced through his mind on the way back. You could say he was a happy
camper for once. He held the vial up to the sunlight to take a better look, the blood was darker then normal blood; like expected. "A marvelous day old boy" Zeke muttered to himself as he entered his cabin, light breaching for a few fleeting moments before returning to darkness. It felt good to be back as being around all those infected degenerates was absolutely retched, at least this time he was barred fruit for his labors. And who knew, it might get him one step closer to his cure. And if it didn't, then at least he could learn of something new that would actually open up the possibility for addition gaining of knowledge. After all, knowledge is power.

Before he could do much else outside of place the vial of blood in a safe location the sound of a horn being played punctured through the air, the alarm for everyone on campus that danger was approaching or was here. As to what that danger was, it was usually monsters but it would be a misnomer to assume it was just monsters. Perhaps more, perhaps less. He did not know, but he would have to find out soon. Zeke sighed in vexation, yet again he would have to be pulled away from his life's work.
"very well then old boy, time to see what we can cultivate from this, perhaps there will be an elusive basilisk. Oh if only, then I'm sure my cure would be complete" the strange boy began to muse to himself out loud all the possibilities as he got ready. He gathered a large amount of the basic medical supplies that he usually carried around, but also gathered some of his other equipment that usually stayed in his cabin and away from prying eyes. After gathering up all his equipment he placed them all in one of his mysteriously tall coffins before tilting it at a diagonal angle, onto the wheels he had installed for situations such as these, and existed his cabin.

Zeke ventured out towards the rest of the demigods, planning on staying back as the usual medical support just in case he was needed. And knowing how idiotically most of them were, he would be needed a lot more then what you think. From minor wounds to needing to operate, he was able to do it all at a heightened pace and performance, all while under threat of direct fire. Not many medics could do that in against fellow man, let alone against the magical and unknown. Additionally, he would often times not need to worry about monsters as he did smell like the dead.

As he traveled the outskirts of the battlefield, he came across a body every now and again of different mythical creatures. It was like going through a market for magical ingredients, just that everything was already dead. Sadly thought he would have to come back later and collect all the ingredients for his medicines as right now he had to help prevent his home from succumbing to the invaders, and now with the fleece gone it would be a routine duty. While scouring the forest for any wounded Zeke heard an explosion coming from the area ahead of him, and so hastened his pace slightly to find out who it was.

Upon arriving there was obvious signs of a skirmish taking place, there was frozen ground all around one area with a headless corpse, presumably a Minotaur based upon it's build. He walked forward to the dead behemoth, standing his coffin straight up for a moment before bending down, all of the head was missing or burnt to ash; what remained were pieces of the brain and skull flung around. Whatever happened to him, his head exploded.
"Nasty way to go for an old chap" Zeke spoke to himself, his gentlemanly accent with a crossed hint of plague doctor present as always. "What a shame as well, nothing for me to collect." he observed that the heart had been punctured, great. Truly nothing from this body. No horns, no heart. It was quite brutal of a death though, he wondered who could of done it.

Suddenly a sound that had eluded his senses before now, due to his excessive thinking, had broken through his deep thought. Crying. It was faint, but unmistakable. He stood back up before walking around the tree to pinpoint the origin of the sound. His black eyes widened from underneath his mask, lo and behold it was his beloved sister; Alexandria. This shocked him a bit as usually she put on the facade of having a strong personality, not one to cry. But yet here she was, in the middle of the forest, crying right next to a dead Minotaur; holding what seemed to be one of it's horns? Hmm, perhaps he could acquire this from her later for a favor? But now he had am ore pressing issue, her.

Zeke knelt down besides her, his mask but a few inches away from her, and examined her for any apparent signs of damage. None he could see, but she was suffering from exhaustion.
She must of used up all her energy in that fight. To kill a Minotaur is no small feat, good job little sister he thought to himself proudly, smiling a bit as he did so, before placing one of his cold metallic juxtaposed to how surprisingly soft his touch was . "Alexandria?" Zeke murmured to get her attention. "Are you alright?" Zeke continued to speak, holding back on how he thought this was not the place to be collapsed and crying as she would be endangered. His usually tone of voice carried a tone of concern along with it, as he thought of his sister as a treasure; one of the few things in life he actually found enjoyable.

Location: Clinic -> Hecate Cabin -> Forest

Mood: Content -> Annoyed -> Letdown -> Concerned/Proud

With: No one in particular -> Alexandria (
@Runakei )

Theme: Lost it All- Avenged Sevenfold


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Ilabelle Amora Darren

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-6_22-29-1.png.7a47a04a36f018b499b77c67403de303.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123332" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-6_22-29-1.png.7a47a04a36f018b499b77c67403de303.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location: Thalia's Pine, the battle l Mentions: @Kingly

Ilabelle could barely breathe. She was losing blood, and losing blood fast. But she knew that it wasn't her time. She would live through this. It may be incredibly painful, but she will live through it. The little girl whimpered, at the mercy of the hell hound.

But in a moment there was no more hell hound. There was only dust. A wave of relief flooded Ilabelle's small, broken body. Someone had saved her. And who else but Alex. His voice reached her ears, but his words were difficult to grasp. All Ilabelle knew was that her body was obeying what he said. It was fighting to stand, and stumbling as she tried to get to him. Her mind was too muddy for her to register her surroundings. Her left hand held her whip. That she knew. She was holding her whip and she was holding on to Alex. Why? She didn't know.

"I'm hurting..." Ilabelle whispered, almost to the air. That was all she could think. She's hurt. She's not dead, but she's very very hurt. Her arms wrapped themselves around Alex's shoulders and she climbed onto his back. It hurt enough for her to sob, but she didn't know why she was sobbing. It seemed separate to her. The sobs and the pain didn't correlate. Nothing correlated. She was too much in pain for anything to make any form of sense. The small girl buried her face in Alex's neck, gasping for breath. It's not my time. She kept reminding herself, using that mantra to get her through the pain.



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Ember Moreau

Mood: Livid|Location: Fucking up a Chimera|With: @Kingly @Quiet Is Violent

After she disappeared, Ember managed to wind her way around the imps, finding a calm spot within the chaos. She needed to find Alex. Her angry, hungry eyes darted around the camp, taking in the utter fuckery that this random attack had caused. She saw monsters fall to her friends, allies and enemies, as well as fellow campers. Her heart dropped. She was being a coward within the invisibility! Using her power to escape. She shook her head. Concentrating on the scent, the very essence of her seaweed headed best friend, the girl traveled to him, walking alone within the shadows. She was dropped beside him, obviously he didn't notice, but the son of Poseidon was carrying a smaller girl on his back. She was clearly hurt. Ember wished she could heal, but a Child of Hades could only harm. Suddenly, the light bulb in Ember's head went off, the girl remembering the one ability that she never used, because it was inhumane.

There was a chimera in front of the pair, preparing to charge. It was grinding its large paws into the ground before it, riling itself up. Ember smirked, and charged towards it. Flying over its toothy grin, she made a perfect landing on top of it. Her hands lay on it, her Bident somewhere on the ground.
"You can do this. Just concentrate..." Ember whispered to herself, grabbing the fur of the troublesome animal. Her nails dug into it, and it bucked fiercely, almost throwing her off. Due to her tight grip, she held on, and thought. Thought about the camp, and the death of her friends. Her family. The safe haven she was graciously brought to. IT WAS RUINED. NYX. HECATE. THE GODS. ANGER. The anger bubbled up in the girl, allowing for her ability to work its magic. The animal bucked again, but this time, in pain. Its skin began to crack and peel, with smoke pouring out of the fissures. It threw her away about 30 feet before it let out a bloody, and terrible growl, falling limp onto the ground. Ember hit the grass, skidding along for another 10 feet before she was stopped by a tree stump. Her arms were covered in shadows, almost disrupting her invisibility. She began to be wrapped up in them, as if they were wrapping her in a cocoon. Was this a side effect of her powers? Would she not come back? Would she die by killing something by just touching it? Better to go out in battle than anything else, she supposed, passing out and becoming visible again.
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