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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Jason: Don't give me that, I know exactly how big the damn ocean is I can sense the bottom now......but the rest of that is true....I just don't want Anthony to get his feelings hurt....maybe I can talk to him.....get him to understand..

Ichiro: I'm feeling her spiritual pressure go away...chase her down....give her a kiss that'll snap her out of it.

Jason: How would you know that?

Ichiro: I'm a demon I can seduce everyone......though the trance my eyes do is pretty helpful.

Jason: agh you're impossible

Ichiro: Just go get the damn girl instead of sitting here miserable, fight the other kid if you have to.

Jason: fighting wouldn't make any of us feel better why would you say that?!

Ichiro: I'm a warrior like you it's what I do... By the way you should look into developing that fullbring of yours...now go get her! *Grabs Jason and hurls him into the water beside Helena*

Jason: *sinks and jumps out landing beside Helena.* Hello there.
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Jason: Don't give me that, I know exactly how big the damn ocean is I can sense the bottom now......but the rest of that is true....I just don't want Anthony to get his feelings hurt....maybe I can talk to him.....get him to understand..
Ichiro: I'm feeling her spiritual pressure go away...chase her down....give her a kiss that'll snap her out of it.

Jason: How would you know that?

Ichiro: I'm a demon I can seduce everyone......though the trance my eyes do is pretty helpful.

Jason: agh you're impossible

Ichiro: Just go get the damn girl instead of sitting here miserable, fight the other kid if you have to.

Jason: fighting wouldn't make any of us feel better why would you say that?!

Ichiro: I'm a warrior like you it's what I do... By the way you should look into developing that fullbring of yours...now go get her! *Grabs Jason and hurls him into the water beside Helena*

Jason: *sinks and jumps out landing beside Helena.* Hello there.

Kat: I was talking about a metaphorical ocean! Not the real one!*Crosses her arms* Even if he doesn't get the girl, he'll find someone... Besides, i think Helena is good for Anthony... she pulls him out of that dark place that people tend to fall in after being hurt and ignored so many times in their lives that they just want to give up and be swallowed in by the darkness that they feel...
Anthony: *looks over at Jason and Helena then hears his watch go off.* I owe me twenty bucks. Too bad I'm broke. *sighs and lays down.*

Anthony *looks at Kat.* do you read minds or something?
Holo said:
Anthony: *looks over at Jason and Helena then hears his watch go off.* I owe me twenty bucks. Too bad I'm broke. *sighs and lays down.*
Anthony *looks at Kat.* do you read minds or something?
Kat: *Blinks and looks at Anthony #2?* Huh? Oh no, I just have a general understanding of what people tend to go through... I've been there myself even thought I seem like this very happy and energetic person, it's just a way for me to cope I guess...
Anthony 2: well you nailed Anthony and his response to Helena perfectly.

Anthony: doesn't matter. We all know everybody prefers strong tall and handsome over small awkward and magical.
Holo said:
Anthony 2: well you nailed Anthony and his response to Helena perfectly.
Anthony: doesn't matter. We all know everybody prefers strong tall and handsome over small awkward and magical.
Kat: *Rubs the back of her head* People often ask if i'm psychic or something... i guess it's just experience or gut feeling really... Also that's not true. It all depends on the girl in your case since I usually say it depends on the person.
Anthony: pfft experience tells me I'm as good as gone. I'm usually the last person noticed and the first person forgotten.
Anthony: *maintains a blank stare.* what're you doing? Don't try and coax me into loving somebody else. I've tried and it doesn't work. Aphrodite just enjoys raining her blessings down upon me. OH WAIT THAT'S NOT RAIN!
Holo said:
Anthony: *maintains a blank stare.* what're you doing? Don't try and coax me into loving somebody else. I've tried and it doesn't work. Aphrodite just enjoys raining her blessings down upon me. OH WAIT THAT'S NOT RAIN!
Kat: I'm just saying that I know what it's like... even thought I seem like the floozy party girl... i've been beaten down, broken, hurt by people I thought loved me and cared about me. Just know I will be here for you.
Anthony: ok. Thanks Kat. I'm gonna go back to ignoring the red headed half wit from bleach. *sends ichiro into the duat.*
Ichiro:*bops Anthony upside the head after tearing a hole to get out* quit being so self- centered.....not everyone is out to hurt you wallowing in self pity is only going to make YOU miserable and that will perpetuate because then no one actually want to hang out with you it's called a self fufilling prophesy...Get your shit together dude one girl is not going to change you YOU are. And dude don't ever try that again or I'll drag you to hell.
Anthony: one girl. Hmm let's see. *pulls out a list.* Helena will be taken by Jason. Lisa Kat and ask of soul's other characters are anti Anthony when it comes to relationships by decree of soul. *continues listing all the other ships and reasons he will be alone.* I don't think they are trying to hurt me. That would involve them acknowledging my existence. I can't blame others for what they don't know.
Ichiro:*Points* Fun fact nobody thinks of you as much you do, no ones forgotten you and if they did it's because you've made yourself forgettable. Like I said pull your head out of your ass and try to make friends. Everything in life doesn't revolve around having a damn girlfriend, and friend are easier to make if you interact with them more.
Anthony: *rolls eyes.* uh huh. She seems to be capable of making all the wrong pieces for this puzzle. *points to himself.* it doesn't matter in decided. I'll keep up my futile attempts then go die in a blaze of glory. *Kicks ichiro off the boat.* A B conversational C yourself out.
Kat: Well can you blame her...? Soul's been hurt a lot of times in her life... she trusts people to easy and ends up getting hurt but that doesn't stop her from trying to become friends with everyone... or falling for the wrong people...
Anthony: I've had to many "friends" they've tried to be one sided on everything. They want everything from me but don't want to give in return.

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